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企业社会责任归因是指个体对企业践行社会责任背后的动机进行主观推理和判断的过程与结果, 也是影响企业社会责任发挥积极作用的关键因素。通过梳理以往研究, 从个体、领导及组织三个层面总结了影响员工企业社会责任归因的因素, 同时从社会交换和组织认同视角深入剖析企业社会责任归因对员工态度和行为的影响及作用机理。未来研究可以进一步明晰不同企业社会责任归因的独特影响因素与作用效果, 基于归因理论探索企业社会责任归因的形成机制, 同时研究多种因素对企业社会责任归因的影响, 考察归因对企业社会责任公平启发机制的影响, 并基于中国情境开展本土化研究。  相似文献   

基于日常经验取向,运用问卷调查的方法,探索自我责任归因与推断的心理结构及其基本特征。对382名被试问卷调查的统计分析结果显示:(1)自我责任归因与推断结构是一种一元单向决定模式,即“责任推断→责任情感→责任行为”。(2)个体倾向于较多地将挫折或失败的原因归咎于可控起因,而较少归因于不可控起因。(3)个体在进行自我责任推断时,可控性程度仅对责任的大小构成影响,并不影响对是否承担责任的推断。(4)在自身应为挫折或失败承担责任时,个体在情感体验上较多自我责备,较少自我同情;在行为反应上,较多积极应对,较少甚至不大会消极应对。  相似文献   

运用情景模拟和角色扮演的方法,研究大学生对网瘾和作弊的责任归因结构及其应对策略。对416名被试的研究结果显示:(1)责任归因的心理结构是一个“责任推断→责任情感→责任行为”的一元结构模式。(2)我国大学生的责任推断过程与维纳的经典理论基本一致,但在行为应对策略上存在一定的文化差异。(3)大学生对网瘾和作弊的责任推断倾向明显并与情感体验基本保持一致,但与行为应对策略存在一定的冲突。(4)大学生在网瘾和作弊的责任推断、情感体验以及应对策略上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

我国民众对SARS信息的风险认知及心理行为   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
采用分层抽样的调查方法,对全国17个城市的4231名市民进行了SARS疫情中风险认知特征和心理行为的研究。结果发现:(1)负性信息,包括患病信息和与自身关系密切的信息,更易引起民众的高风险认知; 正性信息,包括治愈信息和政府防范措施的信息,能降低个体风险认知水平。(2)我国民众5月中旬风险认知因素空间位置分析结果表明, SARS病因处于不熟悉和难以控制一端,“愈后对身体的影响和有无传染性”处于不熟悉一端,这是引起民众风险意识的主要因素。(3)结构方程分析结果表明,SARS疫情信息是通过风险认知对个体的应对行为、心理健康产生影响的, 并初步验证了风险评估、心理紧张度、应对行为和心理健康等指标对于危机事件中民众心理行为的预测作用  相似文献   

突发公共事件的心理健康服务体系的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
突发公共事件的心理应急救助是我国心理健康服务体系的一个重要组成部分.突发公共事件需要心理救助,心理救助也是突发公共事件危机管理的组成部分.严重突发事件的心理健康服务包含事前的准备、应急和善后的完整建构.突发公共事件的心理健康服务的应急预案应包含完善的应急组织管理指挥、系统完整的过程评估、分级分类的响应、强有力的应急救援保障、综合救援的应急队伍.在运作上应该遵循综合预防、协同应对和规范管理三个基本原则.  相似文献   

解读"道德责任"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从理论和历史的角度,对道德责任内涵、道德责任归因、道德责任的前提条件、道德责任的谅解、道德责任冲突的解决进行了分析和探讨.其中道德责任归因理论和责任冲突解决理论具有可操作性和重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

在网络突发事件的产生和传播中, 人们往往更关注负面信息的加工和传递, 存在负性偏向。本研究依据事件酝酿、爆发、蔓延阶段的特征, 构建心理机制模型, 通过3项研究分别检验了信息内容、信息加工和信息传递中负性偏向的产生和发展。结果表明, 负性偏向不仅产生于网络突发事件的源头语篇中, 还产生于个体信息加工和人际信息传递过程, 表现为个体对负性词汇更好的记忆效果及更高的辨别力, 以及网民间对负性信息的选择性传递和对模糊信息的负性解读。研究有利于认识网络突发事件信息传播规律, 科学应对舆情危机, 创新网络治理。  相似文献   

<正>人类社会总是无法避免地发生着各种各样的自然灾害或人为灾祸。这些突如其来的天灾人祸,就是所谓的严重突发事件。如果突发事件给社会公众造成或可能造成健康严重损害的,被称为突发公共卫生事件。2019年底始发的新冠肺炎疫情,在2020年1月30日被世界卫生组织确定为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”。两年多来,疫情侵袭全球,造成5亿多人感染和600多万人病故,对公众生命安全和身体健康带来严重威胁,同时也对公众心理健康造成了显著而持续的负面影响。世卫组织强调,新冠肺炎大流行目前仍是国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。相信在今后相当长的一段时间里,新冠疫情仍然是一个全球性的重大事件,依然会持续影响人们的健康和生活,我们需要了解疫情可能对心理造成的负面影响,并掌握防范和应对之策。  相似文献   

夏扉  叶宝娟 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1386-1391
采用压力性生活事件量表、基本心理需要量表、特质应对方式问卷和烟酒使用问卷对867名青少年进行调查,考察了基本心理需要和积极应对方式、消极应对方式在压力性生活事件与烟酒使用关系中的链式中介效应。结果表明:(1)基本心理需要是压力性生活事件与青少年烟酒使用之间的中介变量;(2)积极应对方式、消极应对方式是基本心理需要与青少年烟酒使用之间的中介变量。因此,基本心理需要和积极应对方式、消极应对方式在压力性生活事件与青少年烟酒使用之间起链式中介作用。研究结论对青少年烟酒使用的预防和干预具有重要价值。  相似文献   

责任的二重性及责任意识的培养——基于心理学的视野   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
责任就是做好分内应做之事,既包括职务客观要求的“应做之事”,也包括个体主观认同的“分内之事”,体现出客观与主观二重性。这一特性决定了责任意识包含对应做之事进行客观认识的“责任认知”与对分内之事进行主观认同的“责任情感”二个方面。培养责任认知可以按照传统的教育方法,但责任情感的培养却需另辟蹊径。该文基于心理学的研究成果,从责任分散效应、责任归因理论与角色扮演理论等出发提出了培养责任意识的几条途径。  相似文献   

补偿性控制理论指出, 当面临控制感的缺乏时, 个体会表现出一种需求秩序的倾向, 即努力寻求客观世界的秩序, 对于具有秩序性、确定性、可预测性的物理或抽象事物表现出偏好与需求, 这种表现被称为补偿性控制。基于突发公共事件常会引发人们控制感暂时的下降, 补偿性控制理论的视角可以用来解释个体在突发公共事件中的一系列典型心理反应。如阴谋论信念、谣言传播、道德争论和非理性囤积, 都可以从补偿性控制与秩序需求的角度来加以理解。未来研究可以更多考虑从补偿性控制的角度探讨突发公共事件中的公众心理反应, 并基于此视角加强理论深化、研究细化和实践干预。  相似文献   

孙世月  张煜 《心理科学进展》2022,30(7):1612-1625
自COVID-19疫情爆发以来,疫情背景下的社交距离保持行为成为了一个受到关注的新兴问题。民众遵守社交限制措施和主动扩大社交距离对遏制呼吸道传染病疫情非常重要,而这些社交距离保持行为受到疫情情境、疫情相关认知和情绪、社会文化背景以及个体心理特质影响。疫情情境方面,疫情严重性与民众报告的社交距离保持行为并非简单的线性相关,可能受到时间进程的调节;社交距离保持行为还存在地区特异性,疫情首发地民众遵守社交距离保持意愿和行为更主动、更持久。其次,疫情相关认知和情绪方面,疫情知识,感知到的疫情风险性、严重性、可控性和主观规范,以及恐惧、担忧等负面情绪均可预测社交距离保持行为。第三,作为社会文化背景的不确定性回避程度、个人主义-集体主义价值观等因素,可能对民众在疫情背景下社交距离保持行为及心理产生直接或间接的影响。最后,个体认知特征中的自我控制、认知需求水平与自我效能感可正向预测社交距离保持行为,显示出社交距离保持行为中需要个体主动努力做出决策的部分;情绪动机特质中的健康风险回避倾向、厌恶敏感性、亲社会动机,社会认知视角下对科学和政府机构的信任,均可影响社交距离保持行为,并且人际信任水平对社交距离保持行为模式时间进程具有调节作用。 上述社交距离保持行为影响因素的研究发现,可基于计划行为理论、保护动机理论和行为免疫系统理论进行解释。其中,计划行为理论和保护动机理论强调个体对行为情境、成本、结果、他人反应的有意识感知、计算等高认知资源需求的活动。而行为免疫系统理论主要强调在传染病威胁下自动化水平的感知和行为改变。三个理论从有意识加工和自动化加工两个层面共同支持疫情背景下社交距离保持行为存在威胁管理机制,是目前社交距离保持行为领域最受关注的研究方向。其次,保护动机理论所强调的应对评估、计划行为理论中的知觉行为控制要素,以及近期研究所发现的自我效能感、自我控制、认知需求水平对社交距离保持行为的预测,均提示可能还存在独立于威胁管理机制之外的自我效能感机制影响社交距离保持行为。最后,计划行为理论所强调的主观规范要素有利于解释社会文化背景及亲社会动机、社会信任等因素的影响,结合近期有关疫情污名化和社会分类相关研究进展,我们提出,疫情背景下的社交距离保持行为可能还受到社会认同机制的影响,整合社会认同理论和计划行为理论,有助于更综合地体现个体与群体、理性和非理性因素的作用。未来研究应进一步考察情绪认知过程及其与社会文化背景和个体心理特质的交互作用,构建双系统模型,例如基于熟虑-冲动双系统模型,整合社会认同理论和计划行为理论,结合追踪及实验研究,明确各影响因素之间的因果关系,检验疫情背景下社交距离保持行为的内在机制。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has been shown to induce several psychological consequences (e.g., increases in anxiety and stress). Accordingly, it seems relevant to investigate how individuals cope with their emotions. Indeed, when facing negative emotions, individuals need to rely on adaptive emotion regulation strategies to alleviate their negative impacts (e.g., decrease in quality of life, increase in sleep disturbances). Moreover, lockdown’s measures led to a restriction of the access to activities which, in turn, might have decreased the “environmental satisfaction”. Then, this research investigates the pandemic’s psychological impacts on emotions and regulation strategies, intolerance of uncertainty, and environmental satisfaction. Our approach’s originality relies on comparing one’s actual psychological functioning (i.e., since the pandemic) to one’s general psychological functioning (i.e., before the pandemic). This study also assesses the relationships between both negative and positive emotions and (1) emotion regulation strategies, (2) intolerance of uncertainty and, (3) environmental satisfaction since the pandemic and its lockdown. The total sample comprised 948 adults from the general population. Results show that, since the pandemic, individuals experience higher levels of negative emotions, lower levels of positive emotions and environmental satisfaction. They also tend to worry less and to resort to acceptance more often. Also, environmental satisfaction is the most important predictor of both negative emotions and positive ones. Overall, findings confirm previous ones and seem to indicate that environmental satisfaction should be addressed more thoroughly.  相似文献   

为探讨地方政府政策执行偏差严重程度对公众地方政府责任判断的影响机制。采用问卷法对728名社会公众进行调查,结果显示:(1)公众地方政府有意性判断和公众地方政府可控归因中介了政策执行偏差严重程度与公众地方政府责任判断之间的关系。(2)政策执行偏差严重程度还通过公众地方政府有意性判断→公众地方政府可控归因的中介链作用于公众地方政府道德责任判断。并对研究的实践启示进行了讨论。  相似文献   

规范错觉是指个体的规范感知与实际存在于群体中的社会规范之间存在差异, 规范错觉影响了社会生活的方方面面。对957份问卷调查的分析显示, 人们普遍高估了他人的食物浪费(行为错觉)以及对浪费的赞同程度(态度错觉), 而这两种错觉又加剧了人们自身的浪费行为。中介效应检验显示, 印象管理中的社交性维度部分中介了两种错觉与浪费行为间的关系。两个随机对照实验进一步检验了描述性(命令性)规范信息对行为(态度)错觉的影响, 结果发现, 描述性规范信息降低了行为错觉, 并通过社交性减少了浪费行为; 而命令性规范信息并不改变态度错觉本身, 但通过降低态度错觉对浪费的影响而减少了浪费行为。上述结果意味着两种规范信息尽管高度相似, 但其作用机制却可能不同, 同时这一发现也为政策制定者提出了两种干预途径。  相似文献   


Background and Objectives: Research demonstrates that the experience of cancer invariably violates patients’ meaning structures, prompting them to use coping strategies to alleviate stress and enhance well-being. The current study aimed to examine the mediating effects of coping strategies in the relationship between global and situational meaning and psychological well-being in gastric cancer patients.

Design and Method: One hundred eighty-seven patients (96 women and 91 men) with gastric cancer completed questionnaires measuring meaning in life, changes of beliefs and goals, coping, and psychological well-being. Participants were between 27 and 82 years of age. They were diagnosed with gastric cancer from 1 to 3.2 years ago. Using Structural Equation Modeling, both the direct and indirect associations between meaning structures, coping, and psychological well-being were examined.

Results: Meaning in life exerted significant indirect effects on psychological well-being through three coping strategies: problem-, emotion-, and meaning-focused. The relationship between changes of beliefs and goals and psychological well-being was also mediated by coping.

Conclusions: Findings suggest that coping strategies are mediators in the relationship between global and situational meaning and psychological well-being. They also provide empirical evidence that in severe cancer-related stress conditions both meaning structures and coping strategies influence patients’ psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Certain coping strategies alleviate stress and promote positive psychological outcomes, whereas others exacerbate stress and promote negative psychological outcomes. However, the efficacy of any given coping strategy may also depend on personal resiliency. This study examined whether personal resiliency moderated the effects of task-oriented, avoidance-oriented, and emotion-oriented coping strategies on measures of depression, anxiety, stress, positive affect, negative affect, and satisfaction with life. Results (N = 424 undergraduates) showed higher personal resiliency was associated with greater use of task-oriented coping strategies, which were in turn associated with more adaptive outcomes, and less reliance on nonconstructive emotion-oriented strategies, which in turn were associated with poorer psychological outcomes. In addition, individual differences in personal resiliency moderated the effects of task-oriented coping on negative affect and of emotion-oriented coping on negative affect and depression. Specifically, proactive task-oriented coping was associated with greater negative affect for people lower in personal resiliency. Moreover, high personal resiliency attenuated the negative effects of emotion-oriented coping on depression and negative affect. The effects of avoidance-oriented coping were mixed and were not associated with or dependent on levels of personal resiliency.  相似文献   

The present article is a comparative case study that explores the manifestations of psychological distress of two types of narcissistic organizational leaders. More specifically, the aim of this case study is to check for possible differences between a grandiose narcissistic leader and a vulnerable narcissistic leader in relation to three main variables associated with the manifestation of psychological distress. These variables are: trigger factors, the modulation of negative emotional reactions, the presence of early maladaptive schemas and the use of dysfunctional coping strategies. The results obtained indicate that the manifestation of psychological distress by the grandiose narcissistic leader varies in certain respects from that of the vulnerable narcissistic leader. Indeed, the psychological distress manifested by the grandiose narcissistic leader is mainly characterized by anxiety and cognitive problems. Moreover, his psychological distress appears to be accompanied by a fear of public achievement failure and the partial use of two types of dysfunctional coping strategies – self-aggrandizement with reference to ostentation and self-softening underpinned by social withdrawal. With regard to the psychological distress of the vulnerable narcissistic leader, it is essentially characterized by a profound sense of depression and irritability. Moreover, it is associated with a fear of public interpersonal rejection; the internalization of negative emotions (feelings of guilt, self-criticism and feelings of worthlessness); and the partial use of two types of dysfunctional coping strategies – self-softening underpinned by social withdrawal and self-aggrandizement with reference to ostentation.  相似文献   

Coping with job stress and burnout in the human services   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mail survey of 141 human service workers investigated the effects of coping on psychological strain and "burnout" produced by job stress. The survey assessed job stressors and coping strategies with open-ended questions and measured strain using closed-ended alienation, satisfaction, and symptom scales. Because previous research suggested that individual coping responses do not alleviate strain produced by job stress, the survey elicited information on group coping (social support) and on coping strategies initiated by agencies. Job stress was associated with high levels of strain, and group coping with low levels, but individual responses had little effect. Although workers identified many strategies that agencies could use to reduce stress and strain, actual use of such strategies was slight. Because men and women worked in the same jobs, no sex differences in individual coping were predicted and none were found; women, however, reported more social support than men. There was no evidence for moderating (interaction) effects of stress and coping on strain.  相似文献   

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