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On the natural selection of reasoning theories   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
P W Cheng  K J Holyoak 《Cognition》1989,33(3):285-313

Data selection and natural sampling: Probabilities do matter   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Probabilistic accounts of Wason's selection task (Oaksford & Chater, 1994, 1996) are controversial, with some researchers failing to replicate the predicted effects of probability manipulations. This paper reports a single experiment in which participants sampled the data naturally-that is, sequentially. The proportions of possible data types (i.e., cards in the selection task) also reflected the probability manipulation. Other than this procedural difference, the materials were the same as those in Oberauer, Wilhelm, and Rosas-Diaz's (1999) Experiment 3, which failed to show probabilistic effects. Significant probabilistic effects were observed. Moreover, in a comparative model-fitting exercise, a revised version of the information gain model (Hattori, 1999, 2002; Oaksford & Chater, in press-b) was shown to provide better fits to these data than did competing explanations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether color and position information are functionally equivalent when observers are asked to select simultaneously on both dimensions. Observers were asked to report a letter of a given color from a given region of a briefly flashed letter array, then to report any additional letters they could recall from the stimulus set. Of the additional letters, more location letters were reported than were same-color or neutral letters. The results suggested that position information has priority over color information in top-down-guided visual selection.  相似文献   

Experiments using two different methods and three types of stimuli tested whether stimuli at nonadjacent locations could be selected simultaneously. In one set of experiments, subjects attended to red digits presented in multiple frames with green digits. Accuracy was no better when red digits appeared successively than when pairs of red digits occurred simultaneously, implying allocation of attention to the two locations simultaneously. Different tasks involving oriented grating stimuli produced the same result. The final experiment demonstrated split attention with an array of spatial probes. When the probe at one of two target locations was correctly reported, the probe at the other target location was more often reported correctly than were any of the probes at distractor locations, including those between the targets. Together, these experiments provide strong converging evidence that when two targets are easily discriminated from distractors by a basic property, spatial attention can be split across both locations.  相似文献   

Experiments using two different methods and three types of stimuli tested whether stimuli at non-adjacent locations could be selected simultaneously. In one set of experiments, subjects attended to red digits presented in multiple frames with green digits. Accuracy was no better when red digits appeared successively than when pairs of red digits occurred simultaneously, implying allocation of attention to the two locations simultaneously. Different tasks involving oriented grating stimuli produced the same result. The final experiment demonstrated split attention with an array of spatial probes. When the probe at one of two target locations was correctly reported, the probe at the other target location was more often reported correctly than were any of the probes at distractor locations, including those between the targets. Together, these experiments provide strong converging evidence that when two targets are easily discriminated from distractors by a basic property, spatial attention can be split across both locations.  相似文献   

Matching bias occurs when people ignore negations when testing a hypothesis--for example, if A, then not 2--and select possible data types that are named in the hypothesis (i.e., A and 2; Evans & Lynch, 1973). There are two explanations of this bias: the heuristic account and the contrast class account. The latter is part of Oaksford and Chater's (1994) ecological approach to data selection. On this account, a contrast set (i.e., birds that are not ravens) has a higher probability than the original set (i.e., birds that are ravens). This article reports two experiments in which these accounts make divergent predictions. The same materials were used as those in Yama (2001), who found more support for the heuristic approach. Experiment 1 replicated Yama with Western participants. Experiment 2 used a procedure introduced by Oaksford and Wakefield (2003). Rather than present participants with one of each of the four possible data types all at once, 50 were presented one at a time. The proportions of each data type reflected the relevant probabilities. The results supported the ecological approach, showing that people constructed contrast sets that strongly influenced their data selection behavior. The results were not consistent with the heuristic approach.  相似文献   

The exact condition for discardingk items from a test in order to obtain a residual test with higher validity is derived. A proof that validity always increases is given for the casek=1. The lack of uniqueness of maximum validity when achieved by use of the condition is discussed. With the use of additional restrictions on items to be included in the initial test, a practical test construction procedure which has several advantages over previous methods is developed. The homogeneity of tests constructed by the method is discussed, and applications are given.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we used rapid serial visual presentation tasks to examine the usefulness of color for the direct selection of visual information for perceptual encoding. The participants' task was to make a discrimination as to whether a target letter within a rapid sequence appeared in its upper- or lowercase version, and an advance cue indicated the color in which the target letter was most likely to occur. To maximize the usefulness of the cued color, in validly cued trials, we used sequences in which the target was the only item appearing in the cued color. In both experiments, accuracy was highest for validly cued trials. A cost-benefit analysis revealed a facilitory effect of valid cues and an inhibitory effect of invalid ones. These results support the idea that color cuing allows the direct selection of objects for further perceptual processing.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of older adults to select local and global stimuli varying in perceptual saliency—a task requiring nonspatial visual selection. Participants were asked to identify in separate blocks a target at either the global or the local level of a hierarchical stimulus, while the saliency of each level was varied (across different conditions, either the local or the global form was the more salient and relatively easier to identify). Older adults were less efficient than young adults in ignoring distractors that were higher in saliency than were targets, and this occurred across both the global and local levels of form. The increased effects of distractor saliency on older adults occurred even when the effects were scaled by overall differences in task performance. The data provide evidence for an age-related decline in nonspatial attentional selection of low-salient hierarchical stimuli, not determined by the (global or local) level at which selection was required. We discuss the implications of these results for understanding both the interaction between saliency and hierarchical processing and the effects of aging on nonspatial visual attention.  相似文献   

In line with ideomotor theory, numerous response–effect compatibility (REC) studies have revealed evidence that action effects are anticipated prior to action initiation, as indicated by an REC effect: For example, a response is given faster when its effect occurs on the same rather than on the opposite side. So far, REC studies have only investigated immediate effects—that is, effects occurring immediately after the response is given. However, it may be argued that in everyday life many actions cause effects that do not occur immediately. Additionally, because actions can have more than one effect, desired effects occurring in the future may only be arrived at if fundamental effects are achieved first. In the present study, we investigated whether temporally more distal effects are anticipated in order to initiate actions, and how multiple, serially occurring effects are represented. To this end, a spatial REC paradigm was extended in such a way that a first, immediate effect (i.e., immediately following the response; E1) was followed 500 ms later by another visual effect (E2). An REC effect was only observed for the temporally more distal E2, and this result suggests that temporally more distal effects can also be anticipated during action selection.  相似文献   

It has been shown that, when observing an action, infants can rely on either outcome selection information (i.e., actions that express a choice between potential outcomes) or means selection information (i.e., actions that are causally efficient toward the outcome) in their goal attribution. However, no research has investigated the relationship between these two types of information when they are present simultaneously. In an experiment that addressed this question directly, we found that when outcome selection information could disambiguate the goal of the action (e.g., the action is directed toward one of two potential targets), but means selection information could not (i.e., the action is not efficiently adjusted to the situational constraints), 7- and 9-month-old infants did not attribute a goal to an observed action. This finding suggests that means selection information takes primacy over outcome selection information. The early presence of this bias sheds light on the nature of the notion of goal in action understanding.  相似文献   

This article reviews etiological and comparative evidence supporting the hypothesis that some genes associated with the autism spectrum were naturally selected and represent the adaptive benefits of being cognitively suited for solitary foraging. People on the autism spectrum are conceptualized here as ecologically competent individuals that could have been adept at learning and implementing hunting and gathering skills in the ancestral environment. Upon independence from their mothers, individuals on the autism spectrum may have been psychologically predisposed toward a different life-history strategy, common among mammals and even some primates, to hunt and gather primarily on their own. Many of the behavioral and cognitive tendencies that autistic individuals exhibit are viewed here as adaptations that would have complemented a solitary lifestyle. For example, the obsessive, repetitive and systemizing tendencies in autism, which can be mistakenly applied toward activities such as block stacking today, may have been focused by hunger and thirst toward successful food procurement in the ancestral past. Both solitary mammals and autistic individuals are low on measures of gregariousness, socialization, direct gazing, eye contact, facial expression, facial recognition, emotional engagement, affiliative need and other social behaviors. The evolution of the neurological tendencies in solitary species that predispose them toward being introverted and reclusive may hold important clues for the evolution of the autism spectrum and the natural selection of autism genes. Solitary animals are thought to eschew unnecessary social contact as part of a foraging strategy often due to scarcity and wide dispersal of food in their native environments. It is thought that the human ancestral environment was often nutritionally sparse as well, and this may have driven human parties to periodically disband. Inconsistencies in group size must have led to inconsistencies in the manner in which natural selection fashioned the social minds of humans, which in turn may well be responsible for the large variation in social abilities seen in human populations. This article emphasizes that individuals on the autism spectrum may have only been partially solitary, that natural selection may have only favored subclinical autistic traits and that the most severe cases of autism may be due to assortative mating.  相似文献   

We studied the capacity of seven Alsatian dogs to use a short cut in experiments carried out in a large (3-ha) meadow. The animals' task was to find meat hidden at two points (A and B) when released from a third (D). The dogs had each been taken previously on a lead to the two baited points by a different path that led indirectly from A to B via D (line segment AD = 24 m; DB = 40 m). The experiment was carried out in two different fields, one nearly homogeneous (covered mainly in thyme), and the other heterogeneous, containing visual features such as bushes, puddles and trails. In 96% of the 224 trials, the animals took a reasonably good short cut between the baited points rather than return to the start. The animals took the shortest possible path—a straight line directly from A to B—more frequently in the homogeneous than in the heterogeneous field. In the heterogeneous field, the animals had a greater tendency to use an “inside short cut”, heading for a point that intersected the path from the start to the second baited point rather than going directly to the point or returning to the start. The trials in which the shortest path was taken suggest that dogs are capable of evaluating along a continuum the direction of an invisible goal by integrating motor and sensory cues obtained during an early but indirect visit to the same goal. Some hypotheses are presented concerning the use of the inside short cut in this experiment, especially in an heterogeneous field.  相似文献   

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