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In two experiments, right-handed men and women were tested for ear differences in report of dichotically presented digits, with their heads straight ahead, turned 90 degrees to the left, and turned 90 degrees to the right. In Experiment 1, head turn was controlled simply by asking the subjects to fixate an appropriately located point; a right-ear advantage occurred under all conditions of head turn among the men, but only in the head-straight condition among the women. In Experiment 2, head turn was controlled by having the subjects direct a flashlight attached to their heads toward the fixation point. This eliminated the right-ear advantage under all head conditions for the men, but for the women the right-ear advantage was, if anything, more pronounced when their heads were turned than when straight. These results suggest that auditory asymmetry depends in part on whether space is perceived as divided into left and right sides, and in part of the balance between spatial and verbal requirements. Both factors, and the asymmetry itself, may interact with sex.  相似文献   

Jeff Wilson 《Religion》2013,43(1):11-21
Mizuko kuyō, the popular Japanese Buddhist memorial service for aborted fetuses, has been increasingly appropriated by both sides of the contentious American abortion debate. In the wake of exposure to the idea of mizuko kuyō, both pro-life and pro-choice Buddhist appropriators resort to discussions of the ritual because they feel it helps them strengthen the weaknesses of their own sides and undermine the positions of their opponents. Prolife Americans use mizuko kuyō to prove that they care about women, not just fetuses, and that their convictions do not arise simply out of private religious feelings but objective psychological and medical facts. Pro-choice Americans, on the other hand, use mizuko kuyō to demonstrate that they care about families and children, not just women, and that they are sensitive not only to the secular but also the religious aspects of life and abortion. In the process, pro-life Christians, who seem to be primarily motivated by their exclusivist and authoritarian Biblical convictions, turn for support to a non-theistic religion they otherwise oppose; pro-choice feminists, who seem to have chiefly secular reasons for supporting abortion rights, turn for support to a supernatural entity and his retinue of angry fetal ghosts  相似文献   

王永德 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1150-1153
采用语言实验方法,探索外国留学生的母语和汉语输入在习得中作用问题。选择了母语为英语、日语和韩语,汉语水平为初等的留学生为被试。研究发现,母语在习得汉语的前期有重要作用。母语相关语言规则与汉语补语差别最大的留学生,他们对汉语补语不同水平间差别反应的敏感性最高;差别最小的,敏感性最低;介于其间,则敏感性为中等。此外,汉语输入对习得也有作用,其难易影响习得的效果。  相似文献   

Lee Kassan  Lynn Pearl 《Group》2001,25(4):299-302
With tongues firmly in cheek, the authors catalogue and explicate the many miseries of the group therapist. They hypothesize a deep well of masochism to account for the otherwise inexplicable tenacity of group therapists in forming and leading their groups.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional interpretation of two-dimensional images was studied by using quadrilateral patterns, and some relationships between their structure, depth, and shape interpretations were analyzed under various viewing conditions. We defined rectangular and nonrectangular viewing conditions as follows: the viewing condition in which the quadrilateral, including parallel sides, could be a projection from a rectangle and the viewing condition in which it could not be so. For 9 subjects, 10 measurements were made in each experiment. Analysis showed that a pair of parallel sides of a quadrilateral were viewed as parallel to the viewer's forehead when the sides were horizontal in the image plane and were seen as slanting in depth if they were slanted in the image plane. The quadrilateral composed of parallel and nonparallel sides was perceived as rectangular when viewed with foveal vision even though under the nonrectangular viewing condition, if that viewing condition was not so different from the rectangular viewing condition. The quadrilateral did not appear to be rectangular when viewed in peripheral vision even though the rectangular viewing condition was used.  相似文献   

Mizuko kuyō, the popular Japanese Buddhist memorial service for aborted fetuses, has been increasingly appropriated by both sides of the contentious American abortion debate. In the wake of exposure to the idea of mizuko kuyō, both pro-life and pro-choice Buddhist appropriators resort to discussions of the ritual because they feel it helps them strengthen the weaknesses of their own sides and undermine the positions of their opponents. Pro-life Americans use mizuko kuyō to prove that they care about women, not just fetuses, and that their convictions do not arise simply out of private religious feelings but objective psychological and medical facts. Pro-choice Americans, on the other hand, use mizuko kuyō to demonstrate that they care about families and children, not just women, and that they are sensitive not only to the secular but also the religious aspects of life and abortion. In the process, pro-life Christians, who seem to be primarily motivated by their exclusivist and authoritarian Biblical convictions, turn for support to a non-theistic religion they otherwise oppose; pro-choice feminists, who seem to have chiefly secular reasons for supporting abortion rights, turn for support to a supernatural entity and his retinue of angry fetal ghosts.  相似文献   

… And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. And they were amazed and wondered, saying, 'Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God. And all were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, 'What does this mean?' But others mocking said, They are filled with new wine'. But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them, 'Men of Judaea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words. For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day'  相似文献   

A practical intervention program, targeting the safety belt use of pizza deliverers at two stores, increased significantly the use of both safety belts (143% above baseline) and turn signals (25% above baseline). Control subjects (i.e., pizza deliverers at a third no-intervention store and patrons driving to the pizza stores) showed no changes in belt or turn signal use over the course of 7-month study. The intervention program was staggered across two pizza stores and consisted of a group meeting wherein employees discussed the value of safety belts, received feedback regarding their low safety belt use, offered suggestions for increasing their belt use, and made a personal commitment to buckle up by signing buckle-up promise cards. Subsequently, employee-designed buckle-up reminder signs were placed in the pizza stores. By linking license plate numbers to individual driving records, we examined certain aspects of driving history as moderators of pre- and postintervention belt use. Although baseline belt use was significantly lower for drivers with one or more driving demerits or accidents in the previous 5 years, after the intervention these risk groups increased their belt use significantly and at the same rate as drivers with no demerits or accidents. Whereas baseline belt use was similar for younger (under 25) and older (25 or older) drivers, younger drivers were markedly more influenced by the intervention than were older drivers. Individual variation in belt use during baseline, intervention, and follow-up phases indicated that some drivers require more effective and costly intervention programs to motivate their safe driving practices.  相似文献   

The development of the Pentecostal movement is surveyed in both Western and European settings. Forms of transcendent communication and their im- pact on conversion are considered. The most unique form of religious charis- mata, speaking in tongues, is discussed in detail. Questions about the phonetic properties in glossolalia are considered. Issues of social-role taking, prophetic meaning, and healing are likewise discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was the first body to provide translation in all the languages of the country, setting people free from groping around with distorted tongues, unable to see, talk or hear one another … After three centuries of silence South Africans could daily hear the black voice talking and being translated; for the first time white South Africans could hear and listen. Through translation we could access our deepest emotions and feelings. But among the two thousand testimonies there were some that were incomprehensible, that confirmed every racial stereotype built up over many years of apartheid. What does one do with these ‘untranslatable’ narratives? This paper looks at one TRC testimony and one Bushmen story, both of them translated from indigenous languages and both posing enormous moral dilemmas. Read in a particular way, the Bushmen story seems to say that they had no sense of responsibility. I will look at the story in its cultural context as revealed through translation to see if another conclusion is possible. In the TRC testimony, I and two colleagues looked at the slippages between the original Xhosa testimony and the interpreted version and explore the consequences thereof. I want to make the point that a narrative can be experienced as discriminatory and ethically problematic when read through a particular, in this case a western, perspective. But the moment there is an attempt to interpret the narrative via its embeddedness in an indigenous worldview, it becomes breathtakingly ethical, fair and logical.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated the dependence of persuasion on cognitive factors. All experiments employed a court case for which 795 subjects acted as jury members, reading summaries of both the prosecution and defense's testimony. The amount of objective information on both sides of the case was varied. Persuasion was a position function of the number of prosecution arguments and the number of defense arguments. This finding was extended by obtaining measures of the subjects'cognitive reactions to the case as well as their opinions and by following both of these measures over time. Both analysis of variance and multiple regression techniques showed that subjects could have derived their opinions from their cognitions about the case. This relationship also held up over time. These results suggest the general form of an information-processing theory of persuasion. One prediction of this theory is for an asymptotic function relating objective information to persuasion. This prediction received empirical support.  相似文献   

We report three experiments designed to investigate the nature of any crossmodal links between audition and touch in sustained endogenous covert spatial attention, using the orthogonal spatial cuing paradigm. Participants discriminated the elevation (up vs. down) of auditory and tactile targets presented to either the left or the right of fixation. In Experiment 1, targets were expected on a particular side in just one modality; the results demonstrated that the participants could spatially shift their attention independently in both audition and touch. Experiment 2 demonstrated that when the participants were informed that targets were more likely to be on one side for both modalities, elevation judgments were faster on that side in both audition and touch. The participants were also able to "split" their auditory and tactile attention, albeit at some cost, when targets in the two modalities were expected on opposite sides. Similar results were also reported in Experiment 3 when participants adopted a crossed-hands posture, thus revealing that crossmodal links in audiotactile attention operate on a representation of space that is updated following posture change. These results are discussed in relation to previous findings regarding crossmodal links in audiovisual and visuotactile covert spatial attentional orienting.  相似文献   

This article examines a little-known chapter both in the history of socialist labor relations and the history of psychology: Social Psychological Training (SPT) for industrial leaders in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Based on previously untapped archival sources, it uncovers the transnational genesis of SPT and its intricate relationships with Western “therapeutic culture” of the 1970s. Governmental perspectives are addressed, as well as the level of individual appropriation of SPT and possible unintended side effects of techniques that were drawn from the social psychological and therapeutical fields. This case study helps to explore the functions of psychological expertise in authoritarian political contexts, as well as the polyvalence of group methods of change, the effects of which could turn out repressive as well as liberating on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The history of SPT solicits a polycentric view on therapeutic culture, capturing its diverse manifestations and interconnections between different societies and political economies.  相似文献   

Summary If the form of simple movements as well as the muscles involved are coded by place, it should be possible selectively to fatigue form-specific and muscle-specific neurons, whereby muscle-specific units are supposed to control homologous muscles on both sides of the body. In two experiments both kinds of selective fatigue effects were observed by the use of movements of different forms and with different fingers of both hands. These effects showed up in the variability of movement times only, but not in their mean.  相似文献   

张丽  陈雪梅  王琦  李红 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1309-1317
目前SNARC效应在认知心理学领域得到了广泛研究,然而较少有研究考察身体形式和社会环境对SNARC效应的影响.研究以127名在校大学生为被试,使用奇偶判断任务、Go/No-go任务以及合作情境下的Go/No-go任务依次展开了三个研究,拟揭示身体形式和社会环境对SNARC效应的影响.实验一要求被试双手完成奇偶判断任务,结果出现了经典的SNARC效应.实验二要求被试完成Go/No-go任务,并让被试单手(左手或右手)对奇数或偶数进行反应,结果SNARC效应没有出现,这表明认知主体的身体形式对SNARC效应产生了影响.实验三要求被试合作完成Go/No-go任务,该实验按照被试所坐的位置(左边和右边)和反应手(左手和右手),设计了四个条件,结果只有身体位置和反应手完全一致时出现了 SNARC 效应.以上结果一方面表明了具身认知观的合理性,另外一方面扩展了以往对SNARC效应本质的理解.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements were made of brain mast cell (MC) degranulation in juvenile albino rats. Neither acute nor chronic intraperitoneal injections of Compound 48/80 (C 48/80) evoked any clear degranulation. Fifteen to thirty minutes after the injection of either C 48/80 or physiological saline into the right anterior thalamus, frank degranulation in the leptomeninges and some degranulation in the parenchyma were evident. The injected sides contained about twice as much degranulated cells as the noninjected sides. In a second experiment, animals were killed 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000 min after a single 10-microliters injection of C 48/80 into the anterior thalamus. Although about 40% of the leptomeningeal and 20% of the parenchymal MCs were degranulated within 10 min, more than 50% of the MCs in both areas were degranulated within 100 min after the injection. More extensive degranulation was evident at both times within the parenchyma of the injected sides. Degranulated MCs were not obvious after this period although nuclei surrounded by sparse granules (in the parenchyma) or by fused, globular metachromatic material (in the leptomeninges or their ventricular processes) were still discernable 7 days later. The implications of brain mast cell degranulation for psychoneuroimmunology are considered.  相似文献   

Why do some women turn to creative art-making after a diagnosis of cancer? Eleven women provided qualitative accounts that were analysed following guidelines for interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Some described taking up artistic leisure activities initially in order to manage emotional distress. Others emphasized their need for positive well-being, taking up art to experience achievement and satisfaction, to regain a positive identity, and to normalize family dynamics in the context of living with cancer. Participants’ turn to art-making was facilitated by biographical and contextual factors, including pre-existing craft skills, long-standing personal values and coping philosophies, family role models for managing adversity, and the supportive encouragement of family and friends. Other research has acknowledged that positive lifestyle change and posttraumatic growth can occur after a cancer diagnosis, and this study reveals a multi-faceted process. The findings suggest a need for further research into the experiences that facilitate positive lifestyle change and subjective well-being among people who are living with cancer.  相似文献   

The production of randomly generated polygons of high complexity is a very time-consuming process with presently available methods. A technique was developed for speeding this process, particularly when producing very complex figures (e.g., polygons with over 40 sides). A portion of this process was computerized to facilitate production further. The procedure was employed to produce polygons with up to 200 sides. The technique proved feasible in practice, and subsequently clear results were obtained with the polygons in research on visual exploratory behavior.  相似文献   

This paper highlights and discusses some key positions on free will and moral responsibility that I have defended. I begin with reflections on a Strawsonian analysis of moral responsibility. Then I take up objections to the view that there is an asymmetry in freedom requirements for moral responsibility and moral obligation: obligation but not responsibility requires that we could have done otherwise. I follow with some thoughts on the viability of different sorts of semi-compatibilism. Next, I turn to defending the ??luck objection?? to a popular libertarian account of the control that responsibility requires. This is, roughly, the objection that when our decisions are indeterministically caused, their occurrence is a matter of responsibility-undermining luck. Finally, I comment on Frankfurt examples.  相似文献   

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