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The German physicist and writer Lichtenberg (1742-1799) was well known during the nineteenth century as a humorist, thinker, and psychologist. He was also a favorite author of Freud, who read him beginning in his teens, quoted him frequently, and called him a "remarkable psychologist." Despite this, he has been ignored by psychoanalysts and historians of psychiatry alike, and most of his writing is still unavailable in English. An introduction to Lichtenberg as a psychologist is provided, stressing material dealing with dream analysis, association theory, and drives. Relevant excerpts are translated into English. Lichtenberg is shown to have insisted upon the need for a systematic and rationalistic study of dreams, to have analyzed individual dreams (describing them as dramatized representations of thoughts, associations, and even conflicts from his own waking life), and to have emphasized the functional link between dreams and daydreams. His remarks on drives and commentary on eighteenth-century association theory represent a significant practical application, and thus refinement, of Enlightenment rationalistic psychology. These achievements are assessed in light of Freud's early fascination with him; it is argued that Lichtenberg is an example of the relevance of the historical and cultural background of psychoanalysis to clinical practice.  相似文献   

In this contribution the author examines the connections between Wittgenstein's personality and his attitude to Freud's psychoanalytic theories in the light of biographies of the philosopher, published exchanges of letters between him and his sisters, his 'secret' diaries from the time of the First World War, his diaries from the nineteen-thirties and the writings in which he discusses Freud and psychoanalysis. The paper quotes liberally from all these sources. Following an account of Wittgenstein's cultural and family background in Vienna and his subsequent peripatetic life, hypotheses are presented concerning his personality, sexuality and 'internal' theology, together with some ideas about his relationship with his family (in particular, his parents and sisters) and his critique of Freud's theories, with particular reference to dreams and their interpretation. Wittgenstein emerges as a highly original philosopher who is, however, emotionally disturbed and restless. His personality is found to have narcissistic aspects that moulded his behaviour and thought, and the author contends that his mental suffering caused him to apply psychological and psychoanalytic categories to his philosophy.  相似文献   

The disclosure of sexual abuse by a child not only disturbs the mental peace of the family members but influences their attitudes towards the victim as well. This article explores how the diverse types of attitudes of the family members towards the victim and un-fulfillment of role expectation of a victim from his/her family members make him/her a patient. An attempt has also been made to analyse how the reluctance of parents to take any professional help impedes the recovery of the child along with the strategy a child adopts to cope with this traumatic event of his/her life. The child wants love and support from his/her close relatives, besides expecting protection from them. In such circumstances even a little negligence from any of the family members or their unsupportive and unpractical attitudes towards the victim, makes him/her a silent sufferer. A sense of helplessness develops in her/him and later on this sense of helplessness makes him/her a patient of depression.  相似文献   

This paper explores once-weekly psychotherapy with a 10-year-old boy who had been physically abused and spent six years in various foster-homes before being placed with his birth father and family. This case has many parallels with the experience of late adopted children who may struggle to think about and emotionally digest the experiences of their early lives, while also facing the challenge of joining a new family. This boy's longing for, resentment of and identification with his birth mother were actively communicated through drawings and re-enactments. His expectation of an object as unpredictable and unreliable made it difficult for him to apprehend different experiences with his family and in therapy. Exploring the nature of his internal objects and gradually enabling him to bring feeling and thought into closer proximity provided one way of giving meaning to experiences he could not remember or understand. Technical difficulties in working with a child who actively flaunted the boundaries of the sessions are considered, as is the importance of a containing network surrounding the child.  相似文献   

Family therapy with the whole family after a divorce has taken place provides a unique opportunity for intervention. Though the spouses have legally terminated their relationship, their parenting function remains. However, this reality is often clouded by the emotional conflicts generated by the divorce. Family therapy can be useful in facilitating life in the post-divorce period. A four-part model for intervention is described. The first task is to redefine the family as existentially including all members. Next, generational boundaries are firmed in order to reduce the parentification process, often intensified by the parent's physical absence. Third, the family needs to have a replay of the history of the marriage to correct developmental distortions and offer a changce to mourn the loss of the intact family. Finally, the therapists attempt to facilitate an emotional divorce. A case study is presented to elucidate the manner in which these steps unfold in treatment.  相似文献   

The beginning of this paper documents Sigmund Freud's pre-psychoanalytic experience as a ‘first hand’ observer of childhood behavior both professionally and as the patriarch of a large extended family in Vienna. During 1898, Freud was in the midst of an intensive correspondence with Wilhelm Fliess – his most trusted confidant, mentor and colleague – when he wrote, in part, about his sister Marie whose family was relocating in Berlin. She was apparently about to consult Fliess as her prospective physician. During the process, Freud voiced psychological assessments not only about his sister; but, also about her husband and their three daughters. The youngest among them was a 5-year old whom he characterized as “a rather gifted child, severely [hysterical]” (bracketed word in quotation juxtaposed for clarity).

Eleven years later, Freud wrote a case study about a 5-year old boy whose pseudonym, for publication purposes, was Little Hans. The life of Little Hans (as well as the lives of his parents) has been thoroughly examined and we now know something about how he matured as an adult. In a contrasting context, less is known about the ‘psychological trajectory’ of Freud's 5-year old niece who also distinguished herself in certain respects as she matured during her abbreviated later life. She remained the subject of documentable correspondence mailed to him by his youngest daughter Anna as well as foreboding prospects articulated in a letter he subsequently wrote to an English nephew.  相似文献   

Evidence of emotional distance between elderly parents and their adult children is taken from an anthropological study of ageing and family life. Two case studies drawn from a series of life history interviews illustrate the complex relationship between personal development, family relationships, culture and social structure. Unsatisfactory relationships are explained in terms of changing psychological needs through the life course, the cultural emphasis on independence and related values, the feminine tilt in family life, and the structure of in-law relationships. The complex interplay of these factors has implications for therapy with families experiencing estrangement.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the concept of family resilience among impoverished families has increased as a main focus area for family scholars. Similarly, individual, family, and community-level factors that promote family resilience and their impact on behavioral health outcomes have particularly received increased amounts of attention. To date, however, few empirical studies have simultaneously validated the socioecological determinants of family resilience within multi-dimensional conceptual frameworks. In the current study, we test such a model using a cross-sectional design among 380 women and men with an average age of 35 experiencing poverty as a chronic stressor, the majority of whom are ethnic minorities. Individual, family and community determinants of family resilience are examined for their differential effect on outcomes of physical and mental health, as well as risks for substance abuse. Results from structural equation modeling provide support for the model. Findings suggest that community-level determinants impact health through indirect pathways. In this case, community factors predict family and individual-level determinants, and individual factors then directly predict health. Similarly, the relationship between family-level determinants and health was indirect through individual-level factors. Although, a strong positive relationship was found between individual-level determinants and health, the relationship between individual-level factors and substance abuse was also found to be indirect through health. Methodological limitations and implications for family life education, clinical interventions, policy, and future research that are socioecologically-informed are discussed.  相似文献   

Students of Ming philosophy and the thought of Wang Yangming likely know that the 1960s–1970s was a period during which many scholarships in this field of study were produced in the English language. Indeed, it has been almost half a century since a group of scholars came together at the University of Hawaii to present papers on Wang Yangming in commemoration of the fifth centenary of his birth. That group included, for example, Wing-tsit Chan, David Nivison, and Du Weiming. These scholars, along with two others not present—Julia Ching and Carsun Chang—played a transformative role in introducing Wang Yangming to an English-reading audience. But, the history behind their achievement, as well as how they interpreted him for that audience, has yet to be written. This paper provides a synopsis of that history, explaining why the scholars chose to write about him and what they said about his life and ideas.  相似文献   

王玉龙  申继亮 《心理科学》2012,35(1):238-242
研究对203名脑卒中患者的家庭照料者进行了问卷调查,以探讨患者的功能独立性对家庭照料者负担感的作用机制。结果显示,82.3%脑卒中患者的家庭照料者有明显的负担感;患者的功能独立性与家庭照料者的负担感显著负相关;来自患者的社会支持在患者功能独立性与家庭照料者负担感之间起中介作用,而来自患者之外的社会支持则起调节作用。结果表明,在家庭照料负担的干预实践中,应注意区分来源不同的社会支持及其作用机制。  相似文献   

A survey of 487pastors' children (PKs) age 25+ was undertaken to ascertain if there was any relationship between the unique aspects of the pastoral family and their relationships, and his or her adult religious commitment. Variables included the feelings of the PK toward moving, consistency of parental behavior, amount and quality of family time, ability to be oneself without being noticed, expectations by others for self-perceived as greater than their expectations for others, the status of having a pastor as a father, and the support of church and members, intimacy with each parent, satisfying parental marriage, and relationships with friends and extended family. All variables correlated with at least some measures of religious commitment although none were strong predictors. The strongest was the PKs' perception that more was expected of him or her. Other influences not examined in this study appear to have a greater impact on adult religious commitment. Qualitative analysis was consistent with the above.  相似文献   

刘莹  董燕萍 《心理科学》2006,29(4):960-962
本研究考察了小学儿童语音意识和英语单词认读的关系。一系列相关和回归分析发现,英、汉语语音意识与英语单词认读有密切关系,但这种关系随年级变化而变化,英语语音意识对汉语儿童英语单词认读并不具有稳定的预测力;而且并不总是最有预测力的因素。结果说明,与英语本族语儿童相比,语音意识在汉语儿童的英语单词认读学习中起了不同的作用。  相似文献   

This report describes a case study of a young adult man who reportedly adopted an imitation of a Japanese accent as a means of eliminating symptoms of stuttering. Prolonged unfilled pauses and altered stress patterns were key features of his deviant speech pattern. Following an extensive evaluation of his communication skills and case history, it was determined that his unusual speech pattern may have resulted from an identification with a small peer group of Japanese exchange students with whom he felt comfortable. This identity (including his accent) may have provided him with self-confidence he lacked as a teenager, thus enabling him to communicate with more assurance and confidence. It was conclude he was neither a stutterer nor a clutterer.  相似文献   

A case is presented in which the patient's self-expectations, arising from his ego ideal, were violated by a conflict with his wife, who came from a different culture and did not share his marital and family values. When she left him he was devastated, not only by the loss of his family, but by the destruction of his ideal vision of himself as a husband and father. A dangerous suicide attempt followed. The psychodynamic formulation of the case and the treatment that followed from it are discussed.  相似文献   

The following letter is reported unchanged except for disguised names. Concern with repairing disrupted relationships of adult members of a family with their own parents has been a matter of growing interest to a number of family therapists; Bowen (1), Boszormenyi-Nagy (2), and Framo (3), among others have stressed the importance of sending family members back to their families of origin. This report makes no effort to formulate the process in any particular theoretical framework (i.e., as reestablishing connectedness after an “emotional cut-off” or rebalancing a ledger of fairness, or whatever) but is intended only to illustrate the kind of outcome one may hope for in prescribing such a maneuver. It is offered simply as a clinical note. The letter needs little prefatory explication. Mr. Jack Newburgher had been a patient in psychoanalytic treatment for four years, with a quite successful outcome. On two occasions in the course of his therapy a joint session had been held with Mr. Newburgher and his wife, Muriel, when changes in his behavior had precipitated crises in the marital relationship. His therapy had terminated about two years before the visit referred to in the letter. Mr. Newburgher had called and asked for a joint consultation with Muriel about an acute family problem they were experiencing. Some — not all — of the background material was described, not nearly as coherently as it is reported in Muriel's letter, but in sufficient detail to make it plain that she was in distress about having to withdraw completely from her parents and that their family was in disarray as a consequence of her distress. The acuteness of the emotional disturbance, against a background of a lifelong adversary relationship between Muriel and her father and a history of ten years of illness on her fathers' part, suggested that the distress was the product of Muriel's anxiety and guilt over a decision to cut herself off completely from her parents. As a consequence, Muriel was urged to visit her family of origin, with the caveat that she might indeed discover them to be malignantly self-centered people indifferent to their effect on her and her family, but that she would at least have the gratification of having tried. The reference to “speaking French” was to the therapist having suggested that, on the other hand, she might find that her parents expressed their feelings in a different modality from her definitions of how feelings should be expressed, much as though their native tongue were French and she were insisting that they must speak to her in English.  相似文献   


This text is intended as a contribution to the study of the profound mutual relations between architecture and psychoanalysis. Architecture creates representations that conceal unconscious forms of thought; psychoanalysis helps to explain the meanings of these representations – forms of construction and forms of the psyche. The multifaceted work of psychoanalyst Christopher Bollas – his thoughts on the relationships between psychoanalysis and architecture, on the vitality of objects, on the creative implications of the Oedipal relationship – serves as a critical and decisive instrument for the authors’ inquiry. The issue of the “vitality of objects” as described by Bollas also concerns – but only in part – the architectural “object.” One modern form of architecture with an inordinate capacity empathy has to be Louis Kahn’s. Kahn’s youngest son , Nathaniel, lost his father when he was still a child and hardly had a chance to get to know him. After becoming an adult and an established film-maker, he managed to recover his father in two ways: by discovering him in his works, with their powerful affective impact; and by drawing from those very works of his father to enhance his own creative process in his filmic art. As it turns out, it is this very process that has allowed for an emblematically positive resolution of the Oedipal relationship.  相似文献   

R M Ganley 《Family process》1989,28(1):107-115
The search for and measurement of important relationship qualities have always been of interest to family therapists. Within a Rogerian perspective, empathy, regard, and congruence are believed to be among the most important indicators of the quality of human relationships. These variables, or conceptually similar ones, are also important in several current models of family functioning. Barrett-Lennard (1,2) developed an instrument, the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI), to measure empathy, regard, and congruence. Although the major use of the BLRI has been in psychotherapy outcome research (13), several studies have shown that it is a sensitive indicator of marital satisfaction and of changes occurring in marital-improvement programs. The present study is a factor analysis of the BLRI based on data from 345 women who rated levels of empathy, regard, and congruence in their relationship with their husbands. The results robustly confirm the three-factor structure of the BLRI in what is believed to be the first factor analysis in the context of a family member rating a relationship within the family. The replication of the BLRI's structure in a new relationship context suggests that the dimensions tapped by the BLRI may have some generality and warrant further exploration in a family-systems context. Several advantages of the BLRI over other currently available instruments are discussed, as are potential uses of the BLRI in systems research beyond the marital unit.  相似文献   

THEO K. de  GRAAF  M.D. 《Family process》1998,37(2):233-243
The phenomenon of transgenerational traumatization has currently become widely recognized and described, although the task of disentangling the underlying interactional mechanisms remains a difficult one. These transgenerational mechanisms were first detected in families of the survivors of the Holocaust, but they may be equally prominent in families of parents who have been traumatized in other ways, for example, as victims of child neglect and abuse, as orphaned children, or during military service. In cases in which parents have themselves been subjected to early parental deprivation, one or more children may become projectively identified with a parent's (posttraumatic) "bad child"-self, whereas the parent him/herself has identified with — enacts the role of — the idealized internal "martyr" parent. A case study is presented describing the individual and family therapeutic treatment of a woman who, as a child, had been traumatically separated from her parents.  相似文献   

The aim of the article was to investigate how the family life of highly creative individuals—mainly marriages or romantic relationships—is related to their sense of success and well-being. Previous studies have led to conflicting conclusions. The predominant finding has been that marriage and family constitute an obstacle to creative potential development. Other studies have demonstrated that, regardless of gender, creators lead satisfying family lives, which contributes to their well-being. The study presented in this paper is based on the grounded theory methodology and triangulates two sources: interviews with prominent creators from the USA conducted years ago (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996, N = 91) and interviews with recognized contemporary Polish artists and scientists (= 34). Based on interactions between the interviewees’ perception of themselves as creators and their perception of gender and family roles, the authors identify and discuss five types of relationship between creators’ family life and work. They also discuss the factors that hinder or facilitate creators’ satisfactory functioning in both areas in each of the five types of relationship.  相似文献   

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