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本研究采用路径搜索的方法对38个团队共享心智模型进行了测量,并考察了两类共享心智模型(任务模型与团队模型)对团队过程及团队效能的影响作用.相关分析显示:两类共享心智模型与团队过程及团队效能各指标有显著相关.层级回归分析显示:共享心智模型对团队绩效产生直接作用,而共享心智模型各指标与团队效能感的关系完全受到团队沟通、合作等过程要素的中介影响.  相似文献   

团队共享心智模型的影响因素与效果   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
武欣  吴志明 《心理学报》2005,37(4):542-549
采用两种测量方法对团队共享心智模型的影响因素与影响效果进行探讨。多元回归和层次回归分析的结果表明,团队成员沟通得越好,就越有利于形成共享心智模型;如果团队中存在搭便车的行为越严重,就越不利于形成共享心智模型;共享心智模型有利于团队有效运作,取得好的绩效;有共享心智模型的团队,成员的满意度比较高,群体效能感较高,并且团队成员之间的密切关系会延续到工作之外;共享心智模型在团队运行过程变量和团队有效性之间起到中介作用。  相似文献   

共享心智模型影响团队绩效的权变模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白新文  刘武  林琳 《心理学报》2011,43(5):561-572
共享心智模型指团队成员关于团队关键要素的共同的知识结构, 诸多研究表明其能有效提高团队运作效能。本研究从权变的角度入手, 以负责通讯网络监控与维护的106个高技术团队为分析对象, 探讨团队的共享心智模型与团队绩效的关系, 并揭示团队互依性作为权变因素对共享心智模型与团队绩效关系的调节效应。层次回归分析结果表明, 共享心智模型能显著预测团队绩效, 而团队互依性则负向调节两者之间的关系, 即在互依性程度较低的团队里, 共享心智模型才显著提高团队绩效。作者从共享心智模型的测量和权变因素的作用两个角度展开讨论, 并基于此提出了后续的研究方向。  相似文献   

团队作业特征研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团队作业特征是团队有效性模型中的重要输入变量,是团队绩效差异的贡献因素。作业特征在个体与团队层面的相关理论基础表明,团队作业特征包括技能多样性、作业同一性、作业重要性、反馈、自主性、作业互依性、作业复杂性七个核心要素。以此为基础介绍了作业特征在个体与团队层面的相关效应研究;团队作业特征模型测量、作业特征作用机制、作业特征要素的深入研究则可作为未来研究的重点  相似文献   

共享心智模型(SMM)指队员对于团队的共享心理表征。复杂任务下高的一致性难以获得且易造成小集体意识,SMM的作用在于相互间的调节及共享信念对低一致性的调节作用。为了验证这些假设对9名不同行业创业者进行访谈,对访谈材料进行内容分析得到心智模型关键概念,经过概化理论分析后得到了4个SMM:任务、队友、团队协作以及团队精神。使用心智模型问卷在ERP模拟实验中测量31个团队的绩效和SMM一致性。结果发现团队协作模型一致性是预测绩效的有力指标;团队构成不影响各个SMM一致性;任务模型一致性正向缓冲了团队协作模型一致性对绩效的作用;团队精神模型一致性正向缓冲了团队协作模型一致性对绩效的作用。研究提示SMM对冲突的引导及增进团队成员相互理解方面的作用。  相似文献   

跨职能知识共享对团队创新绩效的影响机制探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以扎根理论的研究方法,从知识有效共享的角度分析了跨职能整合对团队创新绩效的影响。结果证明:(1)成员之间的知识共享是实现跨职能整合和提高产品创新绩效的关键机制;(2)知识共享行为受到创新氛围、共同目标和组织支持的共同影响;(3)认知障碍是观点冲突产生的主要原因,而知识共享有助于冲突的解决。在此基础上,本研究对比了不同管理措施对团队创新绩效的作用,为组织管理实践提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

团队心智模型相似性与正确性对团队创造力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林晓敏  白新文  林琳 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1734-1747
现代组织越来越依赖团队进行创造与创新活动, 团队创造力成为理论与实践共同关注的热点问题。最新理论指出, 与个体类似, 团队也是信息加工者, 团队决策实质上也是信息搜寻、编码、存储和提取的认知加工过程。从团队认知角度开展研究是团队创造力领域的新方向。鉴于此, 本研究从团队认知的角度出发, 探讨共享心智模型与团队创造力之间的关系。基于80个信息平台运行维护团队的数据, 研究结果表明, 心智模型的相似性与正确性均能影响团队创造力, 但方向正好相反。心智模型相似性负向预测团队创造力, 而心智模型正确性则正向预测团队创造力。两者还共同影响团队创造力, 当成员心智模型正确性高且相似性低时, 团队创造力最高; 而当成员心智模型彼此相似但错误时, 团队创造力最差。本研究首次将团队认知和团队创造力两个研究领域结合起来, 研究结果有望丰富和拓展两个领域研究成果。  相似文献   

团队互动过程研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团队的特性在于成员间有相互作用,团队效能很大程度上取决于团队成员间的互动过程。文章从团队互动的视角概览了新近有关研究。概括出:(1)团队互动过程的行为要素,包括沟通、协调、相互支持、冲突、领导行为、目标行为等;(2)伴随互动过程涌现的情感状态及互动风格;(3)团队互动的测评;(4)团队互动培训。提出进一步研究有待加强直接以团队互动过程为对象,建构高效团队互动的核心模型等。  相似文献   

虚拟团队共享心理模型与团队效能的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对62个虚拟团队的调研,检验了虚拟团队认同式共享心理模型与分布式共享心理模型构思,并运用多层线性建模技术,对团队特征变量、共享心理模型与虚拟团队效能间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:两类共享心理模型与团队效能间存在显著正相关;团队时间会影响共享心理模型与虚拟团队任务效能间的关系,团队时间会削弱认同式共享心理模型对任务效能间的正向关系,但能加强分布式共享心理模型对任务效能的正面影响;团队规模则主要影响共享心理模型对合作效能的效应,团队规模增加会加强认同式共享心理模型与合作效能间的相关,却会削弱分布式共享心理模型与合作效能间的关系  相似文献   

薛会娟 《心理科学进展》2010,18(10):1559-1566
共享心智模型和交互记忆系统是知识管理领域中两个新的研究视角。共享心智模型是指团队成员共享的、对团队情境中关键要素的、系统的理解和心理表征;交互记忆系统是团队成员之间形成的一种彼此依赖的,用以编码、储存和提取不同领域知识的合作性分工系统。在分析共享心智模型和交互记忆系统内涵的基础上,作者深入剖析了两者的对立和协同关系,系统探讨了影响两者效应的情景变量,为从认知角度提高团队知识管理水平提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in shared mental models (SMMs) within teams and groups and an extensive empirical literature examining SMM?Cperformance links, very little is known about the convergent validity of commonly used measures of SMMs. In this study, two-person teams (n = 96) engaged in a complex flight task and completed three SMM measures: concept mapping, paired ratings, and causal mapping. Task-based sharedness scores were compared across the measures. Analyses were conducted in two ways: using SMMs of actual team members (n = 96 pairs) and using the SMMs of pairs of participants who worked separately but for whom similarity indices were calculated after the study (n = 18,240). The purpose of the latter pairs, coined pseudo-partners, was to create a sample with considerable power to test the convergent validity of the SMM measures. The results call into some question the convergent validity of these task-based SMM measures.  相似文献   

We assessed the influence of task and team shared mental models (SMMs) on team effectiveness, as mediated by collective efficacy. Using a sample of 422 air traffic controllers representing 43 Navy teams from land-based towers, task SMMs exhibited a significant linear relationship with team effectiveness, whereas team SMMs did not. Moreover, the interaction of team and task SMMs was positively related to team effectiveness. Collective efficacy was found to mediate the relationship between task SMMs (but not team SMMs or their interaction) and team effectiveness. Results are discussed in terms of the complex nature of SMMs and team outcomes.  相似文献   

共享心智模型研究现状   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
共享心智模型是指团队成员共同拥有的知识结构,它使得团队成员能就团队作业形成正确的解释和预期,从而协调自己的行为以适应于团队作业和其他团队成员的需求。其研究为理解和提高团队绩效提供了新的视角,从而成为了团队研究的新热点。该文首先明确其定义以及相关概念,再介绍它的几种类型,进而介绍研究中采用的测量方法,最后总结其影响因素及对团队绩效的影响。文章最后指出研究中存在的问题以及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

谢小云  王重鸣  忻柳春 《应用心理学》2007,13(2):174-180,192
以192个被试组成64个三人团队,通过计算机完成团队合成任务,从群体合成特征的视角出发探讨共享心理模型的前因变量。结果表明:团队成员的价值取向合成特征和初始心理模型合成特征对于共享心理模型的形成具有显著的主效应;群体合成特征与合作任务的信息分布特征形成了显著的交互效应,表明共享心理模型的形成存在潜在的信息分布依存性。最后对研究结果在共享心理模型理论研究上的意义和进一步研究的方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of decision-making teams depends largely on the quality of information processing. Prior research has shown that guided team reflexivity and team feedback are important means of advancing team information processing and outcomes. However, the nature of the relationships, and how these relate to team regulatory processes, cognitive emergent states, and ultimately team performance, is currently poorly understood. Drawing on reflexivity and team information-processing theory, we proposed and found that teams that received guided team reflexivity or a combination of both guided reflexivity and feedback showed higher levels of actual reflection than teams that received neither a reflexivity intervention nor feedback. Conditional process analysis showed that the effects of team reflection on team performance improvement were mediated by a path from shared team mental models to shared task mental models and to adaptation. Finally, we also expected that team reflection would be lower in virtual teams than in face-to-face teams. These hypotheses were tested experimentally among 98 student teams that communicated either face-to-face or virtual (via chat) while completing a collective decision-making task. The information distribution among team members constituted a hidden profile. The results supported all our hypotheses, except for the one relating to virtuality.  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of multidisciplinary teams has been equivocal. In an attempt to understand when a team’s professional heterogeneity (PH) is positively related to innovation (INN), we proposed an integrative model in which shared mental models (SMMs) are theorized as a mechanism to leverage INN in highly multidisciplinary teams. In addition, we claim that transformational leadership (TL), which is usually regarded as a factor contributing to team effectiveness, will attenuate the effect of teams’ PH on team SMM. In a field study of 55 R&D teams in Israel, we found that SMMs mediated the relationship between PH and INN, and that TL moderated the relationship between PH and Team SMM. We discuss the theoretical and practical implication of these findings.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we integrated a team process and a learning curve perspective on team learning and empirically analysed whether team learning processes lead to performance improvement. In addition, we tested whether this relation is moderated by the similarity of team members’ task, team, and temporal mental models. We tested our model on a sample of 67 teams (314 individuals) competing in a management simulation over five consecutive time periods, using random coefficient modelling (RCM). Our findings suggest that team learning behaviours do not have a direct effect on the team learning curve, but temporal and task mental models are crucial for the translation of team learning behaviours into performance improvement. We found that when teams have similar task and temporal mental models, engaging in team learning processes is beneficial, whereas, when teams have dissimilar task and temporal mental models, it is detrimental to performance improvement. We did not find a significant effect for the moderating role of team mental model similarity. Our study emphasizes the importance of integrating different perspectives on team learning and provides support for the role of team cognition as a catalyst for team learning.  相似文献   

This study developed a model of team mental models’ influence on team adaptive performance at different stages. It proposed that mental models have different relationships with adaptive performance as a function of the performance stage when teams experience changes: early on (i.e., during situation assessment) more divergent mental models are needed for performance; later on (i.e., during plan execution) more convergent mental models are needed. The model was tested in an experiment with 33 teams (N= 99) faced with unforeseen change at task midway. Partially supporting the predictions of a divergence-convergence model, at situation assessment, teams that developed more dissimilar mental models attained a higher performance originality, but not higher efficiency or usefulness. However, at plan execution, team mental models’ convergence did not lead to higher performance. Implications for research on team mental models are discussed.  相似文献   

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