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施特劳斯是二十世纪的著名政治哲学家,也是在诸多方面皆有建树的犹太裔学者.他关于耶路撒冷和雅典之争的论述观点独特而且影响重大.耶路撒冷和雅典之争这个命题对于理解施特劳斯的政治哲学具有什么样的重要意义?带着这个问题,文章相继探讨了施特劳斯关于这个争论的一般解释,批评了德国学者迈尔应用这个命题分析施特劳斯和施米特思想对话的方案,突出了犹太教与基督教之间的分别对于理解这个命题的重要性,最后从言行二元论和追求完美正义的角度重新阐释了耶路撒冷和雅典之争的根本意义.  相似文献   

Survivors of brain injury or stroke can improve movement ability with intensive, supervised practice. Since the hours of supervised therapy with a physical or occupational therapist are limited, telerehabilitation will enable patients to greatly expand the hours that they practice therapeutic exercises. The Jerusalem TeleRehabilitation System (JTRS) consists of patient and therapist systems plus a central server and database connected via the internet. The system can work in two modes: (1) a cooperative mode in which the therapist and patient are online at the same time, and (2) a stand-alone mode in which the patient uses the system on his own. In both cases, the system will monitor the status and progress of the patient and various parameters of his movement abilities, and prepare reports for the patient and for the therapist. From the clinic, the therapist will be able to change the screen seen by the patient and change the level and types of tasks, as needed. Compared to existing systems, our system will have the following advantages: (1) inexpensive and easy to use; (2) remote monitoring and control of the patient's computer by the therapist in the clinic; (3) more detailed analysis of patient status and progress; (4) a "smart" system which self-adapts to the patient's capabilities in real time, increasing or decreasing the difficulty of the exercise as needed; and (5) a central, international database which, by gathering data on many patients over time, will provide the basis for "smart" therapy and will also facilitate coordinated multicenter research studies.  相似文献   

This article uses a comparison between Durham Cathedral and the Temple at Jerusalem to argue for the ability of sacred buildings to exercise a religious role in their own right. Although obviously initially dependent on human action for their existence, when built they can then, it is argued, take on a life of their own. While negative influences are frequently noted, here it is positive dimensions that are stressed: first, in respect of experiences of the divine; then, secondly, of their ability to encourage learning from outside the specific faith context; before, thirdly, note is taken of their potential to encourage appropriate moral and political action. Finally, a response is offered to the common objection to such positive evaluation based on the alleged indifference of the early church to sacred buildings.  相似文献   

Focusing on the central role the city of Jerusalem plays in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, this paper addresses the question of what makes particular cities 'holy' and sacred to people, the meaning and responsibilities that this 'sacredness' entails and whether this 'sacredness' in fact affects the conduct of politicians when determining the fate of a sacred city such as Jerusalem. Answers to these questions are found deep in the human psyche, in what historians of religion have called a 'sacred geography' and in the sense of exile from a holy place that makes it that much more precious to the people attached to it.  相似文献   

In this article, I present an ethnographic analysis of ritual change in the communal prayers of a Jerusalem congregation that promotes gender equality within the framework of Orthodox-oriented halakha. While scholars have examined how ritual change in Jewish communities develops through the reinterpretation and reutilization of religious texts, practices and objects, my fieldwork reveals how change is shaped by people’s habitus – their ways of being in the world. Communal prayers in this congregation exemplify what I call an “innovative ordinariness” of religious change. Members view and experience their communal rituals as “ordinary” due to their perception of their prayer hall as a familiar spatial and auditory environment. This ordinariness facilitates creative and innovative uses of religious practices. The data outlined here are based on field research during which I participated in the congregation’s services and communal activities, and held interviews and informal conversations with members. This case study depicts ways in which members of Israeli Orthodox society apply their cultural toolkit to create religious spaces that accommodate their gender-egalitarian values, beliefs and lifestyles and, at the same time, produce religiosity that is experienced and understood as legitimate. By doing so, I argue, they assign new meanings to traditional Orthodox categories.  相似文献   

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