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This study examined patterns of between-generation continuity in substance use from generation 1 (G1) parents to generation 2 (G2) adolescents and from G2 adult substance use and G1 substance use to generation 3 (G3) problem behavior in childhood. Structural equation modeling of prospective, longitudinal data from 808 participants, their parents, and their children showed low levels of G1 to G2 cross-generational continuity in the general tendency to use drugs. This effect was fully mediated by G2 early adolescent behavior problems. Drug-specific residual effects were observed across generations for cigarette smoking. Once established in adolescence, substance use in G2 showed stability over time. G2 substance use at age 27 significantly predicted G3 problem behavior. G1 substance use also was related to G3 problem behavior indirectly. These findings highlight the importance of interrupting intergenerational cycles of substance use and problem behavior.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on an exploratory study of perceived barriers and catalysts to increasing pro-environmental behavior among people associated with the environmental movement. Perceived barriers include time, money, low efficacy and hopelessness. Catalysts focus on changing social norms, especially through education and institutional support. We discuss the tragedy of the commons and free-riding as impediments to change. We use this study as an entryway to hypothesize opportunities and challenges that community psychologists face in motivating and supporting actions to reduce the impact of global climate change. We provide examples of how community psychologists can foster these changes. In short, we argue that community psychology is well positioned to take a leading role in the fight for a carbon neutral future.  相似文献   

Antisocial behavior and substance misuse are forms of problem behavior demonstrating considerable continuity over time. Accordingly, problem behavior influences interpersonal contexts across the life course, which may result in the replication of coercive interactions and a problem behavior lifestyle within romantic relationships. Furthermore, theories of self-selection, and associated research, suggest that individuals pick companions compatible with, and supportive of, their behavior, leading to high levels of similarity between romantic partners and the potential reinforcement of problem behavior over time. However, some research suggests that romantic relationships may play a positive role and facilitate desistance from problem behavior. The purpose of this paper is to explore how antisocial behavior and substance use both influence and are influenced by romantic relationships in late adolescence and early adulthood. We first review research regarding the extent of, and processes underlying, partner similarity in problem behavior. Next, we examine how romantic relationships may promote the desistance of problem behavior. Finally, we discuss possible moderators of the association between problem behavior and romantic relationships, as well as limitations, intergenerational implications, and recommended future directions of the reviewed research.  相似文献   

The author narrates a history of the development of her interest in integrating behavior into heath research and health care. Using diabetes as an exemplar, she describes some of the challenges of integrating behavior into health research and health care: (1) becoming a member of interdisciplinary research and health care teams; (2) acquiring funding for behavioral research with medical populations; (3) communicating scientific findings; and (4) acquiring reimbursement for psychological services rendered. Specific examples of how the author and other psychologists can address these challenges are provided.  相似文献   

This study uses a multitrait, multimethod (MTMM) approach to investigate the genetic and environmental etiologies of childhood deviant peer affiliation (DPA) and problem behavior (PROB). The variability of genetic and environmental estimates by agent and method is also examined. A total of 77 monozygotic and 72 dizygotic twin pairs and each twin's close friend were assessed. The informants included parents, teachers, and twins, and the methods involved questionnaire reports and coder ratings of videotaped dyadic interactions between each twin and their close friend. Twin intraclass correlations and univariate models attributed DPA and PROB to genetic, and shared and nonshared environmental effects. Parameter estimates differed by rater and method, however. Results accentuate the imperative to attend to method effects inherent in MTMM behavioral geneticresearch.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of retirees spend their leisure time in the ever-growing number of gambling casinos in this country. For most older adults, casino gambling is a new form of excitement and entertainment. However, for some retirees, especially those vulnerable to depression from the changes and losses that can occur in aging, casino gambling can become disordered, problematic, and/or an addiction. Although prevalence studies have examined the incidence of problem gambling in other age groups, little attention has been directed to the impact of casino gambling on older adults. The authors discuss problem and pathological gambling in retired older adults, and provide clinical case examples of a growing number of older adults with problem gambling behaviors seen in an outpatient geriatric psychiatry clinic. Finally, they urge that an evaluation of gambling behaviors be a routine portion of geriatric clinical evaluations.  相似文献   

在潜藏式与矛盾式情境两类问题发现任务中,采用出声思维的方法研究问题发现能力高与低两类各10名大学生问题发现过程的内部认知活动。利用问题行为图技术进行个案分析,着重考察大学生在知识状态、思维操作及问题行为图等方面的表现。基于加工性质把知识编码为陈述性、程序性和策略性知识;基于信息来源编码为情境、内部和推断信息;基于思维关联与转换,把思维操作编码为独立、横向、纵向与元认知思维。研究表明:(1)问题发现中,在内部信息、纵向思维以及纵横交错型行为图的使用频次上,潜藏情境高于矛盾情境;在情境信息、横向思维以及横向平行和横向归纳型行为图的使用频次上,矛盾情境高于潜藏情境。(2)高低能力组被试在知识状态、思维操作与问题行为图的使用上差异均不显著,可能是由于上述方面涉及问题发现的基本认知过程和思维规律,具有普遍性特征。  相似文献   

陈会昌  孙铃  张云运  陈欣银 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1035-1038
本研究追踪了149名儿童4岁和7岁的抑制行为、安静退缩及活跃退缩行为,考察三种社交退缩行为与问题行为的关系。社交退缩由观察得到,问题行为分别由母亲和教师报告。结果表明,从4岁到7岁,儿童的三种社交退缩行为明显减少,抑制行为、安静退缩有较低的稳定性,活跃退缩不稳定。在两个年龄段,抑制行为都与内隐问题行为显著正相关。4岁的社交退缩不能预测7岁的问题行为。  相似文献   

In a multiple-baseline design, four relatively untroubled couples were guided by the Marriage Contract Game and related instructions as they negotiated contracts. The results demonstrated generalization from clinic to home, and suggested that problem solving and affection are independent behavior domains. When problem-solving behavior was the target of intervention, the rate of problem-solving behavior increased significantly over baseline during generalization probes. When affective behavior was added as a target of training, the rate of affective behavior increased significantly over previous phases and the rate of problem solving continued to increase. Evidence about the interdependence of marital attitudes and behaviors also emerged. Subjective ratings of problems improved along with the increase in problem-solving behavior; mood ratings improved along with increases in problem-solving and in affective behavior. Training had no effect on ratings of marital happiness.  相似文献   

Intrapersonal variability and multiplicity in the complexity of moral motivation were examined from Dynamic Systems and Self-Determination Theory perspectives. L. Kohlberg's (1969) stages of moral development are reconceptualized as soft-assembled and dynamically transformable process structures of motivation that may operate simultaneously within person in different degrees. Moral motivation is conceptualized as the real-time process of self-organization of cognitive and emotional dynamics out of which moral judgment and action emerge. A detailed inquiry into intrapersonal variation in moral motivation is carried out based on the differential operation of multiple motivational structures. A total of 74 high school students and 97 college students participated in the study by completing a new questionnaire, involving 3 different hypothetical moral judgments. As hypothesized, findings revealed significant multiplicity in the within-person operation of developmental stage structures, and intrapersonal variability in the degrees to which stages were used. Developmental patterns were found in terms of different distributions of multiple stages between high school and college samples, as well as the association between age and overall motivation scores. Differential relations of specific emotions to moral motivation revealed and confirmed the value of differentiating multiple emotions. Implications of the present theoretical perspective and the findings for understanding the complexity of moral judgment and motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

运用追踪设计检验了学前儿童执行功能特定成分和问题行为跨情境和性别的关系。选取101名学前儿童(48名男孩)为研究对象,采用实验任务测量儿童的执行功能,一年后采用母亲和教师报告分别收集儿童在家庭和学校情境的问题行为。结果发现,控制儿童年龄后:(1)在男孩中,抑制控制、认知灵活性和工作记忆负向预测一年后家庭情境的外化问题,认知灵活性负向预测一年后学校情境的外化问题,抑制控制正向预测一年后学校情境的内化问题;(2)在女孩中,执行功能三个成分均不能显著预测家庭情境的问题行为,认知灵活性正向预测一年后学校情境的外化问题。执行功能三个成分与问题行为间存在不同效应模式,且存在跨情境和性别的特异性。  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of how social relationships contribute to child and adolescent trajectories for antisocial behavior may be facilitated by: (a) ascertaining multiple relationship processes (e.g., warmth and reciprocity, coercion and deviancy training); (b) focusing on multiple relationships (e.g., with parents, peers, siblings, and teachers): and (c) assessing relationship processes using increasingly sophisticated measurement and theoretical models (e.g., global ratings and sequential and dynamical systems analyses) of observed microsocial interaction. The reports comprising this special issue, and how they build on and advance previous research efforts, are described from this frame of reference.  相似文献   

张晓  陈会昌  张桂芳 《心理学报》2008,40(4):418-426
通过对102名托班幼儿的母亲和教师间隔9个月的两次测查,考察了母子关系、师生关系在儿童入园第一年的问题行为发展中的作用。结果表明:控制了儿童入园三个月时的问题行为后,(1)母子关系无法直接预测入园一年时的问题行为,师生关系冲突性可以反向预测入园一年时的退缩和违纪问题;(2)儿童性别调节了母子关系冲突性对入园一年时攻击问题的预测,即母子关系冲突性对入园一年时攻击问题的正向预测作用仅对女孩成立,对男孩则不成立;(3)师生关系亲密性调节了母子关系亲密性对入园一年时的退缩、焦虑、攻击和违纪问题的预测,即母子关系亲密性对入园一年时各种问题行为的负向预测作用仅对师生关系亲密程度高的儿童成立,对师生关系亲密程度低的儿童则不成立;对师生关系亲密程度低的儿童来说,母子关系亲密性对入园一年时的焦虑问题甚至具有正向预测作用  相似文献   

组织行为学研究的现状:意义与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志学  鞠冬  马力 《心理学报》2014,46(2):265-284
本文对2008~2011年这4个年度发表在英文和中文组织行为学方面重要学术期刊上的研究进行总结, 旨在让国内学者了解现今组织行为学的现状和发展。我们在分析研究内容、研究方法的基础上, 就当前中国组织行为学研究提出了一些总结性的看法, 包括:研究问题很大程度上追随国际潮流, 但缺乏对本土重要问题的关注; 研究方法过多地集中于定量的问卷调查法, 但缺乏对多种不同方法的应用; 研究的分析层次过多地集中在个体层次上, 而对多层次的组织和团队管理现象关注不足。为更好地促进组织行为学科的发展, 本文建议:应该注重立足中国的组织和管理现象来挖掘研究问题; 采用多种研究方法, 特别应鼓励开展定性研究; 注重跨层次研究和研究的情境化等。本文通过介绍近年来组织行为领域的全面情况并详细分析其中的若干个例, 为如何克服以上不足提供具体的范例和方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the nature of problem behavior development from late childhood through adolescence, to assess the quantitative development of problem behavior (alcohol use, marijuana use, deviance, academic failure) as well as potential qualitative shifts in problem behavior over time. Multivariate latent growth curve modeling (LGM) analyses and a cohort-sequential design were employed. Data were from the National Youth Survey and included 770 youth from four cohorts (11, 12, 13, 14 years old), assessed annually for 5 years. Results showed significant growth in problem behavior from ages 11 to 18. Alcohol use and marijuana use contributed most, and academic failure contributed least to the problem behavior latent construct. Results of the variant model revealed that the contribution of all four behaviors to the overall problem behavior construct increased similarly as children aged.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对1694名中学生进行调查,考察自尊在班级同学关系和青少年外化问题行为之间的中介作用,以及该中介过程是否受到亲子亲合(父子亲合和母子亲合)的调节。结果发现:(1)控制性别和年龄之后,班级同学关系对青少年外化问题行为具有显著的负向预测作用;(2)班级同学关系不仅可以直接负向预测外化问题行为,还可以通过自尊间接预测外化问题行为;(3)父子亲合和母子亲合均在班级同学关系与自尊的关系间起调节作用;(4)父子亲合而非母子亲合能够调节班级同学关系对外化问题行为的直接影响。总之,班级同学关系通过自尊的部分中介作用影响青少年的外化问题行为,且父子亲合和母子亲合进一步对该过程起到不同的调节作用。  相似文献   

本文回顾了近十年来中国青少年互联网心理与行为的研究成果,从研究主题的角度进行了聚类分析,并与国外青少年互联网心理与行为研究进行了对比。发现中国青少年互联网心理与行为研究主要聚焦于网络成瘾方面,同时也在网络欺负、网络亲社会行为、网络自我表露等领域有较为丰富的研究成果。现有研究存在研究领域相对狭窄、研究内容深度不足、研究方法较为单一等问题。结合青少年互联网使用特点和时代发展与变迁,本文从大数据、新媒体、电子竞技三个方面展望了未来中国青少年互联网心理与行为研究的方向,对互联网时代下的心理学研究具有理论和实践的启发意义。  相似文献   

以1030名12~21岁学生为调查对象,通过结构方程模型探讨了青少年外部问题行为与媒介不良接触、道德推脱、移情之间的关系。结果显示:(1)青少年外部问题行为随着年龄增长而增加,且在青春中期和晚期显著高于青春早期;男女生的外部问题行为在青春早期没有明显差异,但在青春中期和晚期,男生的外部问题行为明显高于女生。(2)道德推脱在媒介不良接触与青少年外部问题行为之间起着部分中介作用,这一中介作用过程又受到移情水平的负向调节,因此道德推脱对青少年外部问题行为的影响是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

Using Problem-Behavior Theory as a framework, the latent structure of problem and positive behaviors was examined within a sample of 1,894 American Indian adolescents. Support was found for a two-factor second-order structure in which problem behaviors (antisocial behavior, alcohol use, drug use, and risky sexual behavior) and positive behaviors (school success, cultural activities, competencies, and community-mindedness) represented two relatively uncorrelated aspects of behavior. Hierarchical multiple regressions demonstrated that the positive behaviors construct contributed significant incremental construct validity in the statistical prediction of psychosocial outcomes, over and above the problem behaviors. In addition, the fit of the structure was examined across gender and the four participating communities. The importance of the inclusion of positive behaviors is discussed from the standpoint of both prevention/promotion activities and the communities' perceptions. Further recommendations are made for deeper understandings of community concerns and strengths in conducting preventive/promotive research efforts.  相似文献   

We summarize a series of bidirectional research studies that demonstrate the persistence-strengthening effects of differential reinforcement of alternative behavior on problem behavior. We model a possible solution to this problem with rats followed by replication with a human clinical population. The importance of coordinated basic and applied research to stimulate new behavioral technologies is emphasized.  相似文献   

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