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Trauma und Sucht     
Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass der Missbrauch psychotroper Substanzen bei traumaassozierten psychischen Erkrankungen geh?uft anzutreffen ist, werden m?gliche wechselseitige Zusammenh?nge zwischen Suchterkrankungen und Traumafolgest?rungen er?rtert. Selbstverletzendes Verhalten stellt kein einheitliches, sondern ein für die klinisch psychologische Forschung sehr komplexes und noch unzureichend erkl?rtes Ph?nomen dar. Selbstverletzendes Verhalten h?ngt zumeist mit frühen traumatischen Erlebnissen zusammen, auf die nicht angemessen reagiert werden konnte. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen einer Stichtagserhebung am Anton-Proksch-Institut wird ein ressourcenorientiertes Behandlungsmodul für traumatisierte, suchtkranke Frauen vorgestellt, welches Stabilisierung und die Entwicklung von Selbstfürsorge umfasst.  相似文献   

At 65.7 billion € per year, addiction is the fifth most cost-intensive psychiatric disorder in Europe. More than 60,000 pregnant women in the EU are chronic illicit substance abusers, of which about half consume opioids. One third of these women are of childbearing age, with increasing tendency. More than 60% also suffer from at least one comorbid psychiatric disorder. State-of-the-art treatment for opioid dependence in pregnancy is maintenance therapy with the synthetic opioids methadone or buprenorphine in a multiprofessional setting with comprehensive medical care for women and neonates. A standardized approach of assessment and treatment comparable to the approach in pregnant women is recommended for neonates and for the related neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), which occurs in about 60% after intrauterine opioid exposure. An early investment in a multiprofessional treatment model increases not only quality of life of women and children but also lowers societal costs.  相似文献   

The conceptual development of the German mental health system can only be understood against the background of the specific historical development process; therefore, the emigration of psychodynamic psychotherapists during the Third Reich as well as the complicated reintegration of psychotherapy into psychiatry during the postwar period are of particular relevance. The current discussion concerning the relationship of psychiatry and psychotherapy is characterized by the development of new techniques and methods and the concept of modular psychiatry, whereas the traditional complex psychotherapeutic procedures are becoming less important. In the future, the development of clinical and scientific research should focus on psychotherapy in old age as well as adolescence psychotherapy, the combination of psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment and issues concerning chronic courses as well as resistance to therapy.  相似文献   

This review is based upon an appraisal of training research in psychotherapy showing that many questions are still unanswered. By means of a schema for the organization of research results that differentiates input, process and output variables, unselected results are summarized relating to issues such as the choice of the psychotherapeutic profession, pre-experiences of candidates, the selection of an orientation, personality factors, characteristics of training institutes, quality standards, as well as the organisation and structure of training programs. Process oriented studies mainly focus on the operationalisation and development of skills, the significance, the effects of and the satisfaction with training components. Finally, the output category comprises results related to graduation, to professional development during and following training and to the development of competence and its prediction.  相似文献   

Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem interdisziplin?ren Einsatz von Psychotherapie in der allgemeinmedizinischen Betreuung von Patienten mit psychischen Problemen oder Krisen. Bekanntlich ist es nur einem kleinen Teil der Patienten von Allgemeinmedizinern m?glich, psychotherapeutische Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen. Eine zus?tzliche psychotherapeutische Ausbildung des Hausarztes kann die Qualit?t der Patientenbetreuung signifikant verbessern. Zudem k?nnen nicht nur die Patienten davon profitieren; psychotherapeutische Ausbildung und Kommunikationstraining stellen eine wertvolle Bereicherung des Arztberufes und eine ernstzunehmende Burn-out-Prophylaxe dar.  相似文献   

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