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The impact on felt stress and and stress-related behaviors of household composition and proportion of pay utilized to sustain the household economy was evaluated using a homogenous group of female professionals. After controlling for individual-difference and work-load influences, the impact of household variables was found to be weak and inconsistent. While living alone with a child and having a larger proportion of one's salary allocated to sustaining the household economy was associated with psychosomatic distress, household factors did not predict sickdays, medication usage and alcohol consumption. The reasons for these weak and inconsistent findings were explored.  相似文献   

Shamai M  Kochal RB 《Family process》2008,47(3):323-340
This study aims to explore the way in which women prisoners in Israel experience motherhood in prison and construct their motherhood after being released. In-depth interviews were conducted with 9 women, and the data were analyzed according to the phenomenological approach. The qualitative methodology generated 5 main themes: (a) motherhood in prison as a motive for survival; (b) the sense of failure experienced by mothers in prison; (c) coping versus avoidance in the mother-child relationship during imprisonment; (d) motherhood in prison as a motive for change; and (e) the transition from questioning the right to be a mother to redeeming motherhood. The 5 themes were organized into a model that depicts the process of becoming a mother in prison and the move toward mending the experience of motherhood. The findings indicate that side by side with the traumatic experiences of prison are other aspects that allow for growth and rehabilitation. The discussion focuses on 2 main issues that evolved from the findings: the reasons for the change in motherhood that occurs during imprisonment and the aspects of prison that enable this change.  相似文献   

Tedium, defined as the experience of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion, was studied in three generations of professional women, who were questioned extensively about their lifestyles, life stresses, and life attitudes. Results indicated that in spite of the differences in life features and pressures among the three groups, the similarities in their experiences, attitudes, and overall life satisfaction are rather impressive. The differences among the generations tended to cluster around the more stressful environment of college for the young preprofessional women, who experienced most tedium and were most overextended and conflicted, and around the more traditional attitudes toward women and women's issues expressed by the older postprofessional generation, who also had the least tedium. The midcareer professional women were characterized by more positive life attitudes, more satisfaction from their work, and by liberal feministic attitudes toward working women's issues. Three focal variables were hypothesized and documented to be important tedium correlates for all professional women. Of the three, role conflict rather than number of roles was found to be a positive tedium correlate. Sense of control and especially having social support systems emerged as significant negative tedium correlates.An earlier version of this article was presented as a paper at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August 26–30, 1977. The authors wish to thank Trudy Solomon, who assisted in the organizational aspects of the study, and Susan Reuss and the students of the University of California, Berkeley's social psychology course, who took part in the group research project and helped in the data collection.  相似文献   

The professional literature is replete with theoretical examples explaining women's “lesser work commitment.” In this study of 208 accountants in one of the “big eight” international public accounting firms there were no significant differences between males and females on any of the components of work motivation measured. That is, women did not appear significantly different from men on any of the motivational variables, in the rewards they valued on the job, or on job characteristics they valued. In general, the “deficit theories” about women workers do not seem to apply to the women accountants under study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a taxonomy of the competencies necessary to women's pursuit of professional-level, especially academic, careers. During the first phase of the study two research activities, a review of literature in the areas of career development, career counseling, and the psychology of women, and a semistructured “critical incidents” interview with each of 50 female faculty members from a large midwestern university, resulted in a list of 620 career-relevant behaviors and skills. This pool of career competencies was then examined by three counseling psychologists, and a classification scheme to describe the data was developed. Finally, rates attempted to assign the original competency items to the proposed categories in order to validate the taxonomy. The final, refined version of the taxonomy is presented, and the utility of these results for counseling and research in the area of women's career development is discussed.  相似文献   

Marlene A. Hamilton 《Sex roles》1984,11(11-12):1009-1019
This investigation examines the extent to which a sample of 89 professional Jamaican men and women displays the traits of masculinity and femininity, measured by way of Bem's Sex-Role Inventory. The sample was drawn from the public and private sectors of society. Findings suggest that while, as expected, both sexes were classified mainly according to their appropriate sex-role traits, females in the private sector were much more “masculine” than their counterparts in the public sector. This was thought to reflect the pressure on private sector women to “prove themselves” as equals of men—a pressure which does not represent one of the criteria for promotion within the public sector.  相似文献   

A sample of 142 women college graduates now employed in engineering, natural science, and architecture or pursuing advanced degrees in these three areas or law, business administration, or social science allowed a test of the hypothesis that these women had received a family environment congruent with their nontraditional work orientation. Five types of influencer—parents, siblings, teachers, friends, and other adults—of both sexes were found at three points in time (high school, undergraduate years, and graduate school) to significantly influence the women in a positive direction. Further, when the pairs of each type of influencer were compared, there was no evidence that females or males were more effective at influencing nontraditional professional women.  相似文献   

The study examined the role psychosocial resources play in enhancing perceptions of support and career satisfaction among professional women. The participants were a purposive sample of 606 professional women from South Africa (white = 61.8%, black = 19.9%, Indian = 11.1%, and coloured = 6.6%; mean age = 35.41 years, SD = 8.39 years). The participants were in their early adulthood and establishment career stage. The participants were employed in the financial, engineering, and human resource fields. The participants completed measures of emotional intelligence, career adaptability, psychosocial career preoccupations, self-efficacy, perceived organisational support, social support, and career satisfaction. Following canonical correlation analysis, results revealed managing own emotions, career control, self-efficacy, preoccupations with career adaptation, and preoccupations with establishment to positively predict higher levels of organisational support and career satisfaction. Findings underpin the fact that psychosocial resources are assets for the career well-being of professional women from a developing country setting.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity of a state version of the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (Hart, Leary & Rejeski, 1989) by conducting tests of concurrent and discriminative validation. Participants were four separate samples of young women (N=221) who exercised ≤ 2 days/week and who participated in various experiments examining body image and self-presentation. Participants' scores on the state SPAS (S-SPAS) were significantly correlated, in expected directions, with scores on both trait and state measures of body image and self-presentation, and with body mass index (BMI). In addition, S-SPAS scores discriminated between women who exercised in a mixed-sex versus a same-sex environment, but trait SPAS scores did not. Together, these results provide evidence of construct validity of a state version of the SPAS and demonstrate that social physique anxiety can be conceptualized and measured as a situational variable. The S-SPAS, rather than the trait SPAS, should be employed in experiments designed to detect differences in state social physique anxiety.  相似文献   

Excess of mixed-footedness among professional soccer players   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study concerns the distribution of footedness among professional soccer players (n=415) and nonsporting university students (n=430). Chi-squared showed that there were statistically significant differences between the proportion of mixed-footedness in the two groups (p<.0001). It appears that mixed-footedness or the ability to use both feet with an almost equal consistency is an important factor in the potential of individuals to reach high skill in soccer play. The mixed-footedness of these professional soccer players can be understood best in terms of both the nature of the game and genetic predisposition. This result is of direct interest in the context of those activities in which structural and functional biases in the lower extremities are important variables in acquisition and performance of motor skill.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore a confrontation between Husserl’s ethical position of vocation and its absolute ought with a feminist ethical position. I argue that Husserl’s ethics has a great deal to offer a feminist ethics by providing for the possibility of an ethics that is particular rather than universal, that recognizes the role of the social through tradition in establishing values and norms without conceding the ethical responsibility of the individual, and that acknowledges the role of both reason and desire in establishing moral values that has the consequence of breaking down the public/private distinction that has reigned in so many ethical theories. In order to make this case, I proceed with a review of Husserl’s position of the absolute ought, some typical criticisms that might be leveled at his position, and finally, responses to those criticisms that show ways in which Husserl’s position can be beneficial to the formulation of a feminist ethics that is inclusive of the emotional aspect of moral valuation, and the particularity of ethical commitments, while providing for a different way of evaluating thinking that accommodates what are usually understood to be “feminine” concerns. In addition to describing Husserl’s position, I show how that position meets some of the expectations for a feminist ethics as put forth by Iris Marion Young and Sara Ruddick.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between existential attitudes and professional quality of life among a sample of South African nursing students (N = 150; mean age = 21.19, SD = 2.77; female = 90%). The student nurses completed the Life Attitudes Profile-Revised (LAP-R) and the Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQoL). The data were analysed using the Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Existential attitudes significantly predicted scores on the PROQoL. The findings suggest that existential attitudes are an essential personal resource that could serve as a potential buffer against compassion fatigue and burnout while enhancing compassion satisfaction.  相似文献   

The intergenerational cycle of teenage motherhood: an ecological approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: Daughters of teenage mothers have increased risk for teenage childbearing, perpetuating intergenerational cycles. Using Ecological Systems Theory, this study prospectively examined risk factors for teenage childbearing among a national sample of adolescent girls. DESIGN: Data came from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997. Participants (N = 1,430) were recruited in early adolescence and interviewed yearly for 6 years. Survival analysis was used to examine the rate of childbirth across the teenage years by maternal age at first birth. Hierarchical Cox regression was used to identify multivariate predictors of teenage childbearing and to test whether risk factors differed between daughters of teenage versus older mothers. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURE: Age at first childbirth was based on cumulative information collected at yearly interviews. RESULTS: Daughters of teenage mothers were 66% more likely to become teenage mothers, after accounting for other risks. Individual (school performance), family (maternal education, marital status, number of children), peer (dating history), and environmental (race, enrichment) factors predicted teenage childbearing. Risks unique to daughters of teenage mothers were deviant peer norms, low parental monitoring, Hispanic race, and poverty. CONCLUSION: Results support multidimensional approaches to pregnancy prevention, and targeted interventions addressing unique risk factors among daughters of teenage mothers.  相似文献   

Through the lens of the Social Identify Theory (Tajfel, 1974), this research aims to understand how social identity affects the perception of cycling as a mode of transport among women from different socio-income backgrounds. Using the case study of Tel-Aviv-Jaffa (Israel), we found that cycling is associated with distinct social categories rather than seen as a 'socially neutral' practice. In particular, we found cycling to be associated with 'being a Tel-Avivian' and with a healthy and active lifestyle. Such distinct identification of cycling is likely to enhance cycling uptake among more privileged groups, who are often able to identify with these social categories. In contrast, it may create a barrier for underprivileged groups, who do not identify with these social categories. In addition, we show how e-bikes – which are not identified with privileged groups – do not provide an identifiable alternative for women from all groups, as it is identified with “tough” and “violent” men. Furthermore, we show how cycling, in general, is perceived as “tough”, “dangerous” and as requiring a “constant struggle” over space with other road users, and hence fits a typical “masculine” behavior. Finally, we show how currently cycling is perceived by the underprivileged as a threat to their way of life or even as a symbol of them being pushed out of their neighborhood – a perception that limits cycling uptake among these social groups. These findings underscore the importance of accounting for social identity in cycling research and policymaking, especially in low-cycling contexts.  相似文献   

In a previous paper I described the common characteristics of seventeen women between the ages of 22 and 42 with whom I had worked over the past few years in private psychotherapy practice, and who, I suggest, constitute a specific patient group, which I call ‘compulsively striving professional women’. I went on to explore the developmental, theoretical, cultural and systemic context of this group. In this paper I consider the challenging clinical issues raised in working with them.  相似文献   

Junior faculty at two universities in the Northeast were surveyed regarding their objective job performance as well as attitudes toward work, availability of role models, self-perception and self-evaluation, and incidence and type of sexual discrimination. There were no significant sex differences in marital status; however, two-thirds of the married females reported having no children, whereas less than one-third of the married males had no children. Female junior faculty reported spending somewhat more time on work-related activities at home, generally less willingness to cancel class, somewhat higher likelihood of editing books and/or journals, but less likelihood of writing books and/or journal articles. Males generally felt they were above average in comparison to their colleagues and contemporaries; and they showed a fairly accurate appraisal of their standing vis-á-vis others on the publication dimension. In contrast, females rated themselves significantly lower than the males in comparison to others and showed little discriminative judgment of their relative standing on the publication dimension. Differences in the early socialization of men and women may result in the differential professional socialization of female faculty. Subtle areas of sexual discrimination in the academic experience are suggested. Finally, the authors caution against overgeneralizing from these results.  相似文献   

Inappropriate sexual behavior by professionals has been reported in increasing numbers. This article focuses on the cognitive-behavioral treatment of clergy who have acted out sexually. Case studies are used to identify the various issues and facets of treatment. The article concludes with a program designed to return previously offending clergy to active roles within their denominations is described.  相似文献   

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