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This article is about the lessons that can be learned from the mistakes of the past. After a critical, constructive analysis of current theorizing and research, important directions of future personality psychology are described against the background of a general theoretical framework. It is argued that individual functioning cannot be understood or explained if the environmental factors that are operating in the individual's interactions with the environment and the biological factors that are constantly interacting with the cognitive-emotional system are not considered. Finally, the article focuses on conceptual and methodological issues that are of major importance for further progress in personality psychology, viz. (a) the match between level of psychological processes and type of data, (b) the nature of psychological phenomena studied in terms of variables, (c) the use of chronological age as the marker of individual development, and (d) the comparison between a variable and a person approach.  相似文献   

The authors review the reasons for the contrast between the remarkable advances that hemodynamic and electromagnetic imaging of the human brain appear capable of delivering in clinical practice in psychology and their very limited penetration into practice to date. Both the heritage of the relevant technologies and the historical orientation of clinical psychology away from biological phenomena are factors. Discussion of some technical aspects and prospects of these methods and recommendations for facilitating clinical use are provided, with an emphasis on fostering the participation of and contribution by practicing clinical psychologists and professionals in related fields lacking a strong grounding in biological measurement.  相似文献   

Pigeon's key pecking was reinforced with food in two experiments in which the correspondence between preference for starting one of two reinforced behavior patterns and the likelihood of finishing it subsequently was examined. Reinforcers were scheduled according to concurrent schedules for two classes of interresponse times, modified such that reinforcers followed a center-key peck terminating either a shorter interresponse time started by a left-key peck or a longer interresponse time started by a right-key peck. In Experiment 1, the times when reinforcers potentially were available were not discriminated, whereas in Experiment 2 they were. Absolute reinforced pattern durations were varied. The relative frequency of starting a particular pattern was highly correlated with relative frequency of that completed pattern in both experiments. Other relations between starting and finishing a pattern depended on whether reinforced interresponse times were discriminated. For instance, preference for starting a pattern sometimes correlated negatively with the likelihood of subsequently completing it. The present experiments are described as capturing part of the ordinary language meaning of "intention," according to which an organism's behavior at one moment sets the occasion for an observer to say that the organism "intends" in the future to engage in one behavior rather than another.  相似文献   

People's intuitions about the underlying causes of past and future actions might not be the same. In 3 studies, we demonstrate that people judge the same behavior as more intentional when it will be performed in the future than when it has been performed in the past. We found this temporal asymmetry in perceptions of both the strength of an individual's intention and the overall prevalence of intentional behavior in a population. Because of its heightened intentionality, people thought the same transgression deserved more severe punishment when it would occur in the future than when it did occur in the past. The difference in judgments of both intentionality and punishment was partly explained by the stronger emotional reactions that were elicited in response to future actions than in response to past actions. We consider the implications of this temporal asymmetry for legal decision making and theories of attribution more generally.  相似文献   

Research on cognition in marriage is examined by posing two questions. The first asks what has been learned about marital distress from research on cognitive variables. It is addressed by examining data on (a) associations between cognitive variables and marital distress, (b) artifactual explanations for such associations, and (c) the causal impact of cognitive variables on spouse satisfaction and spouse behavior. This analysis identifies the study of knowledge structures as a theme that unifies existing research and illustrates how explicit recognition of this theme can advance future inquiry. The second question asks what has been learned from research on cognitive interventions with couples and leads to a number of suggestions for maximizing the informativeness of outcome studies. It is argued that future progress requires expanding the conception of cognition that informs marital research and integrating the study of marriage with both broader efforts to understand close relationships and to understand cognition.  相似文献   

The concept of stress has a long and perhaps foundational history in health psychology. However, it is also not without its detractors, who point out imprecise and simplistic use of the concept. Four challenges for stress research in health psychology delineate the nuanced and contextualised future. First, 'stress' can be located in the environment, in appraisal or in response (e.g., emotions or physiology). Careful conceptualisation and assessment can differentiate among these locales, as well as reveal interactions among them. Second, coping refers to the transaction between stress and the affected person. Understanding exactly why coping moderates the effects of stress is a major challenge for coping research. Third, stress happens to different people with different personalities and temperaments and at different stages of their lives. People may even be different from themselves at different life stages. These individual differences can impact all manner of stress and coping. Fourth, stress is dynamic. Minor events come and go, and major events create a cascade of changes in the individual's life. Understanding how stress, coping and health change over time within individuals (i.e., in a multi-level framework) will be a major advance for the field.  相似文献   

Three studies examined the relationship between fertility, as indexed by day in cycle or salivary estradiol levels, and reported motives for sexual intercourse. Data from university and community samples in both cross-sectional and repeated-measures designs showed that sex-for-intimacy motives are endorsed significantly less by women who are relatively more fertile or show higher salivary estrogen levels. Sex for enhancement, self-affirmation, and partner approval also declined, although the data were less consistent. The remaining motives (coping and power) showed no consistent patterns across fertility status. Results suggest that sexual motives are rooted partly in woman's biology and are discussed in terms of plausible evolutionary mechanisms that might promote female "choosiness" at midcycle.  相似文献   

The history and rationale of planned short-term psychotherapy is reviewed in the process of considering its optimal future development. To judge by the early literature on the topic, planned short-term psychotherapy (often as short as one session) began either as an interesting anomaly or as a second-best treatment whose justification was the chronic mismatch between the supply and demand of traditional time-unlimited therapy. In recent years, the growing appeal and remarkable effectiveness of brief psychotherapy have been repeatedly documented, and the field is now achieving all the hallmarks of a professional subspecialty in its own right. Future development of planned short-term psychotherapy will depend on recruiting young mental-health professionals who have been trained in short-term therapy techniques, in encouraging increased flexibility in planning the therapeutic enterprise, and in rewarding therapeutic effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

张春虎 《心理科学进展》2019,27(8):1489-1506
对2018年5月为止基于自我决定理论的工作动机研究英文文献的系统检索得到了97篇实证研究样本。基于自我决定理论的核心假设, 运用“环境-基本心理需要-工作动机-结果”的理论模型对工作动机前因和结果的研究脉络进行了仔细地分析和归纳, 结果表明员工基本心理需要满足和自主性工作动机作为中介变量可解释自主性支持的工作环境和员工个体特征对工作行为、态度和心理健康的积极影响。将来的主要研究议题:一是对控制性工作环境具体因素对员工基本心理需要阻滞、控制性动机和去动机以及员工工作行为、态度和心理健康影响的研究; 二是不同动机类型对员工业绩、行为和态度影响的过程以及情境因素的研究; 三是外部奖励(包括薪酬、基于业绩的奖励等)对员工工作动机、基本心理需要、工作业绩和心理健康的影响及边界条件的深入研究。  相似文献   

In this short article, I celebrate the plurality and eclecticism of the British Journal of Social Psychology. I argue that this approach offers the best hope for an uncertain future. The powerful narrative on which social psychology was once based is fragmenting in part due to Research Assessment Exercise (RAE/REF) pressures. Social psychological topics and research are migrating outside institutional Psychology, and the BJSP needs to follow. Examples of recent social research on affect and emotion are used to illustrate the new spreading and reach of social psychological topics and issues.  相似文献   

Conduct-disordered (CD) girls, 9 to 11 years old, were compared to nonconduct-disordered (NCD) girls of the same age using parental reports about themselves and their children and child reports of themselves and their parents. Correlations were obtained between parental behavior patterns and the behavior patterns of the girls as perceived by three family members: mother, father, and the target child. The results indicated that (1) parents of CD girls were more hostile in some contexts than parents of NCD girls, (2) relationships between parental behavioral characteristics and children's behavioral characteristics were stronger and more numerous for mothers than for fathers, and (3) the children's perception of their own behaviors and the parents' marriages tended to correspond with their parents' perceptions. In general, the pattern of results suggests that, in terms of aggressive behavior patterns, female children may be modeling the behavior of their parents, particularly that of their mothers.This research was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid of Research awarded to the first author by Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, and NIMH Grant No. MH35340. Portions of this paper were presented at the 18th Annual Convention of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, November 1984.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior between rabbits was automatically recorded by means of electrodes attached externally to the unrestrained animals. Current flowed only when the animals came into physical contact; the duration and amplitude of the current flow provided a means of automatic differentiation between sexual and other types of physical contact. Various temporal aspects of sexual behavior were revealed: (1) copulation was preceded by a series of thrusts that occurred at a constant frequency of 13 to 14 thrusts per sec; (2) the duration of a copulation was about 1.5 sec and could be as brief as 0.3 sec; (3) copulation was much more likely during the hours between dusk and dawn despite constant illumination; (4) copulations occurred in groups or “runs” characterized by many copulations within a few hours; (5) each run began with a high rate of copulation that often decreased over time; (6) between runs, several hours or days passed with little or no sexual activity; and (7) a run of copulations was noted at the end of every 16- to 20-day period (which corresponds to the known period of pseudopregnancy in rabbits) whether or not other runs occurred within this period.  相似文献   

"Pure basic" science can become detached from the natural world that it is supposed to explain. "Pure applied" work can become detached from fundamental processes that shape the world it is supposed to improve. Neither demands the intellectual support of a broad scholarly community or the material support of society. Translational research can do better by seeking innovation in theory or practice through the synthesis of basic and applied questions, literatures, and methods. Although translational thinking has always occurred in behavior analysis, progress often has been constrained by a functional separation of basic and applied communities. A review of translational traditions in behavior analysis suggests that innovation is most likely when individuals with basic and applied expertise collaborate. Such innovation may have to accelerate for behavior analysis to be taken seriously as a general-purpose science of behavior. We discuss the need for better coordination between the basic and applied sectors, and argue that such coordination compromises neither while benefiting both.  相似文献   

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