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In Experiment 1, infant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were separated and then reunited with mothers, united with a male, or placed in an empty cage. Infants girned more when with mothers or the male than when alone. Girns declined over time when infants were united with the male. Coo rates were high when the infant was alone or with the male. Shrieks, barks, and fear-related behavior were higher with the male. In Experiment 2 the vocalizations of infants were examined during separation when alone or when mothers or a male were in the same room. Infants cooed more when mothers or a male were present. Cooing increased over time, with a greater increase in the mothers' presence. Girns were given to both mothers and males, but more were given to mothers. Coos and girns are both affiliative vocalizations but are differentially modulated as infants cease cooing when they receive contact comfort.  相似文献   

Nursing behavior of 56 singleton infant pigtail monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) was monitored. Infants over 1 mo. of age showed strong preferences for one of their mothers' nipples, while few infants less than 1 mo. old did so. The infants which had the lowest birthweights for each sex showed no clear preference even though they were older than 1 mo. A trend toward lateral preference (for the right nipple) was identical for male and female infants. Analysis of the development of preference for nipple may provide useful information of assessing development progress.  相似文献   

Two macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were trained to perform 3 self-directed behaviors on signal and to repeat behaviors after a 'repeat' signal. The cognitive processes underlying the monkeys' repeat performance were evaluated via multiple repetitions of the repeat signal, extended delay periods between target behavior and repeat signal, and by transferring the repeat signal to novel behaviors. The monkeys seemed to use representations of their own past behaviors as a basis for repetition performance, but they mostly failed to correctly repeat target behaviors after extended delays and during transfer tasks. Implications for episodic memory abilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the heart-rate changes which occurred in the visual-depth situation of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). Four animals were tested over the first four weeks of age in the visual pitfall designed as a modification of the visual cliff. The infant monkeys showed heart-rate reduction in the depth condition. This reduction was observed from the first week and became remarkable at the third week. There were no differences in heart-rate change between monocular and binocular vision. These findings suggest that the Japanese monkey can discriminate visual depth shortly after birth and that the heart-rate reduction depends upon the fear of visual depth, not upon the novelty of the situation.  相似文献   

With the horizontal electrooculographic potential as the operant, four monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) were conditioned to move their eyes at high and low rates by initial use of fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement, followed by a changeover to multiple schedules of fixed-ratio reinforcement and discriminated differential reinforcement of low rate. These differences in rate of eye movement were not observed in a control animal given the same patterns of discriminative stimuli and deliveries of the reinforcing agent independent of its eye movements.  相似文献   

Recognition of heterospecific alarm vocalizations is an essential component of antipredator behavior in several prey species. The authors examined the role of learning in the discrimination of heterospecific vocalizations by wild bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) in southern India The bonnet macaques' flight and scanning responses to playbacks of their own alarm vocalizations were compared with their responses to playbacks of vocalizations of Nilgiri langurs (Trachypithecus johnii), Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus), and sambar deer (Cervus unicolor). The study was conducted in 3 regions that differed in the frequency with which bonnet macaques encountered these species and included an urban setting. Call recognition was highest in adults and in regions where individuals were frequently exposed to the calling species; calls were not recognized by urban monkeys. Thus, age and experience are important factors in heterospecific call recognition by bonnet macaques.  相似文献   

Classic mirror self-recognition mark tests involve familiarizing the subject with its mirror image, surreptitiously applying a mark on the subject’s eyebrow, nose, or ear, and measuring self-directed behaviors toward the mark. For many non-human primate species, however, direct gaze at the face constitutes an aggressive and threatening signal. It is therefore possible that monkeys fail the mark test because they do not closely inspect their faces in a mirror and hence they have no expectations about their physical appearance. In the current study, we prevented two pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) from seeing their own faces in a mirror, and we adopted a modified version of the classic mark test in which monkeys were marked on the chest, a body region to which they normally have direct visual access but that in the current study was visible only via a mirror. Neither monkey tried to touch the mark on its chest, possibly due to a failure to understand the mirror as a reflective surface. To further the monkeys’ understanding of the mirror image, we trained them to reach for food using the mirror as the only source of information. After both monkeys had learned mirror-mediated reaching, we replicated the mark test. In this latter phase of the study, only one monkey scratched the red dye on the chest once. The results are consistent with other findings suggesting that monkeys are not capable of passing a mark test and imply that face and body recognition rely on the same cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

An artificial fruit (AF) was used to test for social learning in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and adult humans (Homo sapiens). A monkey demonstrator opened the AF, showing alternative methods to 2 groups of cage mates. Video films of the monkey demonstrations were presented to adult humans. Compared with chimpanzees and children, the macaques watched the demonstrations significantly less and in a much more sporadic manner. They also produced only very weak and transitory evidence of social learning. In contrast, the adult humans performed as one might expect of optimum imitators, even producing evidence of components of a "ratchet effect."  相似文献   

Four puzzle boxes were used to investigate localized stimulus enhancement and object movement reenactment (OMR) in 13 pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and 30 human infants (Homo sapiens). Participants received contrasting demonstrations on each box. A circular lid was gripped by its rim or handle and swiveled to the left or right. A flap door was pushed or flipped. A sliding lid was pushed to the left or right. A pin bolt was demonstrated being pushed down, or the participants were left to solve the puzzle for themselves. Despite the fact that the monkeys watched the demonstrations about 60% of the time, only a weak OMR effect was found on the sliding lid. In contrast, the children watched significantly more, and there was clear evidence of socially mediated learning on all of the boxes.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine 70-kHz ultrasonic courtship vocalizations by adult male mice (Mus musculus) to novel odors following exposure to these odors in infancy and/or adulthood. The research was performed in hopes of better understanding the experiences giving rise to vocalizations to naturally occurring chemosignals. Experiment 1 demonstrated that adult males normally do not vocalize to the urine of female rats but would come to do so if adult female mice odorized with female rat urine were repeatedly encountered postpubertally. On the other hand, encountering their own mother odorized with female rat urine from birth until weaning did not promote vocalizations to the urine of female rats. Experiment 2 was designed to examine vocalizations to the urine of female mice whose urinary odor was altered by the ingestion of fenugreek, a spice. Although the magnitude of the effect was smaller in this experiment, greater amounts of vocalization again were seen by males that as adults encountered females that had ingested fenugreek. Males with such experience also showed a small but significant elevation in vocalizations to the fenugreek odor itself. Again, experience with the novel odor during infancy was not associated with elevated vocalizations during adulthood either to fenugreek-altered urine or to the fenugreek odor itself. Thus vocalizations to two different novel odors occurred only after an adult male had encountered an adult female odorized with the novel odor. On the other hand, none of the novel odor experiences eliminated vocalizations to the naturally occurring chemosignal in female mouse urine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mothers' responses to slides of infants were assessed. During individual presentations of the slides they showed increases in smiling to infant photographs in general, but showed large skin conductance responses only to pictures of their own infant. They did not look differentially at the photographs. During paired presentations, mothers looked longer at their own infant's photograph. Moreover, they looked longer at unfamiliar infants who they perceived to be high in cuteness. These findings are discussed with reference to the role of infant physical appearance in infant-adult social relations.  相似文献   

Heart rate telemetry was explored as a means to access animal emotion during social interactions under naturalistic conditions. Heart rates of 2 middle-ranking adult females living in a large group of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were recorded along with their behavior. Heart rate changes during 2 types of interactions were investigated, while controlling for the effects of posture and activity. The risk of aggression associated with the approach of a dominant individual was expected to provoke anxiety in the approachee. This prediction was supported by the heart rate increase after such an approach. No increase was found when the approacher was a kin or a subordinate individual. The tension-reduction function of allogrooming was also supported. Heart rate decelerated faster during the receipt of grooming than in matched control periods.  相似文献   

Extensive prior research has shown that the perception of an emotional facial expression automatically elicits a corresponding facial expression in the observer. Theories of embodied emotion, however, suggest that such reactions might also occur across expressive channels, because simulation is based on integrated motoric and affective representations of that emotion. In the present studies, we examined this idea by focusing on facial and experiential reactions to nonverbal emotion vocalizations. In Studies 1 and 2, we showed that both hearing and reproducing vocalizations of anger, disgust, happiness, and sadness resulted in specific facial behaviors, as well as congruent self-reported emotions (Study 2). In Studies 3 and 4, we showed that the inhibition of congruent facial actions impaired listeners' processing of emotion vocalizations (Study 3), as well as their experiences of a concordant subjective state (Study 4). Results support the idea that cross-channel simulations of others' states serve facilitative functions similar to more strict imitations of observed expressive behavior, suggesting flexibility in the motoric and affective systems involved in emotion processing and interpersonal emotion transfer. We discuss implications for embodiment research and the social consequences of expressing and matching emotions across nonverbal channels.  相似文献   

When removed from the nest and placed in a cool environment, Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) pups emit ultrasonic vocalizations that can elicit maternal search behavior. The authors examined the behavior of pregnant dams, mothers, and virgin females during exposure to a pup that was either warm and silent or cool and vocalizing. Results indicate potentiated maternal reactions to a vocalizing pup: Mothers approached and maintained proximal orientation to a vocalizing pup far more than did virgin females. Elevated levels of proximal orientation appeared within hours of birth, increased during the 1st week postpartum, and declined by the time of weaning. Estrogen plus progesterone administration facilitated virgin females' proximal orientation toward vocalizing pups, whereas prolonged exposure to pups in the absence of hormones was without effect, suggesting that the ontogeny of the maternal response is regulated, at least in part, by maternal hormones.  相似文献   

Planning is an important aspect of many daily activities for humans. Planning involves forming a strategy in anticipation of a future need. However, evidence that nonhuman animals can plan for future situations is limited, particularly in relation to the many other kinds of cognitive capacities that they appear to share with humans. One critical aspect of planning is the ability to remember future responses, or what is called prospective coding. Two monkey species (Macaca mulatta and Cebus apella) performed a series of computerized tasks that required encoding a future response at the outset of each trial. Monkeys of both species showed competence in all tests that were given, providing evidence that they anticipated future responses and that they appropriately engaged in those responses when the time was right for such responses. In addition, some tests demonstrated that monkeys even remembered future responses that were not as presently motivating as were other aspects of the task environment. These results indicated that monkeys could anticipate future responses and retain and implement those responses when appropriate.  相似文献   

The number, amplitude, duration, and bout structure of isolation-induced ultrasonic vocalization (USV) of infant rats (Rattus norvegicus) were measured on postnatal Day 10. Measurements were made before and after a brief, 1-min, active interaction with their mother or before and after a "pick-up" control procedure. Consistent with prior studies, the number of USVs emitted was significantly increased in the period following the maternal reunion but not after the control procedure. The average amplitude of USVs was also greater following maternal reunion. Finally, analyses characterizing the bout structure of USV production indicated that the average bout size (i.e. number of USVs/bout) was increased severalfold following the reunion with the mother, accounting for the greater rate of USV production during the second isolation period.  相似文献   

The shadows cast by moving objects enable human adults and infants to infer the motion trajectories of objects. Nonhuman animals must also be able to discriminate between objects and their shadows and infer the spatial layout of objects from cast shadows. However, the evolutionary and comparative developmental origins of sensitivity to cast shadows have not been investigated. In this study, we used a familiarity/novelty preferential looking procedure to assess the ability of infant macaques, aged 7–24 weeks, to discriminate between a ‘depth’ display containing a ball and cast shadow moving diagonally and an ‘up’ display containing a ball with a diagonal trajectory and a shadow with a horizontal trajectory. The infant macaques could discriminate the trajectories of the balls based on the moving shadows. These findings suggest that the ability to perceive the motion trajectory of an object from the moving shadow is common to both humans and macaques.  相似文献   

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