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Magnetic resonance imaging was used to produce midsagittal images of the corpus callosum of 19 right-handed adult male and female subjects. The preliminary findings of this study indicate that significant adaptation in the anterior midbody of the corpus callosum has occurred to accommodate multiple language capacity in bilingual individuals compared to monolingual individuals. The main interpretation of this finding is that the precentral gyrus is involved in bilingual faculty adaptation assuming a role consistent with the somatotopical input to areas dedicated to the mouth, and input to association tracts connecting the premotor and supplementary motor cortices. This paper discusses possible implications to neuroscientists, second language educators, and their students.  相似文献   

Sentence comprehension following agenesis of the corpus callosum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sentence comprehension skills of a 6-year-old girl with callosal agenesis were compared to skills of three other children matched for age and verbal IQ. Sentence-picture matching and acting out tasks were used with reversible active, passive, and center-embedded relative clause sentences. The acallosal subject showed a deficit in syntactic comprehension. The difficulty was due to a failure to assign correct semantic roles to some sentence forms, not to a lack of ability to discriminate among the sentence forms. The data are consistent with a previous report by M. Dennis (1977, In Topics in child neurology, pp. 189-212) that in acallosal subjects syntactic comprehension can be adversely affected. Because this acallosal subject is only 6 years old, follow-up studies will be needed to determine whether she eventually acquires normal syntactic skills.  相似文献   

The present review summarizes historic and recent research which has investigated the role of the corpus callosum in dichotic processing within the context of audiology. Examination of performance by certain clinical groups, including split brain patients, multiple sclerosis cases, and other types of neurological lesions is included. Maturational, age related, and genetic factors are also discussed. Finally, some attention is given to recent trends in audiology research to develop improved diagnostic and rehabilitation tools for individuals with dichotic deficits potentially related to callosal dysfunction.  相似文献   

In order to specify the callosal involvement in the establishment of cerebral lateralization, a dichotic listening task was administered to six subjects with congenital absence of the corpus callosum, two callosotomized patients, and two hemispherectomized patients. The acallosal subjects were also compared to six subjects matched for age, sex, and hand dominance as well as to six subjects also matched for IQ. Our findings indicate that language functions, as assessed by dichotic listening performance, are more strongly lateralized in callosal agenesis subjects than in IQ-matched normal controls. Our results also reveal that hemispherectomized patients typically show a strong ear-advantage favoring the ear contralateral to their remaining hemisphere. Callosotomized patients, on the other hand, show a more variable pattern of results that seems to be related to the postsurgical time interval. Finally, our findings suggest that there might be a relationship between IQ and lateralization in subjects with borderline or mild deficiency.  相似文献   

A catamnestic account is given of a case of corpus callosum deficiency. The clinical symptoms and para-clinical findings could not be interpreted with the syndrome. A short reference is made to the importance of the corpus callosum deficiency.  相似文献   

Background: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has revealed microstructural aspects of adolescent brain development, the cognitive correlates of which remain relatively uncharacterized. Methods: DTI was used to assess white matter microstructure in 18 typically developing adolescents (ages 16–18). Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusion (MD) were evaluated within the splenium and body of the corpus callosum in relation to cognitive performance. Results: Visuospatial construction abilities were associated with white matter integrity in both the splenium and body of the corpus callosum, while only splenium integrity was associated with language and psychomotor function. Conclusion: Results suggest that, for typically developing adolescents, white matter coherence positively relates to visuospatial, psychomotor, and language skills. These findings may have implications for the cognitive functioning of clinical populations in which typical white matter development is altered.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine how differences in functional lateralisation of language are related to interindividual variations in interhemispheric connectivity. Utilising an fMRI silent word-generation paradigm, 89 left- and right-handed subjects were subdivided into four lateralisation subgroups. Applying morphological and diffusion-tensor MRI, midsagittal cross-sectional area as well as quantitative measures of molecular diffusion (anisotropy, mean diffusion) of the corpus callosum were determined to assess interhemispheric connectivity. Statistical analyses revealed group differences in molecular diffusion but not in callosal size, which may be interpreted to reflect a stronger and/or faster interhemispheric connection in strongly left-lateralised subjects as compared to moderately left-lateralised, bilateral, or moderately right-lateralised subjects.  相似文献   

A Japanese patient who had undergone section of the posterior half of the truncus of the corpus callosum in the process of removing an arteriovenous malformation was examined with a battery of special tests. He showed agraphia only with the left hand (unilateral agraphia). The agraphia was more prominent for the words written in Kana characters (phonograms) than for the words written in Kanji characters (ideograms). The patient showed neither unilateral apraxia, nor tactile alexia, nor tactile anomia.  相似文献   

Children ranging in age from 3 to 12 tapped on a morse key with their index finger as fast as possible. After a control test, they concurrently tapped and recited a nursery rhyme, recited animal names, and memorized shapes. Previous results suggested that more interference in a motor task results from attempting at the same time to perform another task controlled by the same, than by a different, hemisphere. Right-handed tapping and talking both used left hemisphere space; left-handed tapping and talking were controlled by different hemispheres. Relative to silent tapping concurrent talking caused a greater drop in right-hand tapping rate than in left-hand tapping rate in both the rhyme and animal conditions. Interference by shape memorizing was equal across hands. The differential effect of speaking on right-hand preference indicates the left lateralization of speech output control. The size of this effect did not vary with increasing grade level. The findings support the view that speech output control is fully lateralized at least by age 3 years.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal population-based study (N?=?544), we investigated whether early parenting and corpus callosum length predict child executive function abilities at 4 years of age. The length of the corpus callosum in infancy was measured using postnatal cranial ultrasounds at 6 weeks of age. At 3 years, two aspects of parenting were observed: maternal sensitivity during a teaching task and maternal discipline style during a discipline task. Parents rated executive function problems at 4 years of age in five domains of inhibition, shifting, emotional control, working memory, and planning/organizing, using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Preschool Version. Maternal sensitivity predicted less executive function problems at preschool age. A significant interaction was found between corpus callosum length in infancy and maternal use of positive discipline to determine child inhibition problems: The association between a relatively shorter corpus callosum in infancy and child inhibition problems was reduced in children who experienced more positive discipline. Our results point to the buffering potential of positive parenting for children with biological vulnerability.  相似文献   

While some individuals with agenesis of the corpus callosum can perform normally on standardized intelligence tests, clinical observations suggest that they nevertheless have deficits in the domains of fluid and social intelligence. Particularly important for social competence is adequate understanding and use of paralinguistic information. This study examined the impact of callosal absence on the processing of pragmatic and paralinguistic information. Young adult males with agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) were evaluated in the areas of nonliteral language comprehension, proverb recognition and interpretation, and perception of affective prosody. Ten ACC individuals with normal Wechsler IQ were compared to 14 sex, age, and IQ matched normal controls. The Formulaic and Novel Language Comprehension Test (FANL-C), Gorham Proverbs Test, and LA Prosody Test were administered. ACC subjects exhibited significant impairment on the nonliteral items of the FANL-C, but no significant difference from controls in comprehension of literal items. ACC subjects also exhibited significant deficits in both self-generated interpretation and recognition of proverb meaning, and in recognition of affective prosody. These results demonstrate that normally intelligent individuals with ACC are impaired in the understanding of nonliteral language and emotional-prosodic cues that are important in social communication. In all three tests, the performance of individuals with ACC was similar to patients with right hemisphere brain damage. Thus, persons with ACC appear to lack interhemispheric integration of critical aspects of language processed by the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The corpus callosum (CC) is the largest white matter tract in the brain. It enables interhemispheric communication, particularly with respect to bimanual coordination. Here, we use diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in healthy humans to determine the extent to which structural organization of subregions within the CC would predict how well subjects learn a novel bimanual task. A single DTI scan was taken prior to training. Participants then practiced a bimanual visuomotor task over the course of 2 wk, consisting of multiple coordination patterns. Findings revealed that the predictive power of fractional anisotropy (FA) was a function of CC subregion and practice. That is, FA of the anterior CC, which projects to the prefrontal cortex, predicted bimanual learning rather than the middle CC regions, which connect primary motor cortex. This correlation was specific in that FA correlated significantly with performance of the most difficult frequency ratios tested and not the innately preferred, isochronous frequency ratio. Moreover, the effect was only evident after training and not at initiation of practice. This is the first DTI study in healthy adults which demonstrates that white matter organization of the interhemispheric connections between the prefrontal structures is strongly correlated with motor learning capability.  相似文献   

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