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Simulations of dolphin kick swimming using smoothed particle hydrodynamics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In competitive human swimming the submerged dolphin kick stroke (underwater undulatory swimming) is utilized after dives and turns. The optimal dolphin kick has a balance between minimizing drag and maximizing thrust while also minimizing the physical exertion required of the swimmer. In this study laser scans of athletes are used to provide realistic swimmer geometries in a single anatomical pose. These are rigged and animated to closely match side-on video footage. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluid simulations are performed to evaluate variants of this swimming stroke technique. This computational approach provides full temporal and spatial information about the flow moving around the deforming swimmer model. The effects of changes in ankle flexibility and stroke frequency are investigated through a parametric study. The results suggest that the net streamwise force on the swimmer is relatively insensitive to ankle flexibility but is strongly dependent on kick frequency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine effects of lower limb strength training on physical conditioning and kinematic characteristics of instep kicking in 16 young amateur soccer players who participated in initial and final laboratory tests. In addition to their standard preseason soccer program, 8 players comprised the experimental group, who performed an 8-wk. strength-training program. Maximal and relative isometric force of the lower limbs were significantly improved. Moreover, toe and ankle linear velocity during ball contact, ball velocity, as well as ankle, knee and hip angular velocities of the kicking leg were significantly increased. It is concluded that conditioning and kinematic indices of the kicking performance could be improved after strength training of the lower limbs.  相似文献   

Ten university students each learned four separate six-link response chains, two forward and two backward. All 10 subjects made fewer errors in the forward procedure. It was concluded that the forward procedure is superior because each link of the response chain is acquired by direct reinforcement.  相似文献   

Collegiate cross country runners are at risk for running related injuries (RRI) due to high training volume and the potential for aberrant lower extremity biomechanics. However, there is a need for prospective research to determine biomechanical risk factors for RRI. The purpose of this study was to prospectively compare ankle, knee, and hip kinematics and kinetics and ground reaction force characteristics between injured and non-injured cross country runners over a 14-week season. Biomechanical running analyses were conducted on 31 collegiate-cross country runners using a 3-dimensional motion capture system and force plate prior to the start of the season. Twelve runners were injured and 19 remained healthy during the course of the season. Peak external knee adduction moment (KAM), a surrogate for frontal plane knee loading, and peak ankle eversion velocity were greater in runners who sustained an injury compared to those who did not, and no differences were noted in ground reaction force characteristics, or hip kinematics and kinetics. Reducing the KAM and ankle eversion velocity may be an important aspect of preventing RRI.  相似文献   

Auditory delayed matching in the bottlenose dolphin   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A bottlenose dolphin, already highly proficient in two-choice auditory discriminations, was trained over a nine-day period on auditory delayed matching-to-sample and then tested on 346 unique matching problems, as a function of the delay between the sample and test sounds. Each problem used new sounds and was from five to 10 trials long, with the same sound used as the sample for all trials of a problem. At each trial, the sample was projected underwater for 2.5 sec, followed by a delay and then by a sequence of two 2.5-sec duration test sounds. One of the test sounds matched the sample and was randomly first or second in the sequence, and randomly appeared at either a left or right speaker. Responses to the locus of the matching test sound were reinforced. Over nine, varying-sized blocks of problems, the longest delay of a set of delays in a block was progressively increased from 15 sec initially to a final value of 120 sec. There was a progressive increase across the early blocks in the percentage of correct Trial 1 responses. A ceiling-level of 100% correct responses was then attained over the final six blocks, during which there were 169 successive Trial 1 responses bracketed by two Trial 1 errors (at 24- and 120-sec delays). Performance on trials beyond the first followed a similar trend. Finally, when the sample duration was decreased to 0.2 sec or less, matching performance on Trial 1 of new problems dropped to chance levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to compare components of the human and rat auditory event-related potential (ERP) in a serial feature-positive discrimination task. Subjects learned to respond to an auditory target stimulus when it followed a visual feature (X → A+), but to not respond when it was presented alone (A−). Upon solving the task, the N2 component, which has been suggested to reflect the activation of inhibitory processes, was temporarily more negative in response to the target on A− than on X → A+ trials in both species. However, whereas a P3 component was present in the human participants, this component was absent in the rats. In both species, the amplitude of several ERP components, including the N2, decreased in the course of training. These results are discussed in the framework of contemporary models of associative learning.  相似文献   

Memory for action events in the bottlenosed dolphin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated whether a bottlenosed dolphin’s ability to recall and repeat actions on command would immediately generalize to actions performed with specified objects. The dolphin was tested on her ability to repeat 18 novel behaviors performed with potentially interchangeable objects specified using an artificial gestural language. Such “action events” were correctly repeated at above chance levels, indicating that the dolphin had access to memories of those events. Performance levels were, however, lower than in previous tests. The dolphin appeared to have difficulty recalling which object an action was performed with. Previous research has demonstrated that animals can recall features of their environment and features of their actions independently of one another. The results of this study demonstrate (1) that the dolphin’s concept of repeating extends beyond simply accessing memories of movement patterns, and (2) that dolphins’ memories of past events incorporate representations of both self-performed acts and objects, locations, or gestural instructions. Received:10 October 1998 / Accepted after revision: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

Object constancy, the ability to recognize objects despite changes in orientation, has not been well studied in the auditory modality. Dolphins use echolocation for object recognition, and objects ensonified by dolphins produce echoes that can vary significantly as a function of orientation. In this experiment, human listeners had to classify echoes from objects varying in material, shape, and size that were ensonified with dolphin signals. Participants were trained to discriminate among the objects using an 18-echo stimulus from a 10° range of aspect angles, then tested with novel aspect angles across a 60° range. Participants were typically successful recognizing the objects at all angles (M = 78 %). Artificial neural networks were trained and tested with the same stimuli with the purpose of identifying acoustic cues that enable object recognition. A multilayer perceptron performed similarly to the humans and revealed that recognition was enabled by both the amplitude and frequency of echoes, as well as the temporal dynamics of these features over the course of echo trains. These results provide insight into representational processes underlying echoic recognition in dolphins and suggest that object constancy perceived through the auditory modality is likely to parallel what has been found in the visual domain in studies with both humans and animals.  相似文献   

This experiment studied the effect of imposed optic flow on human locomotion. Six young and 6 older adults were exposed to various patterns of optic flow while walking in a moving hallway. Results showed few cases of impaired postural control (staggers, parachute reactions). No falls were recorded. Kinematic patterns of gait were altered when vision was absent or inconsistent optic flow was presented: Ninety two percent of the subjects' mean step velocity differed from their step velocities under normal vision. Compared with imposed central flow, peripheral optic flow was not dominant in inducing kinematic changes. Characteristic gait profiles were obtained, depending on flow direction. Global backward flow tended to slow down step velocity, whereas subjects' step velocity increased during conditions of forward flow. The results suggest that subjects attempted to match their own walking speed to the velocity of the moving visual scenes. It is concluded that in an uncluttered environment, imposed optic flow has a modulating rather than a destabilizing effect on human locomotion.  相似文献   

Trajectory and kinematics of drawing movements are mutually constrained by functional relationships that reduce the degrees of freedom of the hand-arm system. Previous investigations of these relationships are extended here by considering their development in children between 5 and 12 years of age. Performances in a simple motor task--the continuous tracing of elliptic trajectories--demonstrate that both the phenomenon of isochrony (increase of the average movement velocity with the linear extent of the trajectory) and the so-called two-thirds power law (relation between tangential velocity and curvature) are qualitatively present already at the age of 5. The quantitative aspects of these regularities evolve with age, however, and steady-state adult performance is not attained even by the oldest children. The power-law formalism developed in previous reports is generalized to encompass these developmental aspects of the control of movement.  相似文献   

The learning efficiency of an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin was evaluated using auditory discrimination learning-set tasks. Efficiency, as measured by the probability of a correct response on Trial 2 of a new discrete-trial, two-choice auditory discrimination problem, reached levels comparable to those attained by advanced species of nonhuman primates. Runs of errorless problems in some cases rivaled those reported for individual rhesus monkeys in visual discrimination learning-set tasks. This level of stimulus control of responses to new auditory discriminanda was attained through (a) the development of a sequential within-trial method for presentation of a pair of auditory discriminanda; (b) the extensive use of fading methods to train initial discriminations, followed by the fadeout of the use of fading; (c) the development of listening behavior through control of the animal's responses during projection of the auditory discriminanda; and (d) the use of highly discriminable auditory stimuli, by applying results of a parametric evaluation of discriminability of selected acoustic variables. Learning efficiency was tested using a cueing method on Trial 1 of each new discrimination, to allow the animal to identify the positive stimulus before its response. Efficiency was also tested with the more common blind baiting method, in which the Trial 1 response was reinforced on only a random half of the problems. Efficiency was high for both methods. The overall results were generally in keeping with exceptations of learning capacity based on the large size and high degree of cortical complexity of the brain of the bottlenose dolphin.  相似文献   

The organization of spatial and temporal information relative to memory-movement interactions was studied in a recall task. Stimuli consisted of four different configurations of eight dots, presented sequentially. In two configurations, the stimuli were spatiotemporal congruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus distances corresponding to (constant or variable) inter-stimulus time intervals. In the other two configurations, the stimuli were spatiotemporal incongruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus distances not corresponding to (variable or constant) inter-stimulus time intervals. After a learning phase consisting of 20 presentations of the target configuration, participants performed a series of pointing movements to reproduce both spatial and temporal characteristics of the stimulus 60 times in succession without ever re-examining the target configuration. Classically, in incongruent spatiotemporal conditions, the reproduction of, respectively, constant distances or constant time intervals are strongly disturbed by the simultaneous perception of variable inter-stimulus time intervals (Tau effect) or variable distances (Kappa effect). We assume that these spatiotemporal dependencies, which occur when the response relates to one dimension only, crucially depend on the non-integration of motoric aspects in memory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the level of inter- and intra-individual variability in the kinematic profiles of the back squat movement among skilled weightlifters. Ten competitive weightlifters volunteered for participation in this study. Barbell velocity (VBarbell) and angular velocity of the ankle (ωAnkle), knee (ωKnee) and hip joint (ωHip) were obtained by kinematic recording of six trials at 90% of 1RM in the back squat. Inter-individual variability was assessed by analysing inter-individual differences in the velocity curves through the statistical parametric mapping method. Intra-individual variability was assessed through a correlation analysis between the barbell velocity curves of each trial for each participant. Partial least squares regression analysis, was performed to relate changes in intra-individual variability to movement and anthropometric characteristics. Significant inter- and intra-individual differences were identified in VBarbell, ωAnkle, ωKnee, and ωHip (p ≤ 0.05). Having a short trunk and thigh, and a long shin in combination with greater anterior-posterior displacement of the barbell and slower velocities during the acceleration phase increased intra-individual movement consistency over movement variability. The results of the present study clearly demonstrate that skilled weightlifters display both significant inter- and intra-individual variability in the successful execution of the back squat.  相似文献   

The general aim of this study is to validate the cognitive relevance of the geometric model used in the semantic atlases (SA). With this goal in mind, we compare the results obtained by the automatic contexonym organizing model (ACOM)—an SA-derived model for word sense representation based on contextual links—with human subjects’ responses on a word association task. We begin by positioning the geometric paradigm with respect to the hierarchical paradigm (WordNet) and the vector paradigm (latent semantic analysis [LSA] and the hyperspace analogue to language model). Then we compare ACOM’s responses with Hirsh and Tree’s (2001) word association norms based on the responses of two groups of subjects. The results showed that words associated by 50% or more of the Hirsh and Tree subjects were also proposed by ACOM (e.g., 71% of the words in the norms were also given by ACOM). Finally, we compare ACOM and LSA on the basis of the same association norms. The results indicate better performance for the geometric model.  相似文献   

The effect of a cueing technique on novice goalkeepers' anticipation of trajectory in penalty kicks was investigated. 28 novice football goalkeepers from junior teams were randomly selected and divided into experimental (n = 14) and control (n = 14) groups. Following a pre-test, participants performed 30 trials of a simulated penalty-kicking task in a spatially occluded condition. They were required to react to penalty kicks and were informed of their performance in anticipating the direction in which the ball was kicked. The experimental group received cues about the position of the non-kicking foot of the kicker, but the control group did not. The two-way analysis of variance showed the significant main effects of blocks of trials and group, but the interaction was not significant. The experimental group more accurately anticipated the direction of the penalty kicks than the control group. The cueing technique benefited the novice goalkeepers in anticipating the direction of penalty kicks, due to the informative nature of the cue for skill execution.  相似文献   

The authors examined the role of action effects (i.e., ball trajectory) during the performance of a soccer kick. Participants were 20 expert players who kicked a ball over a height barrier toward a ground-level target. The authors occluded participants' vision of the ball trajectory after foot-to-ball contact. Participants in a 1st group received erroneous feedback from a video that showed a ball-trajectory apex approximately 75 cm lower than that of their actual kick, although the ball's landing position was unaltered. Participants in a 2nd group received correct video feedback of both the ball trajectory and the landing position. The erroneous-feedback group showed a significant bias toward higher ball trajectories than did the correct-feedback group. The authors conclude that performers at high levels of skill use the visual consequences of the action to plan and execute an action.  相似文献   

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