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意识的四个要素理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于实验事实 ,提出了意识内部结构的观念。按照本文提出的意识的四个要素理论 ,意识由意识的四个要素及它们之间的相互作用组成。意识的四个要素是意识觉醒、意识内容、意识指向和意识感情。讨论了意识四个要素的脑机制  相似文献   

This article addresses key themes in the teaching of family therapy-centered integration and describes the critical role of assimilative integration. The tenets of assimilative integration provide a framework for introducing students to multiple systemic theories and techniques while allowing them to maintain a secure base in one main theory. This form of integration is compared and contrasted to theoretical eclecticism, which guides students to become securely based in multiple theories through providing a framework for selecting which systemic approach to use when and with whom. Other issues that shape the form, content, and process of integrative training are discussed including the role of institutional culture and clinical needs, the importance of fully incorporating issues of diversity and social oppression, and the relational context within which teaching and learning take place.  相似文献   


In contrast to forms of Buddhism popular in the West such as Vipassana meditation and Zen Buddhism which emphasize doctrinal study, meditation practice, and personal transformation above traditional rituals of deity yoga and merit-making, and Buddhist cosmology, Tibetan Buddhism retains its traditional framework of belief and practice. The worldwide Gelugpa Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) teaches the traditional practice of deity visualization, during which the meditator generates the view of the visualized deity as that of emptiness, the understanding that all objects, including buddhas, bodhisattvas, and deities are ultimately empty of inherent existence. Data obtained from fieldwork conducted at two FPMT centres: Vajrayana Institute in Sydney, Australia, and Kopan Monastery in Nepal, suggests an interpretation of the manner in which practitioners come to an appreciation of deity practice in the broader context of the FPMT's teachings. In outlining how this occurs, I discuss the role of doctrine including the ontological status of the deity, and the role of personal experience and both personal and traditional religious authority in this interpretive process. Here, I aim to add to scholarly understanding of how Western practitioners come to accept the traditional elements of non-Western religions such as forms of Tibetan Buddhism.  相似文献   

Two basic styles in psychotherapy integration can be described, in which respectively the assimilative or the accommodative mode of proceeding preponderate. The first is chosen by those who wish to keep a firm grounding in any one theoretical system, into which they incorporate perspectives or practices from other schools, reinterpreted and reformulated in their own terms. The second is favored by those who prefer to practice eclectically, without worrying too much about the contradictions and incompatibilities among the different approaches. The latter therapists can remain at this purely eclectic level, or move on towards a proper integration. In this case the integration does not usually happen on the base of a preferred system, as in theoretical integration, but rather follows the line of the common factors approach. This integration mode has a prevalent accommodative character. It points to a basic structure that is common to the different methods, and becomes clearer the more the relation is freed of the constriction of theoretical models. An attempt is made to show the substantial complementarity and the dialectical relation that links the two fundamental modes of psychotherapy integration.  相似文献   

The law of coherence helps us understand the physical force behind the increasing complexity of the evolutionary process, from quanta, to cells, to self-awareness and collective consciousness. The coherent electromagnetic field is the inner glue of every system, the “intelligent” energy–information communication that assures a cooperative and synergic behavior to all the components of the system, as a whole, allowing harmonious evolution and unity of consciousness. Neuropsychological experiments show that the different brain areas communicate with more or less coherence according to different states of consciousness: high values are correlated with states of psychophysical integrity and well-being, whereas low values with states of conflict and depression. If we expand isomorphically these brain discoveries, we will have four main general states of coherence: from disgregation to unity, which represents an important element, in the General System Theory, to differentiate between inanimate and animate system, and to understand how billions cells become a single living organism, and then how billions of human beings could eventually generate planetary consciousness. In this light the resolution of the global ecosystem crisis implicates human transformation from a low to a highly coherent state of consciousness. The key to the entire process seems to be the coherent nature of consciousness.  相似文献   

裴传永 《周易研究》2000,4(3):61-65
《易经》作者具有强烈的主体意识和道德内求思想,这典型地表现在《谦》、《节》、《中孚》、《遁》等集中论述道德修养的专卦之中,亦散见于《乾》、《履》、《同人》、《恒》、《随》、《升》、《萃》、《既济》诸卦之中。《易经》作者之所以对主体意识和道德内求思想给予了极大的关注,是因为在生产力极不发达的古代社会中,主体意识和道德伦理对于古老社会共同体内各种关系的协调和稳定,对于人类改造客观世界活动的成功,具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

内隐序列学习意识理论有二分和渐进两种观点。意识的主观和客观行为测量来源于二分理论, 其研究却产生了渐进理论; 电生理和脑成像测量则存在严重的二分偏向。影响意识的三因素--反应刺激间隔(RSI)、人格开放性和新异刺激都是意识产生的原因, 其有关研究各自支持或反对两种意识理论, 进一步探索可能孕育出新的意识理论。鉴于二分理论无法解释中间意识, 反之渐进理论无法解释意识与无意识的脑区分离, 本文提出双系统渐进理论或可统合两者, 且可能促使大脑网络技术探索意识产生机制的多样性和竞争性等新研究的产生。此外, 所有测量方式的敏感性等级尚待确定, 影响意识三因素的交互作用也值得探索。  相似文献   

This is a dialogue between a philosopher and a scientist about the scientific explanation of consciousness. What is consciousness? Does it admit of scientific explanation? If so, what must a scientific theory of consciousness be like in order to provide us with a satisfying explanation of its explanandum? And what types of entities might such a theory acknowledge as being conscious? Philosopher Owen Flanagan and scientist Giulio Tononi weigh in on these issues during an exchange about the nature and scientific explanation of consciousness.  相似文献   

This article addresses the frequency with which the same group of patients utilizes individual and family therapies, and at the same time do not constitute actual integration. The conditions under which such serial or concurrent utilization of the two forms of psychotherapy may be considered to be integrative are discussed.  相似文献   

作为心理治疗的有效区域,治疗性最近发展区是指当事人当前适应问题经验的能力和通过治疗师的协助能够达成的潜在能力之间的距离。早期的同化模型理论更注重对心理治疗改变过程的描述,治疗性最近发展区理论则能够进一步解释治疗师在不同阶段的帮助策略。在研究上,治疗性最近发展区理论建立在非传统的方法论基础上,通过不断累积个案的质性研究,帮助治疗师理解和解释不同咨询效果的互动过程,并使理论得到持续发展;在临床上,治疗性最近发展区为理解心理治疗过程中倒退现象提供了新视角,并能够有效指导在治疗过程中采取挑战性还是支持性策略。未来研究可从临床上探索经验丰富的治疗师的实践智慧,也可选取较大跨度的治疗对话序列,对不同流派的特点,从不同参与者的视角出发进行研究,进而深化对心理治疗过程机制的理解。  相似文献   

人类基因组计划与博士生的时代意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类基因组计划(HGP)的成就表明,面对新世纪的挑战,作为肩负国家重任的高层次人才的博士生更要转变观念,增强时代意识,发展(科技)战略意识、科技前沿意识,创新意识,市场意识,协作意识。其中尤以发展(科技)战略意识最为重要,其影响深远,意义重大。  相似文献   

从“意识状态”解释人类意识的本质是当前意识心理学研究的一个重要取向。研究意识状态改变(ASC)的物质生理基础具有十分突出的理论和临床实践意义。意识状态改变可以分为自发、物理和生理原因、心理方式和疾病引起这样四个方面,不同类型的意识状态改变可以从激活、意识域、自我觉察和感觉振荡四个维度进行综合归类和分析。不仅脑结构功能状态、脑动力的暂时变化、神经化学过程和新陈代谢过程等因素影响着人的意识经验改变状态,而且环境变化、心理活动和自我控制及技巧也可以暂时改变人的意识功能状态。  相似文献   

无意识的意识本性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就精神分析的无意识而言,无意识实际上是由意识创建而来的。不是无意识派生了意识,而是意识派生了无意识。无意识是意识的一种变体,它恰恰体现了意识的塑造能力和它自身的可塑性。弗洛伊德在《意识与什么是无意识》中对意识和无意识的关系问题做了集中的论述。该文借助对这篇论文的全面解析进行阐述。  相似文献   

A tacit assumption in the field of consciousness studies is that the more empirical evidence a theory can explain, the better it fares when weighed against competitors. If one wants to take seriously the potential for empirical evidence to move forward debates in consciousness studies, there is a need to gather, organize, validate, and compare evidence. We present an inference to the best explanation (IBE) process on the basis of empirical support that is applicable in debates between competing theories of consciousness. Our proposed IBE process consists in four steps: Assimilate, Compile, Validate, and Compare. Until now, the vast majority of the work in the field has consisted in gathering empirical evidence for theories i.e., the assimilation step. To illustrate the feasibility of our proposed IBE process, and what it may look like when applied in practice, we deliver a complete collection (the compilation step) of empirical support for the distinction between A-Consciousness and P-Consciousness and the overflow hypothesis. Finally, we offer an example of the validation step, by scrutinizing the interpretation of aphantasics’ performance on retro-cue paradigms offered in the literature in support of the overflow hypothesis. The compilation we deliver here is the first effort in the IBE process, the end result of which — hopefully — will be the ability of the research community to carry out side-by-side comparisons of theories and the empirical phenomena they claim to explain, i.e., the comparison step.  相似文献   

不同意识水平下的情绪启动   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
程九清  高湘萍 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1506-1508
实验研究了不同意识水平下情绪启动的机制。我们采用带有褒贬意义的中文语句作为情绪刺激,要求被试在情绪刺激播放响度正常或极低的情境下对不熟悉的法语语句进行评价。结果显示无意识情绪启动显著;有意识情绪启动却未出现。我们认为无意识情绪启动是个体对刺激自动加工的结果;而个体在意识层面的认知加工可能会抑制已唤醒的情绪。另外,情绪刺激的不同排列方式对被试评价的倾向性可能有潜在的影响。  相似文献   

意识和无意识权衡现象的四个特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨治良  李林 《心理科学》2003,26(6):962-966
本实验以探讨意识和无意识之间的复杂关系为目的 ,采用 5 (年龄 :老年、中年、大学生、初三和高小 )× 2 (贡献来源 :意识和无意识 )的两因素混合设计 ,通过加工分离程序 (PDP)的包含和排除测验 ,计算意识和无意识的贡献大小。结果表明在对具体图片的记忆中 ,1)意识和无意识贡献出现了发展上的分离 ;2 )老年组的无意识贡献高于意识贡献 ,但未达到显著水平 ,其余四个组别则表现出意识贡献水平极其显著地高于无意识贡献水平。在此基础上 ,本研究对意识和无意识的权衡现象的四个特征 (相互独立、相互作用、互为主次、互相依存 )分别进行了阐述  相似文献   

It is a common conviction among philosophers who hold that phenomenal properties, qualia, are distinct from any cognitive, intentional, or functional properties, that it is possible to trace the neural correlates of these properties. The main purpose of this paper is to present a challenge to this view, and to show that if “non-cognitive” phenomenal properties exist at all, they lie beyond the reach of neuroscience. In the final section it will be suggested that they also lie beyond the reach of psychology, so that they may be said to lie beyond the reach of science.
Hilla Jacobson-HorowitzEmail:

Western psychotherapy tends to regard the mind and mental distress in terms of differing theoretical models. Mental distress can be also be usefully viewed as the result of erroneous reification—the confusing of symbols and concepts with reality. This paper describes the theory and practice of analytic meditative therapy. Inspired by non-dual Buddhist and other eastern wisdom traditions, it uses meditative and cognitive processes to control anxiety, deconstruct reified symbols and encourage contemplative resting in non-dual mental space, where reality and its appearance are coemergent and coalesced but distinct, and healing occurs naturally without the need for any specific additional effort.Jonathan R. Harrison was born in Manchester, England in 1943. He has a master’s degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He studied non-dual therapy with Dr. Peter Fenner in France and Israel and during a personal retreat at a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in India. Inspired by non-dual Buddhist and other wisdom traditions—Dzogchen and Mahamudra, Zen and Madhyamika, Advaita and Taoism—he currently lives and works in Israel, teaching analytical meditative therapy to individuals and groups.  相似文献   

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