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Recent studies using moving arrays of textured micropatterns have suggested that motion perception can be supported by two mechanisms, one quasilinear and sensitive to the motion of luminance-defined local texture, the other nonlinear and coding motion of contrast-defined envelopes of texture (Baker & Hess, 1998; Boulton & Baker, 1993b). Here we used similar patterns to study motion perception under conditions previously shown to isolate the nonlinear mechanism (low micropattern densities and positive interstimulus intervals [ISIs]. We measured direction discrimination for two-flash apparent motion over a much larger range of ISIs, and susceptibility to masking by incoherently moving "distractor" micropatterns. The results suggest that two nonlinear mechanisms can support motion perception under these conditions. One operates only for relatively short ISIs (less than c. 100 msec), is sensitive to small spatial displacements, and is relatively insensitive to distractor masking. The other operates over much longer ISIs, is insensitive to small spatial displacements, and is highly disrupted by distractor masking. These results are in line with previous studies suggesting that three mechanisms support motion perception.  相似文献   

Hollins M  Seeger A  Pelli G  Taylor R 《Perception》2004,33(8):1001-1019
We examined, in two experiments, the perceptual scaling of the properties of haptically examined virtual surfaces, and the way in which these properties subjectively combine. Participants used a consistent movement pattern to explore, with a stylus, virtual surfaces generated by a force-feedback device. In experiment 1, four surface properties (bump size, friction, resistance to normal force, and vibration amplitude) were varied individually, in separate blocks of trials. Free magnitude estimates of the subjective dimensions corresponding to these properties showed that all four dimensions conformed closely to the power law, except at very low stimulus values. Exponents for bump size (0.80) and stiffness (1.01) were consistent with values established in earlier work with direct touch of real surfaces. Surprisingly, the exponent for stickiness, not previously measured, was much higher than those for other dimensions (1.49). In experiment 2, dimensional combinations were analyzed by asking subjects to give magnitude estimates of the subjective difference between pairs of surfaces differing in one or two properties. Magnitude estimates of a given one-dimensional difference were generally larger when the subject was pressing down firmly on the surfaces, than when only gentle downward pressure was required; this result suggests that forces generated when a surface is haptically examined are interpreted as invariant indicators of the magnitudes of the surface properties themselves. Estimates of one-dimensional differences were also used to make predictions of two-dimensional differences, under assumptions of dimensional integrality and separability. The results fell between these two sets of predictions, indicating only modest integration of surface properties examined with indirect touch.  相似文献   

The authors used a correlated motion paradigm to investigate the effects of aging and gender on motion sensitivity. In 2 experiments with a total of 50 elderly and 50 young subjects, motion thresholds were significantly higher for elderly women. The correlated motion signal, which was embedded in random motion, may have been coherent to subjects in much the same way a form is in Witkin's Embedded Figures Test (EFT). In Experiment 2, EFT scores were obtained. A significant positive relationship between motion thresholds and EFT performance was found within each age group. Although gender-related perceptual style differences may contribute to motion perception effects, the authors argue that a common neural factor contributes to performance on both the EFT and the correlated motion task.  相似文献   

Freeman TC  Sumnall JH 《Perception》2002,31(5):603-615
Abstract. Observers can recover motion with respect to the head during an eye movement by comparing signals encoding retinal motion and the velocity of pursuit. Evidently there is a mismatch between these signals because perceived head-centred motion is not always veridical. One example is the Filehne illusion, in which a stationary object appears to move in the opposite direction to pursuit. Like the motion aftereffect, the phenomenal experience of the Filehne illusion is one in which the stimulus moves but does not seem to go anywhere. This raises problems when measuring the illusion by motion nulling because the more traditional technique confounds perceived motion with changes in perceived position. We devised a new nulling technique using global-motion stimuli that degraded familiar position cues but preserved cues to motion. Stimuli consisted of random-dot patterns comprising signal and noise dots that moved at the same retinal 'base' speed. Noise moved in random directions. In an eye-stationary speed-matching experiment we found noise slowed perceived retinal speed as 'coherence strength' (ie percentage of signal) was reduced. The effect occurred over the two-octave range of base speeds studied and well above direction threshold. When the same stimuli were combined with pursuit, observers were able to null the Filehne illusion by adjusting coherence. A power law relating coherence to retinal base speed fit the data well with a negative exponent. Eye-movement recordings showed that pursuit was quite accurate. We then tested the hypothesis that the stimuli found at the null-points appeared to move at the same retinal speed. Two observers supported the hypothesis, a third partially, and a fourth showed a small linear trend. In addition, the retinal speed found by the traditional Filehne technique was similar to the matches obtained with the global-motion stimuli. The results provide support for the idea that speed is the critical cue in head-centred motion perception.  相似文献   

Although much evidence indicates that young infants perceive unitary objects by analyzing patterns of motion, infants' abilities to perceive object unity by analyzing Gestalt properties and by integrating distinct views of an object over time are in dispute. To address these controversies, four experiments investigated adults' and infants' perception of the unity of a center-occluded, moving rod with misaligned visible edges. Both alignment information and depth information affected adults' and infants' perception of object unity in similar ways, and infants perceived object unity by integrating information about object features over time. However, infants perceived a moving, misaligned, three-dimensional object as indeterminate in its connectedness, whereas adults perceived it as connected behind the occluder. These findings indicate that the effectiveness of common motion in specifying unified surfaces across an occluder is reduced by misalignment of edges. Alignment information enhances perception of object unity either by serving directly as information for unity or by optimizing the detectability of motion-carried information for unity. In addition, young infants are able to retain information about edge orientation over short intervals in determining connectedness via a process of spatiotemporal integration.  相似文献   

In daily life our visual system is bombarded with motion information. We see cars driving by, flocks of birds flying in the sky, clouds passing behind trees that are dancing in the wind. Vision science has a good understanding of the first stage of visual motion processing, that is, the mechanism underlying the detection of local motions. Currently, research is focused on the processes that occur beyond the first stage. At this level, local motions have to be integrated to form objects, define the boundaries between them, construct surfaces and so on. An interesting, if complicated case is known as motion transparency: the situation in which two overlapping surfaces move transparently over each other. In that case two motions have to be assigned to the same retinal location. Several researchers have tried to solve this problem from a computational point of view, using physiological and psychophysical results as a guideline. We will discuss two models: one uses the traditional idea known as ‘filter selection’ and the other a relatively new approach based on Bayesian inference. Predictions from these models are compared with our own visual behaviour and that of the neural substrates that are presumed to underlie these perceptions.  相似文献   

NaCl detection and recognition thresholds were measured with and without a prior artificial raising of the level of adaptation by a molar salt mouthrinse. In both cases, it was found that an interstimulus procedure involving water mouthrinses yielded lower thresholds than a procedure with no rinses. These results were seen to be predicted from adaptation level changes. The literature was seen to confirm these results, while difficulties in threshold measurement were discussed.  相似文献   

Everyone has probably experienced chronostasis, an illusion of time that can cause a clock's second hand to appear to stand still during an eye movement. Though the illusion was initially thought to reflect a mechanism for preserving perceptual continuity during eye movements, an alternative hypothesis has been advanced that overestimation of time might be a general effect of any action. Contrary to both of these hypotheses, the experiments reported here suggest that distortions of time perception related to an eye movement are not distinct from temporal distortions for other kinds of responses. Moreover, voluntary action is neither necessary nor sufficient for overestimation effects. These results lead to a new interpretation of chronostasis based on the role of attention and memory in time estimation.  相似文献   

Motion parallax as an independent cue for depth perception.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
B Rogers  M Graham 《Perception》1979,8(2):125-134
The perspective transformations of the retinal image, produced by either the movement of an observer or the movement of objects in the visual world, were found to produce a reliable, consistent, and unambiguous impression of relative depth in the absence of all other cues to depth and distance. The stimulus displays consisted of computer-generated random-dot patterns that could be transformed by each movement of the observer or the display oscilloscope to simulate the relative movement information produced by a three-dimensional surface. Using a stereoscopic matching task, the second experiment showed that the perceived depth from parallax transformations is in close agreement with the degree of relative image displacement, as well as producing a compelling impression of three-dimensionality not unlike that found with random-dot stereograms.  相似文献   

Recent theories propose that semantic representation and sensorimotor processing have a common substrate via simulation. We tested the prediction that comprehension interacts with perception, using a standard psychophysics methodology. While passively listening to verbs that referred to upward or downward motion, and to control verbs that did not refer to motion, 20 subjects performed a motion-detection task, indicating whether or not they saw motion in visual stimuli containing threshold levels of coherent vertical motion. A signal detection analysis revealed that when verbs were directionally incongruent with the motion signal, perceptual sensitivity was impaired. Word comprehension also affected decision criteria and reaction times, but in different ways. The results are discussed with reference to existing explanations of embodied processing and the potential of psychophysical methods for assessing interactions between language and perception.  相似文献   

O'Brien J  Johnston A 《Perception》2000,29(4):437-452
Both texture and motion can be strong cues to depth, and estimating slant from texture cues can be considered analogous to calculating slant from motion parallax (Malik and Rosenholtz 1994, report UCB/CSD 93/775, University of California, Berkeley, CA). A series of experiments was conducted to determine the relative weight of texture and motion cues in the perception of planar-surface slant when both texture and motion convey similar information. Stimuli were monocularly viewed images of planar surfaces slanted in depth, defined by texture and motion information that could be varied independently. Slant discrimination biases and thresholds were measured by a method of single-stimuli binary-choice procedure. When the motion and texture cues depicted surfaces of identical slants, it was found that the depth-from-motion information neither reduced slant discrimination thresholds, nor altered slant discrimination bias, compared to texture cues presented alone. When there was a difference in the slant depicted by motion and by texture, perceived slant was determined almost entirely by the texture cue. The regularity of the texture pattern did not affect this weighting. Results are discussed in terms of models of cue combination and previous results with different types of texture and motion information.  相似文献   

M T Swanston  N J Wade 《Perception》1992,21(5):569-582
The motion aftereffect (MAE) was measured with retinally moving vertical gratings positioned above and below (flanking) a retinally stationary central grating (experiments 1 and 2). Motion over the retina was produced by leftward motion of the flanking gratings relative to the stationary eyes, and by rightward eye or head movements tracking the moving (but retinally stationary) central grating relative to the stationary (but retinally moving) surround gratings. In experiment 1 the motion occurred within a fixed boundary on the screen, and oppositely directed MAEs were produced in the central and flanking gratings with static fixation; but with eye or head tracking MAEs were reported only in the central grating. In experiment 2 motion over the retina was equated for the static and tracking conditions by moving blocks of grating without any dynamic occlusion and disclosure at the boundaries. Both conditions yielded equivalent leftward MAEs of the central grating in the same direction as the prior flanking motion, ie an MAE was consistently produced in the region that had remained retinally stationary. No MAE was recorded in the flanking gratings, even though they moved over the retina during adaptation. When just two gratings were presented, MAEs were produced in both, but in opposite directions (experiments 3 and 4). It is concluded that the MAE is a consequence of adapting signals for the relative motion between elements of a display.  相似文献   

A generalized method for collecting data on interstimulus similarity is presented and its special cases evaluated by use of information theory. A method of analyzing the data by the Unfolding Technique is presented which permits the study of the latent attribute structure underlying the similarity of stimuli for a single individual. This study was carried out under Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr 374 (00) NR 041-011.  相似文献   

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