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When two visual targets, T1 and T2, are presented in rapid succession, detection or identification of T2 is almost universally degraded by the requirement to attend to T1 (the attentional blink, or AB). One interesting exception occurs when T1 is a brief gap in a continuous letter stream and the task is to discriminate its duration. One hypothesized explanation for this exception is that an AB is triggered only by attention to a patterned object. The results reported here eliminate this hypothesis. Duration judgments produced no AB whether the judged duration concerned a short gap in the letter stream (Experiment 1) or a letter presented for slightly longer than others (Experiment 2). When identification of an identical longer letter T1 was required (Experiment 3), rather than a duration judgment, the AB was reestablished. Direct perceptual judgments of letter streams with gaps embedded showed that whereas brief gaps result in the percept of a single, briefly hesitating stream, longer gaps result in the percept of two separate streams with a separating pause. Correspondingly, an AB was produced in Experiment 4, when participants were required to judge the duration of longer T1 gaps. We propose that, like spatially separated objects, temporal events are parsed into discrete, hierarchically organized events. An AB is triggered only when a new attended event is defined, either when a long pause creates a new perceived stream (Experiment 4) or when attention shifts from the stream to the letter level (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the hypothesized differential effectiveness of two attentional focusing strategies in pain perception. In the first experiment, subjects (72 male college students) rated their levels of pain after being exposed to either low- or high-intensity pressure stimulation for 75 s. Subjects were instructed to use either an external or internal focus of attention during the pain induction. Results revealed that external focusing was more effective for coping than internal focusing across both levels of stimulus intensity. The second experiment was a replication of the first, and featured bolstered internal focusing and stimulus intensity manipulations. Results showed that high-intensity stimulation produced higher pain ratings than did low-intensity stimulation for subjects in the internal focusing conditions, but not for those in the external focusing conditions. The findings support the power of distraction strategies for dealing with short-term pain with a rapid onset. Theoretical implications are discussed.The authors thank Darwyn E. Linder and Daniel M. Landers for their help in development of this research. The authors are also indebted to Sarah Colley, Jona Davis, Nanci Neuberger, and Rebecca Roberts for their assistance in data collection.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to better identify the neurophysiological changes occurring during flow experience and how this can be related to the mobilization of attentional resources. Self-reports of flow (using a flow feelings scale) and attention (using thought probes), autonomic activity (heart rate, heart rate variability, and breathing rate), and cerebral oxygenation (using near-infrared spectroscopy) in two regions of the frontoparietal attention network (right lateral frontal cortex and right inferior parietal lobe) were measured during the practice of two simple video games (Tetris and Pong) played at different difficulty conditions (easy, optimal, hard, or self-selected). Our results indicated that an optimal level of difficulty, compared with an easy or hard level of difficulty led to greater flow feelings and a higher concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin in the regions of the frontoparietal network. The self-selected, named autonomy condition did not lead to more flow feelings than the optimal condition; however, the autonomy condition led to greater sympathetic activity (reduced heart rate variability and greater breathing rate) and higher activation of the frontoparietal regions. Our study suggests that flow feelings are highly connected to the mobilization of attentional resources, and all the more in a condition that promotes individuals’ choice and autonomy.  相似文献   

We conducted two studies to test and refine the hypothesis that, when undersocialized individuals focus on events of immediate interest, they allocate too large a proportion of their processing resources to those events and have little attention available for processing other important events. College students who completed the Socialization (So) scale (Gough, 1960) performed visual and auditory tasks simultaneously under conditions favoring the visual task, an equal division of processing resources between the tasks, or both. In both studies, low-So Ss performed relatively poorly on the auditory task under focusing conditions but displayed no primary task advantage and no significant performance deficits under divided attention conditions. These data support the utility of theories relating antisocial behavior to individual differences in allocation of attention. Low-So Ss' unresponsiveness to secondary events is not a simple function of the reallocation of resources to the primary task or a speed-accuracy trade-off. Moreover, under certain conditions, this deficit may disappear, given substantial practice.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we evaluated the memory characteristics of real and imagined events as they changed over time. Memories of real events were richer than memories of imagined events, and memories of recent events were richer than of events from a week earlier. These differences interacted such that memories of real events performed in week 1 were very similar to memories of events that were imagined in week 2. Source monitoring was tested and implications for the repressed or recovered memory debate are considered.  相似文献   

High flanker recall in the correlated flanker task suggests a failure of selective attention. We used a dissociation approach to examine the role of attentional processing of the flankers’ identities in the flanker validity effect (FVE). In three experiments, flanker recall decreased as flanker duration decreased, but the FVE was not affected by flanker duration. Masking also produced a dissociation, in that masking decreased flanker recall but the FVE was not affected. Examination of on-line flanker identification suggested that flanker recall was an adequate measure of attentional processing of the flankers’ identities on most trials. The results suggest that attentional processing of the flankers’ identities is not related to the magnitude of the FVE and is not necessary for it to obtain. Because there is a failure of selective attention, the dissociations suggest that flanker recall and the FVE may reflect different attentional processes.  相似文献   

Examined the representation of real-world events in memory as a function of orientation toward a videotaped sequence in which 2 people play a board game. In 4 experiments, analyzed subjects' segmentation of the videotaped sequence into events, using a technique developed by Newtson (1973). A comparison of segmentation patterns with performance on recognition, recall, and cued-recall tasks indicated that recall of events changed as a function of subjects' orientation toward the videotape, whereas recognition of events did not. The authors conclude that orientation toward an episodic sequence affects how rather than what events are represented in memory. An account of how orientation might affect the encoding and the representation of events is offered.  相似文献   

Is the focusing of visual attention object-based, space-based, both, or neither? Attentional focusing latencies in hierarchically structured compound-letter objects were examined, orthogonally manipulating global size (larger vs. smaller) and organizational complexity (two-level structure vs. three-level structure). In a dynamic focusing task, participants successively identified the global and local letters in the same trial. Overall response latencies were generally longer for larger versus smaller global objects and for three-level versus two-level object structure, indicating that attentional focusing time increases both with the magnitude of change in attentional aperture size and with the number of traversed levels of object structure. Additional experiments showed that this pattern is unique to tasks that require dynamic attentional focusing. Taken together, the results support a hierarchical object-based-spatial model of attentional focusing.  相似文献   

High flanker recall in the correlated flanker task suggests a failure of selective attention. We used a dissociation approach to examine the role of attentional processing of the flankers' identities in the flanker validity effect (FVE). In three experiments, flanker recall decreased as flanker duration decreased, but the FVE was not affected by flanker duration. Masking also produced a dissociation, in that masking decreased flanker recall but the FVE was not affected. Examination of on-line flanker identification suggested that flanker recall was an adequate measure of attentional processing of the flankers' identities on most trials. The results suggest that attentional processing of the flankers' identities is not related to the magnitude of the FVE and is not necessary for it to obtain. Because there is a failure of selective attention, the dissociations suggest that flanker recall and the FVE may reflect different attentional processes.  相似文献   

The developmental trajectories of attention focusing (by parents' and teachers' reports) and attentional and behavioral persistence (observed during a laboratory task)--2 indexes of effortful control--and externalizing problems from ages 5 to 10 years were examined for 356 children combined from a pair of 3-wave (2 years apart) longitudinal studies. The authors identified clusters of children with distinct trajectories for these variables and examined the links between the effortful control trajectories and the externalizing problem trajectories. Although attention focusing remained relatively stable, attentional and behavioral persistence continued to show mean-level changes (especially among the children with lower levels of persistence). Children with high and stable trajectories of effortful control tended to exhibit low and stable trajectories of externalizing problems, whereas those with lower and/or less stable trajectories of effortful control showed more elevated and/or fluctuating trajectories of externalizing problems.  相似文献   

A cue size procedure was used to evaluate the time course of visuo-spatial attention in dyslexic and normally reading children. When a stimulus target is presented inside a large cue vs a small cue the identification time is slower. In the present study two cue-target delays (100 and 500 ms) were used. Results showed a slower time course of attentional focusing in dyslexics vs normal readers. Indeed, dyslexics exhibited no cue size effect at a shorter cue-target delay (100 ms), while it was present at a longer cue-target delay (500 ms). In contrast, a cue size effect was found at both cue-target delays in normally reading children. These results further support the hypothesis of sluggish automatic focusing of visual attention in dyslexics. This impairment could be a consequence of a general magnocellular deficit demonstrated previously in dyslexics.  相似文献   

This research was an investigation of children's performance on a task that requires memory binding. In Experiments 1 and 2, 4-year-olds, 6-year-olds, and adults viewed complex pictures and were tested on memory for isolated parts in the pictures and on the part combinations (combination condition). The results suggested improvement in memory for the combinations between the ages of 4 and 6 years but not in memory for the isolated parts. In Experiments 2 and 3, the authors also examined the developmental relationship between performance in the combination condition and free recall of a naturalistic event, finding preliminary evidence that performance on a memory task that requires binding is positively related to performance in episodic memory.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between two different attention limitations on the perception of rapid events: the attentional awakening (AA, an inability to successfully process a target when it appears early on in a rapid stream of events) and the attentional blink (AB, an inability to successfully process a second target when it appears shortly after a first target [T1]). In four experiments, we failed to find a relationship between the magnitudes of these phenomena. Furthermore, we found two manipulations that selectively modulated the magnitude of each effect without altering the magnitude of the second effect: Expected range of possible rapid serial visual presentation lengths modulated the AA (but not the AB), suggesting that the AA reflects an attentional setup cost for perceiving a protracted series of rapid events, whereas the number of possible T1 positions in the stream modulated the magnitude of the AB (but not the magnitude of the AA). Our results suggest that, despite the surface similarities between the two phenomena, different mechanisms are responsible for these two attentional limitations: Whereas the AA reflects a starting cost associated with the time required to temporally tune attention to the stimulus stream, the AB reflects a blocking of undesired stimuli, aimed at protecting consolidation of T1 processing.  相似文献   

Driving experience and the functional field of view   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Crundall D  Underwood G  Chapman P 《Perception》1999,28(9):1075-1087
Research has suggested that novice drivers have different search strategies compared with their more experienced counterparts, and that this may contribute to their increased accident liability. One issue of concern is whether experienced drivers have a wider field of peripheral vision than less experienced drivers. This study attempted to distinguish between people of varying driving experience on the basis of their functional fields of view. Participants searched video clips taken from a moving driver's perspective for potential hazards while responding to peripheral target lights. Hit rates for peripheral targets decreased for all participant groups as processing demands increased (i.e. when hazards occurred) and as the eccentricity of the target increased, though there was no interaction. An effect of experience was also found which suggests that this paradigm measures a perceptual skill or strategy that develops with driving experience.  相似文献   

On the basis of three experiences, 9-month-olds recall specific events after one month. We tested whether multiple experiences are necessary, or merely facilitative, of 9-month-olds' long-term recall. In two experiments, using deferred imitation, infants were exposed to multi-step sequences either one time, two times, or three times prior to a one-month delay. In Experiment 1, regardless of the number of experiences, infants did not demonstrate recall. In Experiment 2, infants were tested on and reexposed to the events after one week; recall was tested again one month later. Performance after 1 week in Experiment 2 was greater than performance after one month in Experiment 1. Moreover, presumably as a function of reexposure after one week, infants recalled the individual actions of the events one month later. Infants in the three-experience condition also evidenced ordered recall after one month. Implications for the developmental status of the neural substrate supporting long-term recall are discussed.  相似文献   

Components of recollective experience were examined in relation to cue effectiveness by presenting subjects with their own or someone else's associations as retrieval cues. When recalling an item, subjects indicated whether they consciously recollected its prior occurrence ("remembering") or recalled it on some other basis, in the absence of conscious recollection ("knowing"). The results showed that cue compatibility (self-generated vs. someone else's cues) and retention interval (immediate vs. delayed test) selectively impaired retention accompanied by recollective experience, as measured by remember responses, but had reduced effects in the absence of recollective experience, as measured by know responses. The results are discussed in terms of variables dissociating judgments of recollective experience.  相似文献   

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