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我最近给工人同志们讲哲学,有以下三点体会,提出来供大家参考。第一,采用从实际到理论的由浅入深的讲解方法我在给工人同志们讲解哲学以前,了解到他们在学习哲学上的思想矛盾:要求学又不敢学。经过整风、反右、双反、生产大跃进的实际斗争,特别是工厂实行了“两参一改”(工人参加管理工厂,厂里领导干部参加生产,改革不合理的规章制度)以来,工人同志都深感自己的理论知识、工作方法不能适应客观形势发展的需要,因而要求学些理论,提高提高思想认识,学点工作办法,好把工厂管理得更好。可是当领导上组织他们学习哲学时,他们又不敢学,认为:“学哲  相似文献   

我国企业的经营机制改革和新技术应用,实际上是一场深刻的组织发展与变革。在改革活动中,管理心理学的行动研究技术可以发挥重要的作用。文章通过有关计算机系统开发的行动研究,说明了行动研究的基本步骤和对于企业改革的意义。文章强调了行动研究中的理论指导和策略运用,提出以人员策略、系统策略和参与策略作为组织发展的主要策略。文章分析了策略的性质,把策略作为达到新的管理目标的计划过程和组织行为程序,指出了组织发展策略对于当前经济体制改革的作用。  相似文献   

管理大师彼得·德鲁克曾经说过:“组织的任务就是让平凡的人做出不平凡的事”。这句话既揭示了个人加入组织的最根本目的,也道出了管理之于组织的最根本作用。我们经常说,管理是组织的粘合剂,管理者是组织的“牧羊人”。管理的任务无非就是要研究如何把平凡的人一并调和在一起,去实现一些不平凡的事,此事虽看似包罗甚广,但其实却也仅此而已。好的管理应当是“明知不可为而为之”的过程,优秀的管理者应当是“能为无米之炊”的“巧妇”。  相似文献   

集约式人才管理模型,是指通过组织内部潜力的自我挖掘,形成一个强有力的人才群、使组织爆发出强大的能量。这种管理模型的产生,是深化经济改革的产物。在经济改革中,为了提高经济效益,使自己的产品打入国内外市场,并立于不败之地,许多生产单位提出了形成“拳头”之势,生产“拳头”产品的口号。而要使这种理想变为现实,就需要围绕着“拳头”产品的建立而首先组织一部分高水平的人,这部分人不仅能使“拳头”产品形成,而且还可使整个组织的水平同步提高,这就出现了链锁式的“拳头”效应。这种“拳头”效应的出现,就是集约式人才管理模型的雏形。之后提出的“集约经营”、“集约管理”,也都是只做了表面文章,而真正能够使“集约式经营”、“集约式管  相似文献   

毛泽东与马克思主义中国化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、马克思主义民族化是马克思主义的一个基本问题马克思主义创立时就提出了这样一个观点 :“工人没有祖国” ,但是工人“本身还是民族的”。 (《马克思恩格斯选集》第 1卷 ,第 2 91页 )马克思主义的这一观点 ,揭示了工人阶级即现代无产阶级的一个基本特性———无产阶级的世界性、国际性蕴含在民族性之中 ,其国际性和民族性是辩证统一的。现代无产阶级的这一基本特性 ,在思想上引申出一个理论原则 ,共产党人的理论原理“是现存的阶级斗争、我们眼前的历史运动的真实关系的一般表述” ;“这些原理的实际运用 ,正如《宣言》中所说的 ,随时随…  相似文献   

用无产阶级革命理想和道德教育广大工人群众,以推动伟大的革命斗争,是我国工会工作的优良传统。 早在民主革命时期,我国工人运动的杰出领袖李立三、刘少奇等同志。在安源路矿从事革命活动期间,就以“增加知识,发扬德性”为名举办平民夜校和工人俱乐部,向工人群众进行马克思主义的革命理想、道德情操、艰苦奋斗的思想教育,以“保护工人的利益,减除工人的压迫和痛苦”相号召,把“遵守纪律,服从指挥”,“团结互助、共谋幸福”作为集体行动规范,很快把工人群众紧密地团结起来、组织起来。由于  相似文献   

文章联系组织文化管理中的一些问题,讨论了组织文化的概念。以 Habermas 的沟通行动理论作为理论背景,介绍了“讨论式组织发展”的特点。分析了讨论式组织发展”的目标和方法。文章还详细探讨了实现“讨论式组织发展”的结构的、人员的和连结式的途径。  相似文献   

关于普通逻辑发展方向的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
普通逻辑的发展或“改革”,是关系我国逻辑学教学与研究的一个重要问题,因而也是我国逻辑学界近几年来议论的热门话题之一。许多人就普通逻辑的对象、内容与体系、作用以及普通逻辑的“改革”等问题,写出文章乃至专著加以申说。这些经过认真研究提出的见解,在学术界引起了反响。启发了我们的头脑,深化了我们的思考。目前,十分  相似文献   

中国市场经济的制度整合与伦理道德建设   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
中国的改革已经进行了 2 0年的时间 ,目前正在进入一个特殊的时期。这个时期的重大标志是 :“增量改革”战略向总体改革战略转化 ;局部改革向全面改革发展 ;经济改革向经济、社会、政治以及伦理文化的综合改革发展。关于市场经济的道德话语也在发生变化。对市场经济的整体道德评价正在被对市场中的道德秩序与行为规范的关心所取代。人们现在关心的是 ,在市场中遵循商业道德的重要性 ;人们现在希望的是 ,降低企业经营者的“道德风险”。无论是在讨论“债转股”问题的时候 ,还是在讨论“风险基金”问题的时候 ,“道德风险”都成为人们关注的主…  相似文献   

今年是我国工农业發明创造空前高涨的第一年。工人农民在社会主义建設总路綫鼓舞之下,在生产上进行了最勇敢的革命活动,短时期內,出現了許多赶上或超过英美的新产品。我們曾到工厂里去詢問:为什么在工人群众中間目前会表現出这样巨大的积極性?回答差不多都是一致的:“因为实行了,两参一改!’”“两参”就是干部参加生产和工人参加管理,“两参”改善了干部和工人在生产过程中的相互关系,也就是改善了生产关系,使之成为完全符合于社会主义生产發展需要的关系。“一改”就是把一些不适合需要的或过时了的規章制度加以修改或废除,解决了一部分上層建筑和經济基础之間的矛  相似文献   

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI; S. O. Lilienfeld, 1990; S. O. Lilienfeld & B. P. Andrews, 1996) with a community sample has suggested that the PPI subscales may comprise 2 higher order factors (S. D. Benning, C. J. Patrick, B. M. Hicks, D. M. Blonigen, & R. F. Krueger, 2003). However, substantive and structural evidence raises concerns about the viability of this 2-factor model, particularly in offender populations. The authors attempted to replicate the S. D. Benning et al. 2-factor solution using a large (N = 1,224) incarcerated male sample. Confirmatory factor analysis of this model resulted in poor model fit. Similarly, using the same EFA procedures as did S. D. Benning et al., the authors found little evidence for a 2-factor model. When they followed the recommendations of J.-W. van Prooijen and W. A. van der Kloot (2001) for recovering EFA solutions, model fit results provided some evidence that a 3-factor EFA solution could be recovered via confirmatory factor analysis.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1963,16(4):399-416
Book review in this Article
G ross , M artin L. The Brain Watchers.
H offmann , B anesh . The Tyranny of Testing.
P almer , G ladys L. P arnes , H erbert S., W ilcock , R ichard C., H erman , M ary W. and B rainerd , C arol P. The Reluctant Job Changer: Studies in Work Attachments and Aspirations.
E yde , L orraine D ittrich . Work Values and Background Factors as Predictors of Women's Desire to Work.
G eorgopoulos , B asil S., and M ann , F loyd C. The Community General Hospital.
B erne , E ric . The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups.
H ower , R alph M., and O rth , C harles D., 3 rd . Managers and Scientists: Some Human Problems in Industrial Research Organizations.
C ooley , W illiam W., and L ohnes , P aul R. Multivariate Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences.  相似文献   

Brandt, R. (1985). On teaching and supervising: A conversation with Madeline Hunter. Educational Leadership, 42, 61–66. Hunter, M. (1985). What's wrong with Madeline Hunter? Educational Teacher Leadership, 42, 57–60. Ligon, S.A. (1984). A strategy for helping students with their problems. Teacher Educator, 19, 28–32. Manning, B.H., & Payne, B.D. (1984). Student teacher personality as a variable in teacher education. Teacher Educator, 20, 2–12. Sadker, M., & Sadker, D. (1985). Is the O.K. classroom O.K.? Phi Delta Kappan, 66, 358–361. Smith, B.O. (1985). Research bases for teacher education. Phi Delta Kappan, 66, 685–690.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology. By D aniel R. B rooks and E. O. W iley .
Star Wave: Mind, Consciousness, and Quantum Physics. By F red A lan W olf .
Reality and Scientific Theology. By T. F. T orrance .
Charles Hartshorne and the Existence of God. By D onald W ayne V iney .
Aldous Huxley and Eastern Wisdom. By B ansi L. C hakoo .
Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. By R obert N. B ellah , R ichard M adsen , W illiam M. S ullivan , A nn S widler , and S tephen M. T ipton .
Culture and the Evolutionary Process. By R obert Bom and P eter J. R icherson .  相似文献   

Studies of change blindness indicate that more intentional monitoring of changes is necessary to successfully detect changes as scene complexity increases. However, there have been conflicting reports as to whether people are aware of this relation between intention and successful change detection as scene complexity increases. Here we continue our dialogue with [Beck, M. R., Levin, D. T., & Angelone, B. (2007a). Change blindness blindness: Beliefs about the roles of intention and scene complexity in change detection. Consciousness and Cognition, 16, 31-51; Beck, M. R., Levin, D. T., & Angelone, B. (2007b). Metacognitive errors in change detection: Lab and life converge. Consciousness and Cognition, 16, 58-62] by reporting two experiments that show participants do in fact intuit that more intentional monitoring is needed to detect changes as scene complexity increases. We also discuss how this dialogue illustrates the need for psychological studies to be grounded in measurements taken from real world situations rather than laboratory experiments or questionnaires.  相似文献   

Genes & Gender V: Women at Work: Socialization Toward Inequality , G eorcine M. V roman , D orothy B urnham , and S usan G. G ordon (Eds.).
The Worth of Women's Work: A Qualitative Synthesis , A nne S tatham , E leanor M. M iller , and H ans O. M auksch (Eds.)
Feeling Yes, Feeling No: The Adult Program
Not in My Family
On Becoming a Woman: Mothers and Daughters Talking Together
Acting Our Age: A Film About Women Growing Old  相似文献   

Latina Realities: Essays on Healing, Migration, and Sexuality , O ljva M. E spin .
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Among Lesbians and Gay Men , B everly G reene (Ed.).
Growing Up in a Lesbian Family: Effects on Child Development , F iona L. T asker and S usan G olombok .
Representations of Motherhood , D onna B assin , M argaret H oney , and M eryle M ahrer K aplan (Eds.).
The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood , S haron H ays .
Marital Equality: Its Relationship to the Well-Being of Husbands and Wives , J anice M. S teil .
Heterosexual Women Changing the Family: Refusing to Be a 'Wife'! , J o V an E very .
Gender, Identity, and Self-Esteem: A New Look at Adult Development , D eborah Y. A nderson and C hristopher L. H ayes .
Couples Therapy: Feminist Perspectives , M arcia H ill and E sther D. R othblum (Eds.).
Feminist Perspectives in Therapy: An Empowerment Model for Women , J udith W orell and P am R emer .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(2):283-336
Book Reviewed in This Article:
C rooks , L ois A. (Editor) An Investigation of Sources of Bias in the Prediction of Job Performance: A Six-Year Study.
F amularo , J oseph J. (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Personnel Administration.
W ard , L ewis B. and A thos , A nthony G. Student Expectations of Corporate Life: Implications for Management Recruiting.
L awless , D. J. Effective Management: A Social Psychological Approach.
W haley , D onald L. Psychological Testing and the Philosophy of Measurement.
F rench , W endell L. and B ell , C ecil H. J r .
F rederiksen , N orman , J ensen , O llie and B eaton , A lbert E. With a contribution by Bruce Bloxom. Prediction of Organizational Behavior. Elmsford
U llrich , R obert A. A Theoretical Model of Human Behavior in Organizations: An Eclectic Approach.
B rethower , D ale M. Behavioral Analysis in Business and Industry: A Total Performance System.
B eynon , H. and B lackburn , R. M. Perceptions of Work: Variations within a Factory.
L oring , R osalind and W ells , T heodora . Breakthrough: Women into Management.
L evinson , H arry . The Great Jackass Fallacy.
B uck , V ernon E. Working Under Pressure.
W ilson , A ubrey . The Marketing of Professional Services.
B auby , C athrina . OK, Let's Talk About It: Dynamics of Dialogue.
M orris , J ohn O. Make Yourself Clear: Morris on Business Communication.
W edderburn , D orothy and C rompton , R osemary . Workers' Attitudes and Technology.
T aylor , L ynda K ing . Not for Bread Alone: An Appreciation of Job Enrichment.
Top Executive Compensation (1972 Edition).
P aturi , F elix R. The Escalator Effect: How to Get to the Top Without Effort.
M old , H oward P. The Mechanics of Management by Objectives—Preparing and Writing Objectives. (Bulletin No. 37)
M ussen , P aul H. and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 24.  相似文献   

Protective behavioral strategies (PBS), or drinking control strategies, are specific behaviors one can utilize to minimize the harmful consequences of alcohol consumption. As there is not currently a standard measure of PBS, the goal of the present study was to examine the factor structure and concurrent validity of three scales designed to assess PBS: Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale (PBSS; Martens, M. P., Ferrier, A. G., Sheehy, M. J., Corbett, K., Anderson, D. A., & Simmons, A., 2005 Development of the Protective Behavioral Strategies Survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 66, 698-705), Protective Behavioral Strategies Measure (Novik, M. G., & Boekeloo, B. O., 2011, Dimensionality and psychometric analysis of an alcohol protective behavioral strategies scale. Journal of Drug Education, 41, 65-78. doi:10.2190/DE.41.1.d), and the Strategy Questionnaire (SQ); (Sugarman, D. E., & Carey, K. B., 2007), The relationship between drinking control strategies and college student alcohol use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 21, 338-345. doi:10.1037/0893-164X.21.3.338). In a sample of college students (n = 291), we used confirmatory factor analysis to examine the proposed factor structures of each scale. Although the theorized three-factor structure fit the data moderately well for the PBSS, the theorized factor structures for the Protective Behavioral Strategies Measure and SQ did not fit the data well. Further, the composite scores from the PBSS were all significantly negatively correlated with alcohol-related problems, whereas the composites of the SQ were not significantly correlated with alcohol-related problems. Although we have evidence in favor of 1 PBS measure over others, we discuss broader issues related to assessment of PBS. We consider the different instructions, response scales, and time intervals for various PBS measures in terms of how they relate to the advancement of PBS research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Frustration and Aggression: By John Dollard and others. Child Psychology: By Skinner and Harriman . The Psychology of Women: By Helene Deutsch , M.D. Rorschach's Test 1.—Basic Processes: By Samuel J. Beck , Ph.D. The Nature and Treatment of Mental Disorders: By Dom Thomas Verner Moore , O.S.B., Ph.D., M.D. Education for Democracy: By J. D. G. Medley . A Plan for Australia. The American Character: By Margaret Mead . Widening Horizons: By P. R. Morris and others.  相似文献   

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