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自我领导是个体在实践活动经验积累的基础上, 通过自身需要的驱动, 根据内部标准的指导, 运用内部奖赏实现自我激励而达成绩效的自我影响过程。本文从自我领导的概念形成、结构测量、实证研究和研究热点等四个方面, 对国外有关研究的现状进行了介绍和述评。在此基础上, 对自我领导的未来研究趋势做了初步的预期, 主要包括:(1)自我领导影响效果的理论分析与实证检验; (2)自我领导与相关人格特质的关系; (3)组织领导者自我领导有效性的最大化; (4)中国文化背景下的自我领导研究。  相似文献   

频发的道德丑闻和管理渎职现象使真实型领导受到了前所未有的关注。基于近十年来国、内外重要理论文章和67项实证文章, 本文对真实型领导研究进行了系统梳理与评析。总体来看, 研究者主要从特质/行为视角和过程视角界定真实型领导。真实型领导的测量已有标准化工具, 并在测量主体和方式上呈现多样化趋势。真实型领导受个体因素和情境因素影响, 也会通过积极组织行为学、社会学习、社会认定和社会交换机制对个体、团队和组织产生积极影响。未来研究应深入讨论真实型领导的概念、结构和测量问题, 对其影响因素、影响效果和作用机制做进一步探索, 并适时进行跨文化和本土化考察。  相似文献   

破坏性领导行为的危害不容忽视, 然而, 学术界对于这一领域的探究尚处起步阶段。本研究首先在中国组织情境下, 采用质化研究与量化研究相结合的方式, 探讨破坏性领导的结构维度, 开发破坏性领导的测量量表; 然后以"管理者及其下属配对"为研究对象, 采用追踪研究设计, 收集"管理者-员工"配对数据, 运用结构方程模型、多元回归分析以及多层线性模型技术进行统计分析, 探讨破坏性领导行为的诱因。具体包括三个研究:(1)中国组织情境下破坏性领导的结构与测量研究; (2)破坏性领导行为的诱因:基于个体特质与组织情境视角的跨层次的追踪研究; (3)破坏性领导行为的诱因:基于下属特征视角的追踪研究。研究结果有助于澄清中国组织情境下破坏性领导的内涵与维度结构, 识别与测量中国组织情境下的破坏性领导行为, 揭示个体特质对破坏性领导行为的影响效应, 探明诱发破坏性领导行为的组织情境因素和下属特征因素。  相似文献   

领导纳谏自古有之,它对组织的发展与成功至关重要。通过对领导纳谏的概念、影响因素和影响结果的详细综述发现,现有研究缺乏对领导纳谏内涵的关注,且聚焦于对领导纳谏影响因素的探讨,这不利于我们深入理解领导纳谏的概念内涵及其作用机制。领导纳谏是一种深思熟虑的认知过程,但同时作为一种有意识的行为,它也是一种受动机驱动的目的性行为。本文从领导纳谏的动机视角出发,基于调节焦点理论系统地探讨领导纳谏的内涵及其效应机制。具体而言,根据领导纳谏的动机和调节焦点理论,领导纳谏可以被划分为促进型纳谏和防御型纳谏两个子维度,同时将从个体和团队两个方面来探讨促进型纳谏和防御型纳谏对员工建言行为和团队创新的不同影响机制,为领导纳谏研究提供全新视角。  相似文献   

论文基于自我控制的强度模型,研究了组织政治环境作为情境因素影响领导者公正准则遵从的作用机制和边界条件。对来自某国有商业银行73位网点主任连续10个工作日的570个经验取样法的数据分析结果发现:(1)在个体内层次,领导者组织政治感知提高了自我耗竭,领导者职位任期削弱了该正向关系。(2)个体内层次自我耗竭对公正准则遵从的作用取决于个体间层次领导身份认同的程度:当领导身份认同较高时,二者关系为正;当领导身份认同较低时,二者关系为负。(3)当领导者职位任期较短且领导身份认同较高时,组织政治感知通过自我耗竭促进公正准则遵从;当职位任期较短且领导身份认同较低时,组织政治感知通过自我耗竭阻碍公正准则遵从。上述研究结论将公正准则遵从的前因研究从行为者中心视角拓展到情境中心视角,率先研究了组织政治感知的个体内变化及其影响,同时增进了对自我耗竭作用机制和边界条件的认识。  相似文献   

员工睡眠剥夺作为企业组织普遍忽视的话题,引发出的社会困境却愈加突出。当前,越来越多的员工需要在睡眠不足情况下继续工作,这种由个体睡眠时间不足而引起自身功能减弱的状态,不仅会损害到员工的心理状态与行为绩效,还会影响到组织的效能与管理实践。通过回顾相关研究,阐释了组织管理情境下睡眠剥夺的内涵、测量、基本理论框架与机制,总结了影响员工睡眠剥夺损耗的具体因素及其在个体、领导与团队等多层面的一系列后效结果,并归纳出组织睡眠管理的预防与缓解对策,最终提出从概念类型、前因条件、过程机制、研究方法与研究层面中展开未来研究。  相似文献   

王婷  杨付 《心理科学》2018,(3):706-712
领导正直(leader integrity)作为一种道德品质,长期以来被认为是有效领导者的关键特征。近年来, 道德丑闻和管理者违法乱纪事件频频发生,引发了学术界对领导正直问题的关注。然而,学界对领导正直 的内涵、测量及其作用机制的研究尚处于起步阶段,关于领导正直的文献综述更是寥寥无几。本文从领导 正直的概念、测量、影响因素、作用机制和实施效果等方面,对国内外相关研究进行系统梳理和探讨。未 来研究应从领导正直的概念与维度的完善、影响因素的拓展和作用机制的深入识别等方面展开努力。  相似文献   

以往多数研究强调妒忌的消极影响,却没有对妒忌的积极影响给予足够重视。在厘清妒忌内涵的基础上,从个体、领导、团队和组织四方面分析恶意妒忌和善意妒忌的影响因素,明确应得感和控制感对领导、团队和组织因素与两种妒忌之间关系的调节作用,揭示两种妒忌和业绩表现、破坏性行为之间的不同作用机制。未来研究可以在如何测量两类妒忌,妒忌和亲社会行为的关系,被妒忌,以及核心自我评价、面子、中庸思维和社会网络在妒忌产生及其影响过程中的作用等方面进行扩展。  相似文献   

程垦  林英晖 《心理科学进展》2019,27(6):1111-1122
亲组织不道德行为是近年来组织行为学界广泛关注的研究议题。但是, 关于亲组织不道德行为的概念内涵, 目前还存在一定模糊性。基于动机视角, 从亲组织不道德行为的定义、特征、动机、类型等方面, 对亲组织不道德行为的概念模糊性进行细致解构与深入剖析, 形成相对系统的亲组织不道德行为概念内涵; 并据此概念内涵背后的动机逻辑, 对现有的亲组织不道德行为影响因素进行分类梳理, 阐释其对亲组织不道德行为的影响机制; 最后, 从细分类型、测量工具、研究视角、影响因素、抑制机制、影响效应与本土化等方面为后续研究提供针对性的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,辱虐管理引起了组织行为研究者的重点关注。已有的研究主要在个体层次上分析辱虐管理对于下属的作用机制及消极影响,但组织层次上的研究还鲜有学者涉及。从领导、受害者和旁观者等多个视角,基于道德排除理论,分析梳理了辱虐管理对于组织公平的作用,整合构建了多层次辱虐管理对下属影响的组织公平作用机制模型,并分别从组织层次、个体层次以及组织层次对个体层次交互作用的角度,深入探讨了辱虐管理对下属产生的负面作用。建议未来的研究考虑辱虐管理中的文化因素,进一步在其他组织公平的维度上研究辱虐管理的作用机制,改进并完善现有的研究方法,探索辱虐管理的积极应对策略,并从工具性的视角关注领导实施辱虐管理的动因。  相似文献   

Recent research in organizational psychology has recognized the value of exploring the person-situation interactional perspective as a determinant of work outcomes. The present field study investigated the interaction between self-leadership and work structure (supervisory structure and job autonomy) and their relation to job satisfaction. Seventy-six employees provided measures of self-leadership, employment characteristics, and job satisfaction. Performance data for participants was also collected from the organization. Satisfaction was higher for employees with high (low) self-leadership who worked in low (high) structure environments. These results suggest that affective response to the job may be influenced by specific combinations of person and situation variables. Implications of the current results with regard to person-environment fit are discussed.  相似文献   

The majority of work in organizational behaviour has been conducted at the individual level of theory, measurement and analysis. While the field of organizational behaviour may be viewed as largely mixed‐level, incorporating individual, group and organizational‐level phenomena, relatively few group‐level and mixed‐level theories with corresponding levels of research exist. This is particularly problematic for organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) research, since OCB is theorized to exist at multiple levels. Several individual‐level and group‐level antecedents affect OCB, but it is OCB in the aggregate (i.e. group and organizational level) which impacts organizational effectiveness, which is another organizational‐level phenomenon. A brief review of group‐level and mixed‐level research methodology is presented and these methods are then applied to a burgeoning area of organizational behaviour research, one which is inherently group and mixed‐level, organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). Implications of the different levels of measurement and analysis for OCB theory development and testing are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite growing research on the positive connections between work and family, antecedents and consequences of work–family enrichment are understudied. Using a sample of employees from a major insurance company, we assessed the relationship of (i) individual (i.e., work and family identities), (ii) family (emotional and instrumental support), and (iii) organizational (benefit use and work–family culture) antecedents to work–family and family–work enrichment. We also examined whether enrichment predicted important work outcomes including organizational commitment and turnover intentions. The strength of an individual’s identity and informal or emotional support within a domain, rather than formal or instrumental support, were associated with greater enrichment. Work–family enrichment positively predicted affective organizational commitment, and family–work enrichment negatively predicted turnover intentions. Implications for individuals and organizations wanting to foster enrichment are discussed.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that self-leadership is positively related with employee adaptive performance and job satisfaction in rapid change and unpredictable work environments. This assumption was tested through a quasi-experimental study regarding the implementation of a self-leadership training programme in the Private Banking department of an international bank. Change in private bankers’ self-leadership, adaptive performance and job satisfaction was measured three times, over a period of 8 months. During the fourth month of the training programme implementation, the bank underwent an unexpected bailout. Fifty-two private bankers were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 28) and to a control group (n = 24). The results showed an increase in self-leadership, adaptive performance and job satisfaction for the experimental group, while job satisfaction decreased for participants in the control group. Our findings suggest that change in the level of self-leadership is positively related with change in the level of adaptive performance and job satisfaction over time. This study presents new evidence that individual adaptive performance and job satisfaction can be enhanced through self-leadership training. Self-leadership training can be used as a valuable tool to help organizations improve employees’ adaptive performance and job satisfaction, especially during organizational crisis.  相似文献   

Creativity and innovation are at the core of important outcomes such as economic and sales growth, production of articles and students' learning. Thus, it is not surprising to find research articles on creativity and innovation across different disciplines such as business, psychology, and education. Given the importance of understanding creativity and innovation, we reviewed the empirical literature examining the antecedents and consequences of creative self-efficacy in the work domain. Our review used the theory of individual creative action and social cognitive theory as guiding frameworks to place creative self-efficacy in the creativity and innovation process, define creativity and innovation, explore how creative self-efficacy has been measured, examine the antecedents and consequences of creative self-efficacy, point out gaps in knowledge and offer suggestions for future research and provide some applied implications. One important finding was that creative self-efficacy has made a significant contribution as a process variable explaining how several organizational and personal factors influence creative outcomes via their influence on creative self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Despite growing research on the positive connections between work and family, antecedents and consequences of work-family enrichment are understudied. Using a sample of employees from a major insurance company, we assessed the relationship of (i) individual (i.e., work and family identities), (ii) family (emotional and instrumental support), and (iii) organizational (benefit use and work-family culture) antecedents to work-family and family-work enrichment. We also examined whether enrichment predicted important work outcomes including organizational commitment and turnover intentions. The strength of an individual’s identity and informal or emotional support within a domain, rather than formal or instrumental support, were associated with greater enrichment. Work-family enrichment positively predicted affective organizational commitment, and family-work enrichment negatively predicted turnover intentions. Implications for individuals and organizations wanting to foster enrichment are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) describes actions in which employees are willing to go above and beyond their prescribed role requirements. Little or no attention has been paid to the OCB from military perspective. The purpose of this article is to investigate job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational justice, and trust in supervisor as the potential antecedents of OCB in a military setting. The research hypotheses are tested using sample data collected from 301 military personnel. The proposed antecedents were positively related to OCB. Yet, hierarchical regression analysis reveals that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and trust in supervisor account for unique variances in OCB of the military personnel. Implications for the theory and practice of OCB are discussed, limitations of the study are discussed, and future research directions offered.  相似文献   

李树文  罗瑾琏 《心理学报》2020,52(9):1121-1131
基于人-环境匹配和资源保存理论, 研究构建了一个调节-中介模型, 从二元视角分析了领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力一致对员工建言的影响路径与边界。通过对43位领导与182位下属的配对问卷调研, 结果表明:(1) 相较“低领导-低下属”情绪评价能力一致, 在“高领导-高下属”情绪评价能力一致情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高; (2) 相较“高领导-低下属”情绪评价能力不一致, 在“低领导-高下属”情绪评价能力不一致情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高; (3) 内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与促进性建言、抑制性建言间起部分中介作用; (4) 相较领导-下属性别相同, 当领导-下属性别不同时, 员工内部人身份感知的中介作用更强。研究从情绪评价能力、性别的二元匹配视角揭示了员工建言的前因, 为领导与下属间交互影响提供了更多解释路径。  相似文献   

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