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Right-handed participants made ballistic force impulses with the index finger of their left or right hand to match the amplitude of 2 successive visual targets whose onset was separated by 600-850 ms. The targets specified either low- (10% of maximum voluntary contraction; MVC) or high- (25% MVC) force level and were presented in all combinations (low-low, low-high, high-low, high-high). The amplitude of the 1st force impulse affected that of the 2nd, forming an effect that was greatest at the shortest interresponse intervals and that decayed with increasing intervals. This effect was smaller with a shorter time course in the dominant hand than the nondominant hand, suggesting a greater ability of the dominant hand to make successive independent responses.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the phase of rapid aimed movements responsible for hand differences in motor skill, and to evaluate potential differences between the hands in accommodating to greater accuracy demands. In both experiments, an accelerometer mounted on a stylus allowed key changes in acceleration to be used to partition the movement into phases. In Experiment 1, slower left hand movement times were attributable primarily to a terminal homing-in phase, especially as target size decreased. Since error rates varied as a function of hand and target size, speed-accuracy trade-offs may have occurred. Experiment 2 rigidly controlled error rate and confirmed the major hand difference to occur in the latter phase of the movement where error correction is presumed. Although less pronounced, adjustments were made in the earlier movement phases as well. Accommodation to greater accuracy demands involved moving the stylus closer to the target before decelerating to engage in error correction. This adjustment to gain enhanced precision was more pronounced in the left hand.  相似文献   

In a repetitive tapping task, the within-hand variability of intertap intervals is reduced when participants tap with both hands, as opposed to single-handed tapping. This bimanual advantage can be attributed to timer variance (according to the Wing-Kristofferson model). Separate timers have been proposed for each hand whose outputs are then averaged (Helmuth & Ivry, 1996, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 278-293). Alternatively, timing might be based on sensory reafference and the bimanual advantage due to the enhancement of sensory reafferences. This alternative hypothesis was tested in three experiments. In the first experiment, we replicated the bimanual advantage in tapping with two fingers of the same hand compared with single finger tapping. In the second experiment, we demonstrated that the bimanual advantage decreased when tactile reafferences from left-hand taps were omitted (by contact-free tapping). In the third experiment, participants tapped bimanually with the index fingers of both hands firmly mechanically coupled. The bimanual advantage was replicated for this condition. Results are consistent with the assumption that the bimanual advantage is due to the sensory reafferences of the second hand. We suggest that our results are best explained by a reformulation of the Wing-Kristofferson model, in which the timer provides action goals in terms of sensory reafferences.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which blindfolded right-handed adults felt numerical stimuli with the middle fingers of their left or right hands. These stimuli consisted of collections of raised dots in random arrangement to be enumerated (Experiment I), collections of evenly spaced raised dots in a straight line to be enumerated (Experiment II), and raised digits to be identified (Experiment III). Differences between hands were only found in Experiment I. The left hand was faster, apparently reflecting specialisation of the right cerebral hemisphere for the analysis of complex spatial stimuli. A fourth experiment, in which collections of raised dots in random arrangement to be enumerated were felt through a piece of cloth by subjects who were not blindfolded, confirmed the left hand superiority and demonstrated that it had not arisen from loss of sight of the movements of the dominant hand.  相似文献   

Subjects determined as rapidly as possible whether each line drawing portrayed a left or a right hand when the drawings were presented in any of four versions (palm or back of either hand) and in any of six orientations in the picture plane. Reaction time varied systematically with orientation and, in the absence of advance information, was over 400 msec longer for the fingers-down orientation. However, when subjects were instructed to imagine a specified (palm or back) view of a specified (left or right) hand in a specified orientation, reaction times to test hands that were consistent with these instructions were short (about 500 msec), independent of orientation, and unacompanied by errors. It is proposed that subjects determine whether a visually presented hand is left or right by moving a mental "phantom" of one of their own hands into the portrayed position and by then comparing its imagined appearance against the appearance of the externally presented hand.  相似文献   

Congenitally blind and blindfolded sighted children at ages of 6, 8, 10 and 12 years performed a pointing task with their left and right index fingers at an array of three targets on a touch screen to immediate (0 s) and delayed (4 s) instructions. Accuracy was greater for immediate than delayed pointing and there was an effect of delay for the orientation of the main axis of the pointing distribution in both groups, indicating distinct spatial representations with development such as ego- and allocentric frames of reference, respectively. The pointing responses of the blind covered less surface area indicating better overall accuracy as compared to the sighted blindfolded. The hands differed for four of the six precision and accuracy parameters. The right hand performed better and seemed relatively contextually oriented, whereas the responses of the left hand were closer to the body and egocentrically oriented. The elongation of the scatter of the pointing responses was greater for the boys and more allocentrically oriented, indicating gender differences in spatial representation. The study provides a first evidence of ego- and allocentric spatial frames of reference in congenitally blind children and an ability to point at targets with the left and right hands in the total absence of vision.  相似文献   

Kinesthetic aspects of mental representations of one’s own hands were investigated. Line drawings showed a human hand in one of five versions, in which finger position and wrist rotation varied; each version occurred as a left and as a right hand, and could appear in any one of eight directions in the picture plane. The subject was required to make quick judgments of whether a left or a right hand was represented, under three conditions of head tilt (left, upright, right). Reaction time varied systematically, reflecting the time required to move one’s own hand into congruence with the stimulus. Head tilt influenced the subjective reference frame of mental rotation when the degree of head tilt was 60 deg.  相似文献   

A method of measuring the perception of size in the hands was applied to 4 0 righthanded and 40 left-handed normal subjects.

It was found that objects of equal size held simultaneously in each hand tend t o be judged to be unequal, and that, in the majority of subjects, the object held in the doniinant hand is perceived to be the smaller.

These results are discussed in the light of previous work, and some reference is made to the examination of pathological cases.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate crossed and uncrossed control of the proximal (upper arm and shoulder) and distal (lower arm and hand) musculature of the arms using the dual-task paradigm. Forty-one strongly right-handed men performed a tapping task using primarily the musculature of the upper or lower arms, with and without concurrent verbal processing demands. The results showed that the left distal region was distinguished from the other three effector locations by its relative insensitivity to the demands of the dual-task (verbal processing) condition. Rapid alternating movements of the left arm were functionally independent from the left index finger location in response to dual-task demands. Dual verbal and tapping demands at this effector produced greater interference on both the primary and secondary task. The results preclude the attribution of interference effects to manual dominance factors alone. The results generally support anatomical accounts of increased ipsilateral control over left side arm but not hand movements. Neither the traditional cognitive hemispheric model nor the manual dominance hypothesis were adequate in accounting for the results. An alternative generalized capacity hypothesis was required to account for performance at the LE.  相似文献   

Eighty-one university students were given a battery of reaction time tests, measuring the speed with which they performed various elementary cognitive processes, and a group test of intelligence which yielded timed and untimed scores. Multiple regression analyses indicated that speed of information-processing was an equally good predictor of timed and untimed intelligence test performance, and that various combinations of speed-of-processing variables accounted for as much as 48% of the variance in intelligence test scores. Different speed-of-processing variables varied relatively systematically in the extent to which they correlated with the individual subtests and scales of the intelligence test.  相似文献   

Bryden PJ 《Brain and cognition》2002,48(2-3):287-291
The effects of task difficulty on the performance of the two hands in right-handers were examined in a manual-aiming paradigm. In order to examine both simple and complex tasks, movement amplitude, cursor size, and target size were manipulated, resulting in eight different indices of difficulty (as defined by Fitts' Law). Kinematic parameters examined included reaction time, movement time, time to and time after peak velocity, peak velocity, and resultant accuracy. Analysis revealed no differential effects of task difficulty on the overall movement times of the two hands. These results are discussed in light of current theories of manual asymmetries.  相似文献   

We examined retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences that were categorized by the effectors (left or right hand) involved in their execution. This left–right categorization was independent from input locations or input devices. In addition, the acquired motor sequences were arbitrarily assigned to left and right. Participants learned twelve sequential joystick movements as responses to letter stimuli. Half of the sequences pertained to the left, half to the right hand. Subsequent retrieval-practice of half the items of one hand induced forgetting for the non-retrieved rest of the items of that hand in a final recall test. This finding demonstrates that the hands were used to organize the memory storage of motor sequences in a way that gave rise to later interference between commonly stored items, that is, linked to the same hand.  相似文献   

Summary This paper addresses the question of whether a simple two-stage account of variability in timing developed for single-hand repetitive tapping is applicable to regular tapping with the hands in alternation. The task required key presses at a steady rate, previously set by a periodic auditory signal. On separate blocks of trials four subjects used the index finger of the left hand or of the right hand at intervals of 200, 400, and 800 ms or alternated between the hands at intervals of 100, 200, or 400 ms. For each subject the variability of the between-hand intervals in the 200- and 400-ms alternate-hand conditions was greater than the variability of the same interval in the single-hand conditions. In the 100-ms alternate-hand condition correlations between adjacent (between-hand) intervals were reliably less then –.5. These results are inconsistent with the simple two-stage model, and two variants are shown to provide a better qualitative fit to at least some aspects of the data.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2010,72(3):345-353
Schizophrenia may be associated with a fundamental disturbance in the temporal coordination of information processing in the brain, leading to classic symptoms of schizophrenia such as thought disorder and disorganized and contextually inappropriate behavior. Although a variety of behavioral studies have provided strong evidence for perceptual timing deficits in schizophrenia, no study to date has directly examined overt temporal performance in schizophrenia using a task that differentially engages perceptual and motor-based timing processes. The present study aimed to isolate perceptual and motor-based temporal performance in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia using a repetitive finger-tapping task that has previously been shown to differentially engage brain regions associated with perceptual and motor-related timing behavior. Thirty-two individuals with schizophrenia and 31 non-psychiatric control participants completed the repetitive finger-tapping task, which required participants to first tap in time with computer-generated tones separated by a fixed intertone interval (tone-paced tapping), after which the tones were discontinued and participants were required to continue tapping at the established pace (self-paced tapping). Participants with schizophrenia displayed significantly faster tapping rates for both tone- and self-paced portions of the task compared to the non-psychiatric group. Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia also displayed greater tapping variability during both tone- and self-paced portions of the task. The application of a mathematical timing model further indicated that group differences were primarily attributable to increased timing – as opposed to task implementation – difficulties in the schizophrenia group, which is noteworthy given the broad range of impairments typically associated with the disorder. These findings support the contention that schizophrenia is associated with a broad range of timing difficulties, including those associated with time perception as well as time production.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia may be associated with a fundamental disturbance in the temporal coordination of information processing in the brain, leading to classic symptoms of schizophrenia such as thought disorder and disorganized and contextually inappropriate behavior. Although a variety of behavioral studies have provided strong evidence for perceptual timing deficits in schizophrenia, no study to date has directly examined overt temporal performance in schizophrenia using a task that differentially engages perceptual and motor-based timing processes. The present study aimed to isolate perceptual and motor-based temporal performance in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia using a repetitive finger-tapping task that has previously been shown to differentially engage brain regions associated with perceptual and motor-related timing behavior. Thirty-two individuals with schizophrenia and 31 non-psychiatric control participants completed the repetitive finger-tapping task, which required participants to first tap in time with computer-generated tones separated by a fixed intertone interval (tone-paced tapping), after which the tones were discontinued and participants were required to continue tapping at the established pace (self-paced tapping). Participants with schizophrenia displayed significantly faster tapping rates for both tone- and self-paced portions of the task compared to the non-psychiatric group. Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia also displayed greater tapping variability during both tone- and self-paced portions of the task. The application of a mathematical timing model further indicated that group differences were primarily attributable to increased timing – as opposed to task implementation – difficulties in the schizophrenia group, which is noteworthy given the broad range of impairments typically associated with the disorder. These findings support the contention that schizophrenia is associated with a broad range of timing difficulties, including those associated with time perception as well as time production.  相似文献   

Forty right-handed college subjects tapped with and without a verbal task under two instructional conditions (tap as quickly as possible vs. tap as consistently as possible) and two levels of verbal production (silent vs. aloud). The tapping task consisted of the alternate tapping of two keys with the index finger of the left vs. right hands, while the verbal task was anagram solution. Three rate and four variability measures of tapping performance were evaluated in the identification of lateralized interference. The results indicate that reliable lateralized interference, more right-hand than left-hand tapping disruption, was observed only for variability measures under instructions to tap as consistently as possible. Furthermore, only one of these variability measures was sensitive to an increase in lateralized interference produced by verbal production. Because of the limited demonstration of verbal laterality effects with the two-key tapping procedure in this study, conclusions suggest that the simpler manual task of repetitive tapping of one key should be viewed as the method of choice in future dual-task studies.  相似文献   

College student subjects performed a sequential typing task requiring bilaterally synchronized movements (Experiment 1) or unilaterally synchronized movements (Experiment 2) singly, and concurrently with silent and vocal rehearsal of verbal lists varying in redundancy. Rehearsal interfered with bilaterally synchronized movements more when the right hand was leading the sequence than when the left hand led, and with movements of the right more than the left hand in unilaterally synchronized movements. Results are interpreted in terms of intrahemispheric and general capacity competition between the concurrent performances.  相似文献   

Tapping rate and variability were measured as 73 normal, right-handed children in Grades 1–4 engaged in speeded unimanual finger tapping with and without concurrent recitation. Speaking reduced the rate of tapping and increased its variability to a greater extent in younger children than in older children. Developmental changes in variability but not rate were attributable to a greater number of lengthy (>500 ms) pauses in the tapping of younger children. Speaking slowed the right hand more than the left, and the degree of this asymmetry was constant across grade levels. The right-hand effect for tapping rate was not attributable to lengthy pauses. In contrast, asymmetric increases in tapping variability occurred only among children in Grade 1 and only when lengthy pauses were included in the data. The results implicate three mechanisms of intertask interference: one involving capacity limitations, a second involving cross-talk between motor control mechanisms for speech and finger movement, respectively, and a third factor involving occasional diversion of attention from tapping to speaking. These mechanisms are discussed in relation to developmental changes in mental capacity.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the control of force and timing in bimanual finger tapping. Participants were trained to produce both unimanual (left or right hand) and bimanual finger-tapping sequences with a peak force of 200 g and an intertap interval (ITI) of 400 ms. During practice, visual force feedback was provided pertaining to the hand performing the unimanual tapping sequences and to either the dominant or the nondominant hand in the bimanual tapping sequences. After practice, the participants produced the learned unimanual and bimanual tapping sequences in the absence of feedback. In those trials the force produced by the dominant (right) hand was significantly larger than that produced by the nondominant (left) hand, in the absence of a significant difference between the ITIs produced by both hands. Furthermore, after unilateral feedback had been provided of the force produced by the nondominant hand, the force output of the dominant hand was significantly more variable than that of the nondominant hand. In contrast, after feedback had been provided of the force produced by the dominant hand, the variability of the force outputs of the two hands did not differ significantly. These results were discussed in the light of both neurophysiological and anatomical findings, and were interpreted to imply that the control of timing (in bimanual tasks) may be more tightly coupled in the motor system than the control of force.  相似文献   

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