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本研究探讨同一品类两个强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌产生的影响, 研究尝试将广告重复、广告长度作为操控广告竞争强度的具体手段, 运用感知到的广告竞争水平来表示广告竞争强度。研究结果表明, 同一品类两个品牌同时进行广告重复的水平不同, 可以导致被试感知到的广告竞争水平有显著差异, 广告重复次数越多, 被试感知到的广告竞争强度越高, 广告长度对感知到的广告竞争作用不显著。研究同时发现:随着两个强势品牌广告竞争强度的提高, 消费者对弱势品牌的品牌态度降低, 这表明强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌具有溢出效应。另外, 研究还发现产品涉入度和产品属性相似性对强势品牌广告竞争的溢出效应具有调节作用, 涉入度低的产品和属性相似性高的产品溢出效应更大。本研究丰富了溢出效应理论, 增加了溢出效应类别, 同时对同一品类内部的广告实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

由于产品之间存在相互关联性, 一个企业的广告不仅会对本企业产品的市场需求产生促进作用, 而且对其它企业产品的市场需求也会产生一定影响, 这种影响被称为广告的溢出效应。以往研究发现, 强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌具有溢出效应, 但该研究仅验证了溢出效应存在, 并未对其作用机制进行深入挖掘。通过实验方法探讨强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌的溢出效应的作用机制及边界条件是当务之急, 实验一探讨强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌溢出效应的作用机制, 主要包括探讨中介变量和调节变量两个方面的问题。中介变量包括消费者对强势品牌的涉入度、感知产品质量、行业市场份额变化三个变量, 调节变量包括消费者广告态度、消费者任务导向、产品生命周期、产品同质性四个变量。实验二探讨强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌的溢出效应的整体分布规律, 包括产品成长期和成熟期两个时期的溢出效应分布规律。研究将揭示强势品牌广告竞争的作用机制和整体分布规律, 有利于丰富溢出效应理论和广告效果理论。  相似文献   

韩冰  王良燕 《心理科学》2017,40(1):193-199
文章通过对品牌负面事件溢出效应文献的系统梳理,提出了目前研究主要从品牌组合或品牌联盟内部、竞争品牌或品类、品牌原产国及该国其他品牌三个视角出发展开,并据此详细解读了基于这三种视角的溢出效应的影响因素。文章还进一步对溢出效应的产生机制以及应对策略相关文献加以述评,进而提出未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

环境行为干预中的溢出效应指的是针对目标行为的干预措施对非目标行为产生了某种影响。根据影响方向,溢出效应可分为正向溢出和负向溢出。对环境行为的干预措施可能会通过个体的自我认同产生正向溢出,而通过道德许可产生负向溢出。自我效能、行为难度与行为相似性在不同程度上影响了该过程。进一步整合有关溢出效应的定义、统一行为的测量方式以及将情感因素纳入框架是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

社会部门是以增强人民获得感和幸福感为目标的重要部门。本文运用投入产出分析法测算增加社会部门的投入对产业部门的溢出效应,包括投资溢出效应和就业溢出效应。研究结果表明,投资溢出效应显著,社会部门每亿元投入对产业部门的发展具有重要的直接拉动和间接拉动作用;就业溢出效应在42个部门中居前列,社会部门每亿元投入所直接吸纳的劳动力数量居第二位,每亿元投入所间接吸纳的产业部门劳动力数量居第四位。因此增加社会部门的投入,不仅有助于促进社会公平正义,而且对产业部门的发展和全社会的就业有积极的拉动作用。  相似文献   

追求个体利益最大化的理性经济人行为是传统西方经济学的基本假设之一,即经济生活中涉及到每个经济主体的目的是为了自身利益的最大化,该假设将经济行为的利己主义合理化并成为市场经济体制下的共同行为准则。在此假设下改革质消费主义利益之间矛盾,富人自愿地为了积累功德而捐  相似文献   

大学园区有着密集的人才、科研优势,是人才培养的中心和区域文化的中心。发挥大学园区高校师生的知识溢出效应,激发他们的创新、创业潜能,实现大学园区与区域发展契合,推进政产学研用深度融合和协同创新,有利于将大学园区及周边地区建设成为宁波的"硅谷""中关村""经济圈"。  相似文献   

第三方惩罚对合作的维系可能来自经济功能或规范提示功能。先前研究没有区分这两种功能, 因而未能回答:当惩罚不足以影响违规收益时, 是否还能促进合作?实验1 (N = 252)发现即使第三方惩罚无法降低违规收益, 依然能抑制自利行为。实验2 (N = 179)发现受过惩罚的违规者在其后的独裁者博弈表现出了更高的合作水平。2(是否旁观惩罚)×2(旁观前后)设计的实验3 (N = 179)显示, 旁观惩罚后被试的合作水平显著高于旁观前, 也高于未旁观惩罚的被试。后两个实验中, 社会规范在惩罚与合作之间均起中介作用。这进一步证实惩罚对合作的促进在很大程度上是通过规范激活来实现的, 并存在两种溢出效应:惩罚抑制了曾经的违规者(纵向溢出效应)和旁观者(横向溢出效应)在新博弈情境下的自私行为。这两种溢出效应的发现补充了文献中占主导地位的经济学解释, 并为理解人类社会长时间、大规模的合作提供了新视角。  相似文献   

严瑜  王轶鸣 《心理科学进展》2016,(12):1934-1945
以往研究通常考查工作场所无礼行为对接收者个人和工作场所内相关结果的影响。而近来研究指出,无礼行为会超出工作场所的界限产生溢出效应,且工作场所无礼行为会对接收者之外的他人产生消极作用,即工作场所无礼行为的交叉效应。在综述国内外相关文献的基础上,总结出了溢出和交叉效应的产生机制,包括消极情绪和情感在无礼行为溢出效应中的中介机制,以及压力传递在无礼行为引发的消极情绪和行为反应与工作-家庭冲突中的中介角色;深入探讨了共情在无礼行为交叉效应中的调节机制和社会阻抑在无礼行为交叉效应中的中介机制;并建议未来相关研究选取新的结果变量视角、探究新的中介机制和边界条件以及进一步整合无礼行为的溢出和交叉的连锁效应机制  相似文献   

采用父母婚姻质量、协同教养和SDQ问卷,对416名初中生进行6个月的追踪测试,考察父母婚姻质量与协同教养之间的溢出效应及其对青少年问题行为的影响。结果发现:(1)父母婚姻质量与协同教养之间不仅存在同时溢出效应,而且存在滞后溢出效应;(2)在同一时间段内,父亲婚姻质量通过父亲团结性协同教养对青少年问题行为具有负向预测作用;(3)母亲婚姻质量不仅在同一时间段内,而且在不同时间段内通过母亲的冲突性、贬低性协同教养对青少年问题行为具有正向预测作用。因此,父母婚姻质量通过协同教养对青少年问题行为起着长期的、重要的影响。  相似文献   

This research examines the conditions in which the effect of 1 partner's negative behavior in a marketing alliance is likely to spill over to the other. Alliances with both a supplier and a spokesperson were considered. Furthermore, we determined the impact of 2 types of negative attributes: incompetence and immorality. Negative spillover from the partner brand to the host brand occurred only when the host brand was viewed as equally culpable for the offense (i.e., the host was linked directly to the negative act). In addition, moral failures were more detrimental than competence failures in a spokesperson alliance, whereas the reverse was true in a supplier alliance.  相似文献   

Although family systems theory posits reciprocal causality between subsystems of the family, such as intimate partner violence exacerbating harsh parenting and vice versa, longitudinal studies with cross‐lagged models have been used infrequently to test these principles. As guided by the spillover model, this study examined bidirectional associations between couple dysfunction, parent–child aggression risk, and child functioning across the transition to parenthood to determine whether and how disruptions in one subsystem relate to problems in other family subsystems. Participants were 201 first‐time mothers and 151 fathers from a diverse community sample, evaluated during pregnancy, and reassessed two more times through their child's first 18 months of life. Individual and dyadic path model results indicate bidirectional spillover effects between parent–child aggression risk and child functioning for both mothers and fathers, and spillover from parent–child aggression risk to couple dysfunction for mothers but not fathers. However, limited spillover effects were identified between couple functioning and child adjustment, in contrast to previous work. Findings suggest that spillover can happen reciprocally and early in the family, supporting transactional models of behavior and highlighting the need for early family level intervention.  相似文献   

This study integrates spillover research of stress transferring from work to home and crossover research of strains transferring from one spouse to another. A spillover and crossover model was tested among 191 (couples of) dual-earner parents. For both males and females, it was hypothesized that (self-reported and partners’ rating of) work-to-family interference (WFI) partially mediates the job demands-job exhaustion relationship, and fully mediates the job demands-life satisfaction relationship. Further, we hypothesized reciprocal crossover effects between both partners’ job exhaustion and life satisfaction. The results of structural equation modeling analyses offered support for the mediating role of WFI although there were genders differences. In addition, we found a crossover path from females’ exhaustion to males’ exhaustion and from males’ life satisfaction to their partners’ life satisfaction. This implies that not only job-related strain, but also positive, context-free well-being may crossover among partners.  相似文献   

What is the relationship between the quality of men's job and partnership roles on the one hand and men's mental health on the other? This question was addressed in a random sample of 300 men, ages 25–40, in dual-earner couples. Predictions were made from both main-effects and two interaction-effects models of this relationship. More specifically, negative-spillover effects, as predicted by the role-stress model, were estimated both from work to home and home to work. Positive-spillover effects, as predicted by the role-enhancement model, were estimated from home to work and from work to home. The general finding was that the effects are additive not interactive, thus supporting the main-effects model. With respect to spillover effects, there was some support for the role-stress model, but no support for the role-enhancement model. More specifically, the relationship between job stress and psychological distress was exacerbated among men who had troubled relationships with their partners.  相似文献   

Research has evidenced support for the spillover model, which asserts that parents' marital functioning influences their parenting and coparenting behavior in dyadic (mother-child and father-child) and triadic (mother-father-child) family contexts. However, few studies have simultaneously investigated the spillover model in both parenting and coparenting systems, preventing examination of whether spillover impacts both systems equally or differentially. Further, little research has examined whether quality of the marital system influences children's behavior toward their parents, as well as their parents' behavior, in dyadic interactions. We examined the spillover model using observational measures of parent and child behavior in parent-child dyadic interactions as well as coparenting in triadic interactions. We also explored parent and child gender differences in spillover effects. Participants were families with children aged 3 to 6 years (n = 149). Findings indicated that spillover occurs to multiple family systems, but the effects varied according to whose behavior (mother, father, child) was explored. In families of boys and girls, the marital system influenced warmth in triadic interactions, as well as fathers' responsiveness and children's responsiveness to mothers in dyadic interactions. Spillover effects were largely equivalent for girls and boys, but spillover to coparenting hostility in triadic interactions was limited to families raising girls. Parent gender also moderated associations between marital functioning and parent-child interactions: Spillover was significantly stronger for fathers' responsiveness (vs. mothers' responsiveness) and child responsiveness to mothers (vs. child responsiveness to fathers).  相似文献   

Using boundary theory and conservation of resources theory, we examined how job incumbents’ perceptions of supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support influence outcomes for both the incumbent and the spouse. First, we examined how supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support shape incumbents’ perceived ability to flex work boundaries and thus affect their experience of family functioning and their organizational commitment. Second, we examine the effects of supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support on spousal martial satisfaction and the spouse's commitment to the incumbent's employing organization as mediated through boundary flexibility and the spouse's perception of successful boundary management by the incumbent. Using a matched set of 503 subordinates and their spouses, this study found that both supervisor instrumental support and organizational segmentation support contribute to work boundary flexibility. Further, for the incumbent, family functioning and organizational commitment were enhanced through work boundary flexibility, whereas for the spouse, marital satisfaction and commitment to the incumbent's organization were enhanced through both incumbent work boundary flexibility and the spouse's perception of successful boundary management by the incumbent. We discuss the study's implications for theory, research, and practice while suggesting new research directions.  相似文献   

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