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Recent accounts of feeling of knowing (FOK) judgements assume that they arise from an assessment of cue familiarity, whilst retrospective confidence judgements arise from an assessment of the retrieval process. An experiment was conducted to extend this laboratory work to the area of eyewitness memory, in order to examine whether subjects are able to make accurate feeling of knowing judgements and retrospective confidence judgements for eyewitness memory (EM), in contrast to general knowledge (GK). For confidence judgements there was a reliable within-subject assessment of confidence for both GK and EM, but reliable between-subjects confidence—accuracy correlations for general knowledge only. For FOK a different pattern emerged, with no evidence of FOK accuracy for eyewitness memory at all. The theoretical implications of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary: The confidence–accuracy relationship has primarily been studied through recognition tests and correlation analysis. However, cued recall is more ecological from a forensic perspective. Moreover, there may be more informative ways of analysing the confidence–accuracy relationship than correlations. In the present study, participants viewed a video of a bank robbery and were asked cued recall questions covering general knowledge and the video itself. Confidence ratings were collected, and correlations, calibration and discrimination measures were calculated. All measures indicated a strong confidence–accuracy relationship that was better for general knowledge than eyewitness memory questions. However, there were no differences in confidence ratings for correct answers, suggesting that the differences could be limited to the evaluation of incorrect answers. We concluded that confidence may be a good marker for accuracy with cued recall, but that further research using ecological tests and more informative data analysis techniques is needed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It was hypothesised that retrospective feelings of confidence in accuracy of knowledge retrieval are, at least in part, influenced by factors that differ from those responsible for the accuracy of knowledge retrieval. The initial level of confidence was suggested to be a major determinant of retrospective confidence which does not affect performance, and quality of available information was thought to be a determinant of performance quality which does not affect retrospective feelings of confidence. To test these hypotheses, bank managers were presented with cases of trials in the domain of banking law. The managers were provided with information which could have either low, medium or high diagnostic value and were asked to predict the trial outcome. Half the cases were difficult and half were easy in terms of being able to predict the outcome. Levels of managers' initial and retrospective feelings of confidence were measured. The hypotheses were supported and it was suggested that the lack of sensitivity of a person's retrospective confidence to his or her actual performance level is related to the dissociation between processes leading to feelings of retrospective confidence and processes responsible for performance quality.  相似文献   

We investigated general confidence as a psychological buffer for coping with environmental uncertainty and threat. In Study 1, a new scale to measure general confidence was developed and cross‐validated with different samples. Study 2 examined general confidence as a moderator of the influence of environmental stress on individual strains. Two groups of participants were presented with photographs either of terrorist attacks or of neutral scenes. We found a significant interaction between presented scenes and general confidence. Study 3 examined the effect of general confidence on acceptance of mobile phone stations while controlling for relevant variables. The results showed good incremental validity for the General Confidence Scale over related personality and social psychological constructs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of right brain-damaged individuals (RBD) to use contextual information to resolve ambiguous pronouns. Subjects were presented with sentence pairs and required to resolve the ambiguous pronoun in the second sentence. Contrary to the prevailing view that RBD patients have difficulty using contextual information to integrate language, the RBD group demonstrated a normal pattern of response, demonstrating a sensitivity to the pragmatic information contained in the leading sentence. They responded more quickly to sentences with a pragmatically constrained preferred referent than to those sentences for which there was no preferred referent. As well, they chose the preferred referent significantly more often than the non-preferred referent. These results suggest that RBD patients can use contextual information at the level of a minimal discourse (i.e., two sentences).  相似文献   

In three experiments, the hypothesis was tested that the realism of subjects' item-specific confidence judgements of their own answers to general knowledge questions would be improved by making the subjects heed content which might be expected to lower their confidence ratings. In each experiment, all subjects answered knowledge questions and then rated their confidence in their chosen answer. Before each question, the subjects in the experimental condition assessed the extent of their knowledge in a knowledge-area encompassing the knowledge question. Experiments 1 and 2 differed only in the design of the knowledge-area assessment scale. In Experiment 3, when making knowledge-area assessments, the subjects were asked to find examples of knowledge they lacked in the knowledge-area. Both Experiments 2 and 3 showed significantly improved realism in the subjects' confidence judgements. An aggregate assessment of the total number of questions believed to be answered correctly, given by the subjects at the end of Experiments 2 and 3, showed underconfidence in the experimental condition, particularly in Experiment 3. The results support the idea that the content active in subjects' memory at the time when confidence judgements are made affects their realism. Furthermore, our results show that the realism of subjects' item-specific confidence judgements can be improved without giving feedback.  相似文献   

决策信心是个体对自身决策正确性的主观评价,是对决策过程的元认知体验。决策信心校准指决策信心水平与实际的决策正确率之间的匹配程度,其指标有信心水平和决策正确率的相关系数及Type II信号检测论中的ROC曲线下面积(Aroc)等。已有研究发现进行决策信心评估能够增强对当前或后续决策的元认知监控作用,但目前尚不清楚这种效应是否依赖于个体的决策信心校准水平。本研究通过设置知觉决策后是否进行决策信心评估(有信心评估与无信心评估)两种条件,考察个体决策信心的校准水平(Aroc)对元认知监控作用的影响。结果显示:1)与无信心评估条件相比,有信心评估的决策反应时显著增长,决策正确率显著提高(p<0.005);2)Aroc与有、无信心评估条件下决策正确率的增加值显著正相关(r=0.25,p=0.034),且高Aroc组的决策正确率增加值显著高于低Aroc组(p<0.05)。结果表明,在知觉决策过程中加入决策信心评估具有增强元认知监控作用的效应,体现为决策时间的增长和决策正确率的提高。并且,这种效应的大小依赖于个体的决策信心校准水平,校准水平越高元认知监控作用越好。  相似文献   

Adam Kolany 《Studia Logica》2010,95(3):407-416
In the following we show that general property S considered by Cowen [1], Cowen and Kolany in [3] and earlier by Cowen in [2] and Kolany in [4] as hypergraph satisfiability, can be constructively reduced to (3, 2) · SAT, that is to satisfiability of (at most) triples with two-element forbidden sets. This is an analogue of the“classical” result on the reduction of SAT to 3 · SAT.  相似文献   

Confidence intervals (CIs) are fundamental inferential devices which quantify the sampling variability of parameter estimates. In item response theory, CIs have been primarily obtained from large-sample Wald-type approaches based on standard error estimates, derived from the observed or expected information matrix, after parameters have been estimated via maximum likelihood. An alternative approach to constructing CIs is to quantify sampling variability directly from the likelihood function with a technique known as profile-likelihood confidence intervals (PL CIs). In this article, we introduce PL CIs for item response theory models, compare PL CIs to classical large-sample Wald-type CIs, and demonstrate important distinctions among these CIs. CIs are then constructed for parameters directly estimated in the specified model and for transformed parameters which are often obtained post-estimation. Monte Carlo simulation results suggest that PL CIs perform consistently better than Wald-type CIs for both non-transformed and transformed parameters.  相似文献   

In “Knowledge and the Social Articulation of the Space of Reasons,” Robert Brandom reads my “Knowledge and the Internal” as sketching a position that, when properly elaborated, opens into his own social‐perspectival conception of knowledge (and of objectivity in general). But this depends on taking me to hold that there cannot be justification for a belief sufficient to exclude the possibility that the belief is false. And that is exactly what I argued against in “Knowledge and the Internal.” Seeing that P constitutes falsehood‐excluding justification for believing that P. That should seem common sense, but it is made unavailable by the inferentialist conception of justification that Brandom takes for granted. So far from realizing my aims, Brandom's social‐perspectival conception of knowledge is squarely in the target area of my argument in “Knowledge and the Internal,” which I restate here so as to bring that out.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):247-268
Individuals from 5 countries participated in an experiment to examine the effect of an operational net assessment (ONA) multinational information sharing (MNIS) procedure on coalition conflict resolution within a hypothetical precrisis situation. This article reports the findings for the effect of an ONA MNIS on situation awareness (SA) and the calibration of SA and confidence. In general, the findings revealed that the ONA MNIS procedure used in this experiment facilitated shared SA among the coalition teams. Although the participants were generally well calibrated, there was a trend toward overconfidence in their SA responses. These findings are discussed within the context of current and future multinational coalition environments.  相似文献   

采用句子理解任务分别探究了5~7岁的汉语高功能自闭症儿童在单独提及顺序线索,提及顺序线索和重读线索共现两种条件下代词加工的表现。研究结果表明,汉语高功能自闭症儿童不像智商和工作记忆广度匹配的同龄典型发展儿童一样能够单独利用提及顺序线索加工代词,即倾向于选择首先提及的实体作为代词的指称对象,而表现为随机选择代词所指。当提及顺序线索和重读线索共现时,典型发展儿童在两条线索一致和冲突时都倾向于依靠重读线索加工代词,而汉语高功能自闭症儿童对两条线索都不敏感,表现为随机选择代词所指。这表明5~7岁的汉语高功能儿童不能够利用这两条线索加工代词,在利用语篇突显性线索加工代词方面存在困难。  相似文献   

英国是现代临终关怀的发源地,经过多年努力,逐渐摸索出一套有效并广为借鉴和效仿的辞世教育方法.圣克里斯多夫宁养院主要通过“学校计划”对中、小学、医学院校学生进行教育培训,通过音乐会、图书馆和书店、临终事务联盟、预先照顾计划等多种形式进行公众教育,带动了整个英国的辞世教育.医学院校医学生的辞世教育是以当地的临终关怀专业机构作为教学的资源,教学方法多样,且切合临床实际,是医学生辞世教育的典范.  相似文献   

Richard Foley has suggested that the search for a good theory of epistemic justification and the analysis of knowledge should be conceived of as two distinct projects. However, he has not offered much support for this claim, beyond highlighting certain salutary consequences it might have. In this paper, I offer some further support for Foley’s claim by offering an argument and a way to conceive the claim in a way that makes it as plausible as its denial, and thus levelling the playing field. The burden of proof then lies with those who seek to deny Foley’s radical suggestion.  相似文献   

Previous studies of children's reorientation have focused on cue representation (e.g., whether cues are geometric) as a predictor of performance but have not addressed cue reliability (the regularity of the relation between a given cue and an outcome) as a predictor of performance. Here we address both factors within the same series of experiments. We show that for 18- to 30-month-olds, high cue reliability is a dominant factor positively affecting reorientation behavior. Under conditions of high cue reliability, children use both scalar and nonscalar cues for successful reorientation. By contrast, under conditions of low cue reliability, children successfully use scalar cues but not nonscalar cues, suggesting that mapping of left–right visual features onto a viewer-centric sense of left and right is facilitated when features themselves are ordered. More generally, we suggest that cue-driven spatial reorientation is best understood as part of a broader system capable of flexibly linking stimuli and responses.  相似文献   

社会知识论(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会知识论是知识论领域中的一个新方向。美国学者施密特曾经提出 :“社会知识论可以被界定为知识的社会维度的概念与规范的研究。”[1 ] 主张应当从社会的维度来研究知识问题 ,这是社会知识论者的共同主张。不过 ,对于“社会的”这一概念应当包含哪些内容 ,社会知识论的性质应当是什么 ,它与传统知识论的关系如何等问题 ,目前仍属各执一说 ,尚未取得什么共识。一 社会知识论的起源与发展虽然作为一种系统研究的理论来说 ,社会知识论的发展过程还很短暂 ,不过按照戈德曼(AlvinGoldman)的说法 ,其历史渊源却可以追溯到柏拉图那…  相似文献   

Elke Brendel 《Erkenntnis》1999,50(2-3):293-307
A satisfactory theory of knowledge in which the shortcomings of a pure externalist account are avoided and in which the Gettier problem is solved should consist in a combination of externalist and internalist components. The internalist component should guarantee that the epistemic subject has cognitive access to the justifying grounds of her belief. And the externalist component should guarantee that the justification of her belief does not depend on any false statement. Keith Lehrer's coherence theory of knowledge as undefeated justification is an example of such an internalist-externalist analysis of knowledge. But nevertheless, Lehrer's account leads to unintended results. Therefore, it is argued that a satisfactory coherence theory of knowledge must also be based on a gradual notion of systematic coherence.  相似文献   

Cognitive performance varies widely between individuals and is highly influenced by structural and functional properties of the brain. In the past, neuroscientific research was principally concerned with fluid intelligence, while neglecting its equally important counterpart crystallized intelligence. Crystallized intelligence is defined as the depth and breadth of knowledge and skills that are valued by one's culture. The accumulation of crystallized intelligence is guided by information storage capacities and is likely to be reflected in an individual's level of general knowledge. In spite of the significant role general knowledge plays for everyday life, its neural foundation largely remains unknown. In a large sample of 324 healthy individuals, we used standard magnetic resonance imaging along with functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging to examine different estimates of brain volume and brain network connectivity and assessed their predictive power with regard to both general knowledge and fluid intelligence. Our results demonstrate that an individual's level of general knowledge is associated with structural brain network connectivity beyond any confounding effects exerted by age or sex. Moreover, we found fluid intelligence to be best predicted by cortex volume in male subjects and functional network connectivity in female subjects. Combined, these findings potentially indicate different neural architectures for information storage and information processing. © 2019 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

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