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Individuals and their communities experience trauma and loss during times of natural disaster. Using Hurricane Katrina as a context, the authors provide an overview of the phases of disaster coping and discuss the ambiguous losses that can occur during these traumatic and life-changing times. The use of rituals as a creative intervention is introduced to help individuals and families facilitate their grief processes.  相似文献   

Multiple births are becoming increasingly prevalent due to the use of fertility drugs and women choosing to wait until later life to conceive. With the growth in the twin population, little research has been done to investigate the effects on the grief process when 1 twin dies. Counselors must understand the unique experience of twins to formulate interventions to counsel the surviving twin and parents. This article provides strategies for counseling this unique population.  相似文献   

大学生自我认同感的差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过访谈法自编大学生自我认同感调查问卷,对某大学100名在校本科学生进行调查,统计分析得出:(1)男女大学生在家庭认同上差异最为显著(df=1,x^2=7.272.p〈O.01),在姓名认同(df=l,x^2=3.898,p〈O.05)、性别认同(df=l,x^2=4.034,p〈0.05)、容貌认同(df=l,x^2=4.061,p〈O.05)也存在蓿显著的差异;(2)文理科大学生在家庭认同上存在着显著性差异(df=l,x^2=5.394,p〈O.05);(3)城镇与农村大学生在学习成绩认同上存在着显著性差异(df=l,x^2=4.823,p〈0.05)。  相似文献   

自我同一性危机与道德选择多元化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我是一个复杂的概念 ,自我同一性则是依赖于我们经历过的所有不同的自己的综合 ,是对自身发展的一种强烈的一致性和连续性的主观感觉。自我同一性危机是指自我处于自身的矛盾与冲突中 ,反映了自我在过去和现在、彼地和此地的不连续。在现代社会 ,随着个体道德选择的可能性与主动性的增强 ,自我的完善与否对道德选择相应产生了积极与消极的作用。  相似文献   

Self-Identity and Specific Vulnerability to Depressed Mood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT Four studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that experiencing a life event that disrupts the pursuit of self-defining activities would be associated with depressed mood. Across all four studies, a strong and exclusive identification with the athlete role was related to subjects' affective response to both hypothetical and actual athletic injuries. The results highlight the importance of assessing the match between specific cognitive diatheses and specific life events in predicting depressive reactions.  相似文献   

Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, by Vandana Shiva, London: Zed Press, 1989, 224 pages, hb £27.95, pb £8.95  相似文献   

In this paper we examine and critique the constitution view of the metaphysics of resurrection developed and defended by Lynne Rudder Baker. Baker identifies three conditions for an adequate metaphysics of resurrection. We argue that one of these, the identity condition, cannot be met on the constitution view given the account of personal identity it assumes. We discuss some problems with the constitution theory of personal identity Baker develops in her book, Persons and Bodies. We argue that these problems render the constitution theory of personal identity as stated by Baker untenable. The upshot for the debate over the metaphysics of resurrection is that the constitution view of the metaphysics of resurrection must either be rejected or modified.  相似文献   

在中国传统社会中,儒学的人伦关系规范为人的存在提供了一个自我认同的精神家园.在儒学看来,人就生活在现实的人伦关系之中,儒学的人伦关系规范则是在现实的人伦关系基础上提出的一种理想建构.自我认同就是要认同儒学的人伦关系规范,同时认同儒学人伦关系规范中为每一个个体自我所确立的地位、德性.儒学的自我认同思想在中国传统社会产生了巨大的影响,对于解决当代中国的自我认同问题仍然具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Surviving Salem     
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):211-212
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


The ongoing turmoil in the health care system exacts a significant toll on consumers, providers and society. New paradigms tor service and employment relationships pose a threat to professional and personal security. Understanding the dynamic phenomena in the system, as well as our own responses to these changes, can assist practitioners in overcoming barriers that undermine our future. Managing our feelings, developing perspective on the issues, adjusting expectations, acquiring skills that transcend medical necessity, and promoting the social contract in health care are recommended strategies for dealing with the crisis in confidence affecting health care professionals.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated that individuals differ in the ways in which they approach or manage to avoid the tasks of self-construction and reconstruction. This study was designed to investigate hypothesized relationships between identity processing styles and the nature of the self-attributes in terms of which self-identity is defined. Findings revealed that self-definitional emphases were associated with identity processing styles: informational subjects highlighted private self-elements, normative types emphasized collective self-content, and diffuse/avoiders focused on public self-components. The results are discussed in terms of a process view of identity development.  相似文献   

The transference/countertransference (third space) analysis is considered to be central in the therapeutic effectiveness of the analytic process. Less emphasis has been placed on the actual experiences of analyst and analysand in the conflictual reenactment of third space experience and its resolution. This paper recounts the shared experience of a patient who was silent throughout most of the analysis, and my reaction, in fantasy and enactment, to this disturbing experience—both for him and for myself. I argue that it is the affective re-experiencing of past repressed trauma in the analytic space that has a therapeutic impact, leading to growth in the patient and also the therapist. I contrast Freud’s emphasis on insight, making the unconscious conscious, with Ferenczi’s suggestion that the therapeutic impact lies in the repetition of past traumatic experience in the analysis but with the possibility of a different outcome with a more benign object, leading to symbolic representation of repressed trauma. Re-experiencing and symbolization, in the third space, of past traumatic experience can be an exit point from the endless repetition of trauma in internal and external object relations, leading to a new beginning in the patient’s life. Immersed in the experience of deadness in the analysis, which had become a dead womb, the struggle to remain alive and thinking led to a rupture out of the dead womb, like the Caesura of birth, into aliveness and the ability to mentalize what had previously remained unmentalized.  相似文献   

This 5-year longitudinal study with a diverse sample of 405 graduating high school seniors examined the person, behavior, and environment (PBE) factors that increased student chances of deciding to attend a 2- or 4-year college, enrolling in college the fall semester immediately following high school graduation, and then returning to that same college a year later as a retained college student. Survivability across these three critical college-going transitions was a function of two different kinds of PBE patterns. First, certain PBE factors played prominent roles at specific transition points and then more minor support roles at others. Second, several factors provided consistent support at each transition point without being the primary determiner of success at any single transition. Students are more likely to succeed in college if school counselors help them to learn and take advantage of those PBE patterns that promote postsecondary success.  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系本质上是实践性的,必须得到全社会的广泛认同和普遍实践,这是实现社会主义根本目的的需要,是引领社会精神需求的需要,是应对全球化挑战的需要。公民道德建设是使社会主义核心价值体系得到广泛认同的重要实践方式,这是由于社会主义核心价值体系是公民道德建设的灵魂和根本,而道德价值是核心价值体系的构成和基础。因此,公民道德建设如何在实践中创新主体、创新内容、创新形式、创新方法,决定着社会主义核心价值体系在何种程度上成为社会成员的共识。  相似文献   

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