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The Charles Bonnet syndrome: 'phantom visual images'.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
G Schultz  R Melzack 《Perception》1991,20(6):809-825
The Charles Bonnet syndrome is a condition in which individuals experience complex visual hallucinations without demonstrable psychopathology or disturbance of normal consciousness. An analysis of the sixty-four cases described in the literature reveals that the syndrome can occur at any age though it is more common in elderly people. Reduction in vision, due to peripheral eye pathology as well as pathology within the brain, is associated with the syndrome. Individual hallucinatory episodes can last from a few seconds to most of the day. Episodes can occur for periods of time ranging from days to years, with the hallucinations changing both in frequency and in complexity during this time. The hallucinations may be triggered or stopped by a number of factors which may exert their effect through a general arousal mechanism. People, animals, buildings, and scenery are reported most often. These images may appear static, moving in the visual field, or animated. Emotional reaction to the hallucinations may be positive or negative. Several theories have been proposed to account for the hallucinations. This paper highlights the sensory deprivation framework, with particular emphasis on the activity in the visual system after sensory loss that produces patterns of nerve impulses that, in turn, give rise to visual experience.  相似文献   

Constancy of egocentric visual direction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Hering's model of egocentric visual direction assumes implicitly that the effect of eye position on direction is both linear and equal for the two eyes; these two assumptions were evaluated in the present experiment. Five subjects pointed (open-loop) to the apparent direction of a target seen under conditions in which the position of one eye was systematically varied while the position of the other eye was held constant. The data were analyzed through examination of the relationship between the variations in perceived egocentric direction and variations in expected egocentric direction based on the positions of the varying eye. The data revealed that the relationship between eye position and egocentric direction is indeed linear. Further, the data showed that, for some subjects, variations in the positions of the two eyes do not have equal effects on egocentric direction. Both the between-eye differences and the linear relationship may be understood in terms of individual differences in the location of the cyclopean eye, an unequal weighting of the positions of the eyes in the processing of egocentric direction, or some combination of these two factors.  相似文献   

Shifts in subjective sensory direction (local signature) occur in all sense modalities, and the dynamics of these shifts are quite similar. This is also true for visual direction in homogeneous binocular space. Binocular vision may, therefore, be interpreted in accordance with principles of intersensory processing.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that the visual bias of auditory sound location, or ventriloquism, does not depend on the direction of deliberate, or endogenous, attention (Bertelson, Vroomen, de Gelder, & Driver, 2000). In the present study, a similar question concerning automatic, or exogenous, attention was examined. The experimental manipulation was based on the fact that exogenous visual attention can be attracted toward a singleton--that is, an item different on some dimension from all other items presented simultaneously. A display was used that consisted of a row of four bright squares with one square, in either the left- or the rightmost position, smaller than the others, serving as the singleton. In Experiment 1, subjects made dichotomous left-right judgments concerning sound bursts, whose successive locations were controlled by a psychophysical staircase procedure and which were presented in synchrony with a display with the singleton either left or right. Results showed that the apparent location of the sound was attracted not toward the singleton, but instead toward the big squares at the opposite end of the display. Experiment 2 was run to check that the singleton effectively attracted exogenous attention. The task was to discriminate target letters presented either on the singleton or on the opposite big square. Performance deteriorated when the target was on the big square opposite the singleton, in comparison with control trials with no singleton, thus showing that the singleton attracted attention away from the target location. In Experiment 3, localization and discrimination trials were mixed randomly so as to control for potential differences in subjects' strategies in the two preceding experiments. Results were as before, showing that the singleton attracted attention, whereas sound localization was shifted away from the singleton. Ventriloquism can thus be dissociated from exogenous visual attention and appears to reflect sensory interactions with little role for the direction of visual spatial attention.  相似文献   

Counteradaptation, previously demonstrated in connection with adaptation in distance perception, was obtained after exposure to displaced visual direction. When S adapted to a laterally displacing wedge prism by walking during the exposure period, there was not only a change in the perceived visual direction, but also a change m the proprioceptively perceived walking direction. When S adapts to lateral displacement of the visual direction by looking at his stationary or his moving arm, visual adaptation is obtained in the latter, but not in the former, case (Held & Hein, 1958). We obtained a change in the proprioceptively perceived position of the arm when it was stationary during the exposure period, a condition which had not yielded visual adaptation, and a much smaller, not significant, change in the felt position in the case of the actively moved arm. In the present experiments, changes in proprioceptively perceived direction or position amounted to counteradaptation.  相似文献   

Adaptation in the constancy of visual direction can be obtained under two radically different conditions, called eye-movement adaptation and field adaptation. Adaptation resulting from these conditions and from a “normal” condition was measured with a newly developed estimation test. Eye-movement adaptation was found to cause an alteration of compensatory eye movements. It apparently consists of a changed evaluation of eye movements, as demonstrated by two different pointing tests. A form test where the shape of a large oblong is set to look square also confirmed this interpretation. After field adaptation, a pointing test did not register a change, but an adaptation effect could be measured with a forward direction test. This test and a square test where no eye movements were permitted proved to be specific to field adaptation; they measured no effect after eye-movementadaptation. The normal adaptation condition Was apparently equivalent to the eye-movement adaptation condition. Its effect could be measured only with a pointing test. When we changed the normal adaptation condition so that frequent saccades were made during head turning, strong effects were measured with the two tests that were specific to field adaptation.  相似文献   

When the head is returned to upright after prolonged backward tilt, people who are asked to look straight ahead look higher than they did before the backward tilting. This has been interpreted in terms of hypotheses about central visual learning or by hypotheses about peripheral muscle physiology. According to the learning hypotheses, the illusion of visual direction that occurs after head tilts depends upon the presence of discordant cues about direction. In the present study, the illusion was the same with or without discordant information.  相似文献   

The present study examined if and how the direction of planned hand movements affects the perceived direction of visual stimuli. In three experiments participants prepared hand movements that deviated regarding direction (“Experiment 1” and “2”) or distance relative to a visual target position (“Experiment 3”). Before actual execution of the movement, the direction of the visual stimulus had to be estimated by means of a method of adjustment. The perception of stimulus direction was biased away from planned movement direction, such that with leftward movements stimuli appeared somewhat more rightward than with rightward movements. Control conditions revealed that this effect was neither a mere response bias, nor a result of processing or memorizing movement cues. Also, shifting the focus of attention toward a cued location in space was not sufficient to induce the perceptual bias observed under conditions of movement preparation (“Experiment 4”). These results confirm that characteristics of planned actions bias visual perception, with the direction of bias (contrast or assimilation) possibly depending on the type of the representations (categorical or metric) involved.  相似文献   

Sixty Ss wore vertically displacing wedge prisms and adapted by looking at their feet for 10 min. Half of them did this while standing and the others in supine position. The latter condition produced adaptation measurable with a visual-motor test and with a test of egocentric localization, but on a purely motoric test no adaptation was apparent. Standing during the adaptation period produced no effect.  相似文献   

Features that we have recently attended to strongly influence how we allocate visual attention across a subsequently viewed visual scene. Here, we investigate the characteristics of any such repetition effects during visual search for Gabor patch targets drifting in the odd direction relative to a set of distractors. The results indicate that repetition of motion direction has a strong effect upon subsequent allocation of attention. This was the case for judgments of a target’s presence or absence, of a target’s location, and of the color of a target drifting in the odd direction. Furthermore, distractor repetition on its own can facilitate search performance on subsequent trials, indicating that the benefits of repetition of motion direction are not confined to repetition of target features. We also show that motion direction need not be the target-defining dimension throughout a trial block for motion priming to occur, but that priming can build up with only one presentation of a given target direction, even within blocks of trials where the target may, unpredictably, be defined by a different feature (color, in this case), showing that dimensional-weighting accounts cannot, on their own, account for motion direction priming patterns. Finally, we show by randomizing the set size between trials that priming of motion direction can decrease search rates in visual search.  相似文献   

Eye position and visual attention influence perceived auditory direction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The singular and joint effects of eccentric visual fixation and peripheral visual attention upon the perceived auditory median plane (PAMP) of the head were examined in four subjects. They positioned a hidden, horizontally-moving sound source to the perceived median plane of the head, while fixating a light 20 degrees or 45 degrees to the right or left of the actual median plane, and attending to another light in peripheral vision. Analysis by multiple linear regression yielded a model for each subject which indicated the nature and weighting of those factors contributing to variance reduction in PAMP judgments. Three subjects showed a strong linear attention effect, resulting in shifts of the PAMP away from the locus of attention. Similarly, a strong linear fixation effect was discovered in two subjects, a weak effect in another, and a nonlinear, inverse fixation effect in the last. Additional factors were noted for some subjects. Possible explanations of the observed effects were discussed. The study indicates that both visual attention and visual fixation are critical factors in experiments on auditory space perception although inter-individual differences do exist in the nature and strength of the effects.  相似文献   

The dependence of the perception of direction on two kinds of extraretinal signals was measured by asking Ss to indicate the position of a fixation target relative to the subjective straight ahead. Outflow was studied by making such localizations while the fixating eye was loaded by means of weights attached to a suction contact lens. Inflow was studied by making such localizations with brief test flashes to a passively rotated eye while the other eye fixated. Shifts in the perceived direction, of the fixation target were in line with predictions from outflow theory and not influenced by conflicting inflow signals.  相似文献   

Hering’s model of egocentric visual direction assumes implicitly that the effect of eye position on direction is both linear and equal for the two eyes; these two assumptions were evaluated in the present experiment. Five subjects pointed (open-loop) to the apparent direction of a target seen under conditions in which the position of one eye was systematically varied while the position of the other eye was held constant. The data were analyzed through examination of the relationship between the variations in perceived egocentric direction and variations inexpected egocentric direction based on the positions of the varying eye. The data revealed that the relationship between eye position and egocentric direction is indeed linear. Further, the data showed that, for some subjects, variations in the positions of the two eyes do not have equateffectsTjn egocentric direction. Both the between-eye differences and the linear relationship may be understood in terms of individual differences in the location of the cyclopean eye, an unequal weighting of the positions of the eyes in the processing of egocentric direction, or some combination of these two factors.  相似文献   

Modification of the constancy of visual direction was produced by partially adapting Ss to the displacements of the visual field caused by magnifying lenses during 1 h of continuous head turning. The adaptation effects were measured by determining the range of perceived target immobility before and after this adaptation period. A method for measuring the range of apparent immobility of an auditory signal during head movements was developed and employed to test whether a modification of the constancy of visual direction transfers to the constancy of auditory direction. No such transfer was found, and it was concluded that a modification of the constancy of visual direction does not consist in an altered evaluation of kinesthetic cues for head turning. The method and the equipment used in the investigation of the constancy of visual direction are described; knowledge of the previous brief publications on this topic is not needed.  相似文献   

When the head is returned to upright after prolonged backward tilt, people who are asked to look straight ahead look higher than they did before the backward tilting. One explanation attributes the illusory visual direction to a change in muscle responsiveness which develops after the head is returned to upright. According to this explanation, the illusory shift should be absent, or at least reduced, if the subjects are not returned to upright before testing. In the present study, the illusion was the same whether subjects remained tilted for testing or were returned to upright.  相似文献   

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