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实验采用消失文本范式,操纵注视点上字、词消失单元和呈现时间,探讨字词视觉呈现、字词识别加工对中文阅读眼动过程的影响。结果发现:(1)0 ms延迟时间的消失文本均严重影响总阅读时间,其中单字消失、单词消失与双字消失对阅读效率的影响没有差别;各消失条件都导致较多回视次数;相对于其他消失条件,单字消失和双字消失导致较多的再注视词数。(2)120 ms延迟时间的消失文本均不影响总阅读时间,但会通过取消部分眼跳的方式导致注视持续时间的增加,字消失单元(单字消失和双字消失)迫使读者取消部分词内再注视眼跳。综合两种延迟时间下各消失文本的数据可见,字识别和词汇识别相互影响,词在中文阅读的词内再注视眼跳选择目标环节起到重要作用。  相似文献   

应用EyelinkⅡ眼动仪, 通过两项消失文本实验分别考察了汉语阅读过程中眼跳的目标选择单元以及词汇加工方式。实验一操纵注视点上字和词的呈现方式, 发现中文读者以词为基本单元对注视点及其右侧文本信息进行加工, 且保持词的视知觉完整性对词内再注视眼跳和词间眼跳都有着非常重要的作用; 汉语阅读的眼动模式符合认知控制模型的预测。实验二操纵注视点左侧和右侧单词的呈现与消失, 结果显示在对词n注视持续50~55 ms后词n-1消失将严重影响被试的阅读, 词n+1和词n+2的消失均不影响总阅读时间, 但会导致读者的眼动模式发生改变, 说明中文读者可以并列加工阅读知觉广度内的词汇。  相似文献   

通过眼动随动显示技术操作注视点右侧文字的掩蔽范围和掩蔽单元,考察中文阅读的预视效应和词切分现象。研究包括两项实验。实验一以词为单元掩蔽注视点右侧的文字,发现词 n 右侧文本掩蔽(条件1)、词n+1右侧文本掩蔽(条件2)和词n+1掩蔽(条件3)均显著影响总阅读时间。其中,条件2剥夺了词n+1以右文字的预视加工,同时提供了词n+1的右侧边界线索,结果导致总阅读时间增加,并减少基于单词的平均凝视时间和再注视概率。实验二采用与实验一相同的处理方式,以不提供词边界的双字为单元掩蔽注视点右侧文字,结果发现掩蔽条件对阅读的影响程度甚于实验一,条件2基于词的平均凝视时间显著高于控制条件。综合两个实验的结果可见,中文读者能够切分出注视点右侧的第一个词汇,并以词为单元识别词n和词n+1处的汉字,在注视词n的时间内可加工到词n+2处的文字。  相似文献   

采用两项消失文本实验考察中文阅读中眼跳选择目标的策略问题.实验一操控注视词(词n)上不同位置汉字的呈现与消失情况,结果发现无论单字消失条件(注视字消失、非注视字消失)还是单词消失条件,三种消失条件对再注视概率的影响程度相同,说明词内再注视眼跳选择目标的基本依据单元是整个视觉词汇.实验二操控词n+1处汉字的呈现与消失情况,结果发现只有词n+1消失条件的跳读概率大于控制条件,词n+1消失条件下的相邻词间眼跳数量小于控制条件,词n+1内单个汉字的消失(字n+1消失和字n+2消失)条件都不影响跳读概率和相邻词间眼跳数量,说明相邻词间眼跳选择目标的基本依据单元是汉字.文章进一步讨论了字词加工在眼跳目标选择环节中的作用.  相似文献   

为探讨副中央凹字的加工负荷在预视加工中的作用,选择高、低首字字频的低频双字词作为副中央凹目标词,同时采用边界范式操纵目标词首字的预视类型(包括目标预视和假字预视)。使用眼动仪记录读者的阅读过程。结果在目标词首字与整词上均发现了显著的预视效应,目标预视下的注视时间显著短于假字预视下的注视时间;在目标词的凝视时间和总注视时间上,字频主效应显著,首字低频条件下的注视时间显著长于首字高频条件;但没有发现两因素的交互作用。结果表明副中央凹低频双字词首字字频并不影响预视效应的大小。  相似文献   

研究通过两项消失文本实验考察中文阅读中的词内再注视眼跳和相邻词间眼跳发动的时间进程。实验一操控字/词消失的延迟时间考察词内再注视眼跳发动的时间进程,结果发现,以词为消失单元的消失文本(词n消失)和两项以字为消失单元的消失文本(词n上两个汉字分别消失)随着延迟时间增加,其再注视概率的变化模式不尽相同。实验二考察相邻词间眼跳发动的时间进程发现,以词为消失单元的消失文本(词n+1消失)和两项以字为消失单元的消失文本(词n+1中两个汉字分别消失)随着延迟时间增加,跳读概率的变化模式也不尽相同。综合两个实验结果表明,中文阅读中存在以词和以字为目标选择单元的两种眼跳策略。  相似文献   

本研究采用眼动技术,操纵词类型和熟悉性来探讨汉语新词的词汇化程度。结果发现,新词在眼动早期、晚期加工指标上和词汇词没有显著差异;相比低熟悉新词,高熟悉新词在凝视时间、回视时间及总注视时间上加工时间更短。研究表明部分新词已达到与《现代汉语词典》中词汇词词汇化程度的相同水平,新词与词之间没有严格的界限,熟悉性在新词词汇化过程中起到了主要作用。  相似文献   

图画与中、英文词识别加工的眼动研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
韩玉昌  杨文兵  隋雷 《心理科学》2003,26(3):403-406
以图画、中文词和英文词的一系列变式为实验材料,使用眼动技术采集被试在观察上述材料时的眼动参数。实验结果显示:人眼对图画、中文词和英文词三种材料识别加工的眼动模式不同。在注视时间方面,图画的注视时间最短,英文词的注视时间最长,中文词的注视时间居中;在眼跳距离方面,图画的眼跳距离最大,英文的眼跳距离次之,中文的眼跳距离最小。在反应时方面,人眼对图画的反应时最短,英文词最长,中文词居中。  相似文献   

以初一学生、高一学生和大二学生为被试,利用眼动记录仪,考察中文阅读中的副中央窝-中央窝效应及其发展特征.结果表明:(1)非注视词特性对注视词加工的影响并不存在年龄差异.(2)中文阅读中,非注视词的笔画数和词频特性对注视词加工有影响.在非注视词多笔画数、低频的情况下,注视词的加工受到影响.表明阅读中可以同时进行两个以上的词汇加工.实验结果支持平行加工理论.  相似文献   

在中文阅读中, 预视量是否存在个体差异及其是否受中央凹加工调节, 尚不清楚。本研究采用眼动技术和边界范式, 通过操纵前目标词的加工负荷(高、低)与目标词的预视(相同、假字)来考察快速与慢速读者的中央凹加工对副中央凹预视的影响。结果显示, 中央凹负荷主效应显著; 快速读者对低负荷词的首次和单次注视短于高负荷词, 而慢速读者对两种负荷词的首次和单次注视无差异, 表明快速读者能更快利用词汇特性加工中央凹词汇。预视主效应显著, 即与假字预视相比, 相同预视使两组读者都对目标词的注视更短、向前眼跳更长、跳读率更高; 而且该效应与中央凹负荷没有交互作用。这表明快速读者与慢速读者提取了等量预视, 且不受其中央凹加工的调节。E-Z读者模型和SWIFT模型不能完全解释当前结果。  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the correspondences between off-line word segmentation and on-line segmentation processing during Chinese reading. In Experiment 1, participants were asked to read sentences which contained critical four-character strings, and then, they were required to segment the same sentences into words in a later off-line word segmentation task. For each item, participants were split into 1-word segmenters (who segmented four-character strings as a single word) and 2-word segmenters (who segmented four-character strings as 2 two-character words). Thus, we split participants into two groups (1-word segmenters and 2-word segmenters) according to their off-line segmentation bias. The data analysis showed no reliable group effect on all the measures. In order to avoid the heterogeneity of participants and stimuli in Experiment 1, two groups of participants (1-word segmenters and 2-word segmenters) and three types of critical four-character string (1-word strings, ambiguous strings, and 2-word strings) were identified in a norming study in Experiment 2. Participants were required to read sentences containing these critical strings. There was no reliable group effect in Experiment 2, as was the case in Experiment 1. However, in Experiment 2, participants spent less time and made fewer fixations on 1-word strings compared to ambiguous and 2-word strings. These results indicate that the off-line word segmentation preferences do not necessarily reflect on-line word segmentation processing during Chinese reading and that Chinese readers exhibit flexibility such that word, or multiple constituent, segmentation commitments are made on-line.  相似文献   

采用Eye Link 2000眼动仪,选取60个歧义短语,要求大学生被试阅读包含有歧义短语的句子。句子的呈现设置了四种条件:正常无阴影、词间阴影、歧义阴影和字间阴影,以探讨词边界信息是否影响读者阅读歧义短语时的注视位置效应。结果发现:读者对歧义短语的首次注视位置在四种条件下基本一致;词边界信息影响读者对歧义短语的再注视概率。结果表明,词边界信息对歧义短语的影响主要体现在眼跳行动(即"where")的晚期阶段。  相似文献   

Inhoff AW  Wu C 《Memory & cognition》2005,33(8):1345-1356
Readers of Chinese must generally determine word units in the absence of visually distinct inter-word spaces. In the present study, we examined how a sequence of Chinese characters is parsed into words under these conditions. Eye movements were monitored while participants read sentences with a critical four-character (C1234) sequence. Three partially overlapping character groupings formed legal words in the ambiguous condition (C12, C23, and C34), two of which corresponded to context-consistent words (C12 and C34). Two nonoverlapping groupings corresponded to legal words in the control conditions (C12 and C34). In two experiments, readers spent more time viewing the critical character sequence and its two center characters (C23) in the ambiguous condition. These results argue against the strictly serial assignment of characters to words during the reading of Chinese text.  相似文献   

Research using alphabetic languages shows that, compared to young adults, older adults employ a risky reading strategy in which they are more likely to guess word identities and skip words to compensate for their slower processing of text. However, little is known about how ageing affects reading behaviour for naturally unspaced, logographic languages like Chinese. Accordingly, to assess the generality of age-related changes in reading strategy across different writing systems we undertook an eye movement investigation of adult age differences in Chinese reading. Participants read sentences containing a target word (a single Chinese character) that had a high or low frequency of usage and was constructed from either few or many character strokes, and so either visually simple or complex. Frequency and complexity produced similar patterns of influence for both age groups on skipping rates and fixation times for target words. Both groups therefore demonstrated sensitivity to these manipulations. But compared to the young adults, the older adults made more and longer fixations and more forward and backward eye movements overall. They also fixated the target words for longer, especially when these were visually complex. Crucially, the older adults skipped words less and made shorter progressive saccades. Therefore, in contrast with findings for alphabetic languages, older Chinese readers appear to use a careful reading strategy according to which they move their eyes cautiously along lines of text and skip words infrequently. We propose they use this more careful reading strategy to compensate for increased difficulty processing word boundaries in Chinese.  相似文献   

This study assessed eye movement abnormalities of adolescent dyslexic readers and interpreted the findings by linking the dual-route model of single word reading with the E-Z Reader model of eye movement control during silent sentence reading. A dysfunction of the lexical route was assumed to account for a reduced number of words which received only a single fixation or which were skipped and for the increased number of words with multiple fixations and a marked effect of word length on gaze duration. This pattern was interpreted as a frequent failure of orthographic whole-word recognition (based on orthographic lexicon entries) and on reliance on serial sublexical processing instead. Inefficiency of the lexical route was inferred from prolonged gaze durations for singly fixated words. These findings were related to the E-Z Reader model of eye movement control. Slow activation of word phonology accounted for the low skipping rate of dyslexic readers. Frequent reliance on sublexical decoding was inferred from a tendency to fixate word beginnings and from short forward saccades. Overall, the linkage of the dual-route model of single word reading and a model of eye movement control led to a useful framework for understanding eye movement abnormalities of dyslexic readers.  相似文献   

Older and younger readers read sentences in which target words were masked 40 to 60 ms after fixation onset. Masking only the target word caused more disruption than did masking each word in the sentence, and this effect was stronger for the younger readers than for the older readers. Although older readers had longer eye fixations than did younger readers, the results indicated that the masking effect was comparable for the 2 groups. However, for both groups, how long the eyes remained in place was strongly influenced by the frequency of the fixated word (even though it had been rapidly replaced by the mask and was no longer there when the eyes did move). This is compelling evidence that for both older and younger readers, cognitive/lexical processing has a very strong influence on when the eyes move in reading.  相似文献   

为探讨汉字位置加工是否存在词边界效应,本研究采用掩蔽启动词汇决定任务和眼动追踪技术,通过2个实验考察了跨词边界和词内汉字转置对词汇识别的影响。实验均以四字词和两个双字词为靶子,对中间两个字进行操纵(转置或保持不变)。结果发现:靶子的注视时间(反应时)在跨词边界转置条件显著长于相同条件,在词内转置条件与相同条件差异不显著。结果表明:跨词边界汉字转置干扰词汇识别,汉字位置加工存在词边界效应。词切分的开始时间可能早于汉字位置加工,或二者是同时发生的。  相似文献   

采用EyeLink2000眼动仪,以14名老年人和14名青年人为被试,探讨他们阅读空格汉语文本的注视位置效应.阅读材料分为正常无空格文本和词间空格文本两种.结果发现:(1)在阅读词间空格文本和正常无空格文本时,老年人与青年人都表现出单次注视的首次注视是位于词的中心,多次注视的首次注视是位于词的开头;(2)老年人阅读正常无空格文本时对词尾的注视概率显著低于词间空格文本,而青年人则没有差异.结果表明老年人与青年人在阅读空格文本时存在注视位置效应.  相似文献   

词切分指读者在文本阅读过程中将词从句子或语篇中切分出来以促进文本阅读与加工的过程。本文对近20 年来汉语词切分研究成果总结发现:词间空格、词素特性、词意识、词汇预期均可作为词切分的依据; 汉语阅读存在词n和词n+1两种切分,两种切分过程中字词加工均遵循交互激活假设,切分词n过程中字词加工的交互激活特点表现为字词同等相互影响,切分词n+1过程中字词加工的交互激活特点更多表现为词汇加工影响字加工; 重叠歧义词切分遵循多重激活假设,其中被激活的单词之间的竞争机制符合竞争假设,左侧词汇在这一竞争中具有优势,此外,重叠歧义词的切分受到词频,语境的影响。  相似文献   

摘要:为探讨在无阅读经验时,词切分线索是否促进读者的阅读与词汇识别,本研究操纵了阅读方向、词切分线索与目标词的词频。采用眼动仪记录读者的阅读过程。结果发现:阅读方向与词切分线索的交互作用显著,词切分显著地促进了从右向左呈现文本的阅读,但并不影响阅读从左向右呈现的文本;词切分条件下目标词的注视时间显著地短于无词切分条件。表明词切分线索促进了无阅读经验时的阅读,支持词切分线索的促进与文本不熟悉干扰之间权衡作用的假设。  相似文献   

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