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情绪调节自我效能感:一个新的研究主题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
情绪调节自我效能感是个体对能否有效调节自身情绪状态的一种自信程度,它会直接或间接影响各种社会心理功能。目前,已经就情绪调节自我效能感与主观幸福感、抑郁、压力应对等方面开展了相应的实证研究,结果表明情绪调节自我效能感与心理健康关系密切。此外,有研究表明,在不同文化中,情绪调节自我效能感在结构上略有差异,在功能上相似。情绪调节自我效能感作为一个新的研究领域具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

情绪冲突:一个新的研究主题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
情绪冲突是心理学中一个新的研究主题,相关研究主要源自认知冲突的研究。本文分三部分对情绪冲突进行了介绍,包括:(1)情绪冲突的溯源,概括介绍了认知冲突领域的研究情况;(2)与情绪冲突有关的行为研究,包括采用情绪Stroop范式、词-面孔Stroop范式、情绪启动范式和情绪Flanker范式等进行的研究;(3)情绪冲突的脑成像研究,主要包括情绪冲突的检测和解决的脑机制。未来的研究,需要广泛借鉴认知冲突的研究范式,对情绪冲突发生的条件、影响因素、动态变化及相应的神经机制进行深入研究,并结合对情绪障碍(如抑郁症和焦虑症)患者的考察,将基础研究转化为实际应用  相似文献   

邓欣媚  王瑞安  桑标 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1345-1352
本研究使用追踪法考察情绪调节的发展及与其影响因素之间的关系,并对不同情绪调节策略在个体发展过程中的适应性进行探讨。对569位来自于上海地区的初中预备班和八年级学生进行测查,并于10个月之后进行第二次测查。 研究发现,随着个体的发展,其正性情绪体验逐渐减少,各种情绪调节态度的强烈程度均下降,情绪增强调节的使用呈递减趋势;情绪体验、情绪能力、情绪调节态度三者的变化在一定程度上能够预测情绪调节发展;在测试阶段一较多使用情绪减弱调节的青少年,在日后的发展过程中情绪能力提高的幅度较大且体验到更多正性情绪,说明了该策略在个体发展过程中具有更高的适应价值。  相似文献   

张金璐  吴莹莹  杨晓虹  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1413-1425
读者在阅读理解的过程中, 能够推断出故事主角的情绪状态, 并能随着语篇中的情绪变化做出情绪更新。在加工情绪信息的同时, 读者也加工语篇结构方面的信息, 二者皆有可能随着语篇的展开而发生变化。本研究采用自定步速阅读的方法, 分别在外显和内隐两种情绪加工任务下, 考察话题结构对语篇情绪更新的影响。结果发现, 在实验1的外显情绪判断任务下, 话题结构未显示出对语篇情绪更新的作用; 在实验2和实验3的内隐情绪理解任务下, 话题延续时, 情绪转换句的阅读时间长于情绪延续句, 此时情绪更新需要额外的加工时间; 而话题转换时, 二者没有显著差异, 说明此时读者在新结构下建立当前句的情绪表征, 并不受到先前情绪的影响。  相似文献   

在阅读理解的过程中,读者能够自动对语篇中的情绪进行推断。本研究采用自定步速阅读的方法,分别在外显和内隐两种情绪加工的任务下,考察话题结构对语篇情绪累加的影响。结果发现,在实验一的外显情绪判断任务下,话题结构未显示出对语篇情绪累加的明显作用;在实验二的内隐情绪理解任务下,当话题延续时,读者对有两个情绪线索的语篇的阅读时间短于仅有一个情绪线索的语篇,此时情绪的累加促进了当前句的加工,而话题转换时,二者没有显著差异,说明此时读者在新结构下建立当前句的情绪表征,并不在先前情绪的基础上进行累加。  相似文献   

郭晶晶  吕锦程 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1296-1301
本研究通过两个实验考察了语言标识对个体情绪体验的调节作用。实验一探讨了中性标识对不同类型的情绪体验的影响,结果发现与韩文字符标识相比,中性双字词标识时被试对负性图片的消极情绪体验强度显著降低。实验二进一步探讨了不同情绪色彩的词语的标识效应,结果发现与中性标识相比,负性或正性标识时被试对负性图片的消极情绪体验程度更低。结果表明了语言标识对负性情绪体验具有显著的调节作用,并且标识效应的产生依赖于词汇语义信息的通达。  相似文献   

I argue that while the feeling of bodily responses is not necessary to emotion, these feelings contribute significant meaningful content to everyday emotional experience. Emotional bodily feelings represent a ‘state of self’, analysed as a sense of one's body affording certain patterns of interaction with the environment. Recognising that there are two sources of intentional content in everyday emotional experience allows us to reconcile the diverging intuitions that people have about emotional states, and to understand better the long‐standing debate between bodily feeling‐based and appraisal‐based theories of emotion.  相似文献   

Studies in Philosophy and Education -  相似文献   

This article evaluates Harold Kushner's original and reconstructed perspectives on God and the theodicic problem on the basis of research on the near-death experience (NDE) and related phenomena. In response to a personal tragedy, Kushner reconstructed his thinking about God and tragedy from his original Causation-Power perspective to an Inspiration-Love perspective. The Causation-Power perspective posits that God causes human events and that tragic events do not actually contradict God's purpose or will, although tragic events may result from the human freedom to disobey God and suffer punitive consequences. In the Inspiration-Love perspective, human freedom expands to mean that God does not cause all events: God does not cause tragedy, suffers with the sufferer, and can intervene against tragic events only by inspiring people to cope with tragedy and care for others. Although the research findings are consistent with Kushner's emphasis on love and inspiration, the theme of divine power and purpose is also evident. Hence, Kushner should not have rejected entirely his early (Causation-Power) perspective. Identified in the research are forms of inspiration that Kushner did not take into account in his reconstructed (Inspiration-Love) view. The Causation-Power and Inspiration-Love perspectives seem incompatible and neither alone solves the theodicic problem. Nonetheless, they do complement one another; a resolution would permit an integrative understanding of God and tragedy.  相似文献   

The near-death experience (NDE) has been studied extensively from two conflicting perspectives: that the NDE is a glimpse into an after-death state and that it is the result of a dying brain. Of late a third perspective has emerged, that of NDEs being culturally determined. I propose an integrated model in which all three perspectives are viewed with equal weight.  相似文献   

Conway  Michael 《Sex roles》2000,43(9-10):687-698
The hypothesis was that individuals higher in femininity and lower in masculinity would evidence more complex representations of the emotions they and others might experience in a range of evocative situations. Participants initially completed the short form of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI-SF; S. Bem L. 1981). Approximately 2 months later, they completed an abridged Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS; R. D. Lane, D. M. Quinlan, G. E. Schwartz, P. A. Walker, & S. B. Zeitlin, 1990), which consists of describing, in an open-ended format, the emotional reactions another and oneself may experience in various scenes. Responses to the LEAS are scored for degree of complexity. As expected, higher masculinity was associated with lower complexity in representations of one's own and others' emotions. However, no relation was found between femininity and complexity of representation.  相似文献   

As we proceed through our professional lives, it is essential that we challengeourselves in order to continue to develop our genetic counseling skills. Conferences, workshops,post-graduate courses, journal clubs, and involvement in professional organizations havebecome the traditional methods of continuing education for post-graduate geneticcounselors. While these forums address the need to stay updated on scientific orinformation-based topics, there is little available to counselors to promote growth incounseling skills. A group of Boston-based genetic counselors describe how their leader-ledsupervision group has established a setting to meet the needs of its members both forsupport and continued counseling training. We outline here the evolution of this group andhow it has become a valued part of our professional lives. We feel that the model of leader-ledpeer supervision holds great value in helping genetic counselors continue to enhancetheir interpersonal skills in a supportive, safe, and challenging environment. It is our hopethat others will elect to form similar groups in their own communities, thereby creating newopportunities for growth within the genetic counseling profession.  相似文献   

It has long been thought that increases in blood pressure in response to stress are associated with emotional responses to stress. The health implications of such an association are clear; excessive emotional reactivity leads to excessive cardiovascular reactivity (CVR), which is associated with cardiovascular disease. However, the data do not support a strong association between CVR and emotional responses to acute stress. This lack of support has lead to research that interprets CVR to stress in at least three different ways: (1) as a potential contributor to disease development, (2) as an index of active coping, or (3) as a multidimensional construct that is affected by cognitive appraisals of a situation. In this article, we review these separate perspectives on CVR and suggest that a multidimensional perspective of CVR and emotional responding to stress may help integrate the CVR – health, effort, and appraisal points of view.  相似文献   

学生对教师管教信息的认知、情绪体验和行为倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈俊  张积家 《心理科学》2004,27(2):344-346
本文研究学生在接收到教师的不同管教信息时对教师情绪的认知以及自己的情绪反应和行为倾向。对597名中小学生的实验研究结果显示,教师采用“诱导教诲”、“困扰担忧”的管教信息最能引起学生的积极反应.而“愤怒批评”的管教信息易引起学生的消极反应。研究还发现.小学生和中学生的反应存在差异.而性别之间存在一定差异。对性质不同的行为问题加以管教引起学生的反应差异非常显著。  相似文献   

宗教体验是人在宗教活动中的心态或体悟及伴随的情感体验,有强烈的情感特征。为了探讨宗教体验的情绪变化特征及其与生理活动的相关性,本研究用自编图片诱发情绪,以情绪调查表记录诱发情绪前后18名基督徒和非基督徒大学生的情绪主观体验变化,同时采用多导生理仪记录了其自主神经生理指标和脑电波。结果表明,基督徒与非基督徒的主观体验差异显著,并在C3C4电极所记录的脑区表现出θ波能量差异。总体上,基督教的宗教体验与普通的情绪体验不同,基督徒更多的是正性情绪体验。  相似文献   

该研究以认知负荷为调节,探讨了不同的情绪体验对工作记忆的影响情况。采用2(认知负荷:低负荷;高负荷)×3(情绪刺激图片:愉快、厌恶、中性)两因素混合实验设计,对57名被试进行了单独实验。结果发现:(1)在低认知负荷上,被试在不同情绪体验下的反应时差异不显著,但在高认知负荷任务上,与中性情绪体验相比,被试在愉快情绪体验下的反应时显著增长,而在厌恶情绪体验下的反应时显著变短;(2)在低认知负荷上,被试在不同情绪体验下的正确率差异不显著,但在高认知负荷任务上,与中性情绪体验相比,被试在愉快情绪体验下的正确率显著提高,而在厌恶情绪体验下的正确率显著降低。该结果表明,在低认知负荷上,情绪体验对工作记忆的刷新功能不产生影响;在高认知负荷上,情绪体验对工作记忆的刷新功能影响显著,其中愉快体验具有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

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