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Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - The principle of autonomy is widely recognized to be of utmost importance in bioethics; however, we argue that this principle is often misapplied when one fails...  相似文献   

Folk psychology suggests that when an observer views a scene, a unique item will stand out and draw attention to itself. This belief stands in contrast to numerous studies in visual search that have found that a unique target item (e.g., a unique color) is not identified more quickly than a nonunique target. We hypothesized that this finding is the result of task demands of visual search, and that when the task does not involve visual search, uniqueness will pop out. We tested this hypothesis in a task in which observers were presented an array of letters and asked to respond aloud, as quickly as possible, with the identity of any one of the letters. The observers were significantly more likely to respond with a uniquely colored letter than would be expected by chance. In a task in which observers blurt out the first thing that they see, unique pop-out does not poop out.  相似文献   

Although humans typically move more slowly as they age, one exception may be the saccadic motor system. To fully determine whether the execution of saccades is affected by age, the authors examined detailed kinematics of vertical and horizontal saccades across a range of saccadic amplitudes (4 degrees, 8 degrees, and 12 degrees). Ten younger and 20 older adults participated in each experiment. Whereas in the 1st experiment, the authors assessed volitionally generated saccades, in the 2nd experiment, they evaluated reflexively generated saccades. The results of those experiments showed that the saccadic motor system is relatively impervious to the effects of aging; in fact, the differences between vertical and horizontal saccades were more evident than were differences between saccades produced by younger and older adults. The authors discuss possible reasons for that relative resistance to aging.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - The pinnacle of the physician's clinical skills is his ability to develop the autonomy of his patients in the management of their health affairs. To do this...  相似文献   

Previous research reported ambiguous findings regarding the relationship of visuospatial attention and (stereoscopic) depth information. Some studies indicate that attention can be focused on a distinct depth plane, while other investigations revealed attentional capture from irrelevant items located in other, unattended depth planes. To evaluate whether task relevance of depth information modulates the deployment of attentional resources across depth planes, the additional singleton paradigm was adapted: Singletons defined by depth (i.e., displayed behind or in front of a central depth plane) or color (green against gray) were presented among neutral items and served as targets or (irrelevant) distractors. When participants were instructed to search for a color target, no attentional capture from irrelevant depth distractors was observed. In contrast, it took substantially longer to search for depth targets when an irrelevant distractor was presented simultaneously. Color distractors as well as depth distractors caused attentional capture, independent of the distractors’ relative depth position (i.e., in front of or behind the target). However, slight differences in task performance were obtained depending on whether or not participants fixated within the target depth plane. Thus, the current findings indicate that attentional resources in general are uniformly distributed across different depth planes. Although task relevant depth singletons clearly affect the attentional system, this information might be processed subsequent to other stimulus features.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to refine our understanding of the role of working memory capacity (WMC) on motor performances that require attentional control in dual-task situations. Three studies were carried out on soccer players. Each participant had to perform a juggling task in both normal and dual-task conditions. In Study 1, the interfering task was a mental calculation test performed under time pressure (strong cognitive load). In Study 2, the interfering task was a count-down test (low cognitive load). In Study 3 an intra-individual design in which participants perform dual-tasks increasingly complex has been proposed. Results showed a positive relationship between participants’ WMC and their dual-task motor performance when the cognitive load was low and a negative relationship when the cognitive load was high. This paper highlights the role of the WMC in the activation of different modes of processing and its importance on the performance in dual-task.  相似文献   

Memory reconsolidation is defined as a process in which the retrieval of a previously consolidated memory returns to a labile state which is then subject to stabilization. The reminder is the event that begins with the presentation of the learned cue and triggers the labilization-reconsolidation process. Since the early formulation of the hypothesis, several controversial items have arisen concerning the conditions that define reconsolidation. It is herein proposed that two diagnostic features characterize reconsolidation, namely: the labilization of the reactivated memory and the specificity of the reminder structure. To study this proposal, subjects received two different training sessions on verbal material on Day 1 and Day 2, respectively. Finally, they were tested for the first and second acquired memories on Day 3. It is demonstrated that the human declarative memory fulfills the two requirements that define the process. First, the reactivated memory is impaired by a new learning only when it is given closely after the reminder, revealing that the memory is labilized. Second, the omission of at least one of the reminder's components prevents labilization. Therefore, results show that the new learning fails to produce an amnesic effect on the target memory either when the reminder omits the learned cue or includes the beginning of the reinforcement.  相似文献   

Individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) predict individual differences in basically all tasks that demand some form of cognitive labor, especially if the persons conducting the task are exposed to distraction. As such, tasks that measure WMC are very useful tools in individual-differences research. However, the predictive power of those tasks, combined with conventional statistical tools that cannot support the null hypothesis, also makes it difficult to study the limits of that power. In this article, we review studies that have failed to find a relationship between WMC and effects of auditory distraction on visual–verbal cognitive performance, and use meta-analytic Bayesian statistics to test the null hypothesis. The results favor the assumption that individual differences in WMC are, in fact, not (always) related to the magnitude of distraction. Implications for the nature of WMC are discussed.  相似文献   

In "The Ethical Justification for Minimal Paternalism in the Use of the Predictive Test for Huntington's Disease," David DeGrazia attempts to provide a rational analysis of the exclusion criteria and counseling requirements for predictive testing proposed by the Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA). The need for analysis is clear. These protocols and procedures for predictive testing for Huntington's disease (HD) are being used as models for testing programs for any number of genetic conditions. DeGrazia concludes that the HDSA guidelines are reasonable, a conclusion with which I agree. However, I believe that DeGrazia, by placing his analysis within the framework of autonomy versus paternalism, overlooks both the fundamental rationale for the testing procedures and the true barriers to testing....The difficulties encountered during the testing process clearly demonstrated the failure of abstract principles to deal with real life.  相似文献   

Stimulus-driven preferential attention to threat can be modulated by goal-driven attention. However, it remains unclear how this goal-driven modulation affects specific attentional components implied in threat interference. We hypothesise that goal-driven modulation most strongly impacts delayed disengagement from threat. A spatial cueing task was used that disentangles delayed disengagement from attentional capture by tightly manipulating the locus of attention at the time of target onset. Different top-down goals were induced by instructing participants to identify bird/fish targets (Experiment 1) or spider/cat targets (Experiment 2) among animal non-targets. Delayed disengagement from a non-target spider was observed only when the spider was part of the target set, not when it was task-irrelevant. This corroborates evidence that threat stimuli do not necessarily override goal-driven attentional control and that extended processing of threatening distractors is not obligatory.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether consistent algorithmic response patterning on 8- and 10-arm versions of the radial maze is independent of spatial encoding. On the 8-arm version well-trained hooded rats were tested in darkness, after maze rotation that rendered room cues ambiguous with respect to arm positions, or with room cues unsystematically relocated. Ambiguous maze rotation was also used with well-trained subjects on the 10-arm version. If algorithmic patterning is a learned, non-spatial strategy, animals using it consistently ought not to have been affected by changes in the spatial layout of the test environment, and the type of pattern used by each subject would have remained constant. On the 8-arm radial maze, responses were most often made to arms 2 or 3 from that just visited. In many animals patterns were interchangeable, switching occurring between preferred angles of turn from day to day. Performance fell when animals were tested in darkness and upon ambiguous maze rotation early (but not later) in training. Testing in darkness increased the angle through which animals turned when responding, perhaps due to the disturbance of intramaze cue use. On the 10-arm maze the “consecutive arm” pattern was used persistently by several animals and appeared to protect their performance from disruption by ambiguous maze rotation. Animals not using rigid patterning were adversely affected. However, on both mazes animals using patterning correctly identified maze arms that had been omitted from otherwise patterned choice sequences. Animals adopted continuous patterning only when spatial encoding had been established. Response patterning appears to serve a mnemonic function and in rats complements rather than replaces the use of a spatial representation of the environment. It was concluded that a complex, flexible relationship exists between spatial functioning and its expression via motor responses.  相似文献   

We investigated illusory recollection by dividing lists of associated words into three subsets (high, medium and low) based on their backward associative strength (BAS) to an unstudied theme. Participants studied these subsets at different visual locations on a computer screen and afterwards were given a source memory test. In Experiment 1, we varied the order in which high- and medium-BAS subsets were studied. In Experiment 2, we again manipulated study order as well as the associative strength of the medium-BAS subsets (strong or weak). Across both experiments, illusory recollection was constrained by both study order and BAS. Source attributions to the high-BAS location were more likely (a source-strength effect) when high-BAS items were studied first or studied following items of relatively low associative strength. However, attributions to the strong medium-BAS studied location were more likely when these items were studied before high-BAS items. These findings are interpreted as resulting from misbinding of source details at encoding which can be explained by the activation-monitoring theory of illusory recollection.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the attentional mechanisms governing sensorimotor skill execution across levels of expertise. In Experiment 1, novice and expert golfers took a series of putts under dual-task conditions designed to distract attention from putting and under skill-focused conditions that prompted attention to step-by-stePperformance. Novices performed better under skill-focused than under dual-task conditions. Experts showed the opposite pattern. In Experiment 2, novice and expert golfers putted under instructions that emphasized either putting accuracy or speed—the latter intended to reduce the time available to monitor and explicitly adjust execution parameters. Novices putted better under accuracy instructions. Experts were more accurate under speed instructions. In agreement with theories of skill acquisition and automaticity, novice performance is enhanced by conditions that allow for on-line attentional monitoring (e.g., skill-focused or accuracy instructions) in comparison with conditions that prevent explicit attentional control of skill execution (e.g., dual-task or speed constraints). In contrast, the proceduralized skill of experts benefits from environments that limit, rather than encourage, attention to execution.  相似文献   

Creeping determinism, a form of hindsight bias, refers to people's hindsight perceptions of events as being determined or inevitable. This article proposes, on the basis of a causal-model theory of creeping determinism, that the underlying processes are effortful, and hence creeping determinism should disappear when individuals lack the cognitive resources to make sense of an outcome. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were asked to read a scenario while they were under either low or high processing load. Participants who had the cognitive resources to make sense of the outcome perceived it as more probable and necessary than did participants under high processing load or participants who did not receive outcome information. Experiment 3 was designed to separate 2 postulated subprocesses and showed that the attenuating effect of processing load on hindsight bias is not due to a disruption of the retrieval of potential causal antecedents but to a disruption of their evaluation. Together the 3 experiments show that the processes underlying creeping determinism are effortful, and they highlight the crucial role of causal reasoning in the perception of past events.  相似文献   

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