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词频效应指语言产生中人们对高频词汇的加工比低频词汇更快更准确的一种现象, 它可能发生在语言产生中的不同阶段。对青年人和老年人词频效应的不同特点和加工机制进行比较, 可以考察语言产生的认知老化机制。通过语言产生理论可对词频效应的老化进行预测, 提出词频效应在个体发展和老化阶段的相对稳定性, 分析老化导致词频效应相关的神经基础和加工时间进程的改变。未来研究可进一步分离词频效应与习得年龄效应对语言产生老化的影响, 并扩展至神经退行性疾病患者中。  相似文献   

在阅读时,读者可以获取副中央凹处的词汇信息,副中央凹加工是构成流畅阅读的重要因素。本研究从儿童语言发展的角度,通过3个实验(共534名被试),考察了汉语视觉字词加工中2~5年级学生的字形、语音、语义预视效应。结果发现:(1)2~5年级小学生均有字形预视效应;(2)2、3年级学生没有语音预视效应,4、5年级学生有此效应;(3)2年级学生没有语义预视效应,3、4、5年级学生有此效应。这表明,低水平的视觉信息—字形信息在儿童副中央凹加工中一直稳定地发挥作用;高水平的语言信息—语音和语义信息,随着儿童年级的升高和阅读技能的提升,逐渐地在儿童的副中央凹加工中发挥作用。儿童对汉字各类型信息的获取与使用的发展模式不同于拼音文字阅读发展理论的预测。  相似文献   

高晓雷  李晓伟  孙敏  白学军  高蕾 《心理学报》2020,52(10):1143-1155
在不同语言文字系统中, 对于眼动控制的本质及其发生机制, 尤其是阅读过程中注意资源的分配是序列分布还是平行分布的问题, 目前仍然存在着争论和分歧。藏语是拼音文字, 但它同时又具有汉语的特点, 独具语言特色。因此, 通过对藏语阅读过程中中央凹词频对副中央凹预视效应影响这一问题的探讨, 可以在一种已有研究未曾涉及的文字系统中进一步推动上述争议的解决。本研究采用眼动记录法, 设计了两个实验。实验1操纵了中央凹词频(高频、低频), 考察藏语阅读中中央凹词的词频效应及词频延迟效应, 结果发现, 藏语阅读中存在词频效应及词频延迟效应。实验2同时操纵中央凹词频和副中央凹预视词类型, 借助边界范式, 考察藏语阅读中副中央凹预视效应及中央凹词频对副中央凹预视效应的影响, 结果发现, 藏语阅读中存在副中央凹预视效应, 且与低频中央凹词相比, 高频中央凹词对副中央凹预视效应的促进作用更大。两个实验结果表明:(1)藏语阅读中存在显著的词频效应, 且表现在词汇加工的整个过程; (2)藏语阅读中存在显著的词频延迟效应, 并贯穿于词汇加工的整个过程; (3)藏语阅读中存在显著的副中央凹预视效应, 读者能通过副中央凹预视提取到语音和字形信息。藏语阅读中中央凹词频影响副中央凹预视效应的大小, 且词频只在词汇加工的早期对形的预视信息的提取产生影响, 即在形似预视条件下高频词的预视效应更大; (4)本研究发现的词频延迟效应及副中央凹预视效应, 支持了E-Z读者模型中有关副中央凹序列加工的观点。  相似文献   

拼音文字阅读的眼动研究发现,老年人会采取一种“风险”阅读策略来弥补因视力和认知的自然老化所造成的阅读困难。本研究通过控制字间空格的大小对青年人和老年人汉语阅读过程的眼动模式进行了比较,结果发现,相比青年人,老年人读得更慢,有更长的注视时间和更多的回视,这些研究结果与拼音文字一致;但更为重要的发现是,相比青年人,老年人有更短的向前眼跳距离,缩小汉语字间空格给老年人阅读造成了更为显著的困难,但扩大字间空格两组被试表现出相似的阅读眼动模式。结果说明,汉语阅读中老年人并不使用拼音文字研究中发现的“风险”阅读策略,反而采用了更为谨慎的策略,原因可能在于,作为拼音文字阅读中的重要视觉线索,空格是影响两种语言下老年人阅读加工策略不同的重要因素。  相似文献   

在口语词汇产生过程中,音节频率效应(syllablefrequencyeffect)指的是高频音节相对于低频音节的加工优势。综述了言语产生过程中音节频率效应的表现形式和理论基础,从影响因素、发生阶段和神经机制等角度阐述了印欧语系和汉语中音节频率效应的跨语言差异。基于口语产生的理论模型和合适单元假说,结合不同语言的固有特性,分析了音节频率效应存在跨语言差异的原因,提出了一个有关汉语口语词汇产生中音节作用机制的模型,为音节在汉语和字母语言口语产生过程中的作用提供了新的视角。未来应进一步探究音节频率的两种测量方式对音节频率效应产生影响的具体机制,加强对汉语口语词汇产生中音节频率效应的考察,利用多种实验技术和范式深入探讨言语产生过程中音节加工的跨语言差异。  相似文献   

20世纪, 许多心理学家从“厄运与苦难”视角研究人晚年遭遇的身体、认知和情绪衰老, 但是近年的理论与实证研究从“老化悖论”——老年人情绪加工的积极效应——视角挑战这一“定论”。积极效应指老年人认知加工过程中比年轻人更偏好正性而非负性材料的现象。第二代社会情绪选择理论包括积极效应理论、认知控制假说和强弱整合模型3个关于认知和情绪功能年龄差异的理论模型, 特别强调了认知控制在老年人积极情绪加工中的潜在作用, 而自动化加工与控制性加工的区分则取决于注意资源配置。因此, 认知控制在老年人对积极情绪的注意加工中起重要作用。此外, 注意偏向的时间进程也是影响老年人情绪注意中积极效应的关键因素。最后, 综合以往研究构建出认知控制对老年人积极效应发生作用的注意阶段模型。未来研究可从中国老年人情绪注意加工模式、不同认知控制子成分的作用机制、提高研究生态学效度和注意的治疗品质几个方面继续探索。  相似文献   

于文勃  梁丹丹 《心理科学进展》2018,26(10):1765-1774
词是语言的基本结构单位, 对词语进行切分是语言加工的重要步骤。口语语流中的切分线索来自于语音、语义和语法三个方面。语音线索包括概率信息、音位配列规则和韵律信息, 韵律信息中还包括词重音、时长和音高等内容, 这些线索的使用在接触语言的早期阶段就逐渐被个体所掌握, 而且在不同的语言背景下有一定的特异性。语法和语义线索属于较高级的线索机制, 主要作用于词语切分过程的后期。后续研究应从语言的毕生发展和语言的特异性两个方面考察口语语言加工中的词语切分线索。  相似文献   

智慧是个体在其人生经历中习得的一种德才一体的综合心理素质, 是成功老龄化的重要标志和毕生发展的理想终点。研究发现, 三维智慧量表、自我评估智慧量表、成人自我超越问卷等自陈式测量和柏林智慧范式、智慧推理等表现式测量对老年人智慧评估具有良好性能; 老年人智慧发展受到开放性、自我反思、情绪调节、人格成长等内在因素以及受教育程度、关键生活经历、社会环境等外在因素的交互影响; 毕生发展的智慧为老年人带来更高主观幸福感、生活满意度以及更少社会疏离感、孤独感和抑郁。未来应该开发多测度、整合的老年人智慧测评工具; 深入揭示老年人智慧的预测因素、影响后效及其内部作用机制; 进一步探索社区养老服务中老年人智慧的干预与培育策略。  相似文献   

本研究采用"视空间和言语交替"任务范式分离言语工作记忆的加工和储存两个成分,分别探讨了英语工作记忆的加工和储存成分对我国中学生英语阅读理解的作用及其途径,以及汉语工作记忆的加工和储存成分对中学生英语阅读理解是否具有跨语言影响。98名初中二年级学生完成了一般认知能力、英语阅读理解、汉语和英语工作记忆任务。结果表明:(1)英语工作记忆的加工和储存成分对英语阅读理解均有显著的独立预测作用;(2)英语工作记忆的储存成分对英语阅读理解的作用部分是由加工成分引起的;(3)汉语工作记忆的加工成分对英语阅读理解没有显著的直接预测作用,但却以英语工作记忆的加工成分为中介间接作用于英语阅读理解;汉语工作记忆的储存成分对英语阅读理解没有显著的预测作用。可见,言语工作记忆是一个多成分系统,加工和储存两个成分是相对分离的,并且它们具有不同的跨语言特性,加工存在跨语言一般性,而储存则具有语言特异性。  相似文献   

语言能力的衰退是由于一般认知能力衰退引起的, 还是由于语言加工系统的衰退引起的, 抑或是两者的共同作用?研究中测量了青年组和老年组的一般认知能力(加工速度、工作记忆和抑制能力), 以及在词汇、句子和语篇三个水平上的语言理解能力和语言产生能力。结果发现, 一般认知能力、语言理解和语言产生能力都存在年老化现象。分层回归分析表明, 一般认知能力对语言能力的贡献, 以及语言理解能力和产生能力之间的相互贡献在青年组和老年组中是不同的, 且存在词汇、句子和语篇水平上的差异。在词汇水平上, 青年人的成绩能够被一般认知能力和另一种语言能力所显著预测, 而老年人的成绩却不受一般认知因素影响; 在句子水平上, 青年人的成绩仍能被一般认知能力或另一种语言能力所解释, 但这两类变量都无法预测老年人的任务成绩; 在语篇水平上, 青年人理解任务的成绩显著地受到产生能力影响, 而老年人的理解和产生任务成绩则分别可以被一般认知能力和语言理解能力所解释。对组间差异的回归分析表明, 一般认知能力和另一种语言能力对组间差异都有显著贡献, 且前者的贡献大于后者。上述研究结果表明, 语言能力的老化是语言特异性因素和非特异性因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

拼音文字文本阅读研究发现,同青年人相比,老年人在阅读过程中有更多的跳读发生、向前眼跳幅度更长、回视次数更多。基于这些研究结果,研究者提出了老年人阅读的“风险阅读”策略。为探究在中文阅读过程中老年人的加工特点以及与拼音文字阅读的策略异同,实验采用镜像和正常两种方式呈现文本进行了考察。结果发现,在中文阅读过程中,相较于青年人,老年人的跳读率更低,向前眼跳幅度更小,采用的是一种更为谨慎的阅读策略。在镜像呈现的条件下,老年人与青年人之间的跳读率没有显著差异,在正常呈现的条件下,老年人的跳读率显著低于青年,表明在汉语阅读中老年人采取更加谨慎的阅读策略与其副中央凹加工能力下降,以及汉语与拼音文字两种不同书写系统的基本属性有关。  相似文献   

Young and older adults read a series of passages of 3 different genres for an immediate assessment of text memory (measured by recall and true/false questions). Word-by-word reading times were measured and decomposed into components reflecting resource allocation to particular linguistic processes using regression. Allocation to word and textbase processes showed some consistency across the 3 text types and was predictive of memory performance. Older adults allocated more time to word and textbase processes than the young adults did but showed enhanced contextual facilitation. Structural equation modeling showed that greater resource allocation to word processes was required among readers with relatively low working memory spans and poorer verbal ability and that greater resource allocation to textbase processes was engendered by higher verbal ability. Results are discussed in terms of a model of self-regulated language processing suggesting that older readers may compensate for processing deficiencies through greater reliance on discourse context and on increases in resource allocation that are enabled through growth in crystallized ability.  相似文献   

An eye-movement-contingent display change technique was employed to study whether adult readers extract semantic information from parafoveal words during reading. Three types of parafoveal preview conditions were contrasted: an emotional word, a neutral word, and an identical word condition. To have a maximally effective parafoveal manipulation, high-arousal emotional words (sex- and threat-related and curse words) were used as parafoveal previews. Readers' eye fixation patterns around the target word revealed no evidence for parafoveal semantic processing. Furthermore, the pupil size showed no signs for an emotional response triggered by an emotional word previewed parafoveally. These results are consistent with the view that, as a rule, only the fixated word is processed to a semantic level during reading.  相似文献   

Controversy exists as to whether, compared to young adults, older adults are more, equally or less likely to make linguistic predictions while reading. While previous studies have examined age effects on the prediction of upcoming words, the prediction of upcoming syntactic structures has been largely unexplored. We compared the benefit that young and older readers gain when the syntactic structure is made predictable, as well as potential age differences in the costs involved in making predictions. In a self-paced reading study, 60 young and 60 older adults read sentences in which noun-phrase coordination (e.g. large pizza or tasty calzone) is made predictable through the inclusion of the word either earlier in the sentence. Results showed a benefit of the presence of either in the second half of the coordination phrase, and a cost of the presence of either in the first half. We observed no age differences in the benefit or costs of making these predictions; Bayes factor analyses offered strong evidence that these effects are age invariant. Together, these findings suggest that both older and younger adults make similar strength syntactic predictions with a similar level of difficulty. We relate this age invariance in syntactic prediction to specific aspects of the ageing process.  相似文献   

研究包含两项实验考察中文阅读中的词切分是否受年老化影响。发现如下结果:(1)实验一显示,静态提示词汇正确边界(词间空格和词阴影条件)消极影响青年组总阅读时间的程度大于其对老年组的影响,静态提示词汇错误边界(非词空格)消极影响老年组总阅读时间的程度大于其对青年组的影响。(2)实验二显示,动态提示词汇正确边界(提示词n+1边界和提示词n边界)积极影响老年组总阅读时间的程度大于其对青年组的影响。(3)在眼动数据上,两项实验均发现呈现条件与组别交互影响凝视时间和跳读概率。总的来说,提示词汇(正确/错误)边界影响老年组句子阅读时间/眼动过程的模式不同于其对青年组的影响,说明中文阅读中的切词会受到年老化的影响。  相似文献   

副中央凹预视效应指当读者正注视某个词(即位于中央凹的词n)时, 可以获得词n右侧词(即位于副中央凹词n+1或词n+2)的部分信息。在阅读过程中读者能否从副中央凹预视到信息, 会直接影响他们的阅读效率。因此, 探讨阅读过程中的副中央凹预视效应产生的条件、影响因素及机制, 成为阅读心理学需要解决的基本问题之一。本文系统总结了中外文阅读过程中副中央凹预视效应的研究进展, 包括副中央凹预视效应的研究范式, 中外文阅读过程中副中央凹预视的信息类型、不同类型信息预视加工的时间进程, 以及空间上获得预视信息的范围。最后提出中文阅读过程中副中央凹预视研究需要解决的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

This study examined the role of words viewed in the parafoveal region during reading. In contrast to previous work, the present experiments used a reading-aloud paradigm that was postulated to encourage letter-to-sound processing, as is typical for beginning readers and for skilled readers who are reading difficult material. The three experiments in this study examined the role of orthographic and semantic information in the parafoveal region on the processing of a word in the foveal region. For this, two words, one in the foveal region and the other in the parafoveal region, were presented side by side to resemble normal reading. Participants were instructed to read aloud the word on the left side, ignoring the word on the right side. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that the presence of a word in the parafoveal region slowed naming of target words, and that this delay was attributable to linguistic interference. This pattern indicates that the information in the parafoveal region affect the processing of the target. Experiment 3 showed an effect of parafoveal semantic information on processing of the target word. In sum the results of the current study suggest that information in the parafoveal region appears to be linguistically processed but to a weaker degree than the focused word. In sum, the results of the experiments in the current study indicate that the influence of parafoveal information is quite lexical and semantic information in the parafoveal region affects processing of the target in the foveal region.  相似文献   

在中文阅读中, 预视量是否存在个体差异及其是否受中央凹加工调节, 尚不清楚。本研究采用眼动技术和边界范式, 通过操纵前目标词的加工负荷(高、低)与目标词的预视(相同、假字)来考察快速与慢速读者的中央凹加工对副中央凹预视的影响。结果显示, 中央凹负荷主效应显著; 快速读者对低负荷词的首次和单次注视短于高负荷词, 而慢速读者对两种负荷词的首次和单次注视无差异, 表明快速读者能更快利用词汇特性加工中央凹词汇。预视主效应显著, 即与假字预视相比, 相同预视使两组读者都对目标词的注视更短、向前眼跳更长、跳读率更高; 而且该效应与中央凹负荷没有交互作用。这表明快速读者与慢速读者提取了等量预视, 且不受其中央凹加工的调节。E-Z读者模型和SWIFT模型不能完全解释当前结果。  相似文献   

Following up on research suggesting an age-related reduction in the rightward extent of the perceptual span during reading (Rayner, Castelhano, & Yang, 2009), we compared old and young adults in an N + 2-boundary paradigm in which a nonword preview of word N + 2 or word N + 2 itself is replaced by the target word once the eyes cross an invisible boundary located after word N. The intermediate word N + 1 was always three letters long. Gaze durations on word N + 2 were significantly shorter for identical than nonword N + 2 preview both for young and for old adults, with no significant difference in this preview benefit. Young adults, however, did modulate their gaze duration on word N more strongly than old adults in response to the difficulty of the parafoveal word N + 1. Taken together, the results suggest a dissociation of preview benefit and parafoveal-on-foveal effect. Results are discussed in terms of age-related decline in resilience towards distributed processing while simultaneously preserving the ability to integrate parafoveal information into foveal processing. As such, the present results relate to proposals of regulatory compensation strategies older adults use to secure an overall reading speed very similar to that of young adults.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the degree to which semantic-integration processes ("wrap-up") during sentence understanding demand attentional resources by examining the effects of clause and sentence wrap-up on the parafoveal preview benefit (PPB) in younger and older adults. The PPB is defined as facilitation in processing word N + 1, based on information extracted while the eyes are fixated on word N, and is known to be reduced by processing difficulty at word N. Participants read passages in which word N occurred in a sentence-internal, clause-final, or sentence-final position, and a gaze-contingent boundary-change paradigm was used to manipulate the information available in parafoveal vision for word N + 1. Wrap-up effects were found on word N for both younger and older adults. Early-pass measures (first-fixation duration and single-fixation duration) of the PPB on word N + 1 were reduced by clause wrap-up and sentence wrap-up on word N, with similar effects for younger and older adults. However, for intermediate (gaze duration) and later-pass measures (regression-path duration, and selective regression-path duration), sentence wrap-up (but not clause wrap-up) on word N differentially reduced the PPB of word N + 1 for older adults. These findings suggest that wrap-up is demanding and may be less efficient with advancing age, resulting in a greater cognitive processing load for older readers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

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