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Philosophical Studies - According to the counterfactual comparative account (CCA), an event harms a person if and only if it makes things worse for her. Cases of overdetermination and preemption...  相似文献   

Most current commercial devices dispense dry food pellets by moving the pellets horizontally toward a discharge point. Individual pellets, captured by perforations in a horizontal metal disk, are discharged one by one by stepwise rotation of the disk within the pellet reservoir. In our laboratory, where the average pellet discharge rate is some 20,000 pellets per week, feeders of this type produced occasional problems. Some were electronic; others involved failure always to capture a pellet in each perforation, particularly when the pellet supply was low. But the most common problem was an accumulation of pellet chips and dust under and around the perforated disk, which ultimately jammed the mechanism. Despite weekly cleaning and maintenance, troubles arose at least twice a month, prompting a search for a simpler pellet-feeder design which would be more reliable and require less maintenance. The present pellet feeder employs a vertical rather than horizontal design principle. It has been used extensively in operant conditioning applications for more than a year. More than 200,000 pellets have been reliably discharged from a single feeder without a breakdown. No maintenance, other than a weekly cleaning of the discharge tube, has been required.  相似文献   

Common region: a new principle of perceptual grouping.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A new principle of grouping is proposed that is based on elements being located within a common region of space. Demonstrations analogous to Wertheimer's original displays show that this factor strongly influences perceived grouping and is capable of overcoming the effects of other powerful grouping factors such as proximity and similarity. Grouping by common region is further shown to depend on perceived depth relations, indicating that it is influenced by processes that occur after at least some depth perception has been achieved. Further demonstrations suggest that it is dominated by the smallest background area and that it can follow a hierarchical embedding scheme. It is argued that common region cannot be reduced to the effects of proximity, closure, or any other previously known factor and therefore constitutes a genuinely new principle of grouping.  相似文献   

Patients' deliberate concealment from others of the content and frequency of their obsessions is a common and important aspect of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is an overlooked manifestation of the safety behaviour that is believed to sustain OCD (e.g., neutralizing, thought suppression, avoidance behaviour, concealment). The phenomenon of concealment is understandable in terms of the cognitive theory of obsessions which states that obsessions are caused when the person attaches catastrophic personal significance to their unwanted intrusive thoughts. It is suggested that the selected, planned, suitable disclosure of obsessions can be therapeutic--presumably because it exposes the patient to alternative interpretations of the significance of the unwanted thoughts.  相似文献   

Baras  Dan 《Philosophical Studies》2020,177(6):1501-1514

Several authors believe that there are certain facts that are striking and cry out for explanation—for instance, a coin that is tossed many times and lands in the alternating sequence HTHTHTHTHTHT… (H?=?heads, T?=?tails). According to this view, we have prima facie reason to believe that such facts are not the result of chance. I call this view the striking principle. Based on this principle, some have argued for far-reaching conclusions, such as that our universe was created by intelligent design, that there are many universes other than the one we inhabit, and that there are no mathematical or normative facts. Appealing as the view may initially seem, I argue that we lack sufficient reason to accept it.


Outline of a new principle of mathematical psychology (1851)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The paper presents a translation of Appendix 2 of the second volume of Fechner's Zend-Avesta (1851), which contains the first outline of psychophysics as the quantitative science of mind-body relations. Fechner argues that mathematical psychology must be based on observation of physical phenomena, because observation of mental phenomena results in equality judgments only. The logarithmic formula is not yet based on Weber's law, but on various observations showing that mental intensities increase at a slower rate than the corresponding physical intensities. The physical substrate of mental phenomena is oscillatory and can be decomposed into a main wave and ripples superimposed on it, a conception which is illustrated by attentional phenomena and by sleeping and waking. The notion of negative sensations is introduced and discussed. A variant of the logarithmic law is proposed for higher mental activities. Throughout, Fechner's main concern is with what he called inner psychophysics in his later writings.Translated and edited by Eckart Scheerer Selection from: G. T. Fechner, Zend-Avesta;; oder über die Dinge des Himmels und des Jenseits, Leipzig: Voss 1851, Vol. 2, pp. 373–386  相似文献   

Frege held that the result of applying a predicate to names lacks reference if any of the names lack reference. We defend the principle against a number of plausible objections. We put forth an account of consequence for a first-order language with identity in which the principle holds  相似文献   

The classical principle of double effect offers permissibility conditions for actions foreseen to lead to evil outcomes. I shall argue that certain kinds of closeness cases, as well as general heuristic considerations about the order of explanation, lead us to replace the intensional concept of intention with the extensional concept of accomplishment in double effect.  相似文献   

I am grateful to Onora O'Neill for discussion and comments on an earlier draft of this essay.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which student subjects attempted to discover a principle obtaining among pairs of numbers and letters. In the first experiment, subjects were more successful when they were free to select whatever number-letter pairs they wished than if they were restricted in whole or in part to pairs specified by the experimenter. In the second experiment, subjects who did discover the principle were compared to those who did not. Successful subjects were shown to be slightly more systematic in their approach to the task, to work at a faster pace, to write down more positive instances, and to have a much stronger tendency to vary only one variable of the task at a time.

Wason (1960) reported a study in which subjects tried to discover a principle applying to instances each of which consisted of three numbers. He discovered that subjects mostly showed enumerative rather than eliminative induction, i.e. they made little use of instances that would have enabled them to eliminate wrong hypotheses. Wetherick (1962) found that by modifying Wason's procedure in certain ways, enumerative behaviour was reduced and the subject's chance of discovering the principle was increased. Elimination of hypotheses remained infrequent.

In the Wason study, the subject was free to write down, for each instance, any three numbers he wished, i.e. his choice of instances was not restricted in any way. This may account in part for the behaviour Wason observed. In the first experiment to be reported here, the subject is restricted, in various degrees, in his choice of instances, to determine whether the principle is discovered more (or less) readily under such restriction.  相似文献   

That one's degrees of belief at any one time obey the axioms of probability theory is widely regarded as a necessary condition for static rationality. Many theorists hold that it is also a sufficient condition, but according to critics this yields too subjective an account of static rationality. However, there are currently no good proposals as to how to obtain a tenable stronger probabilistic theory of static rationality. In particular, the idea that one might achieve the desired strengthening by adding some symmetry principle to the probability axioms has appeared hard to maintain. Starting from an idea of Carnap and drawing on relatively recent work in cognitive science, this paper argues that conceptual spaces provide the tools to devise an objective probabilistic account of static rationality. Specifically, we propose a principle that derives prior degrees of belief from the geometrical structure of concepts.  相似文献   

The prominent burden-sharing principles in the emerging literature of the political theory of climate change fail to sufficiently tackle the task they set out to solve. This paper sets out properties that an alternative principle should aim to meet. Based on these properties, it develops a consequentialist moral principle – the wastefulness principle. This principle holds that it is wrong to waste a shared, scarce resource. The paper argues that this principle can be used to solve the question of who should bear the burdens of anthropogenic climate change in a more suitable way than existing principles. After developing the wastefulness principle, this paper discusses in a non-exhaustive manner how it can be employed in the real world, which challenges it might meet, and how additional principles might solve them.  相似文献   

The minimum principle states that a perceiver will see the simplest possible interpretation of a pattern. Some theorists of human perception take this principle as a core explanatory concept. Others, especially Rock and Hochberg, hold the view that a perceptual minimum principle is untenable. Rock presents a great number of demonstrations which, in his opinion, rule out the minimum principle. Hochberg states that 'impossible' figures especially present a difficulty for this principle. It is argued here that, in order to test the minimum principle, a method is needed to describe interpretations of patterns in such a way that they can be ordered according to simplicity. To achieve this, Leeuwenberg's coding system was used. The analyses reported here of the patterns which Rock produces as evidence against the principle show that, contrary to Rock's claim, the way these patterns are preferentially perceived provides strong support for the minimum principle. Next, it is demonstrated that interpreting certain patterns as 'impossible' figures is not incompatible with the principle. Finally, it is argued that a test of the minimum principle is necessarily conflated with two other hypotheses, one concerning the metric of simplicity and one concerning the task conception of the experimental subjects.  相似文献   

Secrecy, concealment, and thought suppression are assumed to be important aspects of psychopathology. However, most studies address these from an intrapersonal perspective. This study investigates both the intra- as well as the interpersonal consequences of experimentally induced concealment. Two experiments are described in which non-clinical participants were given a concealment instruction (i.e. avoid talking about a certain topic) in a conversation with an interviewer. In the neutral condition there was no such restraint. Interviewees were more tense and more aware during the concealment condition than during the neutral condition, whereas the interviewers were not aware of the participants' avoidance of the concealment topic. The second counterbalanced experiment replicated the results from the initial experiment. The hypotheses were supported that concealment can be induced experimentally leading to thought suppression and elevated levels of discomfort in the concealing individuals, without their conversation partners noticing. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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