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刘蕴坤  陶沙 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1980-1990
数学成就的性别差异是多年来广受关注的问题。长期以来人们多关注男性、女性数学成就水平的高低, 而近年来研究结果一方面揭示出总体上男性和女性数学成就的平均水平差异很小, 呈现出相似性多于差异性的特点; 同时也显示男性内部变异比女性更大, 男性在高数学成就者中占多数。数学成就性别差异的大小和方向受到评分系统、测验组织形式、测验内容和难度的影响。数学成就性别差异的形成是心理、生物、社会文化等方面多因素综合作用的结果。近期研究探讨了年龄、遗传和进化、激素和脑、刻板印象威胁、社会性别公平和时代等因素在数学成就性别差异的形成中的作用。未来对数学成就性别差异的研究应注意开展追踪研究, 关注低数学能力者, 进一步探讨复杂数学加工机制的性别差异, 建立数学成就性别差异形成机制的综合模型, 并在更广阔的社会文化背景下开展研究。  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the relationship between third grade final marks, achievement test scores, and subsequent achievement in elementary and secondary school. It was focused on the early identification of students for whom changes in the curriculum might be indicated.  相似文献   

This study explored the antecedents of enjoyment and intention to continue in youth sports using the social-cognitive model of achievement motivation with the 2 × 2 achievement goal modification. Participants were 327 sports participants between 11 and 15 years of age. Individuals high in incremental beliefs reported greater enjoyment and intention to continue. This was perhaps due to endorsing mastery-approach goals. Individuals relatively high in entity beliefs reported relatively less enjoyment. This was perhaps due to endorsing performance-avoidance goals. These individuals also reported relatively less intention to continue regardless of their achievement goals. Findings could have implications for preventing dropout from youth sports.  相似文献   

Although high-quality early educational environments are thought to be related to the growth of children’s skills in mathematics, relatively little is known about specific aspects of classroom instruction that may promote these abilities. Data from a longitudinal investigation were used to investigate associations between teachers’ language while teaching mathematics and their students’ growth in mathematical skill during the 2nd grade. Specifically, the extent to which mathematics lessons included cognitive-processing language (CPL)—instruction that is rich in references to cognitive processes, metacognition, and requests for remembering—was related to changes in students’ math achievement. Demonstrating the role of the language of instruction, the findings indicated that children whose 2nd-grade teachers included greater amounts of CPL during instruction evidenced greater growth in math fluency and calculation than did their peers whose teachers employed lower levels of CPL.  相似文献   

Bowker  Anne  Gadbois  Shannon  Cornock  Becki 《Sex roles》2003,49(1-2):47-58
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of gender, sports participation, and gender orientation in predicting individuals' domain-specific and global self-esteem. A sample of 100 Grade 11 students completed measures of self-perception, body image, gender orientation, and sports participation. The results showed that although boys reported greater satisfaction with weight and appearance, there were no gender differences in general self-worth. In addition, more feminine individuals who participated in competitive sports reported lower levels of perceived athletic competence and global self-worth, but reported higher self-esteem when they participated in more noncompetitive sports. Although sports participation does predict self-esteem, participants' gender orientation and the type of sports in which they participate are moderating factors.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine how the attitudinal composition of class groups is related to the gender gap in language achievement at the end of secondary education. Data were drawn from the LOSO project and multilevel analyses were used. The results showed that the attitudes of the class groups, and, more specifically, the attitudes of same-sex classmates, had a stronger impact on the language achievement of boys than on the language achievement of girls. No gender differences were found in classes where students had good relationships with teachers, were motivated, and where students felt integrated, whereas boys performed less well than girls in classes where students did not have good relationship with teachers, were not very motivated, and felt poorly integrated.  相似文献   

The efficiency of aptitude and mental ability measures to predict high school grade-point average for Negro students in secondary school was studied. The total sample of 222 students was randomly divided into two samples in order to determine the consistency with which the variables predicted the criteria. The predictor variables were: The Differential Aptitude Tests, the California Test of Mental Maturity, The Cooperative Ability Tests, The Sequential Tests of Educational Progress, Junior High School Grade-Point Average, and Social Status Ratings. The data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The instruments consistently yielded substantial correlations with High School Grade-Point Average. Negro students appeared to be as predictable as other groups.  相似文献   


Depictions of gender in media are often scrutinized for stereotypical patterns. Disney films are of particular interest, as they are often watched by children and may play a role in children’s gender socialization. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to assess gender depictions of characters in animated Disney films (released between 1937 and 2019; 61 films with 323 characters total), and second, to explore depictions of gender in Disney animated films coupled with an analysis of the gender of those involved in the production of these films (producers, directors, and writers). We found a significant difference in the number of male and female characters (roughly 60% male, 40% female), which did not significantly differ by decade. Female characters were more consistently depicted as attractive compared to male characters, although character’s intelligence, ability, popularity, activity level, family role, story role, and romantic engagement did not differ by gender. Male characters were more often represented as parents or children in films written by women, and female characters were more often represented as the antagonist in films written by men. Male characters were over-represented as overly active in films produced by women, and female characters were over-represented as grandparents in films produced by women. These findings revealed few stereotypical gendered depictions of characters in Disney films over nine decades and that the inclusion of women in the production process resulted in more nuanced depictions of both male and female characters.


当前青少年幸福感的研究普遍采用与成人相同的理论模型,忽略了幸福感的发展性特征。本研究将“未来”作为时间维度纳入青少年幸福感模型,以积极情绪的扩展建构理论为基础,考察指向当下和指向未来的幸福感对青少年学业发展的影响。研究选取283名初中生进行问卷调查,在T1、T2和T3时间点分别测量被试的幸福感、学校投入和学业成就。通过5个月的追踪发现:(1)当同时考虑指向当下和未来的幸福感对学校投入的影响时,只有指向未来的幸福感能够显著预测其学校投入;(2)指向未来的幸福感通过学校投入影响学业成就,学校投入在指向未来的幸福感和学业成就间发挥完全中介作用。  相似文献   

基于儿童学习投入的社会文化情境发展模型和动机与投入之轮理论,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,探讨了粗暴养育与学习投入的关系以及状态焦虑与性别的作用。对852名初中生进行问卷调查,结果发现:(1)粗暴养育与状态焦虑呈显著正相关,与学习投入呈显著负相关,状态焦虑与学习投入呈显著负相关;(2)状态焦虑在粗暴养育与学习投入之间起完全中介作用;性别调节了“粗暴养育→状态焦虑→学习投入”的前半段路径,相对于男性,粗暴养育与状态焦虑的正向联系在女性中更强。  相似文献   

In recent years, the quality of education available to children has become increasingly dependent on the social and economic demographics of neighborhoods in which the children live. This study assesses the role of community violence in explaining the relation between socio‐economic status (SES) and academic outcomes and the potential of positive school climate to promote academic achievement. With a sample of 297 Chicago public elementary schools, we examine community‐level and school‐level data and use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping to illustrate how school academic achievement coincides with neighborhood economics and crime statistics. Results support the hypothesized mediation, such that lower SES was associated with lower academic achievement, and violent crime partially mediated this relation. School climate was positively associated with academic achievement, and student safety significantly moderated the relation between SES and academic achievement. Implications for theory, research, and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

为深入探讨小学儿童的数学态度、学业拖延、数学元认知与数学成就之间的纵向联系及内在作用机制,对515名三、五年级小学生进行为期半年的追踪研究。结果表明:(1)学业拖延在儿童的数学态度与数学成就之间发挥着即时和纵向中介作用;(2)不同水平数学元认知个体在纵向中介模型中“数学态度→数学成就”这一路径上存在差异。这意味着较积极的数学态度有利于减少小学儿童的学业拖延行为,进而提高其数学成就,而高数学元认知则能够监控和调节个体的数学态度,使其发挥积极作用,从而提高数学成就。该发现为有效促进儿童的数学学习提供了重要实践启示。  相似文献   

为了检验跨学科概念图在跨学科知识整合中的作用,设计了跨学科概念图干预计划,以180名中学生为被试,采用实验组与控制组对比实验方法,探讨了跨学科概念图对跨学科学业成就的影响。结果表明:(1)跨学科概念图干预计划显著提高了实验组被试的跨学科学业成绩;(2)对于不同成就者而言,干预计划显著提高了中低成就者的跨学科学业成绩,而对高成就者跨学科学业成绩的影响不显著。这意味着跨学科概念图作为跨学科知识整合领域的智力适应工具能够有效提高学习者的跨学科学业成就,但是其对不同层次学习者跨学科学业成就的影响具有适应性差异。  相似文献   

Developmental transitions are imbued with ubiquitous uncertainties that undermine goal striving in many otherwise committed individuals. Our seven-month study examined whether cognitive selective secondary control strategies (motivation-focused thinking) facilitate the enactment of achievement goals among young adults experiencing the landmark school to university transition. Sequential regression analyses demonstrated that (a) achievement goals predicted selective secondary control, (b) selective secondary control predicted behavioral selective primary control striving, and (c) selective primary control predicted final course grades. Findings support Heckhausen et al.'s (2010 Heckhausen , J. , Wrosch , C. , &; Schulz , R. ( 2010 ). A motivational theory of life-span development . Psychological Review , 117 , 3260 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposition that selective secondary control bolsters selective primary control striving and enables goal attainment during difficult transitions.  相似文献   

采用大学生生涯适应力、主动性人格与成就动机三个量表对864名大学生进行问卷调查,考察成就动机在大学生主动性人格和生涯适应力间的中介作用及其性别差异。结果发现:(1)成就动机在主动性人格和生涯适应力之间起部分中介作用;(2)成就动机的中介作用存在性别差异:追求成功的动机在主动性人格和生涯适应力间的中介作用在男生样本中为完全中介,在女生样本中为部分中介;避免失败的动机在主动性人格和生涯适应力间的中介作用在男生样本中不显著,在女生样本中为部分中介。研究结果显示,主动性人格可以通过成就动机的中介作用影响生涯适应力。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探究心理素质及其分维度在学生感知的学校氛围与主客观学业成绩之间的中介作用。采用整群抽样的方法选取被试,样本一抽取北京、陕西等七个省市10所中学7~12年级共1274名学生,样本二抽取重庆、湖南等四个省市7所中学7~12年级共2190名学生。结果表明:(1)学生感知的学校氛围与主观学业成绩存在显著正相关,与客观成绩的正相关呈边缘显著,与心理素质存在显著正相关;(2)心理素质在感知的学校氛围与主客观学业成绩之间中介作用显著;(3)心理素质的不同维度在学生感知的学校氛围与学业成绩关系之间中介作用存在差异,其中认知品质在学生感知的学校氛围与学业成绩之间存在稳定的正向中介作用。研究结果启示教育者在实施素质教育的过程中,应注意营造积极的学校氛围,以此提高学生心理素质,尤其是认知品质的发展,从而提高学生的学业成绩。  相似文献   

个体自我监控能力、思维品质与数学学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对197个高三生施测《中学生数学学科自我监控能力问卷》和《高三学生数学思维品质问卷》,以探讨个体自我监控能力、思维品质对数学学业成绩的影响模式。结果:(1)自我监控能力与思维品质、数学学业成绩均呈显著正相关。(2)在自我监控能力、思维品质对数学学业成绩的影响模型中,自我监控能力直接影响数学学业成绩,并通过思维品质这一中介变量作用于数学学业成绩。思维品质直接影响数学学业成绩。(3)女生组与男生组的自我监控能力、思维品质与数学学业成绩的结构系数的模型无显著差异。  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of peer-reputations for academic ability and affect/liking on academic outcomes in a sample of preadolescents. In light of the popular stereotypes regarding the differential academic abilities of girls and boys (favoring girls in English, and boys in math and science), it was hypothesized that peer-reputations in English would be more predictive of academic outcomes (measured via school-grades and standardized test-scores) for girls than for boys, while math and science reputations would be most predictive of boys’ academic outcomes. Further, it was also hypothesized that these links would be stronger for school-grades than for standardized test-scores. As expected, overall, peer-reputations were found to be predictive of school-grades but not standardized test-scores. Further, the results reveal that although ability reputations in most areas were predictive of grades for both sexes, gender differences were observed which were consistent with hypotheses. Results suggest that children’s peer-reputations may play an important role in their academic achievement, especially within domains most central to their gender identities.  相似文献   

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