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Seeing one's hand in visual periphery has been shown to optimize the directional accuracy of a sweeping hand movement, which is consistent with Paillard's (1980; Paillard & Amblard, 1985) two-channels model of visual information processing. However, contrary to this model, seeing one's hand in central vision, even for a brief period of time, also resulted in optimal directional accuracy. One goal of the present study was to test two opposing hypotheses proposed to explain the latter finding. As a second goal, we wanted to determine whether additional support could be found for the existence of a visual kinetic channel. The results indicated that seeing one's hand in central vision, even for a very short delay, resulted in the same accuracy as being permitted to see one's hand for the duration of the whole movement. This suggests that seeing one's hand around the target might enable one to code its location and that of the target within a single frame of reference and, thus, facilitate movement planning. In addition, the results of the present study indicated that seeing one's hand in motion while in visual periphery permitted a better directional accuracy than when this information was not available. This suggests that the movement vector, which is planned prior to movement initiation, can be quickly updated following movement initiation.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined on-line processing during the execution of reciprocal aiming movements. In Experiment 1, participants used a stylus to make movements between two targets of equal size. Three vision conditions were used: full vision, vision during flight and vision only on contact with the target. Participants had significantly longer movement times and spent more time in contact with the targets when vision was available only on contact with the target. Additionally, the proportion of time to peak velocity revealed that movement trajectories became more symmetric when vision was not available during flight. The data indicate that participants used vision not only to 'home-in' on the current target, but also to prepare subsequent movements. In Experiment 2, liquid crystal goggles provided a single visual sample every 40 ms of a 500 ms duty cycle. Of interest was how participants timed their reciprocal aiming to take advantage of these brief visual samples. Although across participants no particular portion of the movement trajectory was favored, individual performers did time their movements consistently with the onset and offset of vision. Once again, performance and kinematic data indicated that movement segments were not independent of each other.  相似文献   

The authors examined strategic selection of visual samples during manual aiming. Participants (N = 12) wore liquid-crystal goggles while performing discrete movements to a small target. Initially, participants controlled a 40-ms visual sample via a switch in their nonaiming hand. Subsequently, experimenter-imposed strategies required participants to take visual samples before movement initiation or early or late in the movement. Although participants adopted a variety of strategies to optimize the use of vision, they were more likely to select a sample during the early stages of the movement. Experimenter-imposed early and late instructions resulted in longer movement times than did self-selected sampling. Compared with late sampling, early sampling resulted in a temporal advantage with similar accuracy.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the control principles underlying rapid manual tracking responses to horizontal double-step stimuli. The paper reports an experiment concerned with responses made to step-stimuli presented in quick succession. The amplitude of the second-step was varied between the initial step-position and the home-base. Double-step response parameters were analysed as a function of the determinant time interval (D) between the second step and the onset of the initial response. The initial response amplitude was observed to vary as a function of D. Amplitude transition functions were constructed representing the transition of the initial response amplitude between the two step positions; their slopes, furthermore, depended on the amplitude of the second target step. No delays in the initial reaction time with the interstimulus interval were observed. Minor delays to the onset of a corrective response were observed. These delays were in part related to a movement time constraint that is independent of any limitations in central processing capacity. The present findings for the manual control system are compared to double-step tracking analyses of the oculomotor control system.  相似文献   

Recent results indicate that adults modulate their initial movement impulse toward a stationary visual target by processing visual afferent information. The authors investigated whether the mechanisms responsible for those modulations are already in place in young children or develop as the children grow older. Adults (n = 10) and 6-, 8- and 10-year-old children (ns = 6, 7, and 7, respectively) performed a video-aiming task while vision of the cursor they were moving was (acquisition) or was not (transfer) visible. The results indicated that within-participant variability of the initial impulse trajectory of the children's aiming movement leveled-off in acquisition between peak extent deceleration and the end of the initial impulse, whereas it increased linearly as movement unfolded in transfer. The results also indicated that children modulate their initial movement impulse when visual afferent information is available, although to a lesser extent than adults do, and strongly imply that contrary to past suggestions, the initial impulse of an aiming movement is not ballistic.  相似文献   

Real-time manipulation of visual displacement during manual aiming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the spatial and temporal limitations of the visual corrective process in the control of upper limb movements. Real-time calculation of kinematic data was used to trigger a prismatic displacement of the movement environment during manual aiming. Using an OptoTrak motion tracking system, a data acquisition unit, and a custom-made program, perturbations were triggered at peak acceleration, peak velocity, and the estimated time of peak deceleration. Movement outcome was significantly influenced only when the visual displacement occurred at peak acceleration. The results support models of visual control that posit that early visual information is required for accurate limb control.  相似文献   

The present paper reports a double-step analysis of a discrete aiming movement. A second target step was presented during the trajectory of the response to an initial step and represented an artificially induced movement error signal. Two stimulus patterns involving steps in the same direction (an undershoot error signal) and opposite direction (an overshoot error signal) to the initial step were examined. Moreover, in a random error condition the subject had no advance information regarding the direction of the error. In a deliberate error condition the subject knew in advance whether any subsequent error would be an undershoot or overshoot. Response parameters were considered as a function of the interstep interval which was randomly varied across trials. In terms of movement time, the standard deviations and a constant amendments score of double-step trials, subjects could respond more appropriately and effectively to a deliberate rather than a random error, and an undershoot error rather than an overshoot error. These results are discussed in terms of a mixed-mode of visuo-spatial error updating and related to the generalized motor program hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the role of vision in the execution of a movement sequence. Experiment 1 investigated whether individual components of a sequential movement are controlled together or separately. Participants executed a rapid aiming movement to two targets in sequence. A full vision condition was compared to a condition in which vision was eliminated while in contact with the first target. The size of the first target was constant, while the second target size was varied. Target size had an influence on movement time and peak velocity to the first target. Vision condition and target size did not affect the time spent on the first target. These results suggest that preparation of the second movement is completed before the first movement is terminated. Experiment 2 examined when this preparation occurred. A full vision condition was compared to a condition in which vision was occluded during the flight phase of the first movement. Movement initiation times were shorter when vision was continually available. Total movement time was reduced with vision in two-target condition, but not in a control one-target condition. The time spent on the first target was greater when vision was not available during the first movement component. The results indicate that vision prior to movement onset can be used to formulate a movement plan to both targets in the sequence [Fischman & Reeve (1992).  相似文献   

Visual control of discrete aiming movements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An experiment is reported which investigated the visual control of discrete rapid arm movements. Subjects were required to move as rapidly as possible to several target width-movement distance combinations under both visual and non-visual conditions. The movement time (MT) data were supportive of Fitts' Law in that MT was linearly related and highly correlated to the Index of Difficulty (ID). MT was also similar for different target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID value. The error rate analysis, which compared visual to non-visual perfromance, indicated that vision was only used, and to varying degrees, when MT exceeded 200 ms (3.58 ID level). There was some evidence that vision was differentially used within target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID. Estimates of endpoint variability generally reflected the results of the error rate analysis. These results do not support the discrete correction model of Fitts' Law proposed by Keele (1968).  相似文献   

Target-aiming studies in which premovement visual information is manipulated suggest that when vision is occluded, a brief visual representation of the target environment may be used to guide movement. The purpose of this work was to determine if the internal representation contains information about the whole movement environment or just specific information about the position of a single target goal. Two experiments were conducted in which we manipulated both target uncertainty and the visual information available before and during a target-aiming movement. Radial error differences between visual conditions and the independence of the vision and uncertainty manipulations support the hypothesis that subjects form a representation of the overall movement environment.  相似文献   

The effect of concurrent visual feedback (CVF) on continuous aiming movements was investigated in the preferred hand of participants of college age (ns = 12 men, 8 women). Participants made continuous rapid reversal movements with a lightweight lever in the sagittal plane. Participants attempted to reach a short target (20 degrees) and a long target (60 degrees) in separate constant practice conditions, but alternated between the two targets in a variable practice condition. Four blocks of practice trials were provided in each condition, with 40 movements made in each. CVF of the position-time trace was provided for the first 20 movements of each block, but was removed for the remaining 20 movements in each block. Movements were more accurate and consistent during constant practice compared to variable practice where the short target was overshot and the long target was undershot. CVF reduced errors in all conditions, compared to movements without CVF, particularly for the short target during variable practice. The results suggest that the interference generated by alternating targets can be modulated by providing visual feedback, but once the visual feedback was removed, errors increased markedly.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported in which the effect of partial visual feedback on the accuracy of discrete target aiming was investigated. Visual feedback was manipulated through a spectacle-mounted liquid-crystal tachistoscope. The length of the visual feedback interval was varied as a percentage of the instructed movement time. In Experiment 1, the length of the vision interval was manipulated symmetrically at the beginning- and end-phase of the movement, whereas in the remaining experiments, the vision time was varied with respect to the end-phase only. The variations at the end were examined for different distances (Experiment 2), different movement speeds at the same distance (Experiment 3), and in small interstep intervals (Experiment 4). A vision time of more than 150 ms at the end-phase of the movement enhanced aiming performance in all experiments. Longer vision times monotonously improved aiming accuracy; the fifth experiment showed that a vision time of about 275 ms was sufficient for near-perfect aiming. Furthermore, the significance of vision during the first phase of a movement was demonstrated again. The results of the five experiments pointed to shorter visuomotor processing times. To explain the beneficial effects of short vision times for aiming accuracy, we propose a model of visuomotor processing that is based on the stochastic optimized submovement model of Meyer, Abrams, Kornblum, Wright, and Smith (1988).  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown the importance of visual feedback during the rapid initial phase of aiming movements for the control of direction (e.g., Bard, Paillard, Fleury, Hay, & Larue, 1990; Blouin, Teasdale, Bard, & Fleury, in press; Teasdale, Blouin, Bard, & Fleury, 1991). In most of these studies, visual feedback conditions were presented in blocked sessions. Consequently, higher-order processes (e.g., feedforward and/or learning processes), along with on-line processing of visual feedback, might have contributed to the better accuracy found when subjects had visual feedback of only the initial portion of the movements (compared with movements without visual feedback). To test this possibility, we studied subjects' performance of rapid arm movements under different types of presentation (random, precued, and blocked) of the visual feedback conditions of the trajectory (no vision, initial portion only, and vision of the entire trajectory). Directional errors were larger in the no-vision condition than in both conditions with visual feedback. There were no differences among the presentation conditions, suggesting that on-line processing of visual information contributed to the control of the arm movements.  相似文献   

The study examined the contribution of various sources of visual information utilised in the control of discrete aiming movements. Subjects produced movements, 15.24 cm in amplitude, to a 1.27 cm target in a movement time of 330 ms. Responses were carried out at five vision-manipulation conditions which allowed the subject complete vision, no vision, vision of only the target or stylus, and a combination of stylus and target. Response accuracy scores indicated that a decrement in performance occurred when movements were completed in the absence of visual information or when only the target was visible during the response. The stylus and the target plus stylus visual conditions led to response accuracy which was comparable to movements produced with complete vision. These results suggest that the critical visual information for aiming accuracy is that of the stylus. These findings are consistent with a control model based on a visual representation of the discrepancy between the position of the hand and the location of the target.  相似文献   

The relation between reaction time and the number of elements in a response has been shown to depend on whether simple or choice RT paradigms are employed. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether advance information about the number of elements is the critical factor mediating the influence between reaction time and response elements. Participants performed aiming movements that varied in terms of the number of elements and movement amplitude. Prior to the stimulus, advance information was given about the number of elements and movement amplitude, movement amplitude only, number of elements only, or no information about the response. Reaction time and movement time to the first target increased as a function of number of elements only when the full response or the number of elements was specified in advance of the stimulus. The implication of these results for current models of motor programming and sequential control of aiming movements are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors investigated (a). whether the specificity of practice hypothesis is mediated by the importance of visual afferent information for the control of manual aiming movements and (b). how movement planning and online correction processes to the movement initial impulse are affected by the withdrawal of visual information in transfer. In acquisition, participants (N = 40) aimed at targets of different sizes in a full-vision or in a target-only condition before being transferred to a target-only condition without knowledge of results. The results supported the hypothesis that learning is specific to the source or sources of afferent information that are more likely to ensure optimal performance. The results also suggested that individuals will not always use visual afferent information more extensively when aiming at a small rather than at a large target. Instead, in a temporally constrained task, the relative efficiency of visually based corrections appears to mediate how exclusively an individual will rely on online visual afferent information for movement control. Finally, the detailed kinematic analysis performed in the present study clearly indicated that online modifications to the movement primary impulse are possible, arguing for a continuous or pseudo-continuous control of relatively slow aiming movements on the basis of visual afferent input.  相似文献   

The accuracy of a long aiming movement was studied as a function of whether it was performed toward or away from the midline of the subject's body in the presence or absence of visual feedback. 30 right-handed, male university students (19-26 yr.) served as subjects. With movement distance and duration controlled, the mean percentage of error was 6.34% less for movements made toward the body's midline than for those performed away from the midline. The mean percentage of error was also 48% less in the presence of visual feedback than in its absence. However, contrary to our expectation, movements executed toward the body's midline were not appreciably less disrupted in the absence of visual feedback than movements performed away from the midline.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial coupling of point of gaze (PG) and movements of the finger, elbow, and shoulder during a speeded aiming task were examined. Ten participants completed 40-cm aiming movements with the right arm, in a situation that allowed free movement of the eyes, head, arm, and trunk. On the majority of trials, a large initial saccade undershot the target slightly, and 1 or more smaller corrective saccades brought the eyes to the target position. The finger, elbow, and shoulder exhibited a similar pattern of undershooting their final positions, followed by small corrective movements. Eye movements usually preceded limb movements, and the eyes always arrived at the target well in advance of the finger. There was a clear temporal coupling between primary saccade completion and peak acceleration of the finger, elbow, and shoulder. The initiation of limb-segment movement usually occurred in a proximal-to-distal pattern. Increased variability in elbow and shoulder position as the movement progressed may have served to reduce variability in finger position. The spatial-temporal coupling of PG with the 3 limb segments was optimal for the pick up of visual information about the position of the finger and the target late in the movement.  相似文献   

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