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在日常生活中情绪表达性指:人们交流体验的影响和影响人际关系的方式、个体对表达内容、表达方式、表达对象的选择,决定了他人会作出怎样的反应,并将对个体的人际关系产生影响。良好的人际关系有利于大学生形成和发展健康的个性品质,也有利于培养他们的合作精神。本文主要介绍了情绪表达和人际关系的部分研究概述和研究所使用的工具,为以后的研究打下基础。  相似文献   

亲子关系作为家庭关系的核心成分,作为个体最早建立起来的人际关系,对子女的成长和发展意义重大。精神分析学派认为,亲子关系会对子女与他人建立起的人际关系模式产生影响:在温馨和睦的家庭氛围中长大的孩子在人际交往中会表现出更多的友好、信任,反之则会表现出更多的怀疑和恶意。  相似文献   

他人不同的权力水平会引发个体不同的权力感知,带来不同的情绪体验。以往关于权力与情绪的研究多关注的是个体自身作为权力目标时的情况,而研究通过两个实验来探究个体对他人的权力感知与情绪体验之间的关系。实验一采用回忆法,从情绪效价和趋近/回避动机的角度分析个体唤起的情绪反应,发现个体在与不同水平的权力目标交互过程中均表现出了明显的混合情绪,且相比于远距离的高权力目标,个体与近距离的权力目标进行交互时容易产生更多的积极情绪和趋近动机倾向; 实验二通过观看视频的方式启动被试的混合情绪,发现以积极情绪为主的混合情绪的唤起会影响个体对他人的权力感知,具体表现为对一定社会距离内的权力目标表现出更高水平的权力感知。  相似文献   

谢继红  刘华山 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):2069-2078
无意识目标追求是指个体自动地追求由情境线索激活的目标, 而全然不知目标对自己行为的导向作用。无意识目标追求具有灵活性、抑制性和坚持性。无意识目标追求经由行动的无意识准备和目标价值的自动评估与努力过程实现。积极情绪、内隐态度和人际关系影响无意识目标追求。未来研究需要进一步探讨无意识目标追求的影响因素, 完善无意识目标追求的机制, 探究无意识目标追求结果对个体心理和行为的影响, 提高研究结果的生态效度, 拓展应用研究。  相似文献   

谭洁  郑全全 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1782-1788
权力在心理学中被定义为一种对他人施加影响的能力。理论和实证研究都表明, 个体在目标追求的过程中, 个体权力感的高低对个体的目标追求的认知过程和行为结果都会产生影响。具体表现为在认知加工方面, 高权力者的信息加工抽象程度更高, 注意保持和分配能力也更好; 在行为结果上, 高权力者能更果断地设定目标、目标追求的行动力也更强。在权力和目标追求关系中, 预期自我调节的倾向类型起到中介作用。  相似文献   

客体关系理论认为,个体的早期客体关系对其心理发展与人际关系会产生深远的影响,尤其是早期与父母等家庭成员在互动中形成的早期客体关系。个体的心理困扰往往是人际关系困扰,人际关系困扰是个体早期客体关系不良导致的。文章通过对相关文献进行梳理,初步形成了家庭是如何通过客体关系影响个体心理的机制,并给父母和孩子分别提出了建议,希望能给家长和孩子带来一些启发,让孩子健康、快乐成长。  相似文献   

李松  刘峻君  鲍秀琴  陈旭 《心理科学进展》2022,30(11):2586-2594
尽管关系维持策略对形成良好的人际关系和增强个人福祉有着重要意义, 但也增加了个体被拒绝的风险和痛苦。以往研究已经发现人际感恩一方面能在关系面临威胁时激活威胁缓冲策略修复人际关系, 另一方面也能在威胁解除时激活关系增强策略建立和促进人际关系, 但人际感恩也增加了使用非适应关系维持策略的可能。此外, 自我评价和他人评价有助于解释人际感恩的关系维持功能。未来研究应从二元互动视角考察人际感恩的关系维持功能; 从多元评价视角考察自我评价和他人评价在人际感恩对关系维持的影响中扮演的角色; 并结合多种研究方法拓展人际感恩的关系维持功能研究。  相似文献   

王爱娟  汪玲 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1257-1263
目标感染是动机领域新近出现的一个概念(Aarts等,2004),所谓目标感染指的是个体可以自动的从他人行为信息中推测其目标并无意识的追求这一目标。目标感染在激活对象、复杂程度等方面不同于单纯的行为模仿,在行为性质、意识水平等方面又区别于观察学习。目标状态可及性、目标情感效价等因素会影响目标感染现象的发生。已有研究中通常采用目标相关词汇、社会信息两种方式进行目标的激活。作为对有意识目标追求的补充,目标感染的研究促进了我们对个体行为的理解。未来研究尚可就观察者特征、目标熟悉程度、被观察者数量等因素对目标感染的影响开展进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

依恋内部工作模型反映了个体在关系中对自我和他人的认知,虽然有很多研究证实了依恋风格与关系质量存在紧密关联,但自我和他人两个工作模型是否在预测关系质量上存在差异性尚未得到明确回答。本研究以老年群体为研究对象,直接考察自我模型与他人模型分别以怎样的方式预测婚姻满意度。研究使用问卷法对112对老年夫妻的内部工作模型、夫妻依恋取向、婚姻满意度等进行了测量,采用中介模型、交叉互倚模型以及方差分析分别从被试个体、夫妻主客体效应、以及夫妻匹配模式三个分析视角考察了依恋的两种内部工作模型与婚姻满意度的关联性。结果发现,相比他人模型,老年人自我模型与婚姻满意度的关联更为密切,且可以通过夫妻依恋双维度对其产生影响。但同时也发现,老年人依恋的内部工作模型与婚姻满意度的关联受到夫妻角色差异的影响:对于丈夫而言,自我模型与婚姻满意度的关联更为紧密,这可能与中国传统文化中的男性主导地位有关;而对于妻子而言,他人模型与婚姻满意度的关系更为紧密,这可能与女性在社会互动中更倾向于关系导向有关,也可能是传统文化中的“夫为妻纲”对老年女性的影响使然。  相似文献   

情境对共情的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共情指的是个体在与人交往的过程中共享并理解他人的情绪状态的倾向, 包括认知共情和情绪共情两种成分。现实生活中的共情总是发生在一定的具体情境中, 受到情境因素的影响。其中, 情境的公开性或私密性、意义性等均在不同程度上影响了共情的产生或共情反应的强烈程度。共情对象在特定情境中与共情主体之间的群际关系、人际关系等也是重要的情境因素, 共情主体对于和自己属于同一群体或拥有较亲密人际关系的他人更容易产生共情。情境对共情的影响通过自上而下和自下而上两种方式实现。有关情境对共情的影响研究虽然取得了一定的成果, 但仍然有进一步拓展的空间, 未来的研究需要在情境因素的内涵上进行深入挖掘, 从认知加工的角度对情境影响共情的机制做更为细致、微观地解析, 还可以从共情主体的视角明确个体差异如何调节了情境对共情的影响作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations between attachment‐related individual differences and the adoption of interpersonal goals for conflict in romantic relationships. Additionally, it used the truth and bias model to examine how biased and accurate people are in judging their partner's endorsement of conflict goals, as well as how attachment‐related individual differences moderate this bias and accuracy. Ninety‐four romantic couples completed a measure of attachment‐related individual differences and self ‐ and informant reports of interpersonal conflict goals. Results revealed that individuals endorsed conflict goals consistent with their attachment orientations. Furthermore, they displayed biases when estimating their partner's goals, with some of these biases relating to attachment orientations. These results suggest that attachment‐related individual differences may partially guide conflict‐related goals and partner perceptions.  相似文献   

This study addresses the implications of interpersonal communication technology use for personal relationships. Elements of an impression management model, which specifies the processes and outcomes of strategic uses of channel and message for self‐presentational goals, are tested. Respondents indicated their preference for interpersonal communication channels (telephone, answering machine, electronic mail, letters) in 4 types of episodes involving issues that either supported or threatened their own or their partner's self‐presentation. Findings supported the hypotheses predicting that individuals recognize mediated channels' capacity to manage ambiguity and clarity in interactional episodes and use those perceptions in forming their channel preferences. The constrictions of mediated channels are often seen as advantageous for interactions that could threaten positive impressions. The results support a functional perspective that views mediated communication channels as a tool for managing self‐relevant information in pursuit of self‐presentational goals.  相似文献   

The self‐expansion model posits that individuals are motivated to broaden their sense of self by acquiring new identities, developing new perspectives, enhancing capabilities, and gaining resources. The self‐expansion motivation is driven by individuals' desire to increase their potential self‐efficacy and ability to accomplish goals. In this article, we discuss two main ways individuals self‐expand – by forming relationships and including the other in the self and through engaging in novel activities that are challenging and/or interesting either on one's own or with a relationship partner. We provide an overview of recent research detailing the numerous interpersonal and intrapersonal benefits and implications of self‐expansion. Additionally, we differentiate self‐expansion from a series of potentially associated constructs.  相似文献   

In this article, we integrate recent findings on the ways power affects goal pursuit. We review literature suggesting that power has two unique effects on goal pursuit: it affects the goals individuals choose to pursue, and the ways they pursue them. In short, we maintain that power‐holders prefer goals that suit their privileged positions – reward oriented and hierarchy‐maintenance goals – as well as goals that come easily to mind because they are chronically accessible or afforded in the situation. We go on to show that powerful individuals exhibit better self‐regulation during goal striving than powerless individuals, independently of goal content. Finally, we review conditions that reverse the effects of power on goal pursuit.  相似文献   

This study used Kenny's social relations model to examine the relationship between Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder‐related impairment and interpersonal perceptions. Participants were 124 students who had previously completed the Post‐traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale as part of a larger study. After engaging in brief dyadic conversations with 3 other students, participants recorded perceptions of personality traits for themselves, their interaction partners and how they believed their partners saw them (metaperceptions). Results indicated that those with more severe post‐traumatic stress disorder‐related impairment saw themselves negatively and believed their interaction partners also viewed them negatively. However, these individuals were not seen differently by others, except that they were rated as less dependable. Our findings suggest that post‐traumatic stress disorder is associated with negative beliefs about the self that may influence self‐esteem and interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

Construal level theory proposes that viewing events and objects from a distance (whether physical or psychological) leads individuals to construe them in more abstract, higher‐level ways. At high‐level construal, individuals focus on the overall gist or bigger picture, rather than on situationally‐dependent, concrete details. What patterns then emerge in how construal level relates to interpersonal processes? We find that an individual's construal level has implications for both (a) perceptions of others and (b) social influence. Specifically, our review suggests that high‐level (relative to low‐level) construal is related to greater holistic processing of the self and others by discussing literature linking construal level to person‐perception biases such as the fundamental attribution error and correspondence bias, as well as research on how construal level relates to stereotyping and prejudice. We further review a broad array of research examining social influence relating to self‐relevant feedback, the influence of aggregate versus anecdotal information, and the impact of abstract versus concrete language. We propose future avenues for CLT research relating to person‐perception biases, romantic relationships, stereotyping and prejudice, and the strategic use of construal level in the pursuit of specific interpersonal goals.  相似文献   

Self‐interested behavior may have positive consequences for individual group‐members, but also negatively affects the outcomes of the group when group‐level and individual‐level interests are misaligned. In two studies, we examined such self‐interested, group‐undermining behavior from the perspective of regulatory focus theory. We predicted that when individual and group interests are out of alignment, individuals under promotion focus would be more likely than individuals under prevention focus to pursue individual success at the expense of their group. Two studies provided support for this prediction. Promotion oriented individuals were more willing to act in their self‐interest (at the expense of their group) than individuals under prevention focus when self‐interested goals were not compatible with cooperation. No effect of regulatory focus on group loyalty was found when cooperation formed the only viable route to individual success. We discuss how these findings extend our understanding of the role of regulatory focus in social situations and of the practice of ensuring loyalty in contexts where individual and group goals are misaligned while cooperation is an important part of group success.  相似文献   

Two types of social influence can be distinguished: norm‐based influence occurs when social identity is salient and interpersonal influence occurs when personal identity is salient. In two experiments the impact of trait and state private self‐awareness on interpersonal influence during face‐to‐face and computer‐mediated communication (CMC) was investigated. It is argued that interpersonal influence resulting from face‐to‐face communication is stronger than interpersonal influence resulting from CMC because CMC heightens state private self‐awareness. As a result, it leads to a focus on personal perceptions and thoughts which in turn reduces attitude change. Experiment 1 suggests that communication media may influence attitude change via private self‐awareness. Experiment 2 showed that trait private self‐awareness moderates the effect of communication media on interpersonal influence. Interpersonal influence was stronger in face‐to‐face communication than in CMC only for individuals higher in private self‐awareness. This finding indicates that the impact of situational variations of a concept can be limited to individuals who have a more elevated sense of private self‐awareness. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

College students responded to a series of questionnaires while they were in the process of selecting housing from a choice of seven available options for the coming fall. Questionnaires concerned their self-concepts, their housing prototypes, their preferences in housing, and their goals in housing selection. Overall analyses of the self-to-prototype matching strategy suggest that most students indeed prefer the type of housing for which their prototype of the "representative" resident most closely matches their self-perceptions. More important, we obtained individual differences in attention to self-fit in situations. Of individuals who reported that they had interpersonal goals in the housing selection task, those who reported that many personality characteristics (both positive and negative) were untrue of self were more systematic in their use of the self-to-prototype matching rule, this was also true of low self-monitors. Neither pattern of individual differences obtained for students with practical goals in the housing decision.  相似文献   

This research examined the types of eating regulation goals that women have for themselves as well as for their romantic partner, and how these relate to their interpersonal style toward their partner, and to their partner’s psychological and relational well-being. Participants were 131 heterosexual couples. Results show that the eating regulation goals that women have for their partner (health or appearance oriented) reflect the type of goals that they personally pursue. Furthermore, women who have health-focused eating goals for their partner are perceived as more autonomy-supportive, which is associated with the partner’s report of higher relationship quality. Conversely, women who have appearance-focused eating goals for their partner are more likely to be perceived as controlling, which negatively predicts the partner’s psychological and relational well-being. These results attest to the importance of considering women’s personal eating regulation goals for a better understanding of the type of goals they have for their partners and how these relate to their partners’ well-being and relationship quality.  相似文献   

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