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Ohne ZusammenfassungI. und II. Mitteilung in Pflügers Arch.257, 48 u. 87 (1953).  相似文献   

Aggression und Gewalt bei Jugendlichen stilisieren sich zum Sinnbild für unsere „kranke Gesellschaft“. Was sich bei jüngeren Jugendlichen noch – oft als Lausbuben-Verhalten bagatellisiertes – Herumschubsen und Rangeln im Pausenhof ?u?ert, tritt in Form von Bullying und Mobbing immer st?rker zutage. Jugendliche, die trinken, stehlen, Drogen zu sich nehmen, Mitschüler oder Gruppenmitglieder bedrohen und Gegenst?nde ?ffentlichen Gutes besch?digen etc., stehen auf der Tagesordnung. Selbst Erpressung von Mitschülern ist kein Einzeldelikt mehr.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Den phänomenologischen Begriffen der Ganz- und der Teileigenschaft ist der des phänomenalen Isoliertseins an die Seite zu stellen. Dadurch wird es möglich, die prinzipielle Wendung, welche die neuere Gestalttheorie gegenüber den älteren Ehrenfelsschen Konzeptionen kennzeichnet, näher zu begründen. Wolfgang Metzger zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Is there still any importance of Husserl's Phenomenology for contemporary forms of philosophy of science? A comparison between Phenomenology and a prominent form of such modern philosophy of science, the so-called Critical Rationalism of Karl Popper, may help to answer this question. Therefore, the different levels of argumentation have to be worked out to make the respective arguments applicable to one another. We are arguing for the following thesis: the strategy of corroboration in Critical Rationalism can be justified by means of the phenomenological conception of intentioality of consciousness. A typical example may illustrate how Popper's conception of taking the degree of corroboration as an indicator of the degree of verisimilitude can find its deeper foundation in Husserl's genetic interpretation of ordinary kinds of experience.  相似文献   

Central for the discussion about the pros and cons of pictorial representations is the indeterminacy problem. Whereas propositional representations can be underdetermined, it is a widespread opinion that pictorial representations are completely determined and committed to details. In contrast to this view, which is held — for example by Dennett, Pylyshyn and Iorger — in the present paper a variable system of commitments is proposed: Users of pictorial representations have alternatives with respect to interpretations and commitments since there are implicit annotations to these representations. The annotations refer to axiomatized geometric systems, which — from a cognitive point of view — can be seen as systems of commitments.  相似文献   

The so-called “intersubjective turn” (or “relational turn”) in psychoanalysis is closely associated with the work of Winnicott. It was him who added a new dimension to the psychoanalytic theories of a separate inner world, a dimension focussing on the mediating processes between the separate spheres of psychic and external reality: a space between subject and object, drive and civilisation, Ego and reality — the “potential space” that unconsciously connects our self to the Other as well as to a shared physical and social world we live in. Winnicotts paradoxical notions of the self are traced in this paper and unwrapped from their often enigmatic, developmentally and epistemologically confusing veils: the infant who does not exist without a holding mother; who is not aware of his/her being held because of its evidence, and only has an experience when falling; who him-/herself creates that reality which is already there; who must destroy the object in order to use it; who can only be alone when another person is present. The author, starting from apparently narcissistic phenomena of the media society, rehabilitates the term of “in-between” in contemporary psychoanalytic discussion which for a long time was considered as suspect, as being part of a “non-psychoanalytic” superficial social psychology (as the intersubjective, the interpersonal or the interactive). Under the strong influence of Winnicott, and overarching the different schools, contemporary psychoanalysis is focussing on intersubjectivity and relationality. The paper is an appeal for reformulating classical intrapsychic concepts — including the theory of the unconscious—in intersubjective terms, thus unfolding a relational approach inherent in Freud’s metapsychology.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Arbeit wurde auf The first international Meeting for Husserl Studies in Japan (Shizuoka University, November 23–24, 2002) vorgetragen. Zum Zweck der Veröffentlichung wurden einigeÄnderungen vorgenommen. Für die wertvollen Anregungen in der Korrespondenz und Diskussion bedanke ich mich herzlich bei Ichiro Yamaguchi, Nam-In Lee, Anthony Steinbock, Tetsuya Sakakibara und Elmar Holenstein!  相似文献   

Sammanfallning : I artikeln presenteras kortfattat ett program för rökawanjning, vilket utvärderats på experimentell basis. Programmet, som består av olika självterapeutiska tekniker, föreligger i bokform och omfattar 5 veckor. Under derma period instruerades fpp att observera sig själva på olika sätt för att bli medvetna om sitt rökbe—teende. Därefter gavs de uppgifter som gradvis fick dem att minska sin cigarrettkonsumtion. Slutligen fick de lära sig nya beteendemönster som ersättning för den avlagda rökvanan. 150 personer del tog i försoket, indelade i 3 olika be—handlingsgrupper. Dessutom fanns en kontrollgrupp  相似文献   

Als Erkenntnistheorie der phänomenologischen Erkenntnis versteht sich die folgende Untersuchung als ein zentrales Stück der von Husserl geforderten Selbstkritik der phänomenologischen Erkenntnis. Ausgehend vom normalsprachlichen Wahrheitsbegriff und dessen Explikation soll die prinzipielle Möglichkeit wahrer phänomenologischer Beschreibungen durch Rückgang auf das Phänomen der Wahrheit ausgewiesen werden. Im Anschluss an Husserls Analysen der vorprädikativen Erfahrung wird die explizierende Betrachtung (in Abgrenzung zum prädikativen Urteil) als die eigentlich erkennende, nämlich die kategorialen Strukturen der Phänomene erfassende und offenlegende Leistung exponiert, die einerseits anschaulich begründete prädikative Urteile allererst ermöglicht und andererseits diese bewahrheitet. Die vorprädikative Erfassung liegt dabei auch der kategorialen Anschauung als einer bereits prädikativen Leistung konstitutiv zugrunde.  相似文献   

The following considerations have their source in more than 25 years experience with intercultural contacts in teaching and research in China and with psychoanalytic therapies with patients from foreign cultures. They may broaden the inner space of the psychoanalyst by a new dimension, which is not systematically reflected due to the integration of each in the own large group identity but influences the unconscious aspects in the work with people from foreign cultures. The concepts of psychosocial defence (S. Mentzos), of large group identity (V. Volkan) and of the ethnic unconscious (G. Devereux) are helpful instruments for understanding restrictive countertransference reactions, which handicap not only the work in the psychoanalytic setting, but also all intercultural relations.  相似文献   

In Germany, criminology has become established primarily in law faculties; however, it must currently face cutback tendencies which have to be attributed, among others, to the minority position of criminologists in the respective faculties. These tendencies must be countered with regard to the importance of criminology as a science which deals with central social problems. Criminology must become embedded in jurisprudence and in the psychological, psychiatric and social sciences. Interdisciplinary criminological research centers could be established. A close cooperation between criminology and forensic psychiatry is recommended in many areas.  相似文献   

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