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This study evaluated the characteristics of emergent leaders of problem-solving groups with use of semantic differential scales. Subjects were 64 American university undergraduates. Each subject rated all subjects in his group, self included, at each of five sessions. Persons selected as leaders were found by a Q factor analytic technique to cluster on the basis of the following common characteristics: higher than nonleaders in giving directions, formulating goals, and being self-assured; lower than nonleaders in being more quarrelsome and less sensible.

The qualities characteristic of emergent leaders are assigned to them early, remain relatively consistent, and seem independent of personality characteristics. Whether they can be taught to participants who will subsequently be perceived as leaders is currently under investigation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present studies was to examine a possible relationship between anxiety and conspiracy thinking about ethnic and national groups. Two hundred university student volunteers participated in 3 studies. Study One (N?=?87; mixed male and female sample) found that state-anxiety and trait-anxiety, measured with the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), were positively correlated with conspiracy thinking about Jewish people, Germans and Arabs. Study Two (N?=?46; male sample) and Study Three (N?=?67; female sample) were designed to check whether a high-anxiety situation (connected with waiting for an examination) would increase conspiracy thinking. Findings from Studies Two and Three showed that the pre-exam (high-anxiety) situation increased conspiracy thinking about Jewish people. This effect was not mediated by state-anxiety. Hence, further research should focus on searching for possible mediators of the relationship between a pre-exam situation and conspiracy thinking. The obtained results are consistent with previous findings showing that conspiracy thinking about Jewish people is sensitive to situational factors and with findings on links between anxiety and processing information about threat-related stimuli.  相似文献   

Wolfhart Pannenberg 《Zygon》2002,37(3):759-762
The concept of miracle has often been regarded as irreconcilable with the concept of natural law. But this contradiction applies only to an understanding of a miracle as a break of natural law. Such a violation would destroy the assertion of natural law, because its universal claim does not permit exceptions. However, the idea of miracle need not be conceived in this way, though it has often been done since medieval times. Augustine thought of miracles simply as unusual events that contradict our accustomed views of the course of nature but not nature itself. According to that definition of miracle, no contradiction of natural laws need be assumed. It is sufficient to regard unusual occurrences as "signs" of God's special activity in creation.  相似文献   

Suppose a police car gives chase to some violent criminals, putting innocent bystanders at risk. The criminals have not threatened the police in any way; so we would not normally say that the police have been coerced into chasing. Nor are the police merely responding to natural circumstances, so they are not acting under necessity, in the usual sense. The case is different from one in which an ambulance speeds to hospital, putting innocent bystanders at risk, because the reason for the police speeding has to do with the unreasonable behaviour of others. Yet that unreasonable behaviour does not constitute threatening behaviour. How then should we describe what happened?  相似文献   

It is widely held that whenever someone φs, that person tries to do φ. I examine arguments by B. O'Shaughnessy and J. Hornsby, and considerations by P. Grice in support of that thesis. I argue that none of them are convincing. The remainder of the paper defends an analysis of the concept of trying along the lines opposed by Grice et al. By speaking of someone's trying to φ the speaker leaves the room for failure or the possibility of failure. This account of the function of the word 'try' makes it clear what is wrong with the claim that whenever someone φs, that person tries to do φ. For that claim amounts to saying that every action is either a failure or a possible failure – which clearly one can't say of any action that one has already acknowledged to be successful. Furthermore, whether an action is possibly a failure depends on how much one knows about it. Hence the question whether in itself an action does or does not involve trying is as misguided as the question whether it's intrinsically unexpected. It may be correct for some to describe it as 'an attempt to φ', but incorrect for others.  相似文献   

真的概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弗雷格的语义学蕴涵了两个不可调和的推论:其一认为语句的意义先于命题,命题先于真,这种观点发展成为最少量论;其二认为真先于命题,因而也先于语句的意义,这种观点发展成为成真条件论.结合维特根斯坦的意义即用法的观点,得出的结论是:意义理论的核心概念并不是真,而是一个陈述得到证明的观念,意义理论并不必须采取成真条件论的形式.作为最少量论和成真条件论共同基础的奎因式语义转换原则是包含矛盾的.结合了语义转换原则和塔斯基真的定义的最少量论者必定排除戴维森式成真条件论.  相似文献   

Čulina  Boris 《Synthese》2001,126(1-2):339-360

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the hypothesis that perceptions of self-efficacy influence, in various ways, behavior in escalation situations. Self-efficacy beliefs for finding oil were measured for 527 petroleum geologists as they decided, at increasing levels of negative feedback in the form of dry wells, whether to persist with an unproductive venture in petroleum exploration. Experiment 1 employed a within-subject design and found a significant main effect of both negative feedback and initial self-efficacy. Differences in intentions to escalate between low and high self-efficacy individuals were apparent at all levels of negative feedback. No moderating effect of self-efficacy, however, was discernible. Experiment 2 employed a between-subjects design and multiple regression analysis. Like Experiment 1, Experiment 2 revealed a significant main effect of negative feedback and initial self-efficacy. Post-feedback self-efficacy was found to mediate the effects of negative feedback on the escalation tendency. Implications of these results for the self-efficacy and escalation literatures are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine whether certain strategic situations (profit vs. survival situations) cause managers to act more ethically or less ethically. Results from multivariate repeated measures tests suggest that managers will vary their level of ethical response when faced with a situation in which the organization's survival is at stake.  相似文献   

This study explored the important mediating role of personal religious variables and God concept in the use of religious coping in threat, loss, and challenge situations. One hundred and twenty-nine undergraduates completed questionnaires which included a God concept adjective checklist (Schaefer and Gorsuch 1992), a stressor scenario (Bjorck and Cohen 1993), and a measure of religious coping adapted from the BAV model (Gorsuch 1988). Results suggest that personal variables such as God concept and perception of others' beliefs played important mediating roles in religious coping in stressor situations. The relationship between coping style and stressor scenario was not entirely state-dependent, but influenced by personal variables. Strong relationships existed among God concept, the importance individuals placed on their religious and spiritual lives, and participation in religious activities.  相似文献   

The Role of Risk in Making Decisions under Escalation Situations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cet article décrit deux recherches portant sur la relation entre l'intensification de l'implication et trois variables liées au risque: la propension au risque, la perception du risque et l'attente du résultat. L'analyse des données montra (a) que l'intensification de l'implication était en relation négative avec la perception du risque et en relation positive avec la propension au risque et l'attente du résultat; (b) que la perception du risque médiatisait partiellement les effets de la propension au risque et que l'attente du résultat médiatisait les effets de la perception du risque. Ces observations sont dans l'ensemble cohérentes avec schéma théorique proposé par Sitkin et Pablo (1992). On discute des conséquences de cette recherche pour le comportement de prise de risque, l'intensification de l'implication et la pratique.
This paper reports on two studies examining the relationship between escalation of commitment and three risk-related variables—risk propensity, risk perception, and outcome expectancy. Results showed that (a) risk propensity and outcome expectancy were positively related to escalation of commitment, whereas risk perception was negatively related to escalation of commitment; (b) risk perception partially mediated the effects of risk propensity, and outcome expectancy mediated the effects of risk perception. These findings are generally consistent with the conceptual framework proposed by Sitkin and Pablo (1992 ). Implications for risk-taking behavior, escalation of commitment, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

为探究儿童在不同利益对比情境以及与己利益无关情境中的公平行为,研究呈现了自我任务的劣势博弈、优势博弈、冲突博弈以及第三方任务博弈四种分配情境。自我任务中儿童需要为自己与另一名匿名儿童迫选方案,第三方任务中则需为两名匿名儿童迫选方案。结果发现:(1)劣势博弈中所有年龄组均倾向于选择公平方案,而非劣势方案;(2)优势博弈中,8岁、10岁组选择公平方案的人显著多于优势方案,而4岁、6岁组均无显著差异;(3)冲突博弈中,4岁、6岁组选择优势方案的人显著多于劣势方案,而8岁、10岁组均无显著差异;(4)第三方博弈中, 8岁、10岁组选择公平方案的人显著多于不公平方案,而4岁、6岁组均无显著差异。这表明,4岁~6岁儿童尚未真正获得公平观念,且以获得个人利益为主;而8岁是真正获得公平观念的转折年龄,8~10岁儿童对人对己均坚持公平原则,且表现出利他倾向。  相似文献   

突发性危机引起的心理问题及应对   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
人类社会在发展过程中总是难以避免突发性危机,研究突发性危机的类型及其对人们心理的影响,分析危机时常见的心理问题及其产生的心理机制,进而实施危机干预与调适,对促进我国全面建设小康社会的进程顺利而稳定地发展,有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

职业选拔情境下人格测验作假研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在职业选拔情境下被试很容易对人格测验作假,从而制约了人格测验在企业中的应用。许多研究者在努力解决作假问题,分别就应聘者是否会作假,作假给人格测验带来的负面影响、应聘者如何作假以及如果应对作假等问题进行了深入的探讨。经过几十年的发展,该研究领域已经形成了包括实验诱导设计、已知群体设计和量表设计等几种特定的研究范式。研究结果显示,大多数应聘者会作假,但其负面影响并不严重;作假不同于社会称许性反应,它是一种工作称许性反应。目前的几种应对作假的方法尚存在一些问题,其有效性有待提高。总之,人格测验的作假作用明显,其研究难度较大,有待革新性理论和方法的出现  相似文献   

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