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This study attempted to examine the work value correlates on various occupational scale dimensions like service, sales and management. In all 1458 people completed two validated questionnaires: one measuring six occupational scales (HPI: Hogan Personality Inventory) and the other measuring the values and preferences that indicate the type of work that an individual would like to do, and is best suited for (MVPI: Motives and Values Preferences Inventory). There were many sex differences on the values measured. Hierarchical regressions showed some values (Affiliation, Power, Recognition) related to many of the occupational scales but often in the opposite direction. Factor analysis suggested three overall value/vocation factors (Enterprising, Traditional and Social). Implications for vocational guidance and limitations of the study are considered.  相似文献   

Helen A. Moore 《Sex roles》1985,13(11-12):663-678
Job satisfaction for women workers is traditionally researched from the job-gender model in which sex roles generate the research framework. Women employed in the labor market are viewed as responding primarily to the confines of sex roles, as opposed to the structural rewards and constraints of the labor market itself. We reexamined earlier studies that found no effect of the labor market on job satisfaction for women. Reanalysis of the 1972–1973 Quality of Employment national survey revealed significantly different levels of job satisfaction, which are in part structured by the characteristics of the labor market sectors in which women and men work. Women working in labor market sectors that are predominantly male or have a balanced proportion of male and female workers jobs have high job satisfaction. This job satisfaction is predicted almost exclusively by their perceptions of fewer income problems, flexibility of hours, and use of job skills. Factors related to maternity benefits and leaves are related only marginally to job satisfaction for women workers in either labor market sector. Women in predominantly female sectors of the labor market have similarly high job satisfaction scores, but these are related to a wider cluster of factors, including fewer perceived income problems, skills, and challenge factors, as well as the socioemotional rewards of their work. This pattern is most similar to males who work in predominantly male sectors. In contrast, males who work in predominantly female or gender-proportionate jobs have significantly lower job satisfaction scores, even after controling for income issues and other benefits. Labor market sectors and the rewards available within them are important structural dimensions of job satisfaction for women and men employees.  相似文献   

Identifying and developing high potential individuals is fundamental to successful companies and organizations. The present study focuses on the personality traits of high potential individuals. The High Potential Traits Inventory (HPTI) was used to investigate associations between personality traits and measures of career success, in a sample of 383 employed individuals. Results indicate HPTI personality traits relate to subjective and objective measures of success with Conscientiousness being the strongest predictor. The findings of the current study are consistent with previous research on High Flyers. Implications of the current study are discussed, suggesting a clearer operationalization of success is crucial for understanding the underlying mechanisms which lead from personality to potential.  相似文献   

In the attempt to overcome shortcomings of previous research on women's employment patterns, married women's employment behavior was examined successively over a five year period (1976–1981). Logistic regression and discriminant function analyses were performed on a sample of 366 wives in dual earner families from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Attitudes as well as work and family factors differentiated women who worked continuously full-time from women who worked either part-time or intermittently during the five year period. The findings are discussed in the context of social change and the impact of changing norms on married women's work patterns.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY, August 1987. Comments and suggestions of Barbara A. Gutek are greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

The belief that good analysts do not ask, and do not answer, questions is a still-living strange recommendation, transmitted throughout psychoanalytic generations. The authors have extensively reviewed electronic databases and technical texts. They found that interrogative acts are largely omitted from technical considerations, generating a prejudice that does not consider questions as proper psychoanalytic tools, and they discuss possible foundations for this belief. The authors believe that the few authors that have touched on this issue have done so in a non-systematic and frequently incomplete form. Linguistic philosophy presents questions as speech acts : actions that are able to alter the equilibrium of dialogical discourses. This view permits psychoanalysts to understand the potentiality of questions to introduce psychic change because they can, simultaneously, interfere in the self, in the other and in the intersubjective relationship. An internal state of curiosity is described as a component of the mind of the analyst. Based on the argument of the ubiquity of the state of curiosity of the analyst, the authors carried out a set of technical propositions, regarding, on the one hand, when questions are not to be introduced (for instance, in the presence of free associations) and, on the other hand, when they would be useful as expanding factors of the preconscious-conscious system. Considering psychoanalyses as experiences of curiosity, they emphasize that both the internal state of curiosity of the analyst, and the eventual verbal questions put to the patient are potentially positive factors for psychic change. The authors present several clinical vignettes.  相似文献   

The present study compares the views of university women of varying age (18–21, 22–34, over 34) concerning a managerial career. Overall, while many similarities were observed among the women in their perceptions regarding a managerial career, the women differed in their expressed interest in and attitudes toward such a career. Specifically, women over 34 expressed less interest and less favorable attitudes toward a management career than younger women. In addition, the women differed in their perceptions of the barriers to a managerial career, as well as types of assistance needed for pursuing such a career. Women over 34 were more concerned about their own suitability and were more interested in assistance gained from separate women's classes. The 22- to 34-year-old women were more concerned about possible resistance from subordinates, while younger women voiced more concerns about family/social issues as inhibiting factors and expressed the strongest desire for day-care services, counseling, promotion information, internships, and decision-making training. Findings are discussed in terms of sociocultural changes and life stage differences.  相似文献   

Professional rejection is a widespread phenomenon—most, if not all, of us have or will experience it in our lifetimes. However, some are more adept at handling it than others. This paper examines individual differences in how people interpret and handle professional rejection, proposing a construct called professional rejection sensitivity. We focused on whether this construct predicts decreased self-promoting behaviors and increased self-silencing behaviors and, subsequently, whether that impacts career success for junior faculty. Moreover, we investigated whether women may be disproportionally predisposed to professional rejection sensitivity because they tend to experience more discrimination in the workplace than men. We collected self-report data (i.e., individual differences) and biodata (i.e., curriculum vitae) from 300 junior faculty and found evidence of gender differences, such that women perceive more discrimination and report higher professional rejection sensitivity than men. We also found that individuals who are higher in professional rejection sensitivity are more likely to practice self-silencing behaviors, and individuals who perceive more discrimination have lower career success. This paper serves as the first step in demonstrating the existence of professional rejection sensitivity, which can guide future research that addresses how individuals can overcome this disposition. To support this path of research, we conclude with suggestions for potential interventions.  相似文献   

Young women's motivations for two sex-role options were predicted with scores describing perceived rewards/costs of parenting. Using a sequence of multiple regression analyses it was found that the reward-cost perceptions of parenting and work were predictors of the two motivational options. Individual rewards/costs of parenting and work items were better predictors than summed items. It was found that a preference for the career choice was produced by not viewing parenting as rewarding. The preference for parenting choice was influenced most by perceiving parenting as rewarding. The perceived cost and rewards of work were not predictors of a career choice. The items found to be the best predictors for either the parenting or career choice all dealt with perceptions of parenting. It was concluded that these parenting perceptions are the key elements for young women's role motivations.  相似文献   

This qualitative investigation explored a relatively understudied aspect of cultural diversity: feminism and religion in the lives of religiously diverse women. More specifically, structured interviews were used to investigate views of religion, women's issues, gender roles, culture, and feminism for a small group of Muslim and Christian women living in the United States. The data were analyzed using consensual qualitative research methods (Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997). Findings indicated a complex relationship between feminism, gender roles, culture, and religion for these women with the majority of the Muslim women reporting that their religion supports feminist principles and identifying themselves as feminist. Christian women were less willing to endorse the feminist label. Implications for multicultural feminist practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Gender differences in spatial ability in old age were examined longitudinally and the effectiveness of cognitive training in reducing these differences was assessed. The mental rotation ability of older participants (N=229; M age=72.8 years) from the Seattle Longitudinal Study was examined over a 14-year period (1970–1984) from late middle age into old age. Both men and women exhibited normative age-related decline in spatial ability performance across the 14-year period; the magnitude of the gender difference remained constant across this period of decline. A significantly greater proportion of the age-related decline was associated with a drop in speed of problem solving for men than for women. Following training on mental rotation ability, there was no significant gender difference in spatial ability performance. Women exhibited significantly greater pretest-posttest gains, on average, than did men. A greater proportion of training improvement for women compared to men was attributable to increased accuracy. Training was particularly effective for older women who had experienced prior age-related decline.The research reported in this article was supported by grant no. AG03544 from the National Institute on Aging. We gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic cooperation of members and staff of the Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound. Thanks are also due to Diane Backschies, Jean Day, Jackie Levine, Cherril Perera, Alejandra Suarez, and Richard Vigesaa, who ably assisted in the testing and training, and to Anne O'Hanlon and Theresa Cooney, who assisted in the data analyses.  相似文献   

This research explores the mediating effects of severity of disability on the employment outcomes of participants with disabilities, taking into account their perception of interest‐job match. Participants were 115 high school students with disabilities who took part in an intensive school‐to‐work transition program that explored occupational interests in relation‐to‐work opportunities. Results of a 1‐way analysis of covariance indicated that severity of disability had a significant effect on the employment outcomes of participants despite interest‐job matching. Although participants experienced positive employment outcomes in terms of job entry, these outcomes may not necessarily translate into higher earnings.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of organisational climate in women's social responses to sexism at work. We argue that after experiences of sexism, women “draw together” with other women when they perceive that the organisational climate is intolerant of sexism. We assess the role of organisational climate at three levels: peer-, manager-, and policy-level. We conducted a correlational study (Nstudy1 = 405) and two experimental studies (Nstudy2 = 377, Nstudy3 = 391), in which we examined women's experiences of sexism at work (measured in Study 1; manipulated in Studies 2 and 3). We also measured perceived tolerance of sexism at the peer-, manager- and policy-level in all studies. The main DVs were women's workplace friendships with other women in Studies 1 and 2, and closeness to female co-workers in Study 3. Results showed that perceived tolerance of sexism from peers was especially important in shaping women's social relationships following experiences of sexism; tolerance from managers or at the policy level had less consistent effects. Specifically, experiences with sexism were positively associated with female participants' reported friendship (Studies 1 and 2) and closeness (Study 3) with their female colleagues, but only when peers were perceived not to tolerate sexism. When peers were perceived to tolerate sexism, female participants did not respond to sexism by drawing together.  相似文献   

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