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It is argued that Lazarus' construct of cognitive appraisal in life stress might usefully be related to Ellis' ABC model. To test the hypothesized role of cognitive appraisal in Lazarus' model of life stress, 240 male and female undergraduate students completed the Hassles Scale and the Irrational Beliefs Test (IBT). Based upon their scores on the IBT, subjects displaying high irrational beliefs differed significantly from subjects displaying low irrational beliefs in reported hassles frequency (higher for high irrational belief subjects) and reported hassles intensity (greater for high irrational belief subjects). Results are interpreted specifically as supportive of the cognitive appraisal construct in Lazarus' life stress model and generally as quite consistent with RET theory. An attempt is made to relate the cognitive appraisal construct to the ABC model in RET theory.Susan Mills Harran is a graduate of the M.S. Psychology program at Villanova University and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology at Hahneman University.Daniel J. Ziegler is Professor of Psychology, former Chair of the Psychology Department, and current Dean of the Graduate School at Villanova University.  相似文献   

Relations of daily hassles with both anxious and depressed mood in students   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Stressful life experiences have been related to emotional distress, but whether different classes of stressful events are associated with different emotional reactions has not been assessed. In this study, 34 college students completed the Inventory of College Students' Recent Life Experiences, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory. Consistent with previous research, most classes of daily hassles were significantly related to both depression and anxiety. The nonsignificant difference for one class of life experience, Friendship Problems, to be more strongly associated with anxiety than depression should be studied carefully.  相似文献   

The present study examined the cheating behavior in competitive and noncompetitive situations of 40 college students classified as Type A (16 women, 24 men) and 40 as Type B (19 women, 21 men). Type A-scoring students were more likely to cheat than Type B-scoring students irrespective of competition. The results suggest that in some situations, especially where expectations for success cannot be met, Type A-scoring students may cheat to achieve success.  相似文献   

Food behavior of college students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A A Hertzler  R B Frary 《Adolescence》1989,24(94):349-356
Two hundred twelve undergraduate college students were surveyed near the completion of an introductory nutrition course to identify their patterns of food usage, changes in food habits, and previous nutrition background. Fifty percent increased their use of milk and milk products and 40% their use of vegetables; 50% decreased fat and sugar and one-third decreased salt and calories. About half the class used nutrient supplements before the course started as well as at the time of the survey. Although about half of the students had received some preocollege nutrition information, this factor had no relationship to eating habits. Cluster analysis indicated that students cannot be stereotyped extensively on the basis of dietary behaviors.  相似文献   

The study separated acculturation-specific daily hassles (outgroup and ingroup) and non-specific hassles (general and family) in their contribution to distress (depression and physical symptoms). In contrast to earlier work, generic measures of acculturation-specific hassles were developed, without reference to the respondent's specific ethnic group. University students indicated their ethnic/ cultural origins, their place of birth, and the place of birth of both parents. On this basis, eighty-three females and thirteen males were assigned to the immigrant, minority status group. Fifty females and seven males were assigned to the immigrant, non-minority group, and forty-two females and eleven males to the nonimmigrant/non-minority status group. The immigrant/minority status group reported more outgroup hassles compared to the immigrant/non-minority group. In hierarchical multiple regression analyses, the contribution of general hassles and family hassles to the prediction of depression and physical symptoms depended on the group's immigrant/minority status. In controlling for psychological adjustment, general hassles continued to predict depression only for the immigrant/minority status group. Various aspects of the results and their implications were considered.  相似文献   

The study separated acculturation-specific daily hassles (outgroup and ingroup) and non-specific hassles (general and family) in their contribution to distress (depression and physical symptoms). In contrast to earlier work, generic measures of acculturation-specific hassles were developed, without reference to the respondent's specific ethnic group. University students indicated their ethnic/ cultural origins, their place of birth, and the place of birth of both parents. On this basis, eighty-three females and thirteen males were assigned to the immigrant, minority status group. Fifty females and seven males were assigned to the immigrant, non-minority group, and forty-two females and eleven males to the nonimmigrant/non-minority status group. The immigrant/minority status group reported more outgroup hassles compared to the immigrant/non-minority group. In hierarchical multiple regression analyses, the contribution of general hassles and family hassles to the prediction of depression and physical symptoms depended on the group's immigrant/minority status. In controlling for psychological adjustment, general hassles continued to predict depression only for the immigrant/minority status group. Various aspects of the results and their implications were considered.  相似文献   

This study represents the first empirical test of Friedman and Ulmer's (1984. Treating Type A behavior and your heart. New York: Fawcett) clinical observation that deficits in the capacity to reminisce about pleasant past events are among the most pervasive and dysfunctional correlates of Type A behavior. Type A (N = 79) and B (N = 109) college undergraduates completed a questionnaire assessing the frequency, content, style, and consequences of their reminiscence about positive past experiences. Findings supported two hypotheses: relative to Type Bs, Type As were less likely to report that they consciously look back on positive events after these events are over in order to store details for later recall, and were more likely to report that they typically reminisce about past achievements. Contradicting Friedman and Ulmer's observations, however, there were no significant A/B differences in the reported frequency, style, or consequences of recalling positive memories. The findings are discussed in terms of components of Type A behavior, such as competitive achievement-striving and self-esteem enhancement, that may make Type As (a) less likely to store, but not to recall, positive memories and (b) particularly likely to reminisce about personal accomplishments. Plausible reasons for the relative lack of support for Friedman and Ulmer's hypotheses are discussed in the context of directions for future research.  相似文献   

Substantial inconsistency can be noted among studies that have considered the relationship between Type A status and subsequent cardiac pathology. This erratic prediction pattern could be partially explained by the failure to consider level of stress in Type As, because only Type As that experience excessive and sustained stress should be at special risk. A stress-vulnerability model for young Type A college students was proposed involving selected Type A characteristics and other personality moderator variables serving to elicit, augment, and sustain stress. We considered self-preoccupation as a stress moderator in Type A college males and found evidence that it serves this function. Self-preoccupied Type As reported excessive stress over the previous year, whereas less self-centered Type As did not. Self-preoccupation was of no importance in moderating stress in Type Bs.  相似文献   

Black and White American college students were compared to determine how daily hassles, coping strategies, and social support related to depression. Although the mean intensity of hassles did not differ, Black students reported a higher frequency of hassles. Cumulative severity of hassles, defined in terms of both intensity and frequency was therefore higher for Black students. White students perceived more support from friends than from family, but the opposite held for Black students. Mean scores on type of coping (active problem solving, seeking social support, or avoidance) were similar, as were the reported levels of depression. Hierarchical multiple regression showed that the severity of hassles was directly related to depression for both groups. Race did not interact with any index of social support, except perceived family support, which was related to lower depression among Black students. There was no support for the notion that social support serves as a buffer against depression.  相似文献   

A first study of the Leisure Interests Checklist (LIC) is reported based on a large (N = 670) normative sample of college students. Acceptable reliability was found on the total interest scores, and on both rationally- and factorially-derived LIC subscales. The BAROMAS stress scales were also studied concurrently with the same college students, and normative data are provided from that sample. Interest in very active diversions and Sports on the LIC did correlate with confidence in doing sports on the BAROMAS. Otherwise, the two instruments showed little overlap. Comparisons between ethnic and gender groupings mainly agreed with advance expectations by disclosing culturally conventional differences in response patterns. The LIC appears promising for future use in both applied and research contexts.  相似文献   

Research conducted primarily in the United States suggests that the combination of Type A behaviour, high instrumentality, and low expressiveness may place individuals at relatively high risk for coronary-artery and heart disease. The present research investigates the trans-societal generalizability of the structure, reliability, relationships among, and distributional characteristics of these measures for 117 college students in Athens, Greece. As hypothesized, the Greek students were significantly less instrumental and less expressive than the American students, and scored significantly higher on the measure of Type A. Although there were significant mean differences between these samples, the results suggest that many of the interscale relationships are comparable, supporting an etic (universal) interpretation of the findings. Nevertheless, the results suggested several emic (unique) characteristics of these measures and their interrelationships.  相似文献   

Paul J. Poppen 《Sex roles》1995,32(7-8):545-555
The role that gender plays in influencing the prevalence and patterns of sexual risk taking was examined in 245 college students from two samples (about 60% of whom were White, 20% Asian, 10% Black, and 6% Hispanic). The sexual experiences of these students were analyzed for potential risk associated with type of partners or sexual practices. Consistent with previous findings, males engaged in more risk taking behaviors relevant to partner choice (e.g., more partners and more casual knowledge of partners) and sexual practices (e.g., lower levels of contraceptive use) than females. Gender differences in patterns of risk taking were also found: For females, potentially risky behavior in the partner domain was negatively related to risky behavior in the sexual practice domain, whereas for males, the domains were positively related. The results suggested that males engaged in greater risk taking across many domains, while females compensate for risk in one domain by lower risk in another.  相似文献   

The interrelationship of sets of father and daughter factors in explaining depressive mood in normal female adolescents was examined. Separate questionnaires were given to 403 college students and their fathers. A mediational model was found, in which two sets of paternal variables were related to the daughter personality set, which in turn was related to her depressive mood. In addition, protective personality attributes of the daughter served both to offset the impact of paternal risk factors and to further strengthen paternal protective factors to reduce frequency of depressive mood. Comparisons are made with an earlier study of sons' depressive mood (Brook, Brook, Whiteman, & Gordon, 1983).  相似文献   

Although some research has linked emotional intelligence (EI) and psychological health, little research has examined EI's ability to predict health outcomes after controlling for related constructs, or EI's ability to moderate the stressor–strain relationship. The present study explored the relationships among EI (as assessed by a trait‐based measure, the EQ‐i), Big Five personality factors, Type A Behaviour Pattern (TABP), daily hassles, and psychological health/strain factors (in terms of perceived well‐being, strain, and three components of burnout). The EQ‐i was highly correlated with most aspects of personality and TABP. After controlling for the impact of hassles, personality, and TABP, the five EQ‐i subscales accounted for incremental variance in two of the five psychological health outcomes. However, the EQ‐i scales failed to moderate the hassles–strain relationship. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Background/ObjectiveThe United States (US) and China are the two largest economies, but recent and directly comparable studies on suicide-related behaviors in the two countries are lacking. By using the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R), item-level comparison was performed in assessing self-reported suicide-related behaviors between the US and Chinese undergraduates.MethodThis study involved a total of 3,185 college students aged between 18 to 24 years (1,185 US college students, and 2,000 Chinese students who were randomly selected from a large sample of 11,806 Chinese college students). Participants filled out the 4-item SBQ-R.ResultsParticipants’ responses were compared by country and sex. There was a higher overall risk of suicide-related behaviors among US students (24.3%) compared to Chinese students (17.0%). US students also reported higher lifetime attempt, past-year ideation, and lifetime threat. US female college students reported the highest suicide-related behaviors compared to other sub-groups.ConclusionsThere is a need to tailor specific interventions to alleviate college students’ suicide-related behaviors in the US and China, with a particular focus on US females.  相似文献   

Past research has established clear behavioral differences between Type A and B individuals. The purpose of our research was to examine how these behavioral differences are represented in the self-definitions of Type As and Bs. We investigated the existence of Type A and B self-schemata by using two tasks designed to measure the influence of these hypothetical structures on speed of processing and memory interference. During an initial task, Type As and Bs made self-relevant decisions (like me, not like me) in response to trait adjectives previously scaled as Type A, Type B, or neutral in content. Reaction times for the decisions were measured, and results indicated that both Type As and Bs made faster decisions for schema-compatible responses than for schema-incompatible responses. On a second task, Type As and Bs were tested for recognition memory after they attempted to memorize half of the aforementioned trait list. Memory errors were examined and indicated that Type As and Bs made more errors that were compatible with their respective self-schemata. Taken together, these results indicate that a Type A and B distinction forms a reliable organizing framework for the self-definitions of Type As and Bs. The existence of stable cognitive structures that parallel the behavioral differences between Type As and Bs has important implications for both theory and application.  相似文献   

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