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Summary Street is educational software based on latent semantic analysis (LSA), a computer method for representing the content of texts. The classroom trial described here demonstrates the power of LSA to support an educational goal by providing automatic feedback on the content of students' summaries. Summary Street provides this feedback in an easy-to-grasp, graphic display that helps students to improve their writing across multiple cycles of writing and revision on their own before receiving a teacher's final evaluation. The software thus has the potential to provide students with extensive writing practice without increasing the teacher's workload. In classroom trials 6th-grade students not only wrote better summaries when receiving content-based feedback from Summary Street, but also spent more than twice as long engaged in the writing task. Specifically, their summaries were characterized by a more balanced coverage of the content than summaries composed without this feedback. Greater improvement in content scores was observed with texts that were difficult to summarize. Classroom implementation of Summary Street is discussed, including suggestions for instructional activities beyond summary writing.  相似文献   


The authors present interactive drama as a medium to create learning about multicultural and diversity issues on the basis of cognitive‐experiential self‐theory. Results of exploratory qualitative research suggest 2 interactive dramas had an impact on awareness, understanding, and skills. Future research and benefits for counseling students and programs are discussed. Los autores presentan la drama interactiva como medio para crear conciencia de cuestiones multiculturales y de diversidad, basado en la teoria de personalidad cognosciva‐experimental. Los resultados de investigaciones cualitativas iniciales sugieren que dos dramas interactivas afectaron al conoscimiento, el entendimiento, y las habilidades. También se discuten avenidas para investigaciones futuras, y los beneficios para estudiantes y programas de consejo.  相似文献   

A set of computational and exploratory exercises is described for teaching and remediation in undergraduate statistics. The materials consist of an ensemble of BASIC programs written for the use of a variety of popular microcomputers and a system-independent workbook.  相似文献   

This paper describes ArtWare, a HyperCard stack for the Apple Macintosh that allows researchers to configure and run simple experiments in visual aesthetics. ArtWare allows researchers to (1) choose paintings or other works of art from commercially available laser discs to use as stimuli, (2) create and edit sets of semantic differential response scales, and (3) create an experiment stack that randomizes the presentation of stimuli and scales as well as collects data from subjects. In addition, the paper discusses revisions planned for the current software to broaden its utility to areas beyond visual aesthetics.  相似文献   

RegRand (Version 1.0) is Macintosh-based software that enables a researcher to conduct a nonparametric statistical analysis of the data from Koehler and Levin’s (1998) recently described regulated randomization single-case multiple-baseline design. Regulated randomization design and analysis principles are reviewed in relation to an educational research application and a step-by-step illustration of them in relation to the RegRand program is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a general purpose data simulator, Datasim, which is useful for anyone conducting computer-based laboratory assignments in statistics. Simulations illustrating sampling distributions, the central limit theorem, Type I and Type II decision errors, the power of a test, the effects of violating assumptions, and the distinction between orthogonal and non-orthogonal contrasts are discussed. Simulations illustrating other statistical concepts—partial correlation, regression to the mean, heteroscedasticity, the partitioning of error terms in splitplot designs, and so on—can be developed easily. Simulations can be assigned as laboratory exercises, or the instructor can execute the simulations during class, integrate the results into an ongoing lecture, and use the results to initiate class discussion of the relevant statistical concepts.  相似文献   

PoeTryMe is a poetry generation system that autonomously produces poems from a set of initial parameters. After using it, creative writers and other users of this system expressed the desire to partake in the creative process by directly interacting with PoeTryMe. This paper is motivated by the previous impressions. It illustrates some of the challenges of automatic poetry generation, highlights limitations of PoeTryMe, and reports on recent efforts to address user feedback and provide alternative ways of using this system. First, making some functionalities available via a web API enabled their exploitation by other systems. Those include the generation of single lines as well as retrieval of related words, allowing for additional constraints on the number of syllables, sentiment and rhyme. On top of this API, a co-creative interface, Co-PoeTryMe, has been developed. Co-PoeTryMe allows users to either start from scratch or from a generated draft. Extensive editing functionality has been incorporated, in particular, allowing lines and words to be switched or replaced by newly generated alternatives. Co-PoeTryMe, its interface and the co-creative process for producing poetry are described, along with a user study that provided useful feedback. Users pointed out the strengths of this new system, including its capacities in providing inspiration, and giving the user the ability to customize an existing draft and visualize the changes, but also pointed out weaknesses, primarily by identifying potential improvements in the user interface.  相似文献   

Described is one of the new techniques that interactive scaling algorithms make possible.  相似文献   

Uncertain knowledge about continuous quantities is usually formalized through subjective probability distributions (SPD′s). However, results from past experimental research have often pointed to the rather poor quality of SPD′s. Moreover, previous attempts to improve SPD quality frequently appeared to be only partly successful; overconfidence especially proved to be an exceptionally persistent phenomenon. In the present study, method-induced biases in particular are considered to be responsible for the poor quality of SPD′s, and an alternative means for eliciting uncertain knowledge was designed to meet fundamental quality criteria to a more satisfactory degree. The direct realization of a proper scoring rule in a graphically oriented interactive computer program is one of the central features of this new elicitation technique, ELI. An experiment with 48 subjects was carried out to evaluate ELI performance and to compare it with the performance of (a) an existing elicitation technique and (b) a simple technique that only asks for a best guess and a lower and upper bound. The three techniques were evaluated and compared with respect to their contribution to reliable and valid SPD′s and with respect to their practical usefulness. The results indicated that for ELI the fundamental requirements were realized to a great extent. Furthermore, compared with the two other techniques, ELI performance appeared to be superior. In particular, only with the support of ELI did overconfidence appear to be almost absent.  相似文献   

iSTART: Interactive strategy training for active reading and thinking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interactive Strategy Training for Active Reading and Thinking (iSTART) is a Web-based application that provides young adolescent to college-age students with high-level reading strategy training to improve comprehension of science texts. iSTART is modeled after an effective, human-delivered intervention called self-explanation reading training (SERT), which trains readers to use active reading strategies to self-explain difficult texts more effectively. To make the training more widely available, the Web-based trainer has been developed. Transforming the training from a human-delivered application to a computer-based one has resulted in a highly interactive trainer that adapts its methods to the performance of the students. The iSTART trainer introduces the strategies in a simulated classroom setting with interaction between three animated characters—an instructor character and two student characters— and the human trainee. Thereafter, the trainee identifies the strategies in the explanations of a student character who is guided by an instructor character. Finally, the trainee practices self-explanation under the guidance of an instructor character. We describe this system and discuss how appropriate feedback is generated.  相似文献   

Imagine if each square of pavement on the sidewalk had an owner, and pedestrians required a license to step on it. Imagine the negotiations necessary to walk an entire block under this system. That is what writing a program will be like if software patents continue. The sparks of creativity and individualism that have driven the computer revolution will be snuffed out. Imagine if each square of pavement on the sidewalk had an owner, and pedestrians required a license to step on it. Imagine the negotiations necessary to walk an entire block under this system. That is what writing a program will be like if software patents continue. The sparks of creativity and individualism that have driven the computer revolution will be snuffed out.—Richard Stallman and Simson Garfinkel (1992) This article highlights the vulnerability of the open source software movement to patent infringement lawsuits. With the number of patents on software algorithms predicted to exceed 100,000 this year, it is now virtually impossible to write any computer program, however trivial, that does not violate one or more patents. This paper argues that this situation is not only ludicrous, but it is contrary to any reasonable reading of the Constitution’s intentions with respect to the protection of intellectual property. In addition, the patentability of software algorithms stems from the U.S. Supreme Court’s failure to grasp one of the most fundamental concepts of computer science. From this error stems a long, dysfunctional chain of legal reasoning and patent policies, the effect of which has been to transform the mental reasoning processes, abstract knowledge, and scientific truths of computing into patentable subject matter. The result poses a potentially catastrophic threat not only to the open source software movement and the emerging industry of electronic commerce, but more fundamentally, to the very existence of the sciences of computing, without which further U.S. technological leadership will be impossible to sustain. An anthropologist, Dr. Pfaffenberger has authored dozens of how-to and reference books on computers and the Internet. He won the Albert Payson Usher Prize from the Society for the History of Technology and the Best Book of the Year Award from the American Society for Information Science.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe software that turns a Macintosh computer into an off-the-shelf tool for experiments on visual search. Our design goals included portability (between members of the Macintosh computer family and between various research settings), user-friendliness (equivalent to Macintosh programming standards), flexibility (to allow replication and extension of important experiments on visual search), and adaptability (very short design-to-data and data-to-analysis turnaround times). We describe how the software meets these goals in three major phases of an experiment: stimulus construction, experimental control, and statistical analysis. We then list several landmark studies of visual search that can be easily designed and extended with the software. Finally, we outline plans for expanding the experimental variations that will be supported in future versions of the software.  相似文献   

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