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王震  钱鹏辉  彭坚 《心理科学进展》2020,28(8):1351-1366
不合规任务, 作为一种新型职场压力源, 近几年逐渐成为组织管理研究领域的一个前沿话题。不合规任务是指不符合人们预期工作范围、不应由自己完成或不必要执行的任务, 包括不合理任务和不必要任务。不合规任务对员工情绪、认知、动机、工作态度、工作行为、身心健康, 以及工作-家庭关系均有一定的负面影响, 影响性质和强度取决于员工的个体特征和所处的情境特征。压力-自我冒犯理论、公平理论、工作要求-资源模型、工作特征模型、情感事件理论和自我决定理论是解释不合规任务影响的主要理论。未来研究可拓展不合规任务的概念和层次、探索和整合作用机制、探讨不合规任务的权变效应、考察不合规任务的影响因素以及开展文化情境和文化导向的研究。  相似文献   

In contemporary Russia, the Orthodox Church has started to assume its traditional but long‐lost role as a guardian of morality and a source of coherent ontological foundations. At the same time, magic and alternative healing have become pervasive and conspicuously public phenomena, thriving on the new institutions of the market and the free media. The article examines the nature of ideological offensive deployed by the Russian Church against magic and healing. It suggests that the controversy between Church and magic reflects conflicting ontologies of self and incompatible constructions of agency inherent in these respective cultural fields. It argues that magic and healing are built on the Western models of agency as empowerment of an autonomous individualistic self, and explores contrasting models of agency offered by the Orthodox Christianity. In the light of this argument, seemingly premodern practices of healing and magic appear as phenomena deeply embedded in globalised modernity.  相似文献   

Job analysis is an important aspect of human resource management. This study was conceived to further our understanding of how job analysis may best be used to enhance the variety of human resource management activities that rely on it. Nine geographically dispersed organizations, carefully selected on the basis of their exemplary job analysis functions, were each visited and their job analysis functions studied for a period ranging from one to three days. These organizations represented a wide range of industries. We found that job analysis functions are typically highly centralized and part or all of these functions are often housed in a unit dealing with compensation. The idea of a fully integrated personnel system based on a comprehensive job analysis data base is not quite ready for widespread adoption. However, a multipurpose approach, designed to serve several applications, is feasible to develop. Little progress has been made in estimating the costs of job analysis functions. Rudimentary cost estimates prepared by us on anad hoc basis revealed that the annual costs for job analysis functions ranged from $150,000 to $4,000,000 with a median of$280,000.  相似文献   

Because employees often conceal their misbehavior from management, counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) can be difficult to detect. Fortunately, peer reporting – which occurs when employees report their coworkers' misdeeds to organizational authorities – may enhance the detection of CWBs. Little is known, however, about the variables that facilitate peer reporting. Using a sample of working adults (N = 267), we examined job attitudes and personality traits as moderators of the relationship between CWB observations and CWB reporting. Our results suggest that most CWBs employees observe go unreported. Furthermore, we found that organizational commitment strengthened the relationship between CWB observations and CWB reporting. The other hypothesized moderators, however, failed to yield the expected interaction effects.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that motor abilities allow us not only to execute our own actions and to predict their consequences, but also to predict others' actions and their consequences. But just how deeply are motor abilities implicated in action observation? If an observer is prevented from acting while witnessing others' actions, will this impact on their making sense of others' behavior? We recorded proactive eye movements while participants observed an actor grasping objects. The participants' hands were either freely resting on the table or tied behind their back. Proactivity of gaze behavior was dramatically impaired when participants observed others' actions with their hands tied. Since we don't literally perceive actions with our hands, the effect may be explained by the hypothesis that effective observation of action depends not only on motor abilities but on being in a position to exercise them. This suggests, for the first time, that actions are observed best when we are actually in the position to perform them.  相似文献   

我那中西合璧的三层小楼主体工程刚显出一点眉目,九九重阳节这天,二三十人在脚手架上攀援,他们都十分认真地工作着,可是山涧骤然刮过来一阵强  相似文献   

高欣 《天风》2005,(8):43-43
夏天,是人与自然拥抱交心的季节。夏日白天强烈的阳光,以生动的语言讲述着生命的意义;夜晚星空洒落下的月光,则是一幅充满朦胧诗情的爱意画卷……夏天的雨更是来得干干脆脆,说来就来,当你还来不及惊叹时,就一下子过去了。电闪雷鸣之后,滤去闷热的烦躁,梳理纷乱的思绪,呼吸带有甜味的清新空气……  相似文献   

With my body     

This my Body     

文化大革命以后,宗教卷土重来的现象,专家、学者们有非常确切的描述:"文化大革命时期,宗教几乎被扫地出门,但随着非常时期的结  相似文献   

Aimola Davies AM  White RC 《Perception》2011,40(10):1245-1247
A self-touch paradigm elicits a surprising illusion. With the participant's eyes closed, the examiner guides the participant's right index finger to administer strokes and taps to the right side of the participant's face. At the same time, the examiner strokes and taps the corresponding location on the left side of the participant's face. Although the participant administered touch to only the right side of the face, this paradigm elicited the illusion of self-touch to both sides of the face, and the illusion often implicated a third, disconnected or disembodied, hand. We propose an explanation, and draw parallels with the phenomenon of supernumerary phantom limb.  相似文献   

Neu  Jerome 《Philosophical Studies》2002,108(1-2):159-171
In response to critical discussion of my book, A Tear Is an Intellectual Thing: The Meanings of Emotion, I clarify and develop various aspects of my analysis of jealousy in particular and affectivity in general. In relation to jealousy, I explore the nature of pathology, the role of fantasy and of the rival, and the place of examples and of evolutionary theory. In relation to affectivity, I emphasize the difference between distinguishing emotions from other psychological states and distinguishing among, within and between, particular emotions (where affectivity may not be central). In addition, I emphasize the dangers of a version of G.E. Moore's error in demanding a nonreductive analysis of good in parallel demands for a nonreductive analysis of affectivity.  相似文献   

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