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Most private practitioners of REBT and other cognitive-behavioral therapies avoid work with problems of addiction. Reasons to reconsider this choice are offered and specific methods for productive private work with addictive problems are provided.  相似文献   

During the last few years, the global economy has struggled and many clients have experienced significant financial hardship. It can be difficult to confront emotional problems when there are multiple life stressors impinging on clients and disrupting their daily functioning. Several recommendations are provided for helping clients to oppose their depressive tendencies when financial problems are real, significant, and lasting. First, therapists can provide a stable and supportive relationship that helps to ease the client’s emotional distress and lays the foundation for other aspects of treatment. Second, therapy can help to protect an optimistic attitude and instill hope for a better future. Third, behavioral activities can be used to encourage productive activity each day. Fourth, problem-solving skills can help many clients deal with stressors in a direct, constructive, and proactive manner. Fifth, therapy can examine ways to expand and improve the client’s social relationships. Finally, psychotherapists should collaborate with other health care professionals in order to ensure the optimal, integrated care for the client. It is hoped that these recommendations will be helpful for therapists who work with financially impoverished clients.  相似文献   

Difficulties concerning female counseling center clients' career decision making were explored in this qualitative study. The authors reviewed counseling intake and progress notes of 18 female students who sought counseling services at a university counseling center and who presented career concerns and reported feeling depressed. Most women in this study described their career decision‐making difficulties in the context of relationships with their parents or significant others. Both external (i.e., family relationships, family and culture, and relationships with significant others) and internal (i.e., developmental, developmental and mental health issues, and skill deficits) conditions emerged as significantly affecting these women's career decision‐making process.  相似文献   

Coaching ist in Wirtschaftsunternehmen weit verbreitet. Angesichts der stetig steigenden Ver?nderungsgeschwindigkeit der Arbeits- und pers?nlichen Lebenswelten suchten zun?chst Führungskr?fte professionelle Coaches, die ihnen als vertraute Gespr?chspartner zur Seite standen. Coachingma?nahmen werden aber auch zunehmend von Politikern, Medienvertretern, Künstlern und Freiberuflern nachgefragt. Die derzeitigen Coachingkonzepte enthalten zumeist eine Kombination von allgemein-psychologischen, kognitiv-verhaltensorientierten, psychodynamischen und systemischen Techniken, modifiziert durch die Lebenserfahrung und Weltanschauung der Coaches. Es existiert eine Vielzahl eklektischer Praktiken, die theoretisch nicht koh?rent begründet und wissenschaftlich nicht verl?sslich evaluiert sind. Da Coaching in der Praxis h?ufig eine Form von Psychohygiene und Psychotherapie für Gesunde darstellt, ist es nahe liegend die Ergebnisse psychotherapeutischer Theoriebildung, Praxiserfahrung und Forschung als Grundlage des Coaching zu nutzen. Drei wissenschaftlich fundierte Aspekte des Coaching lassen sich herausstellen: Die hilfreiche Beziehung, kognitiv-verhaltensorientiertes Training und psychodynamisches Verstehen. Darüber hinaus ist es viel versprechend die Methoden der Psychotherapieforschung zur Untersuchung von Ergebnis und Prozess von Coachingma?nahmen anzuwenden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Coaching ist in Wirtschaftsunternehmen weit verbreitet. Angesichts der stetig steigenden Ver?nderungsgeschwindigkeit der Arbeits- und pers?nlichen Lebenswelten suchten zun?chst Führungskr?fte professionelle Coaches, die ihnen als vertraute Gespr?chspartner zur Seite standen. Coachingma?nahmen werden aber auch zunehmend von Politikern, Medienvertretern, Künstlern und Freiberuflern nachgefragt. Die derzeitigen Coachingkonzepte enthalten zumeist eine Kombination von allgemein-psychologischen, kognitiv-verhaltensorientierten, psychodynamischen und systemischen Techniken, modifiziert durch die Lebenserfahrung und Weltanschauung der Coaches. Es existiert eine Vielzahl eklektischer Praktiken, die theoretisch nicht koh?rent begründet und wissenschaftlich nicht verl?sslich evaluiert sind. Da Coaching in der Praxis h?ufig eine Form von Psychohygiene und Psychotherapie für Gesunde darstellt, ist es nahe liegend die Ergebnisse psychotherapeutischer Theoriebildung, Praxiserfahrung und Forschung als Grundlage des Coaching zu nutzen. Drei wissenschaftlich fundierte Aspekte des Coaching lassen sich herausstellen: Die hilfreiche Beziehung, kognitiv-verhaltensorientiertes Training und psychodynamisches Verstehen. Darüber hinaus ist es viel versprechend die Methoden der Psychotherapieforschung zur Untersuchung von Ergebnis und Prozess von Coachingma?nahmen anzuwenden.   相似文献   

Depression is a human illness that may prevent sustainable goal attainment. People with Type 2 diabetes mellitus have a much higher risk of being depressed than the nonclinical population, which may be due to associations between the neurobiological mechanisms that play a role in the two diseases. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of rational emotive cognitive behavioral coaching (RE-CBC) on depressive thinking in a group of inpatients with Type 2 diabetes in Nigeria. A pretest–posttest control group design was used. Eighty participants were randomly allocated to the treatment and control groups. Outcomes were evaluated using Nigerian language (Igbo) versions of the Beck Depression Inventory-II and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, and the intervention was delivered in Igbo. An Igbo version of the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Manual for Depression was used as the intervention package. Data were analyzed using mean rank, repeated measures ANOVA, and the Mann–Whitney U test. At the end of the intervention, a significant decline in depression was observed among the participants in the group that received RE-CBC, but not in those that received standard counseling (control group). The effects of RE-CBC were maintained at follow-up. The present results suggest that RE-CBC is an effective and time-efficient intervention for managing depression in inpatients living with Type 2 diabetes. Further evaluations are warranted in other countries.  相似文献   

This theoretical paper argues that there are only three ways of relating to clients in therapy: the instrumental, the authentic, and the transpersonal. The transpersonal approach is explained by means of examples, and also by reference to the work of Ken Wilber. As with other approaches to therapy, the transpersonal way requires a form of Being (the state of consciousness necessary), a way of Doing (the actual techniques and methods used), and a form of Knowing (the theory of what is being done). All three of these are explained, and particular attention paid to the question of intuition.  相似文献   

This article describes useful consultation practices for individual coaching in typical workplace conflict situations. Our approach for understanding of workplace conflicts is based on the differentiation between various “toxic” conflictual constellations (e.g. contradiction, conflict, dilemma and double bind), between difficulties that can and cannot be resolved (e.g. problems and restrictions) and between problem solving attempts that unintentionally worsen the problems (e.g. individualizing, polarizing and evading responsibility). A sufficient readiness of the company to balance it’s own criteria for management success (e.g. profit versus workers health) and a sufficient openness to try out reflexively found solutions in the coaching process are crucial for successful coaching outcomes. Similarly, a reflexive attitude of the coach, self-critical vis a vis any ideological terms, which also acknowledges and overcomes the anxiety of the coach during the coaching process, can help coachees to find their own attitudes vis a vis the workplace conflict situation that balance cooperation and resistance.  相似文献   

西安市万寿八仙宫属全国道教重点宫观,陕西省第一批重点文物保护单位。目前,宫观总建筑面积一万多平方米,住观道士38人,外聘员工35名。八仙宫一直秉承道教传统的丛林管理体制。  相似文献   

Despite the growing evidence base for the efficacy of preventive interventions, the level of implementation of these interventions in schools is often less than optimal. One promising approach to supporting teachers in implementation of interventions is the use of coaching. In this study, teachers were trained in a universal classroom management intervention and provided ongoing coaching. The association between the type and amount of coaching activities and teacher implementation of proactive classroom management over time were investigated. Results indicated that teachers who received more performance feedback had higher levels of implementation over time in comparison with teachers who received less feedback. In addition, a significant interaction between the amount of coaching a teacher received and his or her implementation of proactive classroom management was found. Increased implementation over time was observed for teachers with lower initial levels of implementation who received more coaching, whereas implementation decreased over time for teachers who received less coaching. The importance of coaching as a support system for enhancing implementation quality of classroom-based preventive interventions is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is offered as a beginning toward including client perspectives on treatment and client participation in supervision. Rather than see therapists as technical experts who do things to people, many of us now see therapists as nonexperts who create conversations with people (Goolishian & Anderson, 1992). This new shift challenges the traditional training positions of supervisor and supervisee, respectively. Including clients' voices the supervisor participate from a nonexpert position.  相似文献   

This study examines one subgroup of clients seen at a university counseling center, namely, 72 clients who were expected by their counselor to remain in counseling for 10 or more interviews. Ratings were available on psychological characteristics for this sample and for the Counseling Center's total client population. In addition, the total university population could be compared with both of these groups on demographic characteristics. On the basis of pre- and post-counseling ratings of severity of problem, the sample being investigated was divided into Improved and Unimproved groups. Comparative data are examined with regard to class, college, sex, type of residence, type of problem, severity level at onset and termination, number of counseling interviews, motivation for counseling, defensiveness, and counselor's feelings toward client. Long-term counseling and improvement status are found to be a function of most of these variables.  相似文献   

Managerial coaching is currently seen as an effective leadership practice facilitating learning process of the employees for performing better and being more effective in organizations. This article builds on recent research on the importance of the managerial coaching by empirically investigating the effects of a cognitive-behavioral coaching programme over mid-level managers. Due to the similarities between managerial coaching behaviors and transformational leadership behaviors, we have adopted the transformational leadership model as theoretical framework for evaluating management behaviors. The study used a pre-posttest approach to test the effects of the coaching program especially designed for 23 mid-level managers having as responsibility the supervision of production teams in a multinational organization. The major aims of the program consisted of: developing managerial coaching skills, assertive communication skills, motivation of subordinates. Overall, the analysis of results elicited an increase of scores in the leadership behavior dimensions measured by multifactor leadership questionnaire that are part of the managerial coaching skills. Besides, the effectiveness perceived as an indicator of performance was significantly higher upon completion of the coaching program. Findings suggest that coaching, as a professional development method, has great potential to contribute to the managerial behaviors that facilitate development at subordinate level, as they are captured by some transformational and transactional scales. Such knowledge can be informative for practitioners as well in developing effective managers and leaders and understanding and managing employee attitudes and behaviors in organizations.  相似文献   

How Generation Z athletes' (those born after 1996) characteristics influence coaching practice has not been examined. This study examines coaches' perceptions of Gen Z athlete characteristics, challenges, and effective coaching strategies. Twelve highly experienced coaches and sport science providers were interviewed and revealed that coaches characterized Gen Z athletes as having excellent technology skills, high expectations for success, short attention spans, poor communication skills, and an inability to deal with adversity. Challenges included connecting with them and working with their support networks. Strategies included connecting process with performance, teaching communication skills, being direct, setting clear expectations, and building resiliency.

Lay Summary

Coaches' perceptions of Gen Z athletes (athletes born after 1996 and having grown up in a totally digital world) characteristics, the challenges working with them, and effective Gen Z coaching strategies were examined. Interviews with 12 highly experienced tennis coaches revealed both positive (e.g., highly educated, high expectations for success) and negative (e.g., finding ways to connect with them, working with support network) characteristics, as well as strategies for effectively coaching them (e.g., connecting process with performance, teaching basic communication skills).  相似文献   

Managed care has led some psychotherapists to seek alternative modes of practice. Personal coaching provides one such approach. To what extent might an REBT practitioner already be “coaching”? How can REBT be meshed with personal coaching? What advantages and problems might ensue? What training is involved? These questions are answered based on the experiences of the author in shifting her work to what she calls Rational Emotive Behavior Coaching.  相似文献   


The effectiveness of a peer mediation program in a midwestern, suburban school in the United States was examined. Six classes (one combination second/third grade, one third grade, two fourth grades, and two fifth grades) containing 144 students received 9 hr of training in negotiating integrative agreements to their conflicts and mediating their classmates' conflicts. Eighty-three untrained third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders served as a control group. A peer mediation program was implemented. The role of mediator was rotated equally among all class members. A pretest/posttest, experimental/control group design was used. The results indicate that students successfully learned the negotiation and mediation procedures, were able to apply the procedures in actual conflict situations, and maintained this knowledge throughout the academic year.  相似文献   

When Clients Die     

The contexts of loss are as numerous as they are varied. This article reflects upon loss within the context of the helping relationship and illustrates how storytelling, journaling, and correspondence can be used to process the experience of a counselor's loss. The richness of personal accounts, interwoven and connected, provides voice and place to the experience of the deceased and their loved ones. Through such a process, the counselor is assisted toward an integrative healing intervention that can be used to work through their shattered dreams following the death of their clients.  相似文献   

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