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In “The Meaning of ‘Meaning’” Putnam argues, among other things, that “‘meanings’ just ain’t in the head”. Putnam’s central arguments in favor of this conclusion are unsound. The arguments in question are the famous intra-world Twin Earth arguments, given on pages 223–227 of the article in question. Each of these arguments relies on a premise to the effect that this or that Twin Earth scenario is both logically possible and one in which certain individuals are in the same overall “psychological [state] in the narrow sense”. The problem is that none of the scenarios are as advertised; that is, none of them are logically possible situations in which the relevant individuals are in the same overall “psychological [state] in the narrow sense”.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the parameters of gait kinematics of older adults with cognitive impairment who live in community dwellings or those living or spending most of the time in non-family environment settings.MethodsThe sample was composed of 33 older adults of both sexes with cognitive impairment. Participants were separated into three groups: a community-dwelling older adult group comprised of 11 subjects; a semi-institutionalized older adult group comprised of 10 older adults attended in a geriatric daycare institution; and an institutionalized older adult group comprised of 12 older adults living in long-term institutions. Gait kinematics were recorded by pressure sensors (footswitches). Fifty gait cycles at self-selected pace were analyzed to obtain: gait speed, stride length, stance, swing, and stride time. The variability of these parameters was also analyzed.ResultsMANCOVA identified the main effect of groups (p < 0.001). Gait speed of older adults living in long-term institutions and older adults attended in geriatric daycare institutions was slower than community-living older adults (p < 0.001 and p = 0.04, respectively). Swing and stride time variability was higher in older adults living in long-term institutions (p = 0.003 and p = 0.001) and in older adults attended in geriatric daycare institutions (p = 0.02 and p = 0.001) than in community-dwelling older adults.ConclusionThe most important finding was that older adults with cognitive impairment who need non-family residential setting care had higher gait kinematics abnormalities, which may increase the risk of falls, compared to those who live in the community.  相似文献   

As bibliographical classification of published journal items affects the denominator in this equation, we investigated how the numerator and denominator of the impact factor (IF) equation were generated for representative journals in two categories of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). We performed a full text search of the 1st-ranked journal in 2004 JCR category “Medicine, General and Internal” (New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM, IF = 38.570) and 61st-ranked journal (Croatian Medical Journal, CMJ, IF = 0.690), 1st-ranked journal in category “Multidisciplinary Sciences” (Nature, IF = 32.182) and journal with a relative rank of CMJ (Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, AABC, IF = 0.435). Large journals published more items categorized by Web of Science (WoS) as non-research items (editorial material, letters, news, book reviews, bibliographical items, or corrections): 63% out of total 5,193 items in Nature and 81% out of 3,540 items in NEJM, compared with 31% out of 283 items in CMJ and only 2 (2%) out of 126 items in AABC. Some items classified by WoS as non-original contained original research data (9.5% in Nature, 7.2% in NEJM, 13.7% in CMJ and none in AABC). These items received a significant number of citations: 6.9% of total citations in Nature, 14.7% in NEJM and 18.5% in CMJ. IF decreased for all journals when only items presenting original research and citations to them were used for IF calculation. Regardless of the journal’s size or discipline, publication of non-original research and its classification by the bibliographical database have an effect on both numerator and denominator of the IF equation. Preliminary results of the study were presented at the 2006 ORI Research Conference on Research Integrity, Tampa, FL, December 1–3, 2006.  相似文献   


The goal of this study was to assess the effect of intercessory prayer in the psychological, spiritual and biological scores of breast cancer patients who are undergoing radiotherapy. Double-blind RCT comprising a sample of 31 participants (15 in the Control Group and 16 in the Intervention Group). Data collection was performed in three time points (T0, T1 and T2). Significant changes have been identified in the intra-group analysis, concerning the decrease in spiritual distress score; negative religious/spiritual coping prevailed, while the total religious/spiritual coping increased between the posttest T2 to T0. Intercessory prayer was effective in religious and spiritual scores.


The analysis of the center of pressure (CoP) trajectory, derived from force platforms, is a widely accepted measure to investigate postural balance control. The CoP trajectory could be analyzed as a physiological time-series through a general stochastic modeling framework (i.e., Stabilogram Diffusion Analysis (SDA)). Critical point divides short-term from long-term regions and diffusion coefficients reflect the level of stochastic activity of the CoP. Sample Entropy (SampEn) allows quantifying the CoP complexity in terms of regularity. Thus, this study aimed to understand whether SDA and SampEn could discriminate the neuromuscular control mechanisms underpinning static and dynamic postural tasks. Static balance control and its relationship with dynamic balance control were investigated through the CoP velocity (Mean Velocity) and the area of the 95th percentile ellipse (Area95). Balance was assessed in 15 subjects (age: 23.13 ± 0.99 years; M = 9) over a force platform under two conditions: static (ST) and dynamic, both in anterior-posterior (DAP) and medio-lateral (DML) directions. During the DAP and DML, subjects stood on an unstable board positioned over a force platform. Short-term SDA diffusion coefficients and critical points were lower in ST than in DAP and DML (p < 0.05). SampEn values resulted greater in ST than in DAP and DML (p < 0.001). As expected, lower values of Area95 (p < 0.001) and Mean Velocity (p < 0.001) were detected in the easiest condition, the ST, compared to DAP and DML. No significant correlations between static and dynamic balance performances were detected. Moreover, differences in the diffusion coefficients were detected comparing DAP and DML (p < 0.05). In the anterior-posterior direction, the critical point occurred at relatively small intervals in DML compared to DAP (p < 0.001) and ST (p < 0.001). In the medio-lateral direction, the critical point differed only between DAP and DML (p < 0.05). Overall, SDA analysis pointed out a less tightly regulated neuromuscular control system in the dynamic tasks, with closed-loop corrective feedback mechanisms called into play at different time intervals in the three conditions. SampEn results reflected more attention and, thus, less automatic control mechanisms in the dynamic conditions, particularly in the medio-lateral task. The different neuromuscular control mechanisms that emerged in the static and dynamic balance tasks encourage using both static and dynamic tests for a more comprehensive balance performance assessment.  相似文献   

Mourning Religion is a brilliant collection of essays responding both to Freud’s essay “Mourning and Melancholia” and Peter Homans’ assertion that the academic study of religion represents a creative expression of mourning the loss of religion in secular (western) society. This essay poses questions concerning the role of theology as a mode of analysis; Ricoeur’s concept of “second naiveté” in relation to disillusionment and religion; Celia Brickman’s reflections on globalization, marginalization, and a shift in psychological language from “primitivity” to “vulnerability”; the role of the body in the work of religious studies; melancholia as “re-membering” amid multiplicity and fragmentation; and mourning as protest and resistance. The essay concludes with a reflection on ambiguity and transcendence in dialogue with Freud’s essay “On Transience.”  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Heythrop Journal》1999,40(3):350-402
Books reviewed Terence L. Donaldson, Paul and the Gentiles: Remapping the Apostle's Convictional World R. Alan Culpepper, The Gospel and Letters of John Stephen H. Webb, The Gifting God: A Trinitarian Ethics of Excess Simon Coleman and John Elsner, Pilgrimage Past and Present in the World Religions: Sacred Travel and Sacred Space in the World Religions John Delli-Carpini, Prayer and Piety in the Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Landscape of a Soul Joseph Pearce, Tolkien, Man and Myth: A Literary Life Shirley du Boulay, Beyond the Darkness: A Biography of Bede Griffiths Robert E. Daggy (ed), Dancing in the Water of Life: The Journals of Thomas Merton Vol. 5, 1963–1965 Patrick Hart (ed), The Other Side of the Mountain: The Journals of Thomas Merton Vol. 7, 1967–1968 Maria Harris and Gabriel Moran, Reshaping Religious Education André Laks and Glenn W. Most (eds), Studies on the Derveni Papyrus R. J. Hankinson, Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought Voula Tsouna, The Epistemology of the Cyrenaic School Karl R. Popper, The World of Parmenides: Essays on the Presocratic Enlightenment Cynthia A. Freeland (ed), Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle L. P. Gerson, God and Greek Philosophy: Studies in the Early History of Natural Theology Mary Beard, John North and Simon Price, Religions of Rome. Volume 1: A History; Volume 2: A Sourcebook Edwin Jones, The English Nation: The Great Myth J. C. Applebey and P. Dalton (eds), Government, Religion and Society in Northern England, 1100–1700 Heinrich Fichtenau, Heretics and Scholars in the High Middle Ages, 1000–1200 Daniel Weiss, Art and Crusade in the Age of Saint Louis Edwin D. Craun, Lies, Slander and Obscenity in Medieval English Literature: Pastoral Rhetoric and the Deviant Speaker James Muldoon (ed), Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages James Muldoon, Canon Law, the Expansion of Europe and World Order Norman Doe, Canon Law in the Anglican Communion: A World-Wide Perspective John Shinners and William J. Dohar (eds), Pastors and the Care of Souls in Medieval England Chiara Frugoni, Francis of Assisi: A Life R. A. Houlbrooke, Death, Religion and the Family in England, 1480–1750 Judith Maltby, Prayer Book and People in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England Stuart Carroll, Noble Power during the French Wars of Religion: The Guise Affinity and the Catholic Cause in Normandy Bernard Heyberger, Les Chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme Catholique (Syrie, Liban, Palestine, XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles) Jeffrey Chamberlain, Accommodating High Churchmen: The Clergy of Sussex, 1700–1745 Cliff Webb, The 1851 Religious Census: Surrey John Shelton Reed, Glorious Battle: The Cultural Politics of Victorian Anglo-Catholicism John Wolffe (ed), Religion in Victorian Britain, V: Culture and Empire Christopher Owen Lynch, Selling Catholicism: Bishop Sheen and the Power of Television Gregory D. Black, The Catholic Crusade against the Movies, 1940–1975 Gerald L. Sittser, A Cautious Patriotism: The American Churches and the Second World War Manuel A. Vásquez, The Brazilian Popular Church  相似文献   

This article introduces the three-valuedweakly-intuitionistic logicI 1 as a counterpart of theparaconsistent calculusP 1 studied in [11].I 1 is shown to be complete with respect to certainthree-valued matrices. We also show that in the sense that any proper extension ofI 1 collapses to classical logic.The second part shows thatI 1 is algebraizable in the sense of Block and Pigozzi (cf. [2]) in a way very similar to the algebraization ofP 1 given in [8].In the last part of the paper we suggest the definition of certain hierarchies of finite-valued propositional paraconsistent and weakly-intuitionistic calculi, and comment on their intrinsic interest.  相似文献   

Since the new beginning in 2007 of Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science we have brought out to the open both the reasons why the ever-widening research enterprise in psychology has largely failed to produce general knowledge, and to point to promising new directions in the field. The post-modernist turn in psychology is now over, and it is an interesting task to return to creating a universal science of psychology that is context-sensitive, and culture-inclusive. The latter goal entails a renewed focus upon qualitative analyses of time-based processes, close attention to the phenomena under study, and systematic (single-system-based—usually labeled idiographic) focus in empirical investigations. Through these three pathways centrality of human experiencing of culturally constructed worlds is restored as the core of psychological science. Universal principles are evident in each and every single case. Transcending post-modernist deconstruction of science happens through active international participation and a renewed focus on creating general theories. Contemporary psychology is global in ways that no longer can any country’s socio-political world view dominate the field. Such international equality of contributions grants innovation of the core of the discipline, and safeguards it against assuming any single cultural myth-story as the axiomatic basis for the discipline.
Jaan ValsinerEmail:

Jaan Valsiner   is the Editor-in-Chief of this Journal, as well as of Sage Journal Culture & Psychology (since 1995). He concentrates in his work on the relevance of theory in psychology.  相似文献   


By taking serious a remark once made by Paul Bernays, namely that an account of the nature of rationality should begin with concept-formation, this article sets out to uncover both the restrictive and the expansive boundaries of rationality. In order to do this some implications of the perennial philosophical problem of the “coherence of irreducibles” will be related to the acknowledgement of primitive terms and of their indefinability. Some critical remarks will be articulated in connection with an over-estimation of rationality - concerning the influence of Kant’s view of human understanding as the formal law-giver of nature (the supposedly “rational structure of the world”), and the apparently innocent (subjectivist) habit to refer to experiential entities as ‘objects’. The other side of the coin will be highlighted with reference to those kinds of knowledge transcending the limits of concept-formation - culminating in formulating the four most basic idea-statements philosophy can articulate about the universe. What is found “in-between” these (restrictive) and (expansive) boundaries of rationality will then briefly be placed within the contours of a threefold perspective on the self-insufficiency of logicality - as merely one amongst many more dimensions conditioning human life. Although the meaning of the most basic logical principles - such as the logical principles of identity, non-contradiction and sufficient reason - will surface in our analysis, exploring some of the complex issues in this respect, such as the relationship between thought and language, will not be analysed. The important role of solidarity - as the basis of critique - will be explained and related both to the role of immanent criticism in rational conversation and the importance of acknowledging what is designated as the principle of the excluded antinomy (which in an ontic sense underlies the logical principle of non-contradiction). The last section of our discussion will succinctly illuminate the proper place of the inevitable trust we ought to have in rationality - while implicitly warning against the rationalistic over-estimation of it (its degeneration into a rationalist “faith in reason”). Our intention is to enhance an awareness of the reality that rationality is embedded in and borders on givens which are not open to further “rational” exploration - givens that both condition (in a constitutive sense) and transcend the limits of conceptual knowledge. Some of the distinctions and insights operative in our analysis are explained in Strauss 2000 and 2003. Yet, most of the systematic perspectives found in this analysis of rationality are only developed in this article for the first time. Since a different study is required to discuss related problems and results found within cognitive science, it cannot be discussed within one article.  相似文献   

In this article we show how the universe ofBST,bounded set theory (a modification ofIST which is, briefly, a theory for the family of those sets inIST which are members of standard sets) can be enlarged by definable subclasses of sets (which are not necessarily sest in internal theories likeBST orIST) so that Separation and Replacement are true in the enlargement for all formulas, including those in which the standardness predicate may occur.ThusBST is strong enough to incorporate external sets in the internal universe in a way sufficient to develop topics in nonstandard analysis inaccessible in the framework of a purely internal approach, such as Loeb measures.Presented byRobert Goldblatt  相似文献   

Correlation Weights in Multiple Regression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general theory on the use of correlation weights in linear prediction has yet to be proposed. In this paper we take initial steps in developing such a theory by describing the conditions under which correlation weights perform well in population regression models. Using OLS weights as a comparison, we define cases in which the two weighting systems yield maximally correlated composites and when they yield minimally similar weights. We then derive the least squares weights (for any set of predictors) that yield the largest drop in R 2 (the coefficient of determination) when switching to correlation weights. Our findings suggest that two characteristics of a model/data combination are especially important in determining the effectiveness of correlation weights: (1) the condition number of the predictor correlation matrix, R xx , and (2) the orientation of the correlation weights to the latent vectors of R xx .  相似文献   

This study is a laboratory analogue investigation of variables that impinge upon the recall of detail about a simulated act of armed robbery among “eyewitnesses.” Specifically, this study sought to determine (1) whether recall of detail by Ss who watch the videotape of a simulated “armed robbery” taken by surveillance camera in a “convenience” store varies according to (a) the dress and appearance of the presumed “robber,” (b) the gender of the victim of the “robbery,” and/or (c) the gender of the “eyewitness”; and (2) whether such recall varies according to S’s inventoried psychological “needs.” Ss viewed the videotape of the simulated robbery under one of four conditions representing variations in the dress and appearance (“status”) of the alleged offender and the gender of the alleged victim; completed the Personality Adjective Inventory; and responded to a questionnaire concerning details of the alleged offense. Results indicate that the single statistically significant source of variance in accuracy of recall of detail is the experimentally manipulated “status” of the perpetrator; gender of victim and of subject contribute significantly neither in isolation nor in interaction. Inventoried psychological needs for “autonomy” and “change” are significantly but negatively and weakly correlated with accuracy among women Ss, while “change” alone is so correlated among men Ss. Findings are interpreted in accordance with theory and research in experimental social psychology and psychological criminology bearing upon person perception and role expectancy in relation to behavioral stereotypes. This study was supported in part through the Henry Rutgers Scholars Program at Rutgers College of Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey. The authors express their gratitude to Charles Rouse, Steven Gaynor, April Hayes, Erica Gross, Shawn Kimble, Elizabeth Chen, and Stephanie Bonn; Officer Leroy Washington, Rutgers University Police; and most particularly to Dipak Munsaf, proprietor of Krauszer's Food Store in the sixth ward of the city of New Brunswick.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Heythrop Journal》2001,42(4):489-532

There is no agreement on how nanoethics should proceed. In this article I focus on approaches for discerning ethical issues in nanotechnology, which is as of yet one of the most difficult and urging tasks for nanoethics. I discuss and criticize two existing approaches for discerning ethical issues in nanotechnology and propose a network approach as alternative. I discuss debates in nanoethics about the desirable role of ethics in nanotechnological development and about the newness of ethical issues in nanotechnology. On basis of a critical analysis of both debates, I formulate a number of desiderata for a method for discerning ethical issues in nanotechnology and argue that the network approach that my colleagues and I have developed for ethical issues in research and development networks is also appropriate in nanotechnology.
Ibo van de PoelEmail:

The paper assumes that education is part of the process of discursive construction of society. The theoretical framework on which this argument is based includes Ernesto Laclau’s theory of the “ontological impossibility and political necessity of society”, and the role discourse and empty signifiers play in the establishment of political identities. Laclau’s theory is supplemented here by ideas of Derrida, Lacan, Žižek and Marx, and by other traits in contemporary semiotics that relate to the notion of “the void” in semantic systems. My claim is that empty signifiers, crucial to the production of the totality of society, are discursively produced, among others, in pedagogical debates. This is illustrated by one historical example (Rouuseau), which gives ground for more contemporary analyses, and on the basis of the present economic discourse of educating and the idea of “knowledge society”. The main conclusion is that education, in contemporary discourse of learning, becomes a neurotic symptom of the lack of overt domination in social relations.
Tomasz SzkudlarekEmail:

There exist valuable methods for theorem proving in non classical logics based on translation from these logics into first-order classical logic (abbreviated henceforth FOL). The key notion in these approaches istranslation from aSource Logic (henceforth abbreviated SL) to aTarget Logic (henceforth abbreviated TL). These methods are concerned with the problem offinding a proof in TL by translating a formula in SL, but they do not address the very important problem ofpresenting proofs in SL via a backward translation. We propose a framework for presenting proofs in SL based on a partial backward translation of proofs obtained in a familiar TL: Order-Sorted Predicate Logic. The proposed backward translation transfers some formulasF TL belonging to the proof in TL into formulasF SL , such that the formulasF SL either (a) belong to a corresponding deduction in SL (in the best case) or, (b) are semantically related in some precise way, to formulas in the corresponding deduction in SL (in the worst case). The formulasF TL andF SL can obviously be considered aslemmas of their respective proofs. Therefore the transfer of lemmas of TL gives at least a skeleton of the corresponding proof in SL. Since the formulas of a proof keep trace of the strategy used to obtain the proof, clearly the framework can also help in solving another fundamental and difficult problem:the transfer of strategies from classical to non classical logics. We show how to apply the proposed framework, at least to S5, S4(p), K, T, K4. Two conjectures are stated and we propose sufficient (and in general satisfactory) conditions in order to obtain formulas in the proof in SL. Two particular cases of the conjectures are proved to be theorems. Three examples are treated in full detail. The main lines of future research are given.  相似文献   

This article examines the interlinking of political autonomy, Syariah law and women in contemporary Aceh. Looking at Aceh’s historical precedents, current sociocultural and political developments cannot be seen as manifestations of Islamic revival. It would be misleading to look at the implementation of Syariah Islam in general and the enforcement of veiling in particular as signs of the radicalization of Islam. Islam in Aceh has always had political meanings. It shapes an identity characterized by a long collective history of rebellion against foreign oppression and repression. The revival however is seen in notions of gender dominance and order, which have profound consequences for women’s lives. Using articles from 2005 to 2006 in Serambi, a locally published newspaper in Aceh, an assessment is made of how Syariah Islam has affected women’s lives.
Ma. Theresa R. MilallosEmail:

Young adult cancer survivors (YACS) face unique challenges from their disease and treatments that may influence their sport participation choices as well as their psychosocial response.ObjectivesTo examine the prevalence, correlates, and psychosocial outcomes of sport participation in YACS.DesignA provincial, population-based mailed survey of 588 YACS in Alberta, Canada, was completed in May 2008 and included measures of sport participation, psychosocial health (depression, self-esteem, and stress), quality of life (QoL), and medical and demographic variables.ResultsOne third (32.5%) of YACS reported participating in a sport in the past month with the most common being golf (40.8%) and ice hockey (8.3%). YACS participating in sport reported an average frequency of 1.7 (SD = 1.0) days/week and an average duration of 119 min/session (SD = 68) for a total of 189 (SD = 164) min/week. Independent t-tests showed that YACS who participated in sport reported better psychosocial health and QoL including physical QoL (p < 0.001), mental QoL (p < 0.001), self-esteem (p < 0.001), depression (p < 0.001), and stress (p < 0.001). In multivariate regression analysis, 8.5% (p < 0.001) of the variance in sport participation was explained by being male (β = 0.17, p < 0.001), Caucasian (β = 0.15, p = 0.001), in better general health (β = 0.15, p < 0.001), and having a normal body mass index (β = ?0.10, p = 0.024).Discussion/conclusionsSport participation is associated with better psychosocial health and QoL in YACS but only a third participated in the past month. Randomized controlled trials examining sport as an intervention strategy to increase physical activity and improve health outcomes in YACS are warranted.  相似文献   

I engage phenomenological and empirical perspectives on dialogical relations in infancy in a mutually enlightening and challenging relation. On the one hand, the empirical contributions provide evidence for the primacy of first-to-second person interrelatedness in human sociality, as opposed to the claim of primary syncretism heralded by Merleau-Ponty, and also in distinction from the ego-alter ego model routinely used in phenomenology. On the other hand, phenomenological considerations regarding the lived affective experience of dialogical relatedness enrich and render intelligible the psychological accounts of dialogue in terms of observable behavior. Phenomenological and empirical perspectives on dialogical relatedness thus combine to offer an affectively charged and conversationally patterned notion of primary intersubjectivity in the I-you mode.
Beata StawarskaEmail:

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