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社交网络的发展弱化了传统媒体的影响力,强化了消费者的影响力;在这种情况下,企业需要思考如何借助消费者传播营销信息,以影响其他消费者。本文从企业如何设计营销信息入手,探究消费者与企业所处的关系范式对消费者信息转发行为的影响。通过二手数据分析与实验法,本文得出如下结论:经济类刺激对触发交易关系范式下消费者的转发行为更有效;情感类刺激对触发共有关系范式下消费者的转发行为更有效;交易关系范式下消费者出于回报企业的动机分享,共有关系范式下消费者出于利己动机而分享。  相似文献   

在消费者行为学领域,以往有关绿色消费的研究多聚焦于促进和阻碍消费决策的客观因素和社会心理因素,并分析绿色营销策略在消费者心理或行为层面的积极效应,却很少对产品绿色属性信息的负面结果效应进行探讨。本研究以企业绿色产品策略为研究切入点,在划分绿色属性信息内容维度的基础上,探讨产品绿色属性信息对消费者决策行为的双刃剑效应。首先,基于风险-收益、认知平衡和积极情感多个研究视角,构建起产品绿色属性信息影响消费者行为决策的多层次整合模型;其次,从个体心理表征因素和外部情境因素出发探讨减弱负面效应的边界机制。  相似文献   

通过社交网络发布优质在线内容以引发消费者的主动分享从而使该内容像病毒一样传播开来的营销方式被称为病毒式营销。在线内容的病毒式分享机制主要包括内容特征、心理动机、情绪反应、情境因素以及个体特征这五个方面, 可以为品牌和自媒体有效提高在线内容的分享转发率提供系统的理论指导。未来研究需要进一步探索某些具体情绪的作用机制, 识别出更多本土背景下的情境因素, 关注病毒式营销的效果评估和心理行为后果, 并采用更加多样化的研究方法。  相似文献   

时间与金钱是两种重要的资源类型,人们在绿色消费的过程中不可避免地会受到这两种资源对认知思维和决策行为的影响。然而,目前对于资源类型影响绿色消费行为的具体机制仍不明确。本研究将时间与金钱引发的认知差异引入绿色消费,一方面,基于解释水平理论与人类价值观,分析了时间资源如何促进绿色消费,以及金钱资源如何抑制绿色消费。另一方面,分别从个体、企业以及产品层面出发,结合实验法探究时间与金钱资源影响绿色消费的边界条件,并引入情绪响应水平、环保自我担当以及感知产品有效性作为中介变量,构建资源类型影响绿色消费的理论模型。研究结论将有助于发挥时间与金钱资源在促进绿色消费过程中的积极作用,同时也为企业利用资源线索引导绿色消费提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

消费场景经常触发消费者的拟人化想象,营销实践也越来越多地运用拟人化元素。时间作为一种重要的生活要素,对时间的拟人化加工常常出现在我们的生活中。而从心理学、消费行为学视角来探究时间拟人化倾向的研究较为缺乏,甚至并未有研究进行时间拟人化倾向差异及其产生原因的探讨。因此本研究提出,时间拟人化倾向在成因上具有特殊性且在消费决策与行为中发挥着独特的作用。首先,从区别于其他拟人化对象的时间的本质特征出发,本研究提出结构需求动机影响消费者的时间拟人化倾向。其次,当消费者产生时间拟人化倾向后,会激发基于情感的决策模式,从而强化了亲社会行为。此外基于这一路径本研究探讨了相关边界条件,认为个体情绪状态可以对其产生调节作用。从营销实践来说,本研究增加了对时间拟人化的理解,对更好地运用时间拟人化进行营销具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

栾墨  吴霜 《心理科学进展》2022,30(10):2194-2205
彰显社会地位是消费者行为的一项基本动机。以往的消费心理学研究大量聚焦产品特征如何彰显社会地位(即令观察者产生高社会地位的推断), 却很少探讨消费决策过程这一购买决策中不可忽视的重要因素对社会地位推断有何影响。本研究试图构建一个基于最优化决策过程信息的社会地位推断模型, 系统探讨: (1)最优化决策过程能否及如何彰显消费者的社会地位; (2)彰显社会地位动机是否为消费者进行最优化决策的原因之一; (3)最优化决策过程如何通过社会地位推断影响观察者后续的消费行为。本研究将为社会地位推断研究提供新的视角, 扩展最优化决策研究的外延, 并从全新的角度揭示最优化决策的内涵。  相似文献   

随着时代和社会的日新月异以及传播技术的飞速发展,销售方式也早已不再仅仅限于横幅广告、电视硬广告等传统方式,新的营销模式,如精准广告营销,也越来越受到企业和消费者的青睐。建立符合消费者兴趣需求的沟通方式其精准营销的核心就是精准,精准营销借助于数据库技术、社交媒体等宣传互动,能更好地掌握受众目标群体的消费行为以及个性需求,并为其提供优质服务。但同时媒体平台的竞争以及内容的竞争加剧则使精准营销变得更加困难,价格竞争、过度追求投资收益比等问题会导致企业忽视客户的本质需求,而造成发展瓶颈。同时,在使用数据库获取受众客户信息时也容易触犯其隐私,影响企业自身声誉,阻碍其发展。现代社会的消费者更关注生产商的信誉、企业文化以及媒体的公信力,所以每个企业根据自己在市场上的定位,采取相应的营销策略,合理利用新媒体技术才是致胜的关键。  相似文献   

当前我国已进入消费需求持续增长、消费结构快速升级的重要阶段,如何快乐消费——如何花钱"购买"幸福的问题引起了政府和民众的广泛关注。研究发现相比实物性消费,消费者从体验性消费(如旅行)得到的快乐体验更好更持久。而且金钱启动与时间启动会激活"经济价值最大化"与"情感效用最大化"这两种不同思维定势,进而影响行为决策。基于此,本项目从双加工理论视角出发,结合行为科学和认知神经科学研究方法,从"消费行为-认知加工-脑神经基础"三个层次,深入揭示消费决策双认知加工现象的本质特点和规律,阐明金钱、时间、消费与幸福间的内在机理。  相似文献   

金一波  王文娟  张锋  李娇 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1164-1168
以89名高害羞者和84名低害羞者为被试,以基于虚拟社交情境中的愤怒面孔线索、愉快面孔线索和中性面孔线索为刺激材料,采用线索暴露范式探讨了社交线索对害羞者社交行为倾向的影响。实验结果表明,相对于中性面孔线索,愤怒面孔线索对高害羞者的社交退缩行为倾向具有显著的诱发作用,而愉快面孔线索对其社交行为倾向具有促进作用。该研究为解释高害羞者社交障碍的特征提供了实验证据,并为如何减少高害羞者的退缩行为进而消除其社交障碍提供了一定的思路。  相似文献   

从个体情绪波动到社会经济兴衰, 越来越多的研究开始关注气象因素对人类行为的重要影响。本研究提出大数据时代下, 基于情境营销理论的气象营销新概念。通过识别动态气象环境中对消费者心理和行为有影响的气象因素, 提出和验证“气象因素-消费心理-消费行为”这一逻辑链条的影响机制。研究主要围绕情境营销的气象因素影响、气象因素对消费心理和行为的影响机制、气象因素影响消费者行为机制下的营销策略三个主要问题展开讨论。预期研究成果将进一步延伸和丰富现有情境营销理论, 同时对环境消费心理学也是有益的补充。  相似文献   


With the development of the advertisement industry, consumers are surrounded by increasing numbers of different types of visual stimuli (e.g., images on billboards, websites, and newspapers or videos on TV and social media). The present research aims to explore the effect of the connection between visual stimuli and objects in consumers’ hands on purchase intention based on motor simulation theory and motor fluency. The results of two studies demonstrate that when right-handed consumers review an image of food with tableware on the right (vs. left) side, they will have higher purchase intention for the food, while the effect reverses when their right hand is under high motor resource load. In addition, when right-handed consumers review an image of food with tableware on the right side and have nothing (vs. an object) in their right hand, they will have higher purchase intention for the food. However, if the image does not include tableware, placing tableware (vs. nothing or other objects) in the right hand of the consumers will induce higher purchase intention for the food. Our findings not only contribute to the literature on motor simulation, motor fluency, and motor resources but also provide valid insights for managerial applications.


消费者的决策心理与购买行为会受到周边环境暴露的死亡信息的影响发生变化。本文从意义维持模型出发,通过4个实验探讨了死亡凸显对消费者体验性消费选择偏好的影响及其作用机制。结果发现,死亡凸显情境下消费者更倾向选择体验性消费。进一步分析发现,死亡凸显通过降低消费者的生命意义感提高了其对体验性消费的选择偏好。同时,社会支持对此间接效应起到了缓冲作用。研究结果初步揭示,补偿生命意义感的缺失是死亡凸显增加体验性消费选择的潜在机制,这也为新冠疫情背景下的消费者决策行为干预提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

This study examines how consumers' corporate social responsibility (CSR)‐related activities in social media affect their responses to brands. We defined consumers' CSR‐related activities in social media as the extent to which consumers use social media to engage in CSR communication by companies. An online survey was conducted to examine social media users in China, the largest consumer market in today's global economies. This study developed a theoretical model and empirically tested the relationships between consumers' CSR‐related activities in social media, identification with the brand, and three consumer behavior outcomes: electronic word‐of‐mouth (eWOM) intention, brand attitude, and purchase intention. The results suggested that consumers' CSR‐related activities in social media significantly impacted eWOM intention and purchase intention through enhancing identification with the brand and positive brand attitude. This study provides important insights on consumer behavior and CSR by investigating social media, an important and emerging marketing platform. Moreover, this study fills in the research gap about the association between consumers' CSR‐related activities in social media and their responses to brands. Theoretical and managerial implications for CSR strategies in social media are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper advances research into impulse buying by examining how this behaviour is reinforced/curtailed, highlighting the primary role of the post‐purchase experience in encouraging future impulse buying behaviour. Extant research emphasizes the role of the purchase experience, that is, psychological benefits attained from the impulse purchase experience itself, as a reinforcer of impulse buying. Conversely, this paper uses experiments to demonstrate that it is the post‐purchase experience, not the purchase experience, that reinforces or curtails future impulse buying. Indeed, irrespective of the valence of the purchase experience, a negative post‐purchase experience (whereby a product or service is found to have limited use/does not deliver expected benefits) results in post‐purchase regret, which in turn curtails future impulse buying. In contrast, a positive post‐purchase experience reinforces impulse buying. This research also demonstrates that consumers utilize three types of coping mechanisms to mitigate post‐purchase regret, that is, planful problem solving, positive reinterpretation, or mental disengagement. However, although the use of planful problem solving curtails future impulse buying, use of the other two mechanisms results in behaviour reinforcement. These findings have several important implications for both marketers and consumers, which the authors discuss in detail.  相似文献   

Online reviews are critical in consumer decision-making regarding making online purchases. Given that reviews allow consumers to leave personal feedback about a product or service, it is unclear why some choose not to. This study is an examination of whether consumers tend to perceive no feedback as a sign of risk in online product listings along with the effects of no feedback on purchase intention. Regulatory focus theory is also applied to elucidate the differences in perceived risk between offerings with either high or low numbers of transactions accompanied by no feedback. Through online survey, data were gathered with 450 participants who had used any online marketplaces within 3 months. Consumers with a focus on both prevention and promotion perceive higher risk when there are many transactions with no feedback (high number of no-feedback condition), whereas consumers with a promotion focus perceive significantly lower risk when there are few transactions with no feedback (low number of no-feedback condition). From the analyses of regression and structural equation modeling, perceived risk negatively affected purchase intention in both the high and low number of no-feedback condition. Also in both the promotion and prevention focus groups, purchase intention is significantly higher in the low no feedback condition than the high no feedback. This study's findings confirm that consumers perceive offerings with high no feedback as high risk.  相似文献   

拍照是消费者对体验进行视觉记录的手段。虽然拍照“打卡”成为人们的日常生活和企业营销的重要工具,但目前未发现有文章系统介绍拍照行为对消费体验的影响。拍照行为通过调整注意资源和认知参与对消费体验产生双刃剑效应。具体而言,拍照行为会给消费者带来以“视觉体验红利”为主的红利效应;还会因缺失其他感官(嗅觉、味觉、听觉或触觉)的真实体验产生“匮乏效应”。个人因素和情景因素是拍照行为影响消费体验的重要边界条件。未来研究可以从比较不同拍照内容的效应差异、研究环境变量在拍照效应中的影响、拓展拍照的双刃剑效应在企业营销层面的研究等方面展开。  相似文献   

At times, consumers are motivated to reduce the influence of a product recommendation on their judgments. Based on previous research, it is unclear whether this correction process will increase or decrease consumers' confidence in their judgments. We find that source credibility moderates the effect of correction on confidence: correction decreases confidence when a product recommendation comes from a high credibility source but increases confidence when the same message comes from a low credibility source. As a result, correction increases the effectiveness of recommendations from low credibility sources on purchase intentions. Notably, this “confidence via correction” effect is further moderated by elaboration, such that the effect is attenuated for high elaboration consumers. Our results have implications for understanding consumers' reactions to persuasive messages and for both marketing practitioners and consumer protection agencies using correction cues to influence message persuasiveness.  相似文献   

This paper explores household pre‐purchase practices and their mediation by information and communications technologies (ICTs), specifically online grocery shopping. Drawing on practice theory, the impacts of ICTs on household grocery shopping behavior are conceptualized, and the concept of “front‐loading” is introduced. Emerging themes generated from 31 semi‐structured interviews conducted via Skype with Turkish consumers focusing on their experiences of online grocery practices are presented. To this end, the contribution of this paper is twofold. First, an understanding of the domestication of online grocery shopping and its affect on the dynamics of household decision making, information sharing, and responsibilities of tasks before the actual act of online shopping is developed. Second, how such pre‐purchase practices undertaken by consumers act as a catalyst of change at the industry level is appraised. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research shows in a series of studies that exposing consumers to functional products evokes the naive theory of popularity, whereas exposing them to self-expressive products induces belief in the naive theory of exclusivity. The research further demonstrates that when the naive theory elicited by product type is matched by the appropriate contextual purchasing cues regarding the interest of others, it results in greater purchase intentions than when those cues are mismatched. The research specifies that the matching effect for functional products is mediated by consumers' perceptions of product quality, whereas mediation for self-expressive products occurs through consumers' self-perceptions regarding the extent to which the product conveys uniqueness. Finally, the research illustrates that an explicit signal of product quality (e.g., a favorable rating in Consumer Reports) attenuates the effect associated with the contextual cues regarding the interest of others.  相似文献   

Companies consider social media‐based consumer engagement behaviors such as sharing, content creation, and reviews for brands as more valuable than “liking” or consuming brand content. Studies show that branded content shared or created by consumers on social media may drive more brand awareness and loyalty than “likes” (Adweek, 2013). Global companies are increasingly focusing their efforts on motivating consumer‐driven content creation (e.g., Coca‐Cola #shareacoke and Apple #ShotoniPhone; Sprout Index, 2018). However, marketing practitioners are only recently beginning to understand social media audiences who engage in such activities (Adweek, 2018). This study posits that human values can be used to identify and segment audiences for social media‐based valuable brand activities. Three online surveys were conducted with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram users (ages 18–34) on Amazon Mechanical Turk (N = 491). The relationship between social media users' values and their reported social media activities was examined. Findings indicate that the human values examined (conservation, self‐enhancement, openness to change and self‐transcendence) are significant drivers of valuable brand‐related social media activities. Companies should address conservation‐driven users in order to elicit brand sharing and creation activities. Companies should target conservation‐driven users for sharing promotions, self‐enhancement‐driven users for sharing informational content and writing of product reviews, and openness to change‐driven users for user‐generated content. Bussinesses should further highlight their corporate social responsibility efforts as a negative relationship is found between users' self‐transcendence values and brand activities. Recommendations are provided on how brandscan address users' values in their social media marketing to motivate sharing of branded content and content creation.  相似文献   

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