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在公平启发理论的基础上,以130名大学生为被试采用实验室实验探讨了信息呈现顺序对公平判断形成的影响。结果表明:(1)信息呈现顺序能够影响人们的公平判断——当结果适宜性信息更早获得时,结果公平对公平判断的影响要大于结果适宜性信息较晚呈现时的影响;(2)公平形式偏好对公平判断的信息效应具有调节作用,即当高偏好信息先于低偏好信息出现时,公平判断的顺序效应会得到加强;而在低偏好信息先于高偏好信息出现的情况下,公平判断的顺序效应会被减弱。  相似文献   

卢光莉  陈超然 《心理科学》2013,36(3):711-715
摘要:目前,组织公平的研究多集中于组织公平与组织结果变量之间关系,较少关注组织公平的稳定性。本文采取4(公平模式:公平控制/初始公平/不公平控制/初始不公平)×2(实验阶段:阶段1/阶段2)混合实验设计,探讨阶段转移事件对被试公平反应稳定性的影响。研究结果显示,公平对待导致积极的公平反应,不公平对待导致消极的公平反应;公平程序向不公平程序的转移导致对实验者信任和组织公民行为意向的评价显著降低;而不公平程序向公平程序的转移并没有导致对实验者信任和组织公民行为意向评价的显著增加,从而说明了公平反应的有限稳定性。  相似文献   

公正的启发理论述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
组织公正感包括分配公正、程序公正、互动公正等重要的组成要素。尽管这些公正感的构成要素有不同的内涵和影响因素,然而在许多情况下,这些要素之间有较高的一致性。与过去注重这些要素的差异性相反,Lind看到了这些公正感要素之间的一致性,提出了试图整合这些一致性的公正理论:公正的启发理论。该文比较全面地介绍了公正的启发理论的含义,如何启发等核心概念,并对启发理论存在的问题进行了分析,指出了启发理论研究的方向。  相似文献   

Previous research on coalition formation has established that people will not hesitate to exclude others in order to maximize their payoff. The authors propose that this view is too narrow and that the decision to exclude depends on the valence of the payoff. Consistent with a “do-no-harm” hypothesis, Experiment 1 showed that participants were more reluctant to exclude in order to minimize their losses than to maximize their gains. Experiment 2 replicated this effect and showed that participants were most affected by payoff valence when they were disposed to consider the viewpoint of others. Additional analyses revealed that participants were more motivated by fairness (Experiment 1) and that fairness was more cognitively accessible (Experiment 2) when payoffs were negative rather than positive.  相似文献   


In line with developments in the personalisation of risk, the idea that insurance products should above all be ‘fair’ to the policyholders is increasingly voiced by commentators. The performativity thesis in Science and Technology Studies usually used to study economic markets can be used to investigate different enactments of ‘actuarial fairness’ in insurance practice. Actuarial fairness functions as a technical economic concept and was coined by the neoclassical micro-economist Kenneth Arrow (1921–2017). Faced with anti-discrimination legislation, the insurance industry has, since the 1980s, advanced the principle of actuarial fairness to legitimise their medico-actuarial technologies to discriminate between risk groups. In the absence of this actuarial fairness, it is assumed that dynamics of adverse selection—derived from neoclassical assumptions about economic actors— will result in the bankruptcy of insurance providers. The paradigmatic case of Fairzekering, a showcase of contemporary behaviour-based personalisation in car insurance, demonstrates an important shift in how actuarial fairness is enacted through behaviour-based calculative devices. Here, policyholders are enacted as being personally in control of their driving style while an interactive discount-infrastructure is set up to provide real-time feedback to incentivize policyholders towards ‘good behaviour.’ This enactment of behaviour-based fairness simultaneously implies a shift in the enactment of the economic actors involved, constitutive of the making of new economic ideas in behavioural economics.  相似文献   

Fairness in promotions is a core issue for organizations as it is directly related to some of the most important organizational outcomes. However, the majority of the existing research about this question has been focused on entry‐level selection, and there is a gap in knowledge in the context of promotions. This paper focuses on how workers’ perceptions of promotion systems affect organizational justice and job satisfaction. In the present study, 213 employees and supervisors from 31 different private sector organizations complete a survey regarding procedural justice (PJ), job satisfaction, transparency, promotion systems, and some demographic variables. The results show that participants who perceived organizational promotion methods as transparent reported a high level of perceived PJ, and that the methods they see as fairer are those based on assessment of performance. In addition, transparency is considered as an important antecedent of PJ. Moreover, the interaction between organizational rank and gender moderates the relationship between transparency and promotion systems with PJ. Finally, organizational justice is strongly related with job satisfaction.  相似文献   

CagA蛋白是幽门螺杆菌最重要的毒力因子之一.目前已证实cagA基因存在东亚及西方两种亚型.幽门螺杆菌产生CagA蛋白,注入胃上皮细胞后在其羧基端EPIYA重复序列区进行酪氨酸磷酸化,进而与SHP-2酪氨酸磷酸化酶相互作用,参与上皮细胞的信号传导,导致细胞骨架结构的重排,引起细胞表面形状的改变和细胞动力的增强,造成细胞异常的增殖和运动,在胃癌的发生中起了主要作用.cagA基因的羧基端EPIYA重复序列被认为是区分东亚型和西方型菌株的分子标记,东亚型CagA与SHP-2亲和力大于西方型,最终影响着不同CagA+菌株感染的临床表现.  相似文献   

以亚洲疾病问题为代表的框架效应是描述性决策理论违背规范性理论的经典"异像",而辨优启发式是行为决策理论的一大新进展。该研究探讨了辨优启发式对框架效应的解释过程。以经营风险决策为情境,以有管理经验的被试为样本,实验结果发现选择理由越少的情景其反应时越短、相应的优势项的选择比例也越高,这一结果有效地支持了辨优启发作为过程模型的次序规则、停规则和裁决规则存在的客观依据,也间接证实了辨优启发式对框架效应的解释力。  相似文献   

公平与效率:优先性与制度安排的博弈分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公平与效率问题是人类社会生活中备受关注的问题之一 ,在社会主义市场经济发展过程中 ,人们的讨论更是激烈。有人说公平优先于效率 ,有人说效率优先于公平。笔者认为公平与效率是分属不同分配领域的优先原则 ,效率相对于生产资料分配领域而言 ,公平则相对于生活资料分配领域而言。笔者运用博弈分析法说明 :公平与效率可以通过科学的制度设计可以达到最佳的结合。  相似文献   

为在行业水平上研究直接受通货膨胀作用的价格上涨对居民价格公平感、消极情绪的影响,以实验情景模拟的方法,采用2×2×2的被试间设计,运用问卷调查了723名被试。结果表明:(1)被试认为通货膨胀引起的房价上涨都是不公平的;(2)控制点和涨幅对公平感和消极情绪的作用显著,参照系对公平感的作用显著;(3)控制点、涨幅和参照系之间的交互作用显著;(4)平均主义的价值观对消极情绪作用显著;(5)在预测未来十年后价格时,被试出现了认知偏差。  相似文献   

王水珍  张爱卿 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1156-1159
本研究采取问卷法,选取99名管理者和被管理者作为被试,探讨行为责任归因与处罚公平性、严格程度判断之问的关系。研究发现:(1)公平性判断与消极结果相关,对取得同样消极结果的两个行动者采取相同的处罚(但解雇除外)更为公平;(2)公平性判断与行动者对其消极结果是否负责有关,处罚三(对无责任者的处罚比有责任者的处罚轻)与处罚一(对无责任者的处罚比有责任者的处罚重)两种情形F公平性判断之间存在显著性差异,处罚三中公平性判断得分较高;(3)严格程度判断与行动者是否负有责任无关,只与总的处罚严重性程度相关。  相似文献   

When allocators make decisions about distributing resources, they face a dilemma if the expectations for consequences that will flow from particular choices are incongruent with each other. For example, a certain allocation choice might be expected to make an allocator appear warm and likable but unfair. Previous research has found that culture can shape these perceptions and, thus, their congruence or incongruence. The present study further investigated these ideas. Differences between Turkish and U.S. students' perceptions of allocators who distributed resources on the basis of merit vs. need were investigated. Results revealed an allocation dilemma among the U.S. but not among the Turkish students. Specifically, the U.S. students perceived greater incongruence among allocation consequences for both merit and need choices than did the students from Turkey for whom perceptions of allocator's fairness were more aligned with perceptions of allocator's warmth.  相似文献   

采用实验情景模拟的方法,通过2X5的被试间设计,以712名被试作为研究对象,检验了在不同原因和不同商品涨价情景下消费者的价格公平感和购买意愿。在不提供涨价原因的情景下,被试的反应比较温和。根据归因理论,从控制点和可控性的维度区分了四种研究情景。结果发现,控制点和可控性之间的交互作用显著,控制点和商品种类的交互作用显著,消费者的消极情绪和对组织的评价在公平感与购买意愿之间具有部分中介效应。  相似文献   

李晓明  谭谱 《心理科学进展》2018,26(12):2230-2237
个体的决策及偏好常会因信息的表达方式而变, 研究者将这种违背期望效用理论不变性的现象称之为“框架效应”。框架效应体现了人类非理性决策的普遍性, 也为合理利用人类的决策特点以干预其决策行为提供了重要契机。本文总结了框架效应在健康行为、市场营销及环保领域中的应用研究, 着重分析了数量信息的表达技巧, 如风险信息的呈现、数量单位的选择以及图形的物理属性设计, 旨在探讨如何在实践过程中通过变化信息呈现方式以实现对人类决策行为的重要影响。  相似文献   

The principle of equipoise traditionally is grounded in the special obligations of physician-investigators to provide research participants with optimal care. This grounding makes the principle hard to apply in contexts with limited health resources, to research that is not directed by physicians, or to nontherapeutic research. I propose a different version of the principle of equipoise that does not depend upon an appeal to the Hippocratic duties of physicians and that is designed to be applicable within a wider range of research contexts and types, including health services research and research on social interventions. I consider three examples of ethically contentious research trials conducted in three different social settings. I argue that in each case my version of the principle of equipoise provides more plausible and helpful guidance than does the traditional version of the principle.  相似文献   

个体导向取代系统导向逐步成为组织变革研究的新焦点, 变革公平为个体导向研究提供了新的视角。变革公平反映了人们对组织变革事件推进过程公平性的认知。变革公平受到变革事件属性、变革领导、个体人格和个体的社会支持方面因素的制约, 并影响了员工对变革、组织以及工作的反应。变革公平的未来研究应着重本土化研究、前因变量和调节变量的探索以及开展纵向研究。  相似文献   

《The Journal of psychology》2013,147(5):401-412
Although the desire to be treated fairly is a fundamental human preference, perceptions of fair treatment can be influenced by cultural beliefs and values. For this article, the author used a scenario-based experimental study to examine students' fairness perceptions of grading procedures in 2 countries with distinct national cultures, China and the United States. The results suggest that culture can influence students' perceptions of the fairness of 2 aspects of procedural justice: voice and interpersonal justice. Chinese students were more likely to value interpersonal justice (i.e., being treated with dignity and respect, and being provided with explanations of grading procedures) and perceived the lack of interpersonal justice as less fair than did U.S. participants. In contrast, U.S. students were more likely to perceive voice (i.e., the opportunity to discuss and appeal a grading decision) as fair. These findings are connected to differences in the cultural values of the United States and China.  相似文献   

The continuity principle stipulates that through all stages of disaster, management and treatment should aim at preserving and restoring functional, historical, and interpersonal continuities, at the individual, family, organization, and community levels. Two misconceptions work against this principle and lead to decisional errors: the “abnormalcy bias” which results in underestimating victims' ability to cope with disaster, and the “normalcy bias” which results in underestimating the probability or extent of expected disruption. This article clarifies these biases and details the potential contributions of the continuity principle at the different stages of the disaster. The authors are reserve officers in the Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences Centers of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and were, in this capacity, directly involved in the coordination of agencies dealing with Gulf War victims.  相似文献   

The justice perspective is the current dominant framework for research on applicant perceptions of test fairness. Recently, an emerging perspective suggests that self-serving bias mechanisms may be operative in the development of test fairness perceptions. Using data from 494 actual applicants to an entry-level State Police Trooper position, this study integrates both the justice and self-serving bias perspectives to achieve a better understanding of test fairness perceptions. Results from structural equation modeling show that perceived job-relevance affects perceived fairness. In addition, test performance affects both perceptions indirectly through perceived performance.  相似文献   

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