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Dating aggression, whether it is physical or psychological, is a major social concern. The background-situational model is highly predictive of dating aggression, but it lacks consideration of biopsychosocial processes. Sleep was investigated as one such process. A sample of 108 university undergraduate women completed objective (actigraphy) and subjective measures of sleep quality as well as self-reports of dating and trait aggression. Indicators of sleep deprivation were associated with greater frequency of dating aggression perpetration. Associations were especially strong when trait aggression and victimization by the partner were higher. Contrary to hypotheses, alcohol consumption did not significantly moderate the relation between sleep and women’s aggression perpetration. Less sleep was associated with women’s more frequent aggression toward their partners, perhaps because sleep deprivation causes difficulties with emotion regulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the role of family dimensions in tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use among adolescents. Furthermore, we investigated how demographic variables (adolescents’ gender and age) influence substance use and moderate the relationship between family dimensions and substance use. The sample consisted of 14,825 adolescents aged 13–14, 15–16, and 17–18 who participated in the 2006 edition of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Spain. The HBSC-2006 questionnaire included demographic variables (gender and age), substance use variables (tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use), and family dimensions (parental affection, parental promotion of autonomy, family activities, adolescent disclosure, parental solicitation, and parental knowledge). The results indicated that adolescent disclosure, family activities, and parental knowledge had a significant effect on substance use. Specifically, maternal variables were shown to be slightly more relevant than paternal variables. Additionally, substance use was higher in older adolescents than in younger adolescents, and boys smoked less than girls. The discussion focused on how family dimensions promoted responsible substance use in adolescence.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the effects of drinking and behavioral ambiguity on perceptions of sexual aggression. Male participants, randomly assigned to 1 of 4 alcohol conditions (low, moderate, placebo, or control) viewed a videotaped interaction involving a couple meeting before a blind date. In the receptive condition, the female was friendly and excited. In the nonreceptive condition, she showed rigid posture and lacked enthusiasm. Participants then judged the acceptability of sexual aggression against the female and the attribution of the female's responsibility. Findings indicated a significant interaction such that in the receptive condition, higher alcohol doses elicited both greater acceptance of sexual aggression and greater attribution of female responsibility. There was no impact of alcohol dosage in the nonreceptive condition.  相似文献   

青少年社会支持系统发展特点的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
刘春梅  李宏英 《心理科学》2002,25(4):477-478
青少年时期是个体的生理和心理发生急剧变化的特殊时期,是他们从幼稚走向成熟,从家庭步入更广阔社会的重要转折期,身心的急剧成熟给青少年的社会关系网络带来了新的变化,生活中重要他人从父母扩大到朋友和教师。青少年从重要他人那里获得的社会支持具有可靠同盟、价值增进、工具性帮助、陪伴支持、情感支持、亲密感、自我揭露、冲突、惩罚和满意度等功能。不同来源的社会支持所提供的支持功能是不同的。母亲侧重于提供评价支持和情感支持,同伴侧重于工具性支持和陪伴支持,父亲、教师侧重于信息支持。进入青春期以后,青少年的社会支持系统有什么新特点?是否存在年级和性别差异?本文旨在对青少年的社会支持系统进行年级性别的差异研究,以揭示青少年社会支持系统的发展特点,为进一步进行心理健康教育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The present study probed the links among Big Five personality differences, self-reported personality differences, and adjustment to school among young adolescents. We used a multimethod converging analysis, with three sources of data: (a) adolescent self-report on standardized personality inventories; (b) classroom teacher trait ratings and evaluations of adjustment; and (c) school guidance counselor evaluations of adjustment. Evaluations of adolescent adjustment were systematically related to Big Five personality differences, as assessed by both classroom teachers' and school counselors' ratings. For classroom teachers, adjustment was closely related to evaluations on the Big Five dimension of Conscientiousness. Adolescent self-report on several standardized measures was not related to adult evaluation of school adjustment. We suggest that the five-factor model may be a useful tool for probing adjustment during the transition to adolescence.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the associations between temperamental reactivity, drinking motives, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related consequences. Furthermore, it investigated whether drinking motives mediate the relations between temperamental reactivity and the alcohol use variables. The sample consisted of 188 adolescents (64.9% boys) between the ages of 13–20 years (M age  = 16.9, SD = 1.32). Results revealed that the temperament factors of high BAS fun seeking and high negative affectivity were related to alcohol consumption and alcohol-related consequences respectively. Furthermore, high social and enhancement motives and low conformity motives were associated with alcohol consumption, whereas high coping-depression motives were associated with alcohol-related consequences. Finally, the relation between BAS fun seeking and alcohol consumption was mediated by enhancement and social motives and the association between negative affectivity and alcohol-related consequences was mediated by coping-depression motives. These results highlight the importance of focusing on temperament profiles and their associated drinking motives in the prevention and intervention of alcohol use problems among adolescents.  相似文献   

To describe trajectories of aggressive behaviors for adolescents living in rural areas, we compared the patterns, timing and sex differences in development of physical and social aggression using five waves of data collected from youth in school surveys administered over 2.5 years. The sample (N = 5,151) was 50.0% female, 52.1% Caucasian and 38.2% African-American. Multilevel growth curve models showed that physical and social aggression followed curvilinear trajectories from ages 11 to 18, with increases in each type of aggression followed by subsequent declines. Physical aggression peaked around age 15; social aggression peaked around age 14. Boys consistently perpetrated more physical aggression than girls, but the trajectories were parallel. There were no sex differences in the perpetration of social aggression. Given the characteristics of the developmental trajectories observed, interventions with both boys and girls targeting physically and socially aggressive behaviors are needed in early adolescence to slow the development of aggression.  相似文献   

采用母亲报告的方法, 对1618名儿童的攻击进行了4年(9岁~12岁)的追踪研究, 分析了童年中晚期攻击的一般发展轨迹、亚组发展轨迹以及性别差异。结果发现:(1)总体上, 童年中晚期儿童的攻击水平随年龄而下降。(2)基于亚组的准参数模型分析表明, 童年中晚期母亲报告的儿童攻击呈现三条不同的发展轨迹, 即无攻击轨迹、低攻击—下降轨迹以及持续高攻击轨迹, 各轨迹组人数比例分别约为68.7%、26.8%、4.5%。持续高攻击轨迹组以及低攻击—下降轨迹组的儿童在童年晚期均面临一定程度的人际适应困难。(3)多项Logit模型以及卡方检验表明, 男生更倾向于归属于攻击轨迹组(高或者低攻击轨迹组), 而女生更倾向于归属于无攻击轨迹组; 但这并不说明高攻击轨迹组中没有女生, 约2%的女生属于高攻击轨迹组。  相似文献   

Several studies have linked rumination to substance use. However, only one study thus far has focused on the differential associations between the subtypes of rumination (brooding and reflection) and substance use. This previous study was cross-sectional in nature, so less is known about how these variables are related across time. To address this issue, the present three-wave longitudinal study investigated the cross-temporal associations between subtypes of rumination, alcohol consumption, drug consumption and substance use problems, using cross-lagged path analyses. In addition, the study investigated whether the cross-lagged paths of interest were moderated by gender. The sample consisted of 309 adolescents (62.1 % boys) between the ages of 13 to 20 years old (M age at T1?=?16.82 years, SD?=?1.32). Results indicated that substance use problems predicted increases in levels of brooding and reflection over time. These effects were moderated by gender so that substance use problems only predicted increases in levels of brooding and reflection in girls. In contrast to our expectations, higher levels of brooding predicted a decrease in alcohol consumption over time, and this effect was not moderated by gender. Cross-lagged analyses also showed that alcohol consumption predicted an increase in substance use problems. All results emerged independently of depressive symptoms. The findings of the present study add to the growing body of literature on the associations between rumination subtypes and substance use in adolescence, and highlight the importance of using longitudinal designs to address the issue of directionality.  相似文献   

采用同伴提名、同伴侵害问卷、不良同伴问卷和饮酒行为问卷调查广东地区4所普通初级中学1386名7年级学生,考察了同伴排斥与青少年早期饮酒行为的关系,以及同伴侵害和结交不良同伴在其中的链式中介效应。结果发现:(1)同伴排斥、同伴侵害和结交不良同伴均与青少年早期的饮酒行为呈显著正相关;(2)同伴侵害和结交不良同伴在同伴排斥影响青少年早期饮酒行为过程中的链式中介效应显著,即同伴排斥通过增加同伴侵害,从而提高结交不良同伴的风险,进而增加青少年早期的饮酒行为;(3)在控制同伴侵害和结交不良同伴后,同伴排斥对青少年早期的饮酒行为仍存在显著预测作用。  相似文献   

Developmental Truths in Memories of Childhood and Adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study of age-related changes in memories of personally important encounters showed “developmental truths,” that is, patterns that converged with prior developmental theories and research. Participants were 47 males and 48 females in their early 20s. An average of 16 memories were collected from each person during an intensive personal interview. Memories were coded for age at the time of the episode, the identity of the other person with whom the study participant was interacting, what the participant wanted from the other person, and the outcome. As expected, memories of encounters with parents and about wanting help prevailed for childhood, whereas memories of encounters with close friends and about wanting intimacy prevailed by mid-adolescence. Memories about wanting to help others were sparse for this young-adult sample, but, like needs for intimacy, increased with age. Although patterns for males tended to be more dramatic than patterns for females, this trend appeared more attributable to actual developmental differences in social dynamics than to differences in the degree to which current concerns intruded into the memory process. The advantages of personally salient, event-specific retrospective reports for understanding personality development and change are discussed.  相似文献   

Maria Bartini 《Sex roles》2006,55(3-4):233-245
Gender role flexibility has been conceptualized as a multi-dimensional construct that consists of attitudes, self-perceptions, and behaviors. The present study was designed to examine the developmental trajectory of gender role attitude flexibility, self-perception flexibility, and gender-typed behavioral flexibility during early adolescence. One hundred and thirty six male and female sixth grade students completed the Children’s Occupations, Activities, and Traits Scale (Liben & Bigler, 2002) during the fall and spring of their first 2 years of middle school and they kept monthly after-school activity diaries, which were coded for gender stereotypicality. Each component of flexibility exhibited a different pattern of developmental change consistent with the multi-dimensional view of gender role flexibility.  相似文献   

The lack of affective responsiveness to others’ mental states – one of the hallmarks of psychopathy – is thought to give rise to increased interpersonal aggression. Recent models of psychopathy highlight deficits in attachment security that may, in turn, impede the development of relating to others in terms of mental states (mentalization). Here, we aimed to assess whether mentalization linked to attachment relationships may serve as a moderator for the relationship between interpersonal aggression and psychopathic traits in an adolescent community sample. Data from 104 males and females with a mean age of 16.4 years were collected on mentalization capacities using the Reflective Functioning Scale on the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Psychopathic traits and aggressive behavior were measured via self-report. Deficits in mentalization were significantly associated with both psychopathic traits and proactive aggression. As predicted, mentalization played a moderating role, such that individuals with increased psychopathic tendencies did not display increased proactive aggression when they had higher mentalizing capacities. Effects of mentalization on reactive aggression were fully accounted for by its shared variance with proactive aggression. Psychopathic traits alone only partially explain aggression in adolescence. Mentalization may serve as a protective factor to prevent the emergence of proactive aggression in spite of psychopathic traits and may provide a crucial target for intervention.  相似文献   

本研究采用"班级戏剧问卷"对中部一所小学3、4年级的285名儿童进行了3年追踪调查,研究了3年来儿童的外部攻击和关系攻击发展趋势及其在个体间的差异,并探讨了两类攻击行为发展趋势之间的关系。结果表明:(1)童年中后期外部攻击和关系攻击的变化趋势不显著。并且初始测量的外部攻击水平高的儿童,其关系攻击水平也较高;外部攻击行为变化较快的儿童,其关系攻击变化也比较快。(2)男生的外部攻击水平显著高于女生,而关系攻击的性别差异不显著。四年级关系攻击的上升速度快于三年级;初始为关系攻击较高组相对于较低组,他们的关系攻击随时间的上升速度也比较快。  相似文献   

The present study examined the long-term impact of individual and family factors during childhood and adolescence on outcomes associated with the transition to adulthood, specifically well-being and substance use. Data for this study were drawn from the Child Development Supplement (CDS) and Transition to Adulthood (TA) surveys (n?=?1362), both a part of The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). We first examined the influence of individual and family factors from childhood and adolescence on well-being and substance use during the transition to adulthood using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). We then applied a mixture modeling approach to evaluate whether there were subgroups (latent classes) in these transitions to adulthood outcomes, and how these subgroups linked with the individual and family factors from younger years. We found that, in general, parental acceptance and psychological control in childhood and adolescence predicted all aspects of well-being during the transition to adulthood. Substance use during this transition was linked with being male, White, and heightened parental psychological control. Overall, observable differential associations between individual and family factors during childhood and adolescence and outcomes in later life highlighted a need to evaluate transitional aspects independently, rather than grouping young adults all together.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the longitudinal relationship between aggression and suicide ideation when controlling for other externalizing (i.e., alcohol misuse and risk‐taking) and internalizing (i.e., depression and sleep problems) risk factors in an active duty, military sample. Preexisting data from a longitudinal study were analyzed to assess the wellness of service members across the deployment cycle. Participants were 944 active duty service members (95% male, 48% between 18 and 24 years old) who completed surveys upon initial return from deployment and approximately 3 months later. After controlling for other externalizing (alcohol misuse, risk‐taking) and internalizing (depression, sleep problems) risk factors, service members reporting aggression were significantly more likely to report suicide ideation than those reporting no aggression (OR = 3.19; OR 95% CI: 1.16–8.80). The independent nature of the relationship between anger and suicidality suggests aggression may be an important indicator of suicidality for service members. Understanding the role of aggression in suicidality may improve the ability to identify at‐risk service members and to develop effective interventions to reduce suicide risk.  相似文献   

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