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The classic problem of stimulus-response (S-R) compatibility (SRC) is addressed. A cognitive model is proposed that views the stimulus and response sets in S-R ensembles as categories with dimensions that may or may not overlap. If they do overlap, the task may be compatible or incompatible, depending on the assigned S-R mapping. If they do not overlap, the task is noncompatible regardless of the assigned mapping. The overlapping dimensions may be relevant or not. The model provides a systematic account of SRC effects, a taxonomy of simple performance tasks that were hitherto thought to be unrelated, and suggestive parallels between these tasks and the experimental paradigms that have traditionally been used to study attentional, controlled, and automatic processes.  相似文献   

We propose a new version of the serial reaction time (SRT) task in which participants merely looked at the target instead of responding manually. As response locations were identical to target locations, stimulus-response compatibility was maximal in this task. We demonstrated that saccadic response times decreased during training and increased again when a new sequence was presented. It is unlikely that this effect was caused by stimulus-response (S-R) learning because bonds between (visual) stimuli and (oculomotor) responses were already well established before the experiment started. Thus, the finding shows that the building of S-R bonds is not essential for learning in the SRT task.  相似文献   

Four different age groups (8-9-year-olds, 11-12-year-olds, 13-15-year-olds and young adults) performed a spatial rule-switch task in which the sorting rule had to be detected on the basis of feedback or on the basis of switch cues. Performance errors were examined on the basis of a recently introduced method of error scoring for the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST; Barcelo & Knight, 2002). This method allowed us to differentiate between errors due to failure-to-maintain-set (distraction errors) and errors due to failure-to-switch-set (perseverative errors). The anticipated age differences in performance errors were most pronounced for perseverative errors between 8-9 years and 11-12 years, but for distraction errors adult levels were not reached until 13-15 years. These findings were interpreted to support the notion that set switching and set maintenance follow distinct developmental trajectories.  相似文献   

Although evidence suggests that the dorsal striatum contributes to multiple learning and memory functions, there nevertheless remains considerable disagreement on the specific associative roles of different neuroanatomical subregions. We review evidence indicating that the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) is a substrate for stimulus–response habit formation – incremental strengthening of simple SR bonds – via input from sensorimotor neocortex while the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) contributes to behavioral flexibility – the cognitive control of behavior – via prefrontal and limbic circuits engaged in relational and spatial information processing. The parallel circuits through dorsal striatum interact with incentive/affective motivational processing in the ventral striatum and portions of the prefrontal cortex leading to overt responding under specific testing conditions. Converging evidence obtained through a detailed task analysis and neurobehavioral assessment is beginning to illuminate striatal subregional interactions and relations to the rest of the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Behavioral and recent neuroimaging findings have shown reversal of interference effects due to manipulating proportion congruency (PC), which suggests that task-irrelevant stimulus-response (S-R) associations are strengthened and applied to predict responses. However, it is unclear how the strengthened S-R associations are represented and applied in the brain. We investigated with a between-subjects PC paradigm of the Hedge and Marsh task using electroencephalography (EEG). The behavioral results showed the reversal of the conflict effects, suggesting that task-irrelevant S-R associations were strengthened and used to prepare responses. The EEG results revealed the PC-related reversal of the conflict effects in the frontocentral N2 and parietal P3b amplitudes. Time-frequency analyses showed more pronounced PC-related reversal of the conflict effects in theta band (4–8 Hz) activity in frontocentral sites. These results suggest that the strengthened S-R associations due to PC manipulation modulated cognitive control. Importantly, the amplitude of lateralized readiness potential was higher in the high-PC condition than in the low-PC condition, suggesting that the strengthened short-term-memory spatial S-R associations that modulated cognitive control were applied similarly to long-term-memory spatial S-R associations.  相似文献   

The manner in which the human brain processes grammatical-syntactic and lexical-semantic functions has been extensively debated in neurolinguistics. The discreteness and selectivity of the representation of syntactic-morphological properties in the dominant frontal cortex and the representation of the lexical-semantics in the temporo-parietal cortex have been questioned. Three right-handed adult male neurosurgical patients undergoing left craniotomy for intractable seizures were evaluated using various grammatical and semantic tasks during cortical mapping. The sampling of language tasks consisted of trials with stimulation (experimental) and without stimulation (control) from sites in the dominant fronto-temporo-parietal cortex The sampling of language implicated a larger cortical area devoted to language (syntactic-morphological and lexical-semantic) tasks. Further, a large part of the fronto-parieto-temporal cortex was involved with syntactic-morphological functions. However, only the parieto-temporal sites were implicated with the ordering of lexicon in sentence construction. These observations suggest that the representation of language in the human brain may be columnar or multilayered.  相似文献   

When participants repeat the same task in a context in which the task may also switch (a mixed block), performance deteriorates compared to when there is only one task repeating (a pure block). Three experiments were designed to assess how perceptual and motor transitions influenced this mixing cost. Experiment 1 provided three pure block baselines for perceptual and motor transitions. Experiments 2 and 3 examined these transitions in a mixed block. Results show that most of the mixing cost comes from two factors: (a) episodic interference in the mixed block when the stimulus changes and the response repeats, and (b) increased suppression in mixed blocks affecting trials where stimulus-response mappings repeat. We propose that these mechanisms are strategically applied when adopting a sustained "switching set" in mixed blocks. The purpose of this set would be to avoid perseveration errors in the most demanding trials (the task-switching trials), but remaining active during task-repetitions. Results regarding the mixing cost are thus relevant to the assessment of models of task-switching, which at present mainly rely on data from task switch trials.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-one adults belonging to four age groups (19-26, 50-59, 60-69 and 70-82 years) performed a spatial stimulus-response consistency task in which the response dimension (left or right) overlapped relevant and irrelevant stimulus dimensions. The influence of the irrelevant stimulus dimension on response time was significantly greater in the middle age groups than among 19-26 year-olds, and significantly greater in the highest age group than in any other. This pattern persisted when allowance was made for a significant age-related increase in processing time (measured as reaction time in a single-stimulus, single-response task). It is concluded that in tasks of the kind used, the elderly resist interference from the irrelevant information less easily than do younger persons. Interestingly, comparison of Vincentized quintiles suggested that the effect of the irrelevant stimulus dimension decreased with increasing response time among 19-26 year-olds, but increased with response time among 70-82 year-olds.  相似文献   

A stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) effect is obtained when performance is better with compatible mappings than with incompatible mappings. When mappings are mixed within a task, the SRC effect is often eliminated or reversed.The present study examines how 1,600 trials with different practice tasks can affect the response selection process in these mixed mapping environments. Participants were assigned to one of three practice groups: mixed mapping, pure compatible mapping, and pure incompatible mapping. Subsequently, all participants performed an experimental session in which compatible and incompatible trials were mixed.The SRC effect was eliminated in the experimental mixed mapping session, regardless of practice condition. The results suggest that practice does not change the need to suppress the direct response selection route in a mixed mapping task. However, reaction time distributions and sequential analyses were modulated by practice condition, which indicates that the new associations acquired during practice may activate new routes that interact with preexisting ones.  相似文献   

Neural and cognitive plasticity: from maps to minds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some species and individuals are able to learn cognitive skills more flexibly than others. Learning experiences and cortical function are known to contribute to such differences, but the specific factors that determine an organism's intellectual capacities remain unclear. Here, an integrative framework is presented suggesting that variability in cognitive plasticity reflects neural constraints on the precision and extent of an organism's stimulus representations. Specifically, it is hypothesized that cognitive plasticity depends on the number and diversity of cortical modules that an organism has available as well as the brain's capacity to flexibly reconfigure and customize networks of these modules. The author relates this framework to past proposals on the neural mechanisms of intelligence, including (a) the relationship between brain size and intellectual capacity; (b) the role of prefrontal cortex in cognitive control and the maintenance of stimulus representations; and (c) the impact of neural plasticity and efficiency on the acquisition and performance of cognitive skills. The proposed framework provides a unified account of variability in cognitive plasticity as a function of species, age, and individual, and it makes specific predictions about how manipulations of cortical structure and function will impact intellectual capacity.  相似文献   

Modifications were made to Kristofferson’s (1976) response-stimulus synchronization procedure which resulted in a further reduction in the estimate of minimum S-R latency variance. Minimum variances near 50 msec2 were obtained whether mean latency was 310 or 550 msec. Within this range, latency distributions were the same, symmetrical and sharp-peaked, and unlike typical RT. All responses fell within a 50-msec time window. This independence of mean latency and latency variance was present throughout acquisition. A special technique allowed isolation of the controlling stimulus for synchronization timing, and showed that subjects were able to transfer control to another modality with no loss of performance. Results are discussed in terms of support for the notion of nonvariable, internally timed delays which can be inserted in the S-R chain. These delays are easily adjustable, but, once set, are deterministic. The role of feedback in acquisition and maintenance of synchronization performance is also examined.  相似文献   

Three experiments using a serial four-choice reaction-time (RT) task explored the interaction of sequence learning and stimulus-based response conflict. In Experiment 1, the spatial stimulus-response (S-R) mapping was manipulated between participants. Incompatible S-R mappings produced much higher RTs than the compatible mapping, but sequence learning decreased this S-R compatibility effect. In Experiment 2, the spatial stimulus feature was made task-irrelevant by assigning responses to symbols that were presented at unpredictable locations. The data indicated a Simon effect (i.e., increased RT when irrelevant stimulus location is spatially incompatible with response location) that was reduced by sequence learning. However, this effect was observed only in participants who developed an explicit sequence representation. Experiment 3 replicated this learning-based modulation of the Simon effect using explicit sequence-learning instructions. Taken together, the data support the notion that explicit sequence learning can lead to motor 'chunking', so that pre-planned response sequences are shielded from conflicting stimulus information.  相似文献   

This review outlines how functional brain imaging, using an individual-differences approach in the processing of emotional stimuli, has begun to reveal the neural basis of extraversion (E) and neuroticism (N), two traits that are linked to both emotion and health. Studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging have shown that individual differences in participants' E and N scores are correlated with individual differences in brain activation in specific brain regions that are engaged during cognitive-affective tasks. Imaging studies using genotyped participants have begun to address the molecular mechanisms that may underlie these individual differences. The multidisciplinary integration of brain imaging and molecular genetic methods offers an exciting and novel approach for investigators who seek to uncover the biological mechanisms by which personality and health are interrelated.  相似文献   

How do people make quantitative estimations, such as estimating a car's selling price? Traditionally, linear-regression-type models have been used to answer this question. These models assume that people weight and integrate all information available to estimate a criterion. The authors propose an alternative cognitive theory for quantitative estimation. The mapping model, inspired by the work of N. R. Brown and R. S. Siegler (1993) on metrics and mappings, offers a heuristic approach to decision making. The authors test this model against established alternative models of estimation, namely, linear regression, an exemplar model, and a simple estimation heuristic. With 4 experimental studies the authors compare the models under different environmental conditions. The mapping model proves to be a valid model to predict people's estimates.  相似文献   

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