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Normative and reliability data for the children's depression inventory   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The present study was undertaken to examine some of the psychometric properties of the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), a self-report inventory devised by Kovacs and Beck (1977) to measure depression in children and adolescents. Normative and reliability data were obtained from three independent samples taken from eight public schools in central Pennsylvania. Age- and gender-related differences in reported characteristics of depression were also investigated. The subjects were 594 males and 658 females whose ages ranged from 8 to 16 years and whose combined mean age was 11.67 years (SD=1.91). The CDI was group-administered to all 1,252 subjects; 155 fifth-grade subjects (77 males and 78 females) were retested after 3 weeks, and 107 seventh- and eight-grade subjects (45 males and 62 females) were retested after 1 year. The distribution statistics for the combined samples yielded an overall CDI mean of 9.09, a standard deviation of 7.04, and a cutoff score of 19 for the upper 10% of the distribution. Reliability assessed through coefficient alpha, item-total score product-moment correlations, and test-retest coefficients proved acceptable. Gender differences were obtained for several item-total score correlations and for test-retest reliability of CDI scores.  相似文献   

In order to develop normative data of a battery of neuropsychological tests in the mainland Chinese population, we examined the performance of 15 neuropsychological tests in 465 healthy subjects (231 males and 234 females) in a population‐based cohort study. The years of education were ranged between 1 and 23 years, and ages were ranged between 16 and 75 years old. The 15 neuropsychological tests cover five domains of neurocognitive functions including attention and speed of information processing, memory and learning, verbal function, visual constructive abilities, and executive function. We also assessed the effects of gender, age, educational attainment on the performance of these neuropsychological tests. The results showed that, as expected, educational attainment and age are the two main factors affecting performance in these tests. Educational attainment has the strongest predictive effect on all tests, while the majority of tests selected in this study are also affected by age at examination to varying degrees. The presented normative data will be useful for future studies in related clinical research, and be of value in transcultural neuropsychological studies.  相似文献   

A corpus of 576 words and orthographically legal pseudowords was rated by 150 undergraduates to obtain a subjective estimate of the number of meanings possessed by the stimuli. The information contained in this corpus may be used to supplement current, sources of word-meaning information (e.g., total number of dictionary entries). Experimental evidence is presented that supports the reliability of the normative data.  相似文献   

Healthy control participants (46 women, M age=44.3 yr., SD=7.6; 29 men) were recruited to undergo a comprehensive neuropsychological battery and serve as a comparison group in a study of cognitive functioning in patients with Lyme isease. Participants were selected using Mitofsky-Waksberg random digit dialing. The Buschke 12-word, six-trial Selective Reminding Test was administered as part of the neuropsychological battery and normative data are presented stratified by age and sex. Performance on alternate forms of this measure were examined. Mean education, intelligence quotient, and Wide Range Achievement Test-3 Reading scores are reported.  相似文献   

Normative data on the motor steadiness battery for children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

After falling into disfavor in the early 1990s, the construct of body image, as measured by body-size estimation (BSE) techniques, has been the focus of increasing interest in the eating disorder literature because of recent theoretical, empirical, and methodological advances. However, no published BSE measure to date has been shown to be psychometrically sound, well normed, inexpensive, and straightforward. This article provides normative and psychometric data for an adapted silhouette BSE measure. Comprehensive normative data are presented on college women's cognitively and affectively based body-size estimates, as well as their desired body size and related discrepancy indexes (cognitive vs. desired, affective vs. desired, affective vs. cognitive). Preliminary data indicate that indexes from the new measure are moderately reliable over time, consistent with their theoretical link to fluctuations in body-related attitudes. Data also support the convergent validity of the measures. Affectively based BSE, alone or as part of a discrepancy measure with desired body size, was most strongly related to measures of eating pathology, body focus, body dissatisfaction, and depressed affect.  相似文献   

The Hope Scale (HS) shows promise as an initial resource to help identify adolescents who lack valuable cognitive strategies needed to reach and maintain mental health. The purpose of the current study was to establish normative data for the HS in Australian adolescents (13–17 years), and to determine whether total hope or subscale scores differed across age, gender, or geographical location. Participants (N = 3913) were recruited from 41 secondary schools throughout regional and metropolitan South Australia. Significant differences were found in total hope scores across age and region and in pathways scores across age, region, and gender. Normative scores are provided.  相似文献   

Normative neuropsychological data have been provided using a sample of 101 persons aged 20 to 54 years. Eighty-seven of the subjects were recruited among patients who had undergone minor surgery, and 14 subjects were volunteers from the staff at the hospital laundry. The measures consisted of seven subjects from the WAIS-R, the trail-making test, symbol digit modalities test, auditory-verbal learning test, story recall test, visual gestalt test, recurring figures test, verbal fluency, and Purdue pegboard test. These measures were selected because of suitability in regard to time taken for testing each subject and their sensitivity to subtle changes in neuropsychological functioning. The sample was arbitrarily divided into three age groups, and for each of the three samples, mean, standard deviation, and range were calculated for each test. The results of the Information and Vocabulary subtests from the WAIS-R, education, and social status were applied as independent variables in linear regression analyses where each of the neuropsychological tests, in turn, was the dependent variable. For the oldest age group, age in addition was used as an independent variable. Significant linear relationships, which accounted for an optimal part of the variance, were selected for clinical application.  相似文献   

Results are reported for a standardization sample of 986 6- to 1-yr.-olds for the Coloured Progressive Matrices in Yemen. Younger children performed better than older children relative to British norms, and there was no significant sex difference in means or variability. In relation to a British IQ of 100 (SD=15), the sample obtained an average IQ of approximately 81.  相似文献   

In this article, normative data on the familiarity and difficulty of 196 single-solution Spanish word fragments are presented. The database includes the following indices: difficulty, familiarity, frequency, number of meanings, number of letters given in the fragment, first and/or last letters given, and ratio of letters to blanks. A factor analysis was performed on difficulty, and two factors were obtained. Frequency, familiarity, and number of meanings loaded highly on the first factor, which we consider to measure lexical processes, whereas number of letters in the fragment, first and/or last letters given, and ratio of letters to blanks loaded highly on the second factor, which we judge to be determined by perceptual information. Regression analyses using factor scores as predictors showed that both factors accounted for a significant part of the completion probability scores. The full set of these norms may be downloaded from the Psychonomic Society Web archive atwww.psychonomic.org/archive/.  相似文献   

This research investigated the effect on power spectra when data-smoothing functions were used on EEG data prior to submitting them to a FFT. We used two smoothing function options: not using any smoothing function and using the Parzen smoothing function. We developed a program to evaluate each of these functions with real and standard data. When a set of data is submitted to smoothing prior to being submitted to a FFT, there are statistically significant differences in the power spectra obtained from the FFT. This finding holds true for standard waveforms as well as for real EEG data.  相似文献   

Effects of backgroun reflectance on the shapes of scales of lightness were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment I, 25 Ss compared similaritiesofpairs ofgray chips that were viewed against black, gray. or white backgrounds. In Experiment 2, 33 Ss positioned a series of gray chips, viewed against a white, gray. or black background, so that the distances between successive chips represented the perceived differences in lightness between them. The results of both studies indicated that scale shape was influenced by background. The nature of the effect was that interstimulus differences in the region of a background were enhanced relative to interstimulus differences far from a background.  相似文献   

This study reports normative data for a group of 733 homosexual/bisexual men stratified by age (range 25 to 54 years) and by education on the following six neuropsychological tests: (1) Digit Span (WAIS-R), (2) Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, (3) Symbol Digit Modalities Test, (4) Controlled Oral Word Association Test, (5) Grooved Pegboard, and (6) The Trail Making Test. Analysis demonstrates that both age and education are important determinants of performance for several of these measures.  相似文献   

Increased difficulty with response inhibition occurs with age, although there is some controversy as to whether increased interference on Stroop tasks reflects difficulties with response inhibition or simply reflects generalized cognitive slowing. The Victoria Stroop Test (VST) is a brief, easily administered, psychometrically sound version of Stroop's original task. Performance on the VST by adults across a wide age span was examined to determine the association between age and various measures of interference. In addition, normative data for the VST were calculated. Participants were 272 healthy, community-dwelling adults age 18 to 94. Age and speed were negatively correlated on all trials of the VST. Importantly, however, interference scores that were corrected for baseline slowing remained highly correlated with age. Similarly, age and error scores on the interference trial were positively correlated, indicating decreased accuracy with age. These findings suggest that increased interference on Stroop tasks with age is not accounted for by simple cognitive slowing and more likely reflects other cognitive changes, such as decreased response inhibition. The VST has a number of administrative and psychometric strengths, and the provision of normative data should enhance its potential for clinical and research applications.  相似文献   

In this article, normative data on the familiarity and difficulty of 196 single-solution Spanish word fragments are presented. The database includes the following indices: difficulty, familiarity, frequency, number of meanings, number of letters given in the fragment, first and/or last letters given, and ratio of letters to blanks. A factor analysis was performed on difficulty, and two factors were obtained. Frequency, familiarity, and number of meanings loaded highly on the first factor, which we consider to measure lexical processes, whereas number of letters in the fragment, first and/or last letters given, and ratio of letters to blanks loaded highly on the second factor, which we judge to be determined by perceptual information. Regression analyses using factor scores as predictors showed that both factors accounted for a significant part of the completion probability scores. The full set of these norms may be downloaded from the Psychonomic Society Web archive at www.psychonomic.org/archive/.  相似文献   

The present study provides normative data stratified by age for the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning test Czech version (RAVLT) derived from a sample of 306 cognitively normal subjects (20–85 years). Participants met strict inclusion criteria (absence of any active or past neurological or psychiatric disorder) and performed within normal limits on other neuropsychological measures. Our analyses revealed significant relationships between most RAVLT indices and age and education. Normative data are provided not only for basic RAVLT scores, but for the first time also for a variety of derived (gained/lost access, primacy/recency effect) and error scores. The study confirmed a logarithmic character of the learning slope and is consistent with other studies. It enables the clinician to evaluate more precisely subject’s RAVLT memory performance on a vast number of indices and can be viewed as a concrete example of Quantified Process Approach to neuropsychological assessment.  相似文献   

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