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Book reviewed in this article:
Le famiglie di Edipo [The families of Oedipus] By Gilda De Simone
Visiones de Espana. Re. exiones de un psicoanalista [Visions of Spain. Reflections of a psychoanalyst] By Cecilio Paniagua
Tra il sapere e la cura. Un itinerario freudiano [Between knowledge and treatment.A Freudian journey] by Francesco Conrotto
Secrets of the soul: A social and cultural history of psychoanalysis By Eli Zaretsky
Lire Freud.Découverte chronologique de l oeuvre de Freud [Reading Freud.A chronological exploration of Freud s writings] by Jean-Michel Quinodoz
The blind man sees: Freud s awakening and other essays By Neville Symington
Curare con la psicoanalisi. Percorsi e strategie [Curing with psychoanalysis. Routes and strategies] by Giuseppe Di Chiara
Ferenczi oggi [Ferenczi today] Edited by Franco Borgogno  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Commitment and compassion in psychoanalysis: Selected papers of Edward M. Weinshel Edited by Robert Wallerstein Transference: Shibboleth or Albatross? By Joseph Schachter Dreams and drama: Psychoanalytic criticism, creativity and the artist by Alan Roland “Forschen und Heilen” in der Psychoanalyse. Ergebnisse und Berichte aus Forschung und Praxis [‘Research and healing’ in psychoanalysis. Results and reports from research and practice] By Marianne Leuzinger‐Bohleber, Bernhard Rüger, Ulrich Stuhr and Manfred Beutel Mirror to nature: Drama, psychoanalysis and society By Margaret Rustin and Michael Rustin The importance of sibling relationships in psychoanalysis By Prophecy Coles Freud—Fragments d'une histoire [Freud—Fragments of a history] by Alain de Mijolla Funzione analitica e mente primitiva [Analytic function and primitive mind] By Giovanni Hautmann  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Escritos clnicos sobre perversiones y adicciones [Clinical essays on perversions and addictions] Edited by Rodolfo Moguillansky
The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life by Daniel N. Stern
Sndor Ferenczi: El mejor discpulo de Freud [Sndor Ferenczi: Freud s best disciple] by Antoni Talarn
Blind trust: Large groups and their leaders in times of crisis and terror by Vamik Volkan
Sigmund Freud Max Eitingon, Briefwechsel 1906-1939 [Freud Eitingon correspondence,1906 1939], Vols 1 and 2 Edited by Michael Schrter
The texture of treatment: On the matter of psychoanalytic technique By Herbert J. Schlesinger
Family romance, family secrets: Case notes from an American psychoanalysis,1912 By Elizabeth Lunbeck and Bennett Simon
Hate and love in psychoanalytic institutions. The dilemma of a profession By Jurgen Reeder  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Experiences of depression: Theoretical, clinical, and research perspectives By Sidney J. Blatt
Ides directrices pour une psychanalyse contemporaine: Mconaisssance et reconnaissance de l inconscient [Key ideas for a contemporary psychoanalysis: Misrecognition and recognition of the unconscious] By Andr Green
Via regia zum Unbewussten. Freud und die Traumforschung im 19. Jahrhundert [The royal road to the unconscious. Freud and 19th-century dream research] By Stefan Goldmann
Dark continents: Psychoanalysis and colonialism by Ranjana Khanna
L imprvu en sance [The unforeseen in sessions] by Jacques Andr
Psichiatria prossima. La psichiatria territoriale in un epoca di crisi [New directions in psychiatry. Psychiatric care in the community in a time of crisis] By Giuseppe Riefolo  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Treating attachment disorders: From theory to therapy By Karl Heinz Brisch
Metaphor and the psychodynamic functions of the mind By Henrik Enckell
La figurabilité psychique [Psychic. gurability] By César and Sára Botella
Mit Freud über Freud hinaus. Ausgewählte Vorlesungen zur Psychoanalyse [With Freud and beyond Freud: Selected lectures on psychoanalysis] By Wolfgang Loch Revised and edited by Josef Dantlgraber and Werner Damson
Själen som vägrade krympa. Essäer i judiske ämnen [The soul that refused to shrink. Essays on Jewish topics] By Mikael Enckell
Mental survival strategies after extreme traumatisation By Sverre Varvin
The Third Reich in the unconscious: Transgenerational transmission and its consequences Edited by Vamik D. Volkan, Gabriele Ast and William F. Greer, Jr.
Learning from mistakes: Beyond dogma in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy By Patrick Casement  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
L'enveloppe visuelle du Moi [The visual envelope of the ego] by Guy Lavallée
Freud by Jonathan Leara
När Orfeus vände sig om [When Orpheus looked back] By Johan Beck-Friis
Die vergessene Kunst: Der Orpheusmythos und die Psychoanalyse der Musik [Forgotten art: The Orpheus myth and the psychoanalysis of music] by Sebastian Leikert
Psychotherapists as expert witnesses: Families at breaking point by Roger Kennedy
Sigmund Freud. Persönliche Erinnerungen [Sigmund Freud: Personal memories] by Isidor Sadger
Recollecting Freud by Isidor Sadger
Freud's library: A comprehensive catalogue/Freuds Bibliothek: Vollständiger Katalog edited by J. Keith Davies and Gerhard Fichtner
The Tavistock seminars; The Italian seminars by Wilfred R. Bion  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Überleben und Versuche der Wiederbelebung Psychoanalytische Studien mit Überlebenden der Shoah und mit ihren Familien in Israel und in der Diaspora [Survival and efforts at revival—Psychodynamic studies of Holocaust survivors and their families in Israel and the Diaspora] by Hillel Klein
El caso Dora, más allá del diván: Diario imaginario de Ida Bauer [The Dora case, beyond the couch: The imaginary diary of Ida Bauer] by Eloísa Castellano-Maury
The twin in the transference by Vivienne Lewin
The quiet revolution in American psychoanalysis: Selected papers of Arnold M. Cooper Edited by Elizabeth L. Auchincloss
Aesthetic experience: Beauty, creativity, and the search for the ideal by George Hagman
A compulsion for antiquity: Freud and the ancient world by Richard H. Armstrong
Craft and spirit: A guide to the exploratory psychotherapies by Joseph D. Lichtenberg
Endings and beginnings: On terminating psychotherapy and psychoanalysis by Herbert J. Schlesinger  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Between emotion and cognition: The generative unconscious by Joseph Newirth
Le mal des idéologies [The ills of ideology] By François Duparc
The confusion of tongues: The primacy of sexuality in Freud, Ferenczi, and Laplanche by Philippe Van Haute and Tomas Geyskens
Suffering insanity: Psychoanalytic essays on psychosis By R. D. Hinshelwood
Cures d'enfance [Curing childhood] By Laurence Kahn
The ethic of honesty: The fundamental rule of psychoanalysis By M. Guy Thompson
Misunderstanding Freud By Arnold Goldberg
Traumi di guerra. Un esperienza psicoanalitica in Bosnia-Erzegovina [War traumas. A psychoanalytic experience in Bosnia-Herzegovina] By Patrizia Brunori, Gianna Candolo, Maddalena Donà dalle Rose and Maria Chiara Risoldi with an Introduction by Silvia Amati Sas  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Prima della parola: L'ascolto psicoanalitico del non detto attraverso le forme dell'arte [Before words: psychoanalytic listening to the unsaid through art1] By Antonio Di Benedetto
La ferita dello sguardo: Una ricerca psicoanalitica sulla melanconia [The wounded gaze: Psychoanalytic research on melancholia1] Edited by Patrizia Cupelloni
The Freud encyclopedia: Theory, therapy and culture Edited by Edward Erwin
The complete correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham 1907–1925 Edited by Ernst Falzeder
La pensée clinique [Clinical thinking] By André Green
Hidden faults: Recognizing and resolving therapeutic disjunctions By Steven A Frankel
Post-Kleinian psychoanalysis: The Biella seminars By Kenneth Sanders
Raccontami una storia: Dalla consultazione all'analisi dei bambini [Tell me a story: From consultation to child analysis1] By Dina Vallino.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Having a life: Self pathology after Lacan by Lewis A. Kirshner
The unsung psychoanalyst: The quiet in uence of Ruth Easser by Mary Kay O Neil
Michelangelos Moses und Freuds Wagstück Eine Collage [Michelangelo s Moses and Freud s piece of audacity. A collage] by Ilse Grubrich-Simitis
Le savoir-déporté: Camps, histoire, psychanalyse [Deported knowledge: The camps, history and psychoanalysis] by Anne-Lise Stern
Psyche, self and soul: Rethinking psychoanalysis, the self and spirituality By Gerald J. Gargiulo
Psychic trauma: Dynamics, symptoms, and treatment by Ira Brenner
From obstacle to ally: The evolution of psychoanalytic practice by Judith Hughes
Between couch and piano: Psychoanalysis, music, art, and neuroscience by Gilbert J. Rose  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Psychoanalysis, science and masculinity By Karl Figlio.
Dreams that turn over a page: Paradoxical dreams in psychoanalysis By Jean-Michel Quinodoz.
Fattori di malattia, fattori di guarigione: Genesi della sofferenza e cura psicoanalitica: [Elements of disease, elements of recovery. Genesis of suffering and psychoanalytic cure] By Antonino Ferro.
Vocabulário contemporáneo de psicanálise: [Contemporary dictionary of psychoanalysis] By David E. Zimmerman.
Le traumatique, répétition et élaboration: [Trauma, repetition and elaboration] By Anna Potamianou.
The pale criminal: Psychoanalytic perspectives By Stephen J Costello.
Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse: [International dictionary of psychoanalysis] Edited by Alain de Mijolla.
Fundamentals of a Freudian clinic By Luís Carlos Menezes.
Disappearing persons: Shame and appearance By Benjamin Kilborne.
The social edges of psychoanalysis By Neil J Smelser. Berkeley and Los Angeles  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this Article:
Les balafrés du divan. Essai sur les symbolisations plurielles [Casualties of the couch. A study of composite symbol-formations] By Jean-José Baranes
Epistemología y psicoanálisis [Epistemology and psychoanalysis] by Gregorio Klimovsky
Psychotherapeutische Erstinterviews mit Kindern Winnicotts Squiggletechnik in der Praxis [Psychotherapeutic first interviews with children. Winnicott's squiggle technique in practice] by Michael Günter
In pursuit of psychic change:The Betty Joseph workshop Edited by Edith Hargreaves and Arturo Varchevker
Gleichschwebende Aufmerksamkeit und Modellbildung Eine qualitativ-systematische Einzelfallstudie zum Erkenntnisprozess des Psychoanalytikers [Evenly suspended attention and model-formation.A qualitative systematic case study of the psychoanalyst's cognitive process] by Hartmuth König
als käm ich heim zu Vater und Schwester Lou Andreas—Salome Anna Freud Briefwechsel (1919–1936) ['As if I were coming home to my father and sister.' The Lou Andreas-Salomé Anna Freud correspondence (1919–36)] Edited by Daria A. Rothe and Inge Weber  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Melanie Klein by Julia Kristeva
Und Freud hat doch Recht. Die Entstehung der Kultur durch Transformation der Gewalt. Bausteine einer allgemeinen Kulturtheorie [So Freud was right. The emergence of culture through the transformation of violence. Outline of a general theory of culture] by Eberhard T. Haas
The technique and practice of psychoanalysis, Vol 3. The training seminars of Ralph R. Greenson, MD Edited by Lee Jaffe
Intohimoinen nainen. Psykoanalyyttisia tutkielmia halusta, rakkaudesta ja häpeästä [Female desire: Psychoanalytical studies on pleasure, love and shame] by Elina M. Reenkola
Pérdida, pena, duelo: Vivencias, investigación y asistencia [Loss, grief, mourning: Experience, research and care] by Jorge L. Tizón García
Verräter oder Verführte: Eine psychoanalytische Untersuchung Inof. zieller Mitarbeiter der Stasi [Betrayers of trust or themselves betrayed: A psychoanalytic investigation of the unof. cial collaborators with the Stasi] by Ingrid Kerz-Rühling and Thomas Plänkers
Impossible training: A relational view of psychoanalytic education by Emanuel Berman
Lost childhood and the language of exile Edited by Judit Szekacs-Weisz and Ivan Ward  相似文献   

Der ferne Vater. Zur Psychoanalyse von Vatererfahrung, männlicher Entwicklung und negativem ödipuskomplex [The distant father. On the psychoanalysis of the father‐experience, male development and the negative Oedipus complex] Josef Christian Aigner Studies on femininity Alcira M. Alizade, Editor Masculine scenarios Alcira M. Alizade, Editor Winnicott insolite [Winnicott's unusual qualities] J. Bousihra and M. C. Durieux, Editors Curare con la psicoanalisi. Percorsi e strategie [Psychoanalysis as cure. Trajectories and strategies] G. Di Chiara Otto Kernberg M. C. Durieux Le travail psychanalytique: Colloque organisé par la Société psychanalytique de Paris [Psychoanalytic work: A Paris Psychoanalytic Society colloquium] André Green and Françoise Coblence, Editors, Alain Fine, Contributor Basales verstehen. Handlungsdialoge in psychotherapie und psychoanalyse [Understanding fundamentals. Behavioural dialogues in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis] Günter Heisterkamp Dream travelers: Sleep experiences and culture in the Western Pacific Roger Ivar Lohmann Dreaming by the book. Freud's The interpretation of dreams and the history of the psychoanalytic movement Lydia Marinelli and Andreas Mayer Translated from the German by Susan Fairfield Dreams and history. The interpretation of dreams from Ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis Daniel Pick and Lyndal Roper, Editors Insight and interpretation: The essential tools of psychoanalysis Roy Schafer La pudeur, un lieu de liberté [Modesty, a place of liberty] Monique Selz La coscienza in psicoanalisi [Conscience in psychoanalysis] A. A. Semi Psychanalyse en dialogue [Psychoanalysis in dialogue] Daniel Widlöcher and Nicole Delattre Die Rundbriefe des “Geheimen Komitees”. Band 1 (1999): Die Jahre 1913–1920, Band 2 (2001): Das Jahr 1921, Band 3 (2004): Das Jahr 1922, Band 4 (2005): Die Jahre 1923–1936 [The circular letters of the ‘Secret Committee’. Volume 1 (1999): 1913–1920; Volume 2 (2001): 1921; Volume 3 (2004): 1922; Volume 4 (2005): 1923–1936] Gerhard Wittenberger and Christfried Tögel  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Aux origines féminines de la sexualité [On the female origins of sexuality] by Jacques André
Psychoanalysis, identity and ideology: Critical essays on the Israel/Palestine case Edited by John Bunzl and Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi
Terrorism and war: Unconscious dynamics of political violence Edited by Coline Covington, Paul Williams, Jean Arundale and Jean Knox.
Race, colour and the processes of racialization: New perspectives from group analysis, psychoanalysis and sociology by Farhad Dalal
Das bulimische Syndrom: Psychodynamik und Genese [The bulimic syndrome: Psychodynamics and genesis] by Thomas Ettl
Imagination and the meaningful brain by Arnold H. Modell
Mutterseelenallein. Kunst, form und psychoanalyse [All alone. Art, form and psychoanalysis] by Reimut Reiche
Winnicott: Life and work by F. Robert Rodman  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
La adopción: Un tema de nuestro tiempo [Adoption: A contemporary topic] edited by Milagros Cid and Silvia Pérez-Galdós
La peau [The skin] Edited by Gérard Szwec
Entrevista e indicadores en psicoterapia y psicoanalisis [Interview and indicators in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis] by Antonio Pérez Sánchez
The art of interpretation: Deconstruction and new beginning in the psychoanalytic process by Wolfgang Loch, edited by Peter Wegner
Psychoanalytic collisions by Joyce Anne Slochower
Psychodynamic diagnostic manual by the PDM Task Force
Vulnerabilità alla psicosi [Susceptibility to psychosis] by Franco De Masi
Saber y no saber: Curiosidad sexual infantil [To know and not to know: the sexual curiosity of children] by Mariela Michelena  相似文献   

Some of the ideas of Sigmund Freud were preceded in a literary form by the Swedish writer August Strindberg in the late 19th century. Psychoanalysis itself was introduced in Sweden about a decade into the 20th century by two rivalling pioneers, the doctors Emanuel af Geijerstam and Poul Bjerre. After a slow start, the Danish‐Norwegian Psychoanalytical Society and the Finnish‐Swedish Psychoanalytical Society were formed in 1934 in Stockholm. The same year, Ericastiftelsen [The Erica Foundation], a psychotherapeutic clinic for children, was founded by Hanna Bratt. Five years later, in 1939, also in Stockholm, the organization that was to become St. Lukasstiftelsen [The Saint Luke's Foundation] was founded. It has been, and still is, an association that has trained psychodynamic psychotherapists, with a focus on existential, religious and philosophical questions. Today, St. Luke's tries to be up‐dated from an academic standpoint. During the Second World War, several important psychoanalysts came to Sweden, for example René de Monchy, Lajos and Edith Székely, and Stefi Pedersen. Ola Andersson's doctoral dissertation (“Studies in the Prehistory of Psychoanalysis”, 1962) and the historian Gunnar Brandell's essay (“Freud, a Man of His Century”, 1961) have had an international impact. In the last two decades, an authorized and carefully edited translation of Freud's collected works has been published by Natur och Kultur, and the history of psychoanalysis in Sweden has been written at the University of Gothenburg. As a result of a recent interest in the work of Jacques Lacan, and French psychoanalysis, philosophy and literature, the journal Psykoanalytisk Tid/Skrift was founded in 2002, in Gothenburg. Since 2011 the journal is called Arche. The largest organized group of psychoanalysts in Sweden today is the Swedish Psychoanalytical Association (SPAF), which has around 225 members. Since 2008, it no longer has the right to license psychotherapists, a situation which reflects the position of psychoanalysis outside the mainstream of psychiatric health services and academic psychology. Despite the criticism of Freud's thinking from biologically and cognitively oriented theoretical standpoints, the interest in psychoanalysis endures.  相似文献   

Translations of Freud ’s writings have had a lasting influence on psychoanalytic thinking in France. They have, all the same, given rise to some conceptual distortions as regards the ego and the id, the ideal ego and the ego ideal, and splitting. Lacan’s ‘return to Freud ’ certainly reawakened interest in Freud ’s writings; however, by focusing mainly on Freud ’s early work, Lacan’s personal reading played down the importance of the texts Freud wrote after his metapsychological papers of 1915. The fact that there is no French edition of Freud ’s complete works makes it difficult for French psychoanalysts to put them in a proper context with respect to his developments as a whole. The Oeuvres Complètes [Complete Works] edition may well turn out to be the equivalent of the Standard Edition, but it is as yet far from complete – and, since the vocabulary employed is far removed from everyday language, those volumes already in print tend to make the general public less likely to read Freud. In this paper, the author evokes certain questions that go beyond the French example, such as the impact that translations have within other psychoanalytic contexts. Now that English has become more or less the lingua franca for communication between psychoanalysts, we have to face up to new challenges if we are to avoid a twofold risk: that of mere standardization, as well as that of a ‘Babelization’ of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

Evart Van Dieren (1861-1940), a Dutch general practitioner who had a passionate aversion against psychoanalysis, wrote two particularly polemical books contra Freud but nevertheless did not succeed in generating much response. In this paper, some of his objections against psychoanalysis are briefly examined and compared with some present day arguments against Freud by Grünbaum and Crews, with the purpose of finding an answer to the question: What does it take to be a successful or unsuccessful critic?  相似文献   

John Rodker (1894-1955) was the founder of the British publishing house--the Imago Publishing Company--which undertook the republication of the complete works of Sigmund Freud in German just before World War II. Rodker, himself a writer as well as a publisher, was initially tempted by a psychoanalytic career; numerous obstacles, however, lay in his path. War, along with the complicated management of the royalties from Freud's writings, compromised the progress of what seemed to him to be 'a serious venture'. Besides Rodker, we meet numerous actors of the psychoanalytic movement: Anna Freud, Marie Bonaparte, Ernest Jones, James Strachey, all of whom had worked for the dissemination of Freud's writings. This paper shows how the English language gradually became the 'official norm' for psychoanalysts. According to the editors of the Standard Edition, at that time 'nothing new [was] being written' in German or in French. The failure of the Gesammelte Werke project signalled the end of an era in which psychoanalysis was mainly written about in German.  相似文献   

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