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In Living Stories (Capps 1997) I addressed the rather broad consensus among clergy and laity alike that gossip is destructive of congregational life, a consensus based on the view that gossip invariably involves negatively critical conversations about other individuals and groups. However, this view is not supported by social scientific research and literary studies on gossip, which present a more complex picture of this form of human communication. On the other hand, the claim that gossip is trivial is more difficult to challenge, so I made a case for the importance of the trivial through consideration of the formal similarities between gossip and the narratives that comprise the Gospels, including the fact that both employ an “esthetic of surfaces” that focuses on specific personal particulars and that the stories that are told derive their power from the freedom that the participants in the conversation gain from entering imaginatively into the life of other persons. The present article furthers the exploration of the affinities between gossip and Gospel narratives by noting the role of humor in fostering good gossip and the mutually supportive role of gossip and humor in the art of becoming an intimate of Jesus.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Mark Allan Powell, The Jesus Debate: Modern Historians Investigate the Life of Christ
Phillip J. Cunningham, A Believer's Search for the Jesus of History
Clive Marsh and Steve Moyise, Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction
N. T. Wright and Marcus Borg, The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions  相似文献   

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion -  相似文献   

有关灶王的描述,读者一定很熟悉。《红楼梦》第五十三回《宁国府除夕祭宗祠,荣国府元宵开夜宴》中,谈到荣国府除夕供灶王的景像时说:“那晚,各处佛堂灶王前焚香上供。王夫人正房院内设着天地纸马香供。大观园正门上挑着角灯,两旁高照,各处皆有路灯。上下人等,打扮的花团锦簇。一夜人声杂沓,语笑喧阗,爆竹起火,络绎不绝。”灶王何许人也?且听我细细道来。一、灶王是谁灶王又称“灶神”、“灶君”、“灶君老爷”、“老灶爷”等,是我国古代神话中主管饮食之神。旧时民间灶王信仰颇为广泛,多将灶君像供奉于灶头。古代文献中,对灶王是谁有多种说…  相似文献   

Jesus the Martyr     

One of the strongest portraits of Jesus in the Gospels is that of a teacher (Lee, 1988).1 Other than the title “Lord,” people call Jesus “Teacher” more often than any other epithet in the New Testament, and often with a great deal of respect and admiration (Mark 10:17; Matt 22:16).2 Jesus also calls himself a “teacher.” In the story of the preparation for the Last Supper, for example, Jesus instructs his disciples to find a room for the paschal meal and to tell the owner that “the teacher” has need of it (Mark 14:14; Matt 26:18; Luke 22:11). Apart from the portrayal of him as an infant, the earliest picture we have of him is the episode of the 12-year-old Jesus amazing the teachers in the temple with his learning (Luke 2:46-47). Other depictions include the itinerant Jesus teaching multitudes (Matt 5–7), individuals (John 3 and 4), adversaries (Luke 15), and disciples (Mark 4:10-20, 33–34; 7:17-23; 10:10-11,23-31). He teaches in the temple (Matt 26:55; Mark 1117; John 7:14), in synagogues (Matt 4:23; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:15; John 6:59), in houses (Mark 7:17-18; 9:28), from a boat (Luke 5:3), on the hillside (Matt 5:1-2), at a well (John 4:7-30), at table (Luke 7:36-50),on the road (Luke 24:13-32), and by the shore (Mark 2:13; 4:1). In other words, Jesus teaches people wherever he is and wherever they are. In fact, Matt 26:55 evidences that Jesus taught on a daily basis. Today, in the Western world this traveling teacher is considered the most famous pedagogue (Highet, 1950, 190). With these thoughts in mind, let's (1) examine the words used to specify “teacher” in the ancient world and show how Jesus both corresponds to and differs from the perceptions this title implies, (2) suggest some teaching methods used by Jesus, and (3) propose a way modern teachers can learn from him.  相似文献   

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion - The evidential problem of evil involves a rarely discussed challenge, namely the challenge of defending theism against the hypothesis of a morally...  相似文献   

Review of Jesus     
This new psychobiographical analysis of Jesus by Donald Capps promises to be a controversial but important book. While the venture is an engaging one, new theses about what and why Jesus did what he did suffer the same sorts of challenges as have traditional and critical presentations of the historical Jesus. This review engages theological issues and their implications, historical judgments and their plausibility, and methodological approaches and their fruitfulness.  相似文献   

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