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Pjrek E  Winkler D  Kasper S 《CNS spectrums》2005,10(8):664-9; quiz 672
Seasonal affective disorder is a common variant of recurrent major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. Treatment with bright artificial light has been found to be effective in this condition. However, for patients who do not respond to light therapy or those who lack compliance, conventional drug treatment with antidepressants also has been proposed. Substances with selective serotonergic or noradrenergic mechanisms should be preferred over older antidepressants. Although there are a number of open and controlled studies evaluating different compounds, these studies were often limited by relatively small sample sizes. Furthermore, there are no studies specifically addressing bipolar seasonal depression. This article will review the published literature on pharmacotherapy of seasonal affective disorder.  相似文献   

Research examining dysfunctional attitudes in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has produced contrasting results. The present study sought to resolve this contradiction by addressing some methodological problems of the previous studies. The study examined dysfunctional attitudes using the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS) in individuals with SAD and never-depressed controls. The SAD group were tested both when depressed in the winter (Time 1) and during their remission period (Time 2). At Time 1 the SAD group displayed a relatively elevated DAS compared to controls and to their Time 2 scores. These data therefore provide potential support for a view that SAD is characterized by underlying dysfunctional attitudes.  相似文献   

Magnusson A  Partonen T 《CNS spectrums》2005,10(8):625-34; quiz 1-14
The operational criteria for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have undergone several changes since first proposed in 1984. SAD is currently included as a specifier of either bipolar or recurrent major depressive disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition has provisional diagnostic criteria for SAD. The most characteristic quality of SAD is that the symptoms usually present during winter and remit in the spring. Furthermore, the symptoms tend to remit when the patients are exposed to daylight or bright light therapy. The cognitive and emotional symptoms are as in other types of depression but the vegetative symptoms are the reverse of classic depressive vegetative symptoms, namely increased sleep and increased appetite. SAD is a common condition, but the exact prevalence rates vary between different studies and countries and is consistently found to be more common in women and in youth. SAD probably possibly occurs in children although not as commonly as in young adults. Some studies have found that certain ethnic groups who live at high northern latitudes may have adapted to the long arctic winter.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory was examined in participants with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In Experiment 1, participants with SAD performed an autobiographical memory task (AMT) in the winter, when depressed. The AMT required participants to generate autobiographical memories to positive and negative cue words. Symptom levels were reassessed in the summer, when participants were remitted. The number of overly general memories to positive cues generated when the SAD participants were depressed predicted symptom levels when remitted, over and above initial symptom levels, with greater winter overgenerality being associated with high levels of summer symptoms. However, this was dependent on the exact measure of depressive symptoms used. The degree of overgenerality of memories in SAD participants was further investigated in Experiment 2. Results revealed that SAD participants did not show elevated recall of overgeneral memories relative to controls. The results as a whole indicate that, even when levels of general memories are no greater in a given target group than in controls, the absolute level of general memories to positive cue words is still independently related to symptom outcome.  相似文献   

Anticipation refers to the increase in disease severity or decrease in age of onset in successive generations. The concept evolved from the theories and dogma of degeneration that were pervasive in psychiatry and medicine in the late 19th century and into the early 20th century. The term was set aside with the criticism of geneticist Lionel Penrose, who argued that anticipation was the result of ascertainment biases. The renewed interest in anticipation followed the identification of its molecular genetic basis in the form of unstable trinucleotide repeats. Subsequently, several diseases have been studied clinically for the presence of anticipation. Although anticipation has been identified in many diseases, including bipolar disorder, only diseases showing a pattern of progressive neurodegeneration have been associated with unstable trinucleotide repeats. This review summarizes the research on anticipation in bipolar disorder and other secular trends in the patterns of the illness such as the cohort effect. The changing nature of bipolar disorder is likely to be a result of combined influences from several genes, some of which are likely to be in a state of flux, as well as environmental or cultural forces that converge to give the clinical picture of anticipation.  相似文献   

The social adjustment of the adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar affective disorder (n=41) was compared to that of the offspring of parents with nonaffective psychiatric disorders (n=22) and the offspring of normal controls (n=26). In addition, the relationship between social adjustment and cyclothymia in offspring was determined. Social adjustment was assessed using the Life Activities Inventory, a new measure developed to assess social functioning in adolescents and young adults. Cyclothymia was assessed with the General Behavior Inventory. As a group, the offspring of bipolar parents did not differ significantly from either control group on social adjustment. However, the cyclothymic offspring of bipolar parents exhibited significantly poorer social adjustment than the noncyclothymic offspring of bipolars and the offspring of psychiatric and normal controls. These findings suggest that poor social functioning in the adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar illness may be associated with the early manifestations of affective disorder. In addition, these data indicate that despite its subsyndromal intensity, cyclothymia can result in significant social impairment.This study was supported in part by National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Research Grant MH-39782 to Daniel N. Klein and NIMH Grants MH-33083 and MH-37195 to Richard A. Depue.  相似文献   

The diagnostic accuracy of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) computer reports was assessed for the sample of 48 patients reliably identified as having bipolar affective disorder. Only 13 of the 48 reports were accurate in classifying the patients as having bipolar affective disorder, and this was significantly (p < .01) less than 50% of the cases. The diagnostic accuracy clearly left much to be desired. Additional research is needed to assess the validity of MCMI diagnostic suggestions for other patient groups.  相似文献   

Temporal fluctuations in self-esteem and affect are prominent features of several clinical conditions (e.g., depression), but there is an absence of empirical work examining their role in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals who experience large fluctuations in self-evaluations and affect are considered more vulnerable to psychopathology than individuals able to adequately modulate their self-image and emotional responses. We examined the relevance of self-esteem and affective instability to PTSD. Veterans with and without PTSD completed 14 daily ratings of self-esteem, positive affect, negative affect, and gratitude. Compared to veterans without PTSD, veterans with PTSD exhibited more temporal fluctuations in self-esteem, negative affect, and gratitude, with a smaller effect for positive affect. For all veterans, self-esteem and negative affective instability was associated with diminished well-being. Except for self-esteem instability, most findings were substantially reduced after accounting for variance attributable to PTSD diagnoses and mean intensity levels over the 14-day monitoring period. These data suggest self-esteem instability is important in understanding the lives of veterans with and without PTSD.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to compliment previous studies identifying negative states present in borderline personality disorder (BPD) by investigating the presence of positive affective and cognitive states. Ninety-six patients with criteria-defined borderline personality disorder and 24 axis II comparison participants completed the Positive Affect Scale, a 50-item self-report measure designed to assess positive states thought to be characteristic of and discriminating for BPD. Seventeen positive states (4 affective, 10 cognitive, and 3 mixed) were found to be significantly more common among axis II comparison participants than borderline patients. Twelve of these states were common to both borderline patients and axis II comparison participants. Furthermore, four positive states, when co-occurring together, were particularly strongly associated with borderline personality disorder (three negatively and one positively): (a) Fond of myself, (b) That things around me are real, (c) That I've forgiven others, and (d) Assertive. Finally, the overall mean score on the PAS significantly distinguished patients with borderline personality disorder from axis II comparison participants. Taken together, these results suggest that borderline patients are far less likely to report experiencing positive states of an affective, cognitive, and mixed nature than axis II comparison participants. They also suggest that being assertive is a positive state particularly discriminating for borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   

The historical development of the concept of catatonia in affective disorders and contemporary papers on this topic are reviewed. In addition, data from a current study on the frequency of catatonia in mixed mania are reported. Differences between catatonic and noncatatonic patients with mixed mania are presented and their relevance to clinical practice is discussed.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological investigations have suggested a contribution of right hemisphere dysfunction in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Right hemisphere dysfunction has been implicated in deficits of attention, motor impersistence, and processing emotion-laden stimuli. The current study investigated the ability of ADHD children to perceive emotional stimuli in the form of facial expressions and speech intonation. The subjects consisted of 37 ADHD and 37 control children aged 7 to 12 years. ANCOVA analysis indicated that ADHD children demonstrate mild-to-moderate deficits in the perception of affect. Furthermore, deficits in attention may contribute to inaccurate or incomplete encoding of stimulus properties. The results lend tentative support for the notion that the right cerebral hemisphere may play a critical role in ADHD.  相似文献   

This paper asserts that, contrary to the beliefs of many clinicians, patients with bipolar affective disorder often experience a deteriorating course characterized by pervasive social dysfunction. It reviews the literature, identifying a rationale for group psychotherapy as an adjunct to medication in the management of these chronic patients. It outlines a theoretical approach to bipolar group therapy, and presents a retrospective study comparing the course of 43 lithium-treated bipolar patients before and after entering bipolar groups. During the year in group therapy, bipolar patients displayed significant improvements in symptom relief as well as social functioning. It is proposed that group process enhances treatment with medication, providing benefits not evident with medication alone.  相似文献   

Symptoms evoked in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when processing trauma‐relevant material arguably impair higher order cognitive functions. An example is working memory capacity (WMC), which has been shown to be disrupted by affective distractors. However, it is unknown whether this association varies across different types of PTSD symptoms. This study explored the association between WMC performed in affective (relative to neutral) contexts in relation to different symptoms of PTSD (avoidance, re‐experiencing, hyperarousal). Motor vehicle accident survivors with PTSD and without PTSD completed a delayed‐match‐to‐sample task including trauma‐related, neutral, and scrambled distractors in the interval between the presentation of the memoranda and the recognition target. The results showed that there was support for an indirect pathway between PTSD diagnosis and WMC performed in affective (versus neutral) contexts through re‐experiencing and avoidance symptoms. The findings suggest that avoidance symptoms in particular may benefit from interventions directed at improving WMC.  相似文献   

This study examined both mean levels and intraindividual variability in the mood and interpersonal behavior of individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and nonclinical control participants over a 20-day event-contingent recording period. Individuals in the BPD group experienced more unpleasantly valenced affect and were less dominant, more submissive, more quarrelsome, and more extreme in overall levels of behavior than control participants. In addition to these mean-level differences, individuals with BPD also reported more intraindividual variability in overall affect valence and in pleasantly valenced affect; displayed greater variability in dominant, quarrelsome, and agreeable behaviors; and exhibited an increased tendency to "spin" among interpersonal behaviors relative to nonclinical control participants. The findings document behavioral and affective manifestations of BPD in the context of naturally occurring interpersonal situations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possibility that, in remitted bipolar I affective disorder, dysfunctional attitudes are mood-state dependent. Participants were 120 individuals with remitted bipolar I disorder, remitted unipolar depression, or no history of affective disorder. The Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS; Weissman, 1979) was completed before and after positive or negative mood challenge. Following mood increase, the bipolar group changed significantly less in DAS total score than did the other 2 groups, and in goal-striving and achievement attitudes relative to the unipolar group. These findings did not provide clear support for the mood-state dependency theory in bipolar disorder, arguing instead for the presence in bipolar I disorder of dysfunctional cognitions that show characteristic resilience in the face of minor positive mood increase.  相似文献   

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