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俗话说:“马善被人骑,人善被人欺”。其中蕴含着朴素的生活哲理。假设用社会心理学的理论来审视,它反映了人际关系中的一种普遍规律,即别人如何对待你,是由你自己决定的。你对待别人的态度、你的行为风格是引起别人对待你的特定态度和特定行为反应的原因(即刺激);别人的  相似文献   

"千里之行"系列展览是以"千里之行始于足下"这一中国古谚为寓意,它是中国艺术院校最重要的推介年轻艺术家的平台阵地之一,在北京、广州、天津等地都已展出。这次由四川美术学院展出的作品体现了中国新一代艺术家如何通过自己的艺术方式与这个世界发生视角多元关系,观念和艺术形式多样,架上作品、装置、影像等丰富地表现了中国新一代艺术家对待传统、本土、当代、国际文化的态度和语言探索。  相似文献   

“文化”一词系指“一个民族的生活方式所依据的共同观念体系,即该民族的概念性设计,或共同的意义体系”(《当代文化人类学概要》北晨编译、浙江人民出版社、第53页)。而文化作为观念体系,需要从行为和事件中推出。就某一历史时期的文化而言,简单讲就是这一特定历史时期的生存样式。因此,要理解其特定的文化精神或旨趣,探讨该时期人们的惯常行为模式便成为文化分析的必由之路。据此理论框架,本文试图对先秦齐鲁政治文化的差异性作一尝试性探析。  相似文献   

与西方文化之整体的个体本位相对应,西方的同意观念也呈现出极为鲜明的"个体本位"的特征,即具有鲜明的个人性或个体性。这样的同意观念,曾经在历史上起到过非常革命的作用。这就是说,西方同意观念具有不容否定的历史价值。然而,在完成其伟大的历史使命之后,个体性的西方同意观念却因其内在缺陷以及社会环境的转换而逐渐步入困境。西方同意观念的内在缺陷主要在于:首先,西方同意观念偏执于个体主义或个体本位的片面性;其次,西方同意观念一直存在着与民主政治的内在冲突。对待同意观念,我们的正确态度应当是基于中国当代国情的辩证扬弃,即:吸取西方同意观念的合理因素,抛弃或否定其消极的、负面的成分,积极地对之予以适应中国国情的辩证转换。  相似文献   

性别和社会发展对中国大学生男性观念的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1 前言  男性观念是“在两个性别之间的结构性关系的基础上 ,有关男子气和男性性别的内化了的文化信念体系”(Pleck ,Sonenstein ,&Ku ,1993 ,P .88)。社会建构论与实质论在男性观念上观点不同。社会建构论认为 ,性别角色是为适应特定历史时期的特定社会需要而构造起来的心理和社会的东西。男性观念没有单一标准 ,也不存在各种文化都通用的男性观念 ,不存在固定不变的男性观念 (Brod ,1987;Pleck ,1995 )。由于男性观念有社会性 ,不同社会阶层、不同民族、不同性别、不同生命阶段、不同历史时期的人 ,其男性…  相似文献   

疾病的哲学思考——坦然和平静地对待疾病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面对人类无法改变与疾病共存的命运,本文从健康与疾病的关系、疾病的原因、疾病的话语、对待疾病的态度和利用疾病的契机五个方面来进行哲学追问和反思。以期使我们通过倾听身体的语言,来坦然、自然和平静地对待疾病;利用疾病的契机,获得身心的成长,使人类的生命在亘古的绵延中永远充盈着盎然的生机。  相似文献   

关于“文化和市场”的讨论,已经引起广泛注意。这个讨论已经涉及到文化产品的文化价值与商品价值的关系问题。在这个问题上人们的分歧还很大,有必要进一步深入探讨。具有代表性的一种观点,是不承认或有意无意地抹杀商品价值(体现为交换价值)和文化价值的本质区别,认为把文化生产部门当作“事业”单位而不作为企业对待,是“观念误区”。因此,“必须重建一个文化价值论”,从而把文化生产活动(指文学艺术、戏剧、影视、出版、广告、教育、科学研究、法律等等)“变成盈利性的经营活动”,让这些活动为社会“提供产值;让文化从业人员…  相似文献   

"中国书画元素"是扬州土特产食品包装上的常见内容。但是,近年来,一些扬州土特产食品包装在运用"中国书画元素"时不断地寻求创新和突破,呈现出一些与以往不同的特征。这些创新与努力说明,艺术设计领域对待传统艺术文化的观念的转变,不再是简单的消费,而是正视、突破文化断层,努力挖掘传统艺术的现代价值:促进传统与现代中国艺术文化的交流,实现传统与现代审美的融合。这种探索正在促进"中国风"艺术风格、审美趣味的形成,也必将实现中国特色文化的又一次升华。  相似文献   

一、理解了文化也就理解了人按照人们对文化的传统理解方式,文化是与政治、经济相并列,并由政治、经济所决定的一个社会领域、社会现象,一般是指意识观念和思想方法。这种狭义的文化观在特定的范围内对社会现象的解释是有道理的。但是,这种解释框架具有很大的局限性,往往不能充分地展示出主体的创造性,对许多社会现象也不能做出全面合理的解释。故而,人们现在大都倾向于一种广义文化观,即把属人的一切,无论是器物的、行为方式的,还是意识观念的、思想方法的,都称之为文化。这种广义文化观同狭义文化观一样,在一定意义上是正确的,但是也有明…  相似文献   

面对人类无法改变与疾病共存的命运,本文从健康与疾病的关系、疾病的原因、疾病的话语、对待疾病的态度和利用疾病的契机五个方面来进行哲学追问和反思.以期使我们通过倾听身体的语言,来坦然、自然和平静地对待疾病;利用疾病的契机,获得身心的成长,使人类的生命在亘古的绵延中永远充盈着盎然的生机.  相似文献   

《内经》除体现出中华文化某些特有的思维特点,也有大量现代科学常用的基本方法,如直接观察并加以归纳。《内经》对有关情志的认识,归纳出一些基本的理论:人的情绪是人体正常功能的常态;对情志分类,主要按良性情绪和不良情绪来归类;情志致病的规律主要是“喜脏不节则伤脏”和“喜脏伤气”。  相似文献   

The United States is a profoundly multiethnic country. Increasingly, it is realized that the presentation of psychological distress, and its treatment, is influenced in important ways by culture. The current special issue aims to explore how culture impacts on the treatment process—from distress presentation to mechanisms generating distress to the manner in which mechanisms generating distress must be addressed. In this Introduction to the special issue, I will summarize the contributions, and give some sense of how they illustrate the importance of culture in the treatment process.  相似文献   

As the articles in this special issue demonstrate, a central challenge for political psychology as a field of study is the question of how to go from our rich knowledge of individual psychology to the analysis of collective behavior, ranging from that of groups to whole nations. The powerful but also elusive concept of culture provides a promising bridge. However, the intellectual history of political culture has been one of wide swings in its popularity. After initially building on what turned out to be the over-sold promises of cultural anthropology, there was a sharp drop in the status of political culture studies, but this special issue shows that there is now a revival of interest in the approach, brought about by more disciplined uses of the concept.  相似文献   

The contributions of this special series highlight the importance of culture in cognitive-behavioral therapies. People who grow up in different cultures not only think about different things, but also seem to think differently. In other words, culture seems to shape and determine a person’s way of perceiving and reasoning. Therefore, cognitive-behavioral therapies need to be adapted to the client's cultural background and beliefs. This maximizes the likelihood that treatment strategies that have been found to be effective in one culture are also effective in another culture.  相似文献   

常人疾病观是普通人对于某一疾病的认知、解释和态度的集合。与专业医务人员相比, 普通人更关注心理、家庭和社会因素而非生物学因素的致病作用, 就医选择多元而并不遵循标准化的就医模式, 同时更愿意将疾病体验视为个人生活的特殊问题加以建构性理解。常人疾病观与科学医学观之间的不一致性可能降低患者的就医满意、对医信任和医嘱依从性, 从而影响治疗效果。立足中国社会的医学文化与医疗制度, 研究中国人的常人疾病观, 并探讨其对医患关系的影响作用与社会心理机制, 可为改善当下中国医患关系紧张现状提供有益建议。  相似文献   

仪式崇拜与文化传播--古代书院祭祀的社会空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的书院研究注重于其教学、藏书功能方面,而对于祭祀活动及其社会意义,缺乏必要的关照。书院并非单纯的教学组织,应该是具有多重功能的社会组织。书院祭祀仪式中的符号崇拜和符号消费,展现了书院在传播社会文化方面的重要作用。书院祭祀所体现的文化载体功能,表明了它作为社会组织在文化传播活动中的独特地位。  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Contemporary Religion focuses on varying empirical connections and theoretical relations between ‘religion’ and ‘gender’. The introduction to this special issue suggests a theoretical approach which is sensitive to culture by drawing on a phenomenological understanding of culture that is based on knowledge and meaning production and sense making. At first sight, this may not sound convincing because ‘culture’ is a category that is most notably used in combination with religion and gender in culturalist ways. In the migration societies of contemporary Europe, religion has become a metaphor for cultural difference and symbolic boundary-making. The core element of this approach is the conceptualisation of culture as a social web consisting of symbolic forms based on signs of meaning that shape social action, orientation, and experience in the world, including the religious sphere. This entails an understanding of religion as a distinct province of meaning that is structured by processes of social symbolisation just like any other sphere of life. This approach reveals that culturalist conceptions of both religion and gender have specific social meanings as meaningful signs in the symbolic order of secular modernity.  相似文献   

Issues of culture abound in the conduct of psychological assessment. This special section brings together a collection of articles from expert practitioners in the Therapeutic Assessment (TA) model to discuss cultural considerations. The special section is comprised of a conceptual discussion of the cultural influence of the assessment situation itself, 3 case examples illustrating the way in which culture enters into assessment, and the ways that the TA paradigm can be useful in mitigating the potential negative effects; and a comment on the 4 articles. In this introduction to the special section, I discuss 2 interrelated concepts that are helpful in framing the articles that will follow: the need to practice assessment with multicultural competence, and the potential benefits of using an assessment model (e.g., TA) that is itself culturally responsive. As the world continues to become more culturally diverse through changing demographics and the recognition and evolution of different subcultures, the need to practice assessment using these concepts will only become more central.  相似文献   

The editors of this special issue have recruited six papers focused on the ways that language and communication interact with culture to influence student behavior. Two themes that emerge from these papers are the fundamental role of communication in learning and living, and the impact of culture on the functions of communication. The present commentary is offered in admiration for the work of the authors, and with the goal of emphasizing common messages that may guide both future research and practice.  相似文献   

季丽莉 《管子学刊》2010,(2):80-84,88
地名是一种特殊的文化现象,可以反映特定地域的自然和人文条件。山东地名与齐鲁地理文化、齐鲁历史文化、齐鲁居民生活、齐鲁方言文化等方面密切相关。本文从这些方面解读山东地名所反映的齐鲁文化。  相似文献   

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