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Twenty-four boys with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) participating in an intensive summer treatment program each received b.i.d. placebo and two doses of methylphenidate (MPH, 0.3 mg/kg and 0.6 mg/kg) crossed with two classroom settings: a behavior modification classroom including a token economy system, time out and daily home report card, and a regular classroom setting not using these procedures. Dependent variables included classroom observations of on-task and disruptive behavior, academic work completion and accuracy, and daily self-ratings of performance. Both MPH and behavior modification alone significantly improved children's classroom behavior, but only MPH improved children's academic productivity and accuracy. Singly, behavior therapy and 0.3 mg/kg PMH produced roughly equivalent improvements in classroom behavior. Further, the combination of behavior therapy and 0.3 mg/kg MPH resulted in maximal behavioral improvements, which were nearly identical to those obtained with 0.6 mg/kg MPH alone.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Patricia Donovan, Michelle Berry, Mary Ingram, Patricia Wells, Beth Gnagy, Karen Greenslade, Mary Hamilton, and the entire staff of the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic ADHD Summer Treatment Program.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to explore the effects of methylphenidate (MPH), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis, and age on performance on a complex visual-memory search task. Results showed that the effects of MPH varied with information load. On low-processing loads, all doses of MPH helped children with ADHD to improve accuracy with no cost to reaction time (RT), whereas on high loads, higher MPH doses improved error rates while slowing RT. Without medication, children with ADHD showed high error rates and slow RTs across both low and high loads, as did younger, normal control children. Because MPH slowed performance on only the most difficult, high-load conditions, it is argued that the drug improves self-regulatory ability, enabling children with ADHD to adapt differentially to high and low loads.  相似文献   

Childhood hyperactivity (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) is a behavior disorder affecting 2-6% of grade-school children. The main symptoms are attention problems and hyperkinesis. The disorder is commonly treated with psychomotor stimulants, usually methylphenidate hydrochloride (ritalin) or d-amphetamine. Neither the cause of the disorder nor the basis of the effectiveness of the drug treatment is well understood. Differences in reinforcement processes have been implicated as part of the underlying problem. The main purpose of the present research was to investigate reinforcement processes and motor characteristics with and without stimulant medication in SHR, as an animal model of ADHD, and WKY controls, its normoactive progenitor strain. SHR behavior turned out to be more sensitive to immediate reinforcement and proportionately less sensitive to delayed reinforcement when compared to the behavior of WKY, as demonstrated by systematic changes in rates of responding throughout fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement of bar-presses by water. The psychomotor stimulants weakened the control by immediate reinforcers and strengthened the control by delayed reinforcers, with the effect of the drugs being more pronounced in WKY than in SHR. The results are consistent with clinical observations that ADHD children are less willing than others to accept "delayed gratification" and that methylphenidate increases the control of delayed reward over their behavior.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis of a response choice deficit in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 30 scalp electrodes in 21 ADHD and 21 normal boys during a spatial stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) task. ADHD children made fewer correct responses than control children, but did not show a larger incompatibility effect on response speed and accuracy. In ERPs, ADHD children had longer N1 latency and larger condition effect on the frontal N2, which would reflect a greater frontal involvement for the correct responses. The ADHD group who performed the SRC task first showed a larger condition effect on an early occipital P3 only, while the ADHD group who performed the SRC task second showed a larger condition effect on a later central P650 component and on a late parietal NSW, as compared with normal controls. These results suggest strategic differences in information processing in ADHD children, rather than a specific deficit.  相似文献   

The predominantly inattentive (IN) subtype of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a recently defined condition that is often overlooked by professionals and is still not completely understood. Characterized by symptoms of inattentiveness, such as distractibility, failure to complete work, forgetfulness, and disorganization, the IN subtype differs from the more commonly recognized combined (CB) subtype of ADHD in that symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity are absent or minimal. Large-scale epidemiologic studies suggest that the IN subtype is at least as prevalent as the CB subtype, and is at least as likely to be associated with academic and/or social impairment. Diagnosis of the IN subtype, however, may be more challenging because in addition to inattentiveness, other symptoms, including learning problems, depression, and anxiety, may also present without externalizing behaviors. Several studies have shown that compared with the CB subtype, the IN subtype has a later age of onset and referral, a relatively larger proportion of affected females, and is much less likely to be associated with symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder. Research is currently under way to examine the cognitive characteristics of the IN subtype and its genetic and neurobiologic underpinnings, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy and other treatments.  相似文献   

In the present study, 30 students between the ages of 7 and 18 years (M = 13 years) diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were randomly assigned to a massage group or a wait-list control group. The massage group received massage therapy for 20 minutes twice per week over the course of one month. The results revealed that massage therapy benefited students with ADHD by improving short-term mood state and longer-term classroom behavior.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the relationship between methylphenidate (MPH) and the learning and recall of paired associations by children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADDH). Forty-five children with ADDH were randomly assigned to one of three groups (novel, partial mastery, and mastery learning) that varied in the amount of previous learning of paired associations and participated in a double-blind, placebo-control, repeated-measures-across-dose (crossover) design. Each child received four doses of MPH (5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, and 20 mg) and a placebo in a random, counterbalanced sequence. The results indicated that both the rate of acquisition and accuracy in learning paired associations were significantly, but differentially, affected by MPH dose and the degree of learning mastery. The implications of these results for psychopharmacological research and the monitoring of psychostimulant effects on children's learning performance in academic settings are discussed.The authors wish to acknowledge and express their sincere appreciation to the graduate and undergraduate student members of the Children's Learning Clinic.  相似文献   

Eilam D  Szechtman H 《CNS spectrums》2005,10(3):191-202
Rats treated chronically with the D2/D3 dopamine receptor agonist quinpirole show a pattern of behavior that meets a set of ethologically derived criteria of compulsive behavior in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Moreover, in both quinpirole-treated rats and OCD patients, the structure of compulsive rituals appear similar in being composed of relatively few motor acts that are organized in a flexible yet recurrent manner. In addition, the development of compulsive behavior in quinpirole-treated rats is attenuated by the OCD pharmacotherapeutic drug clomipramine. These similarities support the validity of quinpirole-treated rats as a psychostimulant-induced animal model of OCD. Considering that the induction of compulsive behavior in the rat model involves chronic hyperstimulation of dopamine receptors, this raises the possibility that dopaminergic mechanisms may play a role in OCD, at least in some subtypes of this disorder.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in parent functioning resulting from parental participation in a behavioral parent training (PT) program specifically designed for school-aged children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Relative to wait list controls, subjects who completed the nine-session PT program showed significant posttreatment gains in both child and parent functioning, which were maintained 2 months after treatment. In particular, there were PT-induced reductions in parenting stress and increases in parenting self-esteem, which accompanied parent-reported improvements in the overall severity of their child's ADHD symptoms. In addition to their statistical importance, these findings are discussed in terms of their clinical significance, utilizing methods developed by Jacobson and Truax (1991).This project was supported in part through BRSG grant S07RR05712-19 awarded to Arthur D. Anastopoulos by the Biomedical Research Support Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

In order to examine the impulsive profile of a BPD sample with comorbid ADHD, adult patients who met criteria for BPD were assessed for ADHD with the CAADID and the WURS. A high rate of ADHD in the BPD sample was found, with sixty-nine (38.1%) BPD patients diagnosed as having comorbid adult ADHD. BPD-ADHD group had higher rates of general substance use disorder (59.4% vs. 38.4%), antisocial personality disorder (7.2% vs. 0.9%) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (21.7% vs. 6.3%). The BPD group without comorbid adult ADHD showed a higher rate of mood disorders (62.5% vs. 37.7%), panic disorders (54.5% vs. 23.1%) and benzodiazepine abuse (18.8% vs. 5.8%). Only in BPD patients without ADHD was comorbid avoidant personality disorder found. BPD patients could be distinguished in two clear subgroups related to the adult ADHD comorbidity. BPD-ADHD patients showed a more homogeneous and impulsive profile while BPD without ADHD comorbidity had more anxiety and depressive disorders.  相似文献   

This study examined the persistence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) into young adulthood using hyperactive (N = 147) and community control (N = 71) children evaluated at ages 19-25 years. ADHD was rare in both groups (5% vs. 0%) based on self-report but was substantially higher using parent reports (46% vs. 1.4%). Using a developmentally referenced criterion (+2 SD), prevalence remained low for self-reports (12% vs. 10%) but rose further for parent reports (66% vs. 8%). Parent reports were more strongly associated with major life activities than were self-reports. Recollections of childhood ADHD showed moderate correlations with actual parent ratings collected in childd hood, which suggests some validity for such recollections. The authors conclude that previous follow-up studies that relied on self-reports might have substantially underestimated the persistence of ADHD into adulthood.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) persists frequently into adulthood. The decomposition of endophenotypes by means of experimental neuro-cognitive assessment has the potential to improve diagnostic assessment, evaluation of treatment response, and disentanglement of genetic and environmental influences. We assessed four parameters of attentional capacity and selectivity derived from simple psychophysical tasks (verbal report of briefly presented letter displays) and based on a "theory of visual attention." These parameters are mathematically independent, quantitative measures, and previous studies have shown that they are highly sensitive for subtle attention deficits. Potential reductions of attentional capacity, that is, of perceptual processing speed and working memory storage capacity, were assessed with a whole report paradigm. Furthermore, possible pathologies of attentional selectivity, that is, selection of task-relevant information and bias in the spatial distribution of attention, were measured with a partial report paradigm. A group of 30 unmedicated adult ADHD patients and a group of 30 demographically matched healthy controls were tested. ADHD patients showed significant reductions of working memory storage capacity of a moderate to large effect size. Perceptual processing speed, task-based, and spatial selection were unaffected. The results imply a working memory deficit as an important source of behavioral impairments. The theory of visual attention parameter working memory storage capacity might constitute a quantifiable and testable endophenotype of ADHD.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood. However, basic information about how the prevalence of ADHD varies by race/ethnicity, sex, age, and socio-economic status remains poorly described. One reason is that difficulties in the diagnosis of ADHD have translated into difficulties developing an adequate case definition for epidemiologic studies. Diagnosis depends heavily on parent and teacher reports; no laboratory tests reliably predict ADHD. Prevalence estimates of ADHD are sensitive to who is asked what, and how information is combined. Consequently, recent systematic reviews report ADHD prevalence estimates as wide as 2%-18%. The diagnosis of ADHD is complicated by the frequent occurrence of comorbid conditions such as learning disability, conduct disorder, and anxiety disorder. Symptoms of these conditions may also mimic ADHD. Nevertheless, we suggest that developing an adequate epidemiologic case definition based on current diagnostic criteria is possible and is a prerequisite for further developing the epidemiology of ADHD. The etiology of ADHD is not known but recent studies suggest both a strong genetic link as well as environmental factors such as history of preterm delivery and perhaps, maternal smoking during pregnancy. Children and teenagers with ADHD use health and mental health services more often than their peers and engage in more health threatening behaviors such as smoking, and alcohol and substance abuse. Better methods are needed for monitoring the prevalence and understanding the public health implications of ADHD. Stimulant medication is the treatment of choice for treating ADHD but psychosocial interventions may also be warranted if comordid disorders are present. The treatment of ADHD is controversial because of the high prevalence of medication treatment. Epidemiologic studies could clarify whether the patterns of ADHD diagnosis and treatment in community settings is appropriate. Population-based epidemiologic studies may shed important new light on how we understand ADHD, its natural history, its treatment and its consequences.  相似文献   

The influence of the maternal environment on the development of open-field behavior in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats was investigated using the technique of reciprocal cross-fostering. Entire litters of SHR and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) normotensive rats were either reared by their natural mothers, in-fostered to dams of the same strain, or cross-fostered to dams of the opposite strain on the day after birth. Open-field behavior was assessed in male and female rats from the six groups (2 strains x 3 rearing conditions) at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of age. Animals were observed in the open-field during a 5-min test period and the number of squares entered and hindlimb rears were recorded. At all ages tested, SHR rats were more active in the open field, entering more squares and rearing more frequently than WKYs. SHR females were more active than age-matched SHR males, while no sex differences were apparent in the WKY strain. At each age, open-field behavior was similar across WKY rearing groups. SHR control and in-fostered animals responded similarly in the open field; however, SHR cross-fostered rats (particularly females) tended to be more active than controls. Although cross-fostering has profound effects on cardiovascular development and functioning in the SHR, it appears that altering the early maternal environment experienced by SHR pups does not grossly affect the development of open-field behavior.  相似文献   

Multi-component training interventions such as the Challenging Horizons Program (CHP) improve organization skills and academic functioning of middle school students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); however, few studies have investigated treatment for high school students. We explored the extent to which CHP adapted for high school would improve proximal (e.g., organization skills, homework performance) and distal (e.g., report card grades) academic outcomes through 6-month follow-up relative to a community care (CC) condition. Participants included 186 adolescents who were randomly assigned to CHP (n = 92; 80% male; M age = 15.0; SD = 0.8) or CC (n = 94; 78% male; M age = 15.1; SD = 0.9) with CHP delivered over one school year. Parent, teacher, and self-report ratings of organization skills and academic performance, report card grades, and achievement tests were collected across multiple occasions. Intent-to-treat analyses using hierarchical linear modeling revealed significant improvements of small to medium magnitude (d range = 0.32 to 0.58) for parent-rated organization skills, homework performance, and academic functioning at 6-month follow-up. CHP effect on grades was small, but associated with a less steep decline than that found for CC. No statistically significant effects on teacher or self-report ratings were obtained. CHP appears efficacious for ameliorating organization skills and homework performance deficits exhibited by high school students with ADHD and can protect against decline in report card grades experienced by these students. CHP may require supplementation with academic skills instruction for some students and may need implementation beyond one school year to produce durable effects.  相似文献   

Efficacious treatments for childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been clearly documented in the extant literature. However, significant challenges remain in delivering these treatments to the children and families they were developed to benefit. With the aim of better understanding the obstacles that impede delivery of treatments for ADHD, this paper reviews what is known regarding predictors of treatment acceptance, adherence, and success among families of children with ADHD. We identify several gaps in this literature, including the need for a strong, theoretically-driven model that encompasses parental cognitive variables in understanding the treatment experiences of these families.  相似文献   

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