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When analyzing categorical data, it is often important to assess the magnitude of variation, or consensus, among observations in unordered categories. Utilizing the theory of partitions, exact solutions for five commonly used measures of categorical variation are presented. When the number of partitions is very large, resampling methods provide close approximations to exact probability values.  相似文献   

A permutation method is presented to calculate resampling probability values for differences between two independent indices of ordinal variation and consensus.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the social projection effect concerning the strength of national attitudes. Japanese respondents sampled from the general population judged how patriotic and nationalistic opinions were distributed among Japanese (i.e. in-group) and American (out-group) citizens. The respondents' own positions regarding these attitude dimensions were also measured. As predicted, the respondents inflated estimates of the endorsement for positions close to their own, particularly when the target was the in-group. Estimates of opinion distributions in the out-group converged around stereotypic positions. The apparent projection effect in patriotism (i.e. in-group liking) was likely mediated by abstract trait evaluations of the home country, while the projection of nationalism (i.e. ethnocentrism) appeared to be a direct result of projection without such mediation. Different processes such as the motivation for cognitive consistency and the need to achieve social identity of the group were suggested to underlie projection effects in different domains. Implications of the results for the study of stereotyping and intergroup conflict are discussed.  相似文献   

Many practical and important decision‐making problems are complicated by at least two factors: (1) the qualitative/subjective nature of some criteria often results in uncertainty in the individual ratings; and (2) group decision‐making is involved and some means of aggregating individual ratings is required. Traditionally, both individual and group priorities have been represented as point estimates, but this approach presents severe limitations for accommodating imprecision in the decision‐making process. This paper examines the group decision‐making problem in the context where priorities are represented as numeric intervals. A set of techniques that could be used at some of the phases of an analytic hierarchy process (AHP)‐based group decision‐making process, which has the objective of generating a ‘consensus’ priority that represents the group's opinion with regards to the relative importance of a set of N objects (e.g. criteria, alternatives), is presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most indexes of item validity and difficulty vary systematically with changes in the mean and variance of the group. Formulas are presented showing how certain item parameters will vary with these alterations in group mean and variance. Item parameters are also suggested which should remain invariant under such changes. These parameters are developed under two different assumptions: first, the assumption that thetotal distribution of the item ability variable is normal, and, second, that the distribution of the item ability variablefor each array of the explicit selection variable is normal. The writer wishes to acknowledge helpful discussions of this paper with Paul Horst and Herbert S. Sichel who have worked on various aspects of the problem of invariant item parameters.  相似文献   

The effects of group discussion feedback and shifting cue validities on subjects' achievement, consistency, and matching in a multiple cue probability learning task were investigated in a task of constant system predictability. Students utilized distributions of meaningfully labeled cues of equal or unequal validity to predict final exam performance. Subjects' performance was examined in two conditions in which a shift in cue validities occurred and in two conditions in which the same validities were employed throughout the task. Feedback from group discussion was provided for half the subjects. Results indicated that subject performance was best when equally valid cues were utilized, especially after an anticipated shift in cue validities. Group discussion feedback facilitated performance only when a shift occurred. The results were discussed in the context of dynamic prediction environments.  相似文献   

The present research tested the hypothesis that the political structure of conflicting groups moderates perceived legitimacy of intergroup aggression. In two experiments, participants read scenarios of fictitious summer camps in which members of one group aggressed members of another group. The political structure of both the perpetrator and the victim groups was described as either egalitarian (defined with democratic decision-making procedures) or hierarchical (authoritarian decision-making procedures). Results of both experiments showed that aggressions perpetrated by members of egalitarian groups at the expense of members of hierarchical groups were evaluated as less illegitimate than aggressions committed in the three remaining conditions. This effect is discussed as a function of the higher social value attributed to democratic groups.  相似文献   

Previous research on transactive memory has found a positive relationship between transactive memory system development and group performance in single project laboratory and ad hoc groups. Closely related research on shared mental models and expertise recognition supports these findings. In this study, the author examined the relationship between transactive memory systems and performance in mature, continuing groups. A group's transactive memory system, measured as a combination of knowledge stock, knowledge specialization, transactive memory consensus, and transactive memory accuracy, is positively related to group goal performance, external group evaluations, and internal group evaluations. The positive relationship with group performance was found to hold for both task and external relationship transactive memory systems.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate the possibility of individual differences in the ability of inpatients to process interactions in group psychotherapy. The first was a pilot study conducted on groups of major depressive patients and matched normal subjects. Subjects were asked to give process comments after viewing simulations of typical group therapy interactions. These comments were later rated on the extent to which they reflected process qualities and accuracy. These data led to a more rigorous and extensive study that included more appropriate control groups as well as measures of potential confounding factors, such as simulation realism, verbal ability, and interaction comprehension. Results indicated that major depressives suffer from deficits in the ability to process group interactions, relative to three types of control groups, including normals. These differences in processing were not significantly positively correlated with any of the potential confounding factors. The implications for understanding interactional processing and group psychotherapy are discussed.  相似文献   

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